62 research outputs found

    A New Splice Variant of the Mouse SIRT3 Gene Encodes the Mitochondrial Precursor Protein

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    BACKGROUND: Mammals have seven NAD-dependent protein deacetylases. These proteins, called sirtuins, are homologous to yeast Sir2, and are emerging as important regulators of lifespan and intermediary metabolism. Three mammalian sirtuins, SIRT3-5 are mitochondrial. Sirtuins are highly conserved between species, yet mouse SIRT3 was reported to be markedly shorter than its human counterpart and to lack the N-terminal mitochondrial targeting signal present in the human protein. RESULTS: We have isolated a novel mouse SIRT3 splice variant. This cDNA contains two translation initiation codons upstream of the originally reported start site. We show, using immunofluorescence and protein expression analysis that these longer variants are expressed and efficiently targeted to mitochondria, and that the processed forms of these longer variants are identical in size to the endogenous mouse SIRT3. We also show that the previously described form of SIRT3 is not mitochondrial. CONCLUSIONS: Our observations point to a high level of conservation of SIRT3 as a mitochondrial protein in mice and human and indicate that several previous studies, which addressed mouse Sirt3 function, need to be re-evaluated

    Human Dna2 is a nuclear and mitochondrial DNA maintenance protein

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    Dna2 is a highly conserved helicase/nuclease that in yeast participates in Okazaki fragment processing, DNA repair, and telomere maintenance. Here, we investigated the biological function of human Dna2 (hDna2). Immunofluorescence and biochemical fractionation studies demonstrated that hDna2 was present in both the nucleus and the mitochondria. Analysis of mitochondrial hDna2 revealed that it colocalized with a subfraction of DNA-containing mitochondrial nucleoids in unperturbed cells. Upon the expression of disease-associated mutant forms of the mitochondrial Twinkle helicase which induce DNA replication pausing/stalling, hDna2 accumulated within nucleoids. RNA interference-mediated depletion of hDna2 led to a modest decrease in mitochondrial DNA replication intermediates and inefficient repair of damaged mitochondrial DNA. Importantly, hDna2 depletion also resulted in the appearance of aneuploid cells and the formation of internuclear chromatin bridges, indicating that nuclear hDna2 plays a role in genomic DNA stability. Together, our data indicate that hDna2 is similar to its yeast counterpart and is a new addition to the growing list of proteins that participate in both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA maintenance

    Transcript availability dictates the balance between strand-asynchronous and strand-coupled mitochondrial DNA replication.

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    Mammalian mitochondria operate multiple mechanisms of DNA replication. In many cells and tissues a strand-asynchronous mechanism predominates over coupled leading and lagging-strand DNA synthesis. However, little is known of the factors that control or influence the different mechanisms of replication, and the idea that strand-asynchronous replication entails transient incorporation of transcripts (aka bootlaces) is controversial. A firm prediction of the bootlace model is that it depends on mitochondrial transcripts. Here, we show that elevated expression of Twinkle DNA helicase in human mitochondria induces bidirectional, coupled leading and lagging-strand DNA synthesis, at the expense of strand-asynchronous replication; and this switch is accompanied by decreases in the steady-state level of some mitochondrial transcripts. However, in the so-called minor arc of mitochondrial DNA where transcript levels remain high, the strand-asynchronous replication mechanism is instated. Hence, replication switches to a strand-coupled mechanism only where transcripts are scarce, thereby establishing a direct correlation between transcript availability and the mechanism of replication. Thus, these findings support a critical role of mitochondrial transcripts in the strand-asynchronous mechanism of mitochondrial DNA replication; and, as a corollary, mitochondrial RNA availability and RNA/DNA hybrid formation offer means of regulating the mechanisms of DNA replication in the organelle

    Expression of catalytic mutants of the mtDNA helicase Twinkle and polymerase POLG causes distinct replication stalling phenotypes

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    The mechanism of mitochondrial DNA replication is a subject of intense debate. One model proposes a strand-asynchronous replication in which both strands of the circular genome are replicated semi-independently while the other model proposes both a bidirectional coupled leading- and lagging-strand synthesis mode and a unidirectional mode in which the lagging-strand is initially laid-down as RNA by an unknown mechanism (RITOLS mode). Both the strand-asynchronous and RITOLS model have in common a delayed synthesis of the DNA-lagging strand. Mitochondrial DNA is replicated by a limited set of proteins including DNA polymerase gamma (POLG) and the helicase Twinkle. Here, we report the effects of expression of various catalytically deficient mutants of POLG1 and Twinkle in human cell culture. Both groups of mutants reduced mitochondrial DNA copy number by severe replication stalling. However, the analysis showed that while induction of POLG1 mutants still displayed delayed lagging-strand synthesis, Twinkle-induced stalling resulted in maturated, essentially fully double-stranded DNA intermediates. In the latter case, limited inhibition of POLG with dideoxycytidine restored the delay between leading- and lagging-strand synthesis. The observed cause-effect relationship suggests that Twinkle-induced stalling increases lagging-strand initiation events and/or maturation mimicking conventional strand-coupled replication

    The mitochondrial transcription termination factor mTERF modulates replication pausing in human mitochondrial DNA.

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    The mammalian mitochondrial transcription termination factor mTERF binds with high affinity to a site within the tRNA(Leu(UUR)) gene and regulates the amount of read through transcription from the ribosomal DNA into the remaining genes of the major coding strand of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) and SELEX, using mitochondrial protein extracts from cells induced to overexpress mTERF, revealed novel, weaker mTERF-binding sites, clustered in several regions of mtDNA, notably in the major non-coding region (NCR). Such binding in vivo was supported by mtDNA immunoprecipitation. Two-dimensional neutral agarose gel electrophoresis (2DNAGE) and 5' end mapping by ligation-mediated PCR (LM-PCR) identified the region of the canonical mTERF-binding site as a replication pause site. The strength of pausing was modulated by the expression level of mTERF. mTERF overexpression also affected replication pausing in other regions of the genome in which mTERF binding was found. These results indicate a role for TERF in mtDNA replication, in addition to its role in transcription. We suggest that mTERF could provide a system for coordinating the passage of replication and transcription complexes, analogous with replication pause-region binding proteins in other systems, whose main role is to safeguard the integrity of the genome whilst facilitating its efficient expression

    Corrigendum: Human Mitochondrial DNA-Protein Complexes Attach to a Cholesterol-Rich Membrane Structure.

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    The helicase Twinkle is indispensable for mtDNA replication in nucleoids. Previously, we showed that Twinkle is tightly membrane-associated even in the absence of mtDNA, which suggests that Twinkle is part of a membrane-attached replication platform. Here we show that this platform is a cholesterol-rich membrane structure. We fractionated mitochondrial membrane preparations on flotation gradients and show that membrane-associated nucleoids accumulate at the top of the gradient. This fraction was shown to be highly enriched in cholesterol, a lipid that is otherwise low abundant in mitochondria. In contrast, more common mitochondrial lipids, and abundant inner-membrane associated proteins concentrated in the bottom-half of these gradients. Gene silencing of ATAD3, a protein with proposed functions related to nucleoid and mitochondrial cholesterol homeostasis, modified the distribution of cholesterol and nucleoids in the gradient in an identical fashion. Both cholesterol and ATAD3 were previously shown to be enriched in ER-mitochondrial junctions, and we detect nucleoid components in biochemical isolates of these structures. Our data suggest an uncommon membrane composition that accommodates platforms for replicating mtDNA, and reconcile apparently disparate functions of ATAD3. We suggest that mtDNA replication platforms are organized in connection with ER-mitochondrial junctions, facilitated by a specialized membrane architecture involving mitochondrial cholesterol.</jats:p

    Mammalian Mitochondrial DNA Replication Intermediates Are Essentially Duplex but Contain Extensive Tracts of RNA/DNA Hybrid

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    We demonstrate, using transmission electron microscopy and immunopurification with an antibody specific for RNA/DNA hybrid, that intact mtDNA replication intermediates (mtRIs) are essentially duplex throughout their length, but contain extensive RNA tracts on one strand. However, the extent of preservation of RNA in such molecules is highly dependent on the preparative method used. These findings strongly support the strand-coupled model of mtDNA replication involving RNA incorporation throughout the lagging strand (RITOLS)

    Let’s make it clear: Systematic exploration of mitochondrial DNA- and RNA-protein complexes by complexome profiling

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    Complexome profiling (CP) is a powerful tool for systematic investigation of protein interactors that has been primarily applied to study the composition and dynamics of mitochondrial protein complexes. Here, we further optimised this method to extend its application to survey mitochondrial DNA- and RNA-interacting protein complexes. We established that high-resolution clear native gel electrophoresis (hrCNE) is a better alternative to preserve DNA- and RNA-protein interactions that are otherwise disrupted when samples are separated by the widely used blue native gel electrophoresis (BNE). In combination with enzymatic digestion of DNA, our CP approach improved the identification of a wide range of protein interactors of the mitochondrial gene expression system without compromising the detection of other multi-protein complexes. The utility of this approach was particularly demonstrated by analysing the complexome changes in human mitochondria with impaired gene expression after transient, chemically-induced mtDNA depletion. Effects of RNase on mitochondrial protein complexes were also evaluated and discussed. Overall, our adaptations significantly improved the identification of mitochondrial DNA- and RNA-protein interactions by CP, thereby unlocking the comprehensive analysis of a near-complete mitochondrial complexome in a single experiment