835 research outputs found

    The effects of music on health and depression - a public health perspective

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    Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka musikens betydelse för hÀlsan, med fokus pÄ bÄde preventiva och terapeutiska egenskaper pÄ depression. Ambitionen var att sammanstÀlla befintligt vetenskapligt material för att se huruvida musiken kan nyttjas inom folkhÀlsoarbetet och i sÄ fall pÄ vilket sÀtt. En litteraturstudie genomfördes pÄ ett material som utgjordes av 13 publicerade vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultaten av denna uppsats redovisar signifikanta effekter pÄ primÀr-, sekundÀrpreventiv och terapeutisk nivÄ vad depression anbelangar. Tydliga sÀnkningar av depressionsnivÄ kunde konstateras i samtliga undersökningar och höjningar vad gÀllde humör och vÀlbefinnande. Fynden relateras till relevanta folkhÀlsomÄl, dÀr jÀmlikhet och vikten av jÀmn tillgÀnglighet i befolkningen belyses. Slutsatsen som dras Àr att man inom folkhÀlsoarbetet kan anvÀnda sig av musik i större utstrÀckning dÄ det Àr en oskadlig lÄgkostnadsmetod, men att man mÄste ta hÀnsyn till mÀnniskors olika preferenser och smak och kunna anpassa musikanvÀndandet för olika grupper och syften. Ytterligare forskning Àr nödvÀndig för att verifiera resultat och alstra mer detaljerade kunskaper om musikanvÀndning i hÀlsoarbetet.FolkhÀlsovetenskapligt progra

    RÀtten till en god utbildning: En studie om Gy 2011, jÀmlikhet och policydesign

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    This thesis explores the relationship between public policy and democratic values by analysing the 2011 Swedish upper secondary school reform from an equality perspective. It asks what ideas are present in the policy proposal and in what way these ideas have an impact on individuals and society. The questions are answered through integrating two analytical tools: the ”What’s the problem represented to be”-approach and two ideal types of equality. The analysis shows that the policy proposal uses reasoning consistent with the ideal type of equality stemming from theory of distributive justice, as opposed to the ideal type grounded in relational justice. It aims at providing the students with a more accessible degree by increasing specialisation and cutting time for foundation subjects on vocational programmes. This is promoted as a way of increasing employment rates but can be criticised from a relational point of view for not giving students equal amount of training in the general competences that are often emphasised as positive for democratic participation. The analysis concludes that implicit political ideas have an impact on policy design and its implications and that uncovering such ideas help discover both the possibilities and restrictions of a certain policy formulation

    Ett exklusivt Europa? Om europeisk identitet, EU-medborgarskap och exkludering

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    This essay examines the European Union’s construction of a European identity. It aims to answer the questions of how the idea of a European identity manifests in EU politics and how this identity can lead to exclusion of certain groups. The questions are answered through the help of theories on citizenship and identity using models of European identity as points of comparison. The analysis concludes that the EU created European identity is characterised by universalism and thus based on common values and institutions. It is also manifested through certain actions made by the EU, among them the establishment of the Copenhagen criteria for accession to the union and the introduction of a EU-citizenship. While the universalistic nature of the identity is not excluding, the related citizenship is as it excludes for example migrants and the people of the states not granted membership in the union. A proposed solution is a shift to the principle of jus soli, thereby making inclusion in the European identity more easily accessible by granting citizenship to those born in European territory

    OmvÄrdnad av valp med gastroenterit

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    Gastroenterit Ă€r ett av de vanligaste sjukdomstillstĂ„nden hos hundar och orsakerna till pro-blemet kan vara mĂ„nga. Virus, parasiter, bakterier, frĂ€mmande kroppar, toxiner och foder-kĂ€nslighet Ă€r nĂ„gra faktorer som kan leda till inflammation i magtarmkanalen. Valpar Ă€r den Ă„ldersgrupp som oftast drabbas av gastroenterit och pĂ„ grund av outvecklade organfunktioner har de svĂ„rt att kompensera för de fysiologiska komplikationer som kan uppstĂ„. PĂ„ grund av outvecklad glukoneogenes, nedsatt förmĂ„ga att koncentrera urin och outvecklad termogenes drabbas valpar under sex mĂ„naders Ă„lder lĂ€tt av hypoglykemi, dehydrering eller hypotermi. Syftet med detta arbete var att sammanstĂ€lla evidensbaserade omvĂ„rdnadsĂ„tgĂ€rder för valpar med gastroenterit och beskriva lĂ€mpliga rĂ„dgivningsaspekter till djurĂ€gare för att pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt öka det profylaktiska arbetet. DĂ„ valpar skiljer sig frĂ„n den vuxna hunden pĂ„ mĂ„nga sĂ€tt krĂ€vs att vĂ„rden anpassas till dess sĂ€rskilda behov, vilket djursjukskötaren behöver ha kunskap om. OmvĂ„rdnaden till valpar med gastroenterit bestĂ„r frĂ€mst av understödjande behandling i form av vĂ€tsketerapi och nĂ€ringstillförsel. DĂ€rtill ska en noggrann övervakning ske av vĂ€tskeba-lans, kroppstemperatur, elektrolytbalans och blodsockernivĂ„. Flera studier som redovisas i arbetet visar att svĂ€lt ska undvikas vid behandling av dessa patienter och att en tidig enteral utfodring istĂ€llet kan ges för att pĂ„skynda lĂ€kningsprocessen. DjurĂ€gare ska rĂ„das att hĂ„lla uppsikt över sin valp för att undvika förtĂ€ring av olĂ€mpligheter, pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt kan gastroenterit förebyggas. Även rĂ„dgivning kring vaccinering och avmaskning tillhör djursjukskötarens roll. VeterinĂ€rvĂ„rd ska rekommenderas till valpar med ihĂ„llande krĂ€kningar och diarrĂ©.A common condition affecting puppies is acute gastroenteritis. The causes can be many and include viruses, parasites, bacteria, foreign bodies, toxins and food sensibility. Puppies are the individuals who often suffer from gastroenteritis and because of undeveloped functions, they are unable to compensate for the physical complications that may arise. Due to the immaturity gluconeogenesis, impaired ability to concentrate urine and undeveloped thermogenesis, pup-pies under the age of six months are easily affected with hypoglycemia, dehydration or hypo-thermia. This thesis is done with the aim of compiling evidence-based nursing interventions for puppies with gastroenteritis and describes appropriate counseling aspects of owners to thus increase the prophylactic work. Where puppies differ from adults in many respects, the nursing process should be adapted to their specific needs. The veterinary nurse needs to have knowledge about this. Nursing care to puppies with gastroenteritis mainly include supportive therapy in form of flu-id therapy and nutrition. In addition, an accurate monitoring of fluid balance, body tempera-ture, electrolyte balance and blood sugar level should be made. Several studies presented in the thesis show that starvation is to be avoided when treating these patients and that an early enteral feeding can be conductive to prevent gastroenteritis. Pet owners should be advised to keep watch over their puppy to avoid ingestion of inappropriate devices, thus gastroenteritis can be prevented. Advices concerning also vaccinations and deworming belongs to the role of veterinary nurse. Puppies with persistent vomiting and diarrhea should be recommended to receive veterinary care

    Transition, settlement and integration : recommendations for the design and development of a citizenship programme for Francophone immigrants in Quebec

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    This study is an exploration of the juncture of immigration, immigrant integration and adult citizenship education in the Province of Quebec. Some of the issues addressed revolve around the belief that many factors impact on immigrants' ability to integrate into Quebec society and that linguistic proximity is not sufficient to ensure smooth integration and full societal participation. For this reason, this study's emphasis is placed on the transitional learning needs of francophone immigrants integrating into Quebec society. Some of the areas explored are: Canadian and Quebec immigration policies, immigrant integration, theoretical propositions and approaches to immigrant education, and frameworks, practices and forms of adult citizenship education for immigrants. As it is believed that immigrants' transition, settlement and integration can be facilitated by participation in citizenship programmes, recommendations for the design and development of a citizenship programme for francophone immigrants are provided. This includes a discussion of programme objectives and evaluation, recommendations for the selection of a philosophical framework for programme design and delivery, and recommendations for the selection of andragogical practices. Conclusions are provided in the form of recommendations for a citizenship programme for francophone immigrants to Quebec. These recommendations include suggestions for three programme components: Life Skills: Day-to-Day Life; Civics: Rights and Responsibilities, and Critical Reflection. A fourth programme component for the non-immigrant segment of the population is also proposed. Suggestions in terms of adaptable modules for each of these components are provided

    Forty years of shunt surgery at Rigshospitalet, Denmark:A retrospective study comparing past and present rates and causes of revision and infection

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to review our experience of shunt surgery by investigating 40 years of development in terms of rates of revision and infection, shunt survival and risk factors. DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS: Medical records and operative reports were reviewed retrospectively for all patients who underwent primary shunt surgery at our department in the years 2010 to 2012. All results were compared with a previous study from our department. A mixed population consisting of 434 patients was included. Adults (≄15 years) accounted for 89.9% of all patients and the mean follow-up time was 1.71 years. RESULTS: Overall, 42.6% had a revision of which 65.4% fell within 6 months postoperatively. Low age, high-risk diagnoses and less severe brain injury were associated with a higher risk of revision. One and 5-year shunt survival probabilities were 66.2% (61.5–70.9) and 48.0% (41.1–54.9). Within 4 weeks postoperatively, 3.2% had an infection and overall infection rate was 5.5%. Short duration of surgery and the use of antibiotic prophylaxis were associated with a lower risk of infection. The most frequent causes of revision were valve defects (18.4%) and proximal defects or obstructions (15.7%). Compared to the previous study, no convincing improvement was found with regard to the revision rate (42.6% vs 48.3%, p 0.060) or overall infection rate (5.5% vs 7.4%, p 0.261). CONCLUSIONS: Regardless of changes in patient demographics, techniques and equipment, risk of revision and infection still constitutes a major challenge in shunt surgery. The absence of convincing improvements calls for more studies concerning strategies to reduce complications

    VÀrdefulla vÀrdegrunder? - en studie om vÀrdegrundens betydelse för undersköterskor vid Àldreboenden i Lunds Kommun

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    Through media reports we became aware that several municipalities and organizations used the concept of fundamental values to show the approach to governing. Also through media, we became aware of a report which proposed a statutory national fundamental value for the elderly. We were curious about what was actually meant by the term fundamental values, and the effect it has, and the purpose of the study became to examine the importance of fundamental values in Lunds Kommuns eldercare. To achieve our purpose we interviewed eight auxiliary nurses in various homes for the elderly in Lunds Kommun. We then analysed their responses in relation to previous research and our two selected socio-critical theories. The results of the study showed that the fundamental values were prepared by the management without the auxiliary nurses' involvement. It also showed that the nurses felt that the fundamental values were important and that they claimed they worked in accordance to the fundamental values approach, even if they did not say that they used the concept as a guiding principle in their daily work. We also found that a statutory national fundamental value principle is believed to constitute a guarantee for the elders' welfare. However, we are critical of the latter as there already exists several laws that should be able to guarantee this. Because of the fundamental values diffuse content and poor anchorage; we believe that it exists only as a document without any actual impact of our respective respondent’s practical work

    Integrering av klimatanpassning i kommunala risk- och sÄrbarhetsanalyser

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    This study examines the integration of climate adaption in risk and vulnerability analyses in Swedish municipalities. The study is based on a selection of municipalities that work actively with environmental questions. The risk and vulnerability analyses of 15 municipalities have been compiled and analyzed. Interviews have been carried out in three of the municipalities. Among the selected municipalities 40 percent have integrated climate adaption in the risk and vulnerability analysis. Different methods and tools have been used in the process and there are examples of successful integration of climate adaption through locally developed methods. Research data from municipal climate adaptation plans have been helpful in the process of integrating climate adaptation in the risk and vulnerability analyses. The integration is often a natural consequence of the fact that climate-related risks have been given attention in the municipality.MĂ„nga svenska kommuner Ă€r inte förberedda inför klimatförĂ€ndringarna. I bedömningen av vilka kritiska hĂ€ndelser som kan intrĂ€ffa i kommunen har fĂ„ uppmĂ€rksammat effekterna av ett förĂ€ndrat klimat. Det visar ett examens-arbete pĂ„ Lunds tekniska högskola. KlimatförĂ€ndringarna bĂ€r med sig effekter som kraftigare regnvĂ€der, översvĂ€mningar och höjda havsnivĂ„er. Svenska kommuner ansvarar för verksamheter som Ă€r mycket betydelsefulla för samhĂ€llet och som kan pĂ„verkas av ett förĂ€ndrat klimat. För att undvika att klimatförĂ€ndringarna fĂ„r stora negativa konsekvenser Ă€r det viktigt att kommunerna klimatanpassar. Enligt lag ska alla kommuner analysera vilka extraordinĂ€ra hĂ€ndelser som kan intrĂ€ffa i kommunen och hur dessa hĂ€ndelser kan pĂ„verka den egna verksamheten. Arbetet sammanstĂ€lls i en risk- och sĂ„rbarhetsanalys. Risk- och sĂ„rbarhetsanalysen Ă€r ett bra verktyg för klimatanpassning. Som ett första steg i att hantera klimatförĂ€ndringar analyseras riskernas pĂ„verkan pĂ„ samhĂ€llet. Att riskerna uppmĂ€rksammas kan sedan leda till Ă„tgĂ€rder som minskar sĂ„rbarheten. I studien har risk- och sĂ„rbarhetsanalyser frĂ„n kommuner som arbetar aktivt med miljö-arbete undersökts. Endast 40 procent av dessa integrerar klimatanpassning i risk- och sĂ„rbarhetsanalysen. Ett engagemang för miljöfrĂ„gor Ă€r en bidragande faktor till att kommuner arbetar med klimatanpassning. Det betyder att svenska kommuner i genomsnitt berör klimatförĂ€ndringar i risk- och sĂ„rbarhetsanalyserna i Ă€nnu lĂ€gre grad Ă€n de kommuner som undersökts. Endast ett fĂ„tal svenska kommuner har alltsĂ„ uppmĂ€rksammat att klimatförĂ€ndringar kan leda till kritiska hĂ€ndelser i kommunen och tagit hĂ€nsyn till detta i risk- och sĂ„rbarhets-analysen. Mycket tyder dock pĂ„ att arbetet Ă€r pĂ„ framfart. Goda exempel pĂ„ kommuner som lyckats vĂ€l med att ta hĂ€nsyn till klimatförĂ€ndringar har uppmĂ€rksammats i studien. Dessa kommuner har utformat sin risk- och sĂ„rbarhetsanalys för att ge utrymme för lĂ€ngre tidsperspektiv. Lokala klimatscenarier för Ă„r 2100 har tagits fram av SMHI och anvĂ€nts för att bedöma klimatförĂ€ndringarnas effekter pĂ„ kommunen. I kommunerna upplever man att det fĂ„tt positiva effekter att inkludera klimat-anpassning i arbetet med risk- och sĂ„rbarhetsanalysen. En kommun uppger, till exempel, att arbetet gjort politiker och tjĂ€nstemĂ€n mer uppmĂ€rksamma pĂ„ vilka effekter klimatförĂ€ndringarna kan fĂ„ pĂ„ samhĂ€llet. En annan kommun uppger att integrering av klimatanpassning Ă€r positivt eftersom det leder till att beslut fattas om hur riskerna ska hanteras. De kommuner som integrerat klimat-anpassning i risk- och sĂ„rbarhetsanalysen har gjort det genom att beröra naturolyckor. Kommunerna har undersökt hur förekomsten av dessa samt dess pĂ„verkan pĂ„ samhĂ€llet kommer att förĂ€ndras. De naturolyckor som oftast berörs Ă€r översvĂ€mning, extrem nederbörd, vĂ€rmebölja, storm samt erosion, ras och skred. I arbetet har vissa kommuner haft hjĂ€lp av verktyg för klimatanpassning. Data frĂ„n respektive lĂ€nsstyrelse, SMHI och Klimat- och sĂ„rbarhetsutredningen (SOU 2007:60) har anvĂ€nts och det Ă€r vanligt att underlag frĂ„n kommunens arbete med klimat-anpassningsplanen varit till nytta. Som tips till andra kommuner sĂ€ger en intervjuperson ”integrera klimatperspektivet i RSA:n – det tjĂ€nar man vĂ€ldigt mycket pĂ„!”. Sofia Johansson Lisa Wallin 2015-04-0

    Illegala immigranter: en fallstudie av Italien

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    Denna uppsats Àr en fallstudie av Italien och hur staten försöker hantera den illegala immigrationen. Landet styrs av en högerregering som tar till allt hÄrdare tag mot illegala immigranter. Men trots denna restriktiva politik ökar den illegala invandringen. Kontrollen av illegala immigranter Àr ett högaktuellt problem, vilket vi hÀr Àmnar att utreda. Vi utgÄr frÄn gap-hypotesen som förklaring pÄ skillnader mellan förd migrationspolitik och verkliga resultat. Fyra olika förklaringar pÄ gap-hypotesen presenteras, som vart och ett appliceras pÄ vÄrt empiriska material om fallet Italien. Dessa berör misslyckad policy, makrostrukturella förklaringar, politiska hinder och statens verkliga intentioner. Genom kvalitativ analys av redan publicerad forskning, drar vi slutsatsen om ett befintligt gap i Italien, som i olika grad kan förklaras utifrÄn anvÀnda teorier
