46 research outputs found

    The effect of mindfulness training on employees in a dynamic organizational setting

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    The access to information and multiple sources of communication has changed the way we work, and relate to our work day. The boundaries between work and home often disappear, increasing potentially employees’ stress level, diminish-ing cognitive capabilities, and splitting attention between numerous tasks. The consequences of multitasking have been widely studied, as well as individual differences. Based on other studies, mindfulness based stress reduction (MSBR) method appears to have a positive effect e.g. on attention, working memory, stress and empathy. Thus, this experiment introduces an intervention in the form of mindfulness training, which lasted for 12 weeks for all 110 employees, who are located in 13 countries world wide. In addition, employees attended a seminar per week during 10 weeks. These seminars were mainly based on positive psychology. In order to collect data three surveys were sent out (before the intervention, 12 weeks after the first seminar and 6 months later). Two specific measurements were used, which are Mind-fulness Awareness Scale (MASS) and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Findings showed a significant increase in MAAS, and diminishing values in PSS, meaning that treatment, in the form of MBSR had an affect on the perceived stress in the firm

    Mulighetsrom for inkludering av nyankomne minoritetssprÄklige elever i norskundervisningen: LÊreres beskrivelser av praksis

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    Denne masteroppgaven er en casestudie der formÄlet har vÊrt Ä undersÞke lÊreres beskrivelser av sitt arbeid med inkludering av nyankomne minoritetssprÄklige elever i norskundervisningen. Datamaterialet er samlet inn fra 3 kvalitative intervjuer med lÊrere som pÄ godt og vondt deler sine erfaringer fra praksisfeltet. Intervjuene gir innblikk i lÊrernes opplevelse av kompetanse, sÊrskilt sprÄkopplÊring i skolenes praksis og lÊrernes arbeid med flersprÄklighet i klasserommet. Vi har ogsÄ gjort en dokumentanalyse der vi har satt oss inn i lovverk og lÊreplaner som regulerer arbeidet, samt den kommunale planen for integrering innenfor lÊrernes kommune. MÄlet med datainnsamlingen var Ä skaffe oss et overblikk av arbeidet og et helhetlig bilde som gjÞr det mulig Ä identifisere muligheter og utfordringer tilknyttet inkludering av elevgruppen i norskundervisningen. VÄrt hovedfunn er at det finnes spenninger mellom visjoner og praksis i arbeidet med inkludering av nyankomne minoritetssprÄklige elever. I vÄr case har vi sett disse spenningene innenfor tre omrÄder: 1. lÊrers kompetanse, 2. helhetlig syn pÄ sÊrskilt sprÄkopplÊring og 3. den flersprÄklige som ressurs. Vi forstÄr ut fra lÊrernes beskrivelser at disse spenningene preges av mangler i prioritering av ressurser i form av kompetanse, tid, stÞtte/veiledning og felles planer. Vi ser at holdninger til flersprÄklighet kan vÊre en faktor for bÄde hvordan ressurser blir prioritert, i tillegg til at de kan reproduseres som en konsekvens av dette

    Samhandling rundt barn og unge med sammensatte behov i Overhalla kommune (SARBU): sluttrapport

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    HĂžgskole- og universitetssystemet er vant til Ă„ definere hva utdanningene skal inneholde og kan argumentere for hvorfor akkurat dette temaet er viktig. Prosjektet har bestreba seg pĂ„ Ă„ fange perspektivene til tjenestepersonell som pĂ„ ulikt vis bĂŠrer roller i tjenesteproduksjonen. VĂ„r metodiske tilnĂŠrming bygger pĂ„ en filosofi om Ă„ fĂ„ etablert en trygg dialog rundt den enkeltes forstĂ„else og opplevelse av oppdraget. At vi starta med homogene grupper – dvs. personell under samme tjenesteomrĂ„de – ble valgt for Ă„ skape et trygt utgangspunkt for erfaringsdeling, ikke minst pga. profesjonsgruppers felles sprĂ„k/terminologi. Prosjektet gjorde bruk av Ă„pne spĂžrsmĂ„l som utfordra tjenesteomrĂ„denes tolkninger og fordommer overfor andre tjenestegrupper og profesjonsgrupper, hvilket ga svar pĂ„ flere sĂ„rbarhetsomrĂ„der i den samla tjenesteproduksjonen. Respondentene (tjenestegruppene) ogsĂ„ utfordra pĂ„ hva de selv kunne gjĂžre for Ă„ forbedre tjenestekvaliteten – bl.a. ved Ă„ utlede gjennomfĂžrbare forbedringstiltak og vekte disse pĂ„ bakgrunn av den tilslutning tiltakene fĂ„r fra den samla gruppa. I dette prosjektet har vi prĂžvd Ă„ utvikle en modell der vi prĂžver Ă„ la praksis og teori mĂžtes.Overhalla kommun

    Physical activity recommendations for early childhood: an international analysis of ten different countries’ current national physical activity policies and practices for those under the age of 5

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    During the last two decades there have been growing interests on recommendations for children’s physical activity. The World Health Organization (WHO) launched the first global international recommendations for children in 2010, focusing on children and youth aged 5-17 year olds. The recommendations were based on the dose-response relationship between the frequency, duration, intensity, type and amount of physical activity needed for prevention of non-communicable diseases. There remains however, at time of writing, (2019) a gap in the recommendations, as the WHO did not offer global recommendations for those children under the age of 5 (early years). An international policy and practice analysis, (not previously undertaken), of ten sample countries, was completed of current national physical activity practices. Also an international comparison of early years’ education settings were examined, specifically for those under the age of 5, to investigate current curricula, as well as the qualifications, knowledge and understanding of those supporting children’s learning in different cultural contexts. The sample of ten countries (Belgium, China, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, United Kingdom and United States of America) questioned whether the global daily physical activity recommendations (WHO, 2010) are costumed and used for to the early years’ age group on a national level or if they need to be adjusted. The analysis revealed that eight countries have developed their own national recommendations for children below the age of 5, while only two countries do not have any early years’ specific physical activity recommendations. National authorities seem to be the most common executive sources behind the recommendations. The content of physical activity for children under the age of 5, mostly included the total amount and intensity of physical activity. The total daily amount of physical activity in these ten countries varies between 60 minutes moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity up to 180 min total light to moderate intensity physical activity and for some countries the daily recommendations are only from age 1 year, not between birth and 1 year, this age range remains unsupported. The conclusions from the analysis of national recommendations, underlined the need to see the global recommendations be developed for the younger age group, to support all countries. It is proposed a need for universally new recommendations to go beyond just physical activity intensity levels and to consider how young children’s development can be supported in a versatile way by physically active play. Also age specific recommendations are offered for appropriate and purposeful physical activity to support early years and school aged children’s overall development. The findings also suggest educational recommendations for staff members of early childhood education and care settings to know appropriate and age specific recommendations to ensure they are able to support young children to reach the national and global recommendations. Research recommendations are also proposed

    Recommendations for dietary level of micro-minerals and vitamin D3 to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr and post-smolt when fed low fish meal diets

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    Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) feeds have changed drastically in their composition from being predominantly marine-based to plant-based. This has altered the dietary supply and availability of micro-nutrients to Atlantic salmon. The impact of graded inclusion levels of a nutrient package (NP) comprising of 25 different micro-nutrients were studied in Atlantic salmon parr in freshwater (Trial 1) and post-smolts in seawater (Trial 2). In brief, the NP was included from 0 to 400%, where 100% corresponded to the recommendation by the National Research Council, 2011. Micro-nutrients, namely Zn, Mn, Se, Cu, Fe, Co, I and vitamin D3 were included in the NP with the objective of (re)evaluating the dietary need to meet the requirement of Atlantic salmon parr and post-smolt, when fed low fish meal, plant ingredient-based diets. Responses in apparent availability coefficient (AAC), whole body and vertebrae mineral concentrations, and retention were analysed. AAC of Cu, Mn, Se and Zn responded in a quadratic fashion with an increase in NP from 0 to 400% in freshwater parr; AAC could not be measured in post-smolt salmon. The whole-body concentration of Zn, Se, Co and I in Atlantic salmon parr were significantly affected by increasing NP inclusion; the same was observed for Zn, Se and Co in post-smolt Atlantic salmon. Vertebrae mineral concentration as the response criterion was non-responsive in parr; whereas, in post-smolt, Co had a linear increase, while Zn and Se showed a non-linear increase upon 0 to 400 NP inclusion. Zinc concentration and activities of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) in vertebrae indicated increased bone resorption in post-smolt Atlantic salmon; TRAP activity increased linearly with NP inclusion in post-smolt, but not in parr. Significant correlations between Zn and Se were observed in AAC and vertebral concentrations, indicating an interaction in intestinal uptake and vertebral deposition. Overall, Atlantic salmon parr held in freshwater were able to satisfy the requirement for the trace minerals Zn, Mn, Se, Cu, and Fe through supply from 100–150 NP, corresponding to 101–132, 47–63, 0.6–0.8, 12–16 and 150–166 mg kg −1, respectively; for iodine, dietary supply from 150–200 NP, corresponding to 0.7–1.6 mg kg−1, was required. In the seawater, Atlantic salmon post-smolt, in general, required micro-minerals and vitamin D3 levels as supplied through 150–200 NP, corresponding to 140–177, Zn; 61–67, Mn; 0.9–1, Se; 14–16, Cu; and vitamin D3, 0.06–0.09 mg kg −1 to fulfil the requirement, except for Cu which was satisfied at 100–150 NP, equivalent to 13–14 mg kg −1 diet.publishedVersio

    Dietary micronutrient composition affects fillet texture and muscle cell size in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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    During the past 20 years, plant ingredients have taken over as the main constituents in feed for Atlantic salmon. This has changed the nutrient composition of the feeds, the bioavailability of nutrients and perhaps nutrient metabolism. Plant‐based diets also contain more anti‐nutrients. The EU‐funded project ARRAINA re‐evaluated recommendations for micronutrient supplementation to Atlantic salmon feeds, and the present study compared a diet supplemented with micronutrients according to NRC (2011) (control diet, 100% NP (nutrient package)) with a diet supplemented according to the new recommendations (New NP). Tissue concentrations of pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, niacin, vitamin C, Zn and Se were significantly higher; and Cu was lower in Atlantic salmon fed the diet with the New NP compared to the control fish. The New NP also gave a near significant effect on growth, decreased muscle firmness and increased muscle cell size, and it affected metabolism of nitrogen‐containing metabolites in the muscle. While we cannot be certain which micronutrient(s) gave these effects, the B vitamins are probable candidates, since they are mediators of intermediary metabolism and have been shown to influence some of the affected metabolites

    Health-related quality of life in patients with newly diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease: an observational prospective cohort study (IBSEN III)

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    Purpose This unselected, population-based cohort study aimed to determine the level of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients with Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) at the time of diagnosis compared with a reference population and identify the demographic factors, psychosocial measures, and disease activity markers associated with HRQoL. Methods Adult patients newly diagnosed with CD or UC were prospectively enrolled. HRQoL was measured using the Short Form 36 (SF-36) and Norwegian Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaires. Clinical significance was assessed using Cohen’s d effect size and further compared with a Norwegian reference population. Associations between HRQoL and symptom scores, demographic factors, psychosocial measures, and disease activity markers were analyzed. Results Compared with the Norwegian reference population, patients with CD and UC reported significantly lower scores in all SF-36 dimensions, except for physical functioning. Cohen’s d effect sizes for men and women in all SF-36 dimensions were at least moderate, except for bodily pain and emotional role for men with UC and physical functioning for both sexes and diagnoses. In the multivariate regression analysis, depression subscale scores ≄ 8 on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, substantial fatigue, and high symptom scores were associated with reduced HRQoL. Conclusion Patients newly diagnosed with CD and UC reported statistically and clinically significantly lower scores in seven of the eight SF-36 dimensions than the reference population. Symptoms of depression, fatigue, and elevated symptom scores were associated with poorer HRQoL.publishedVersio