223 research outputs found

    The evaluation of locally produced canola oilcake meal as an alternative protein source in the diets of slaughter ostriches (Struthio camelus var. domesticus)

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    Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Feeding costs make out ~75% of all expenses in an intensive ostrich production system. Protein is one of the major components in ostrich diets. Currently, the main source of protein used in animal feed is soybean oilcake meal (SOCM). This protein source is, however, expensive as it is an imported raw material. In order to decrease feeding costs a locally produced alternative source of protein; canola oilcake meal (COCM) was identified. It is important to evaluate the possible influence alternative raw materials might have on the production and slaughter traits of animals as nutrition has a direct influence on production. The use of COCM is limited in animals’ diets due to its glucosinolate content. Glucosinolates are anti-nutritional factors that reduce palatability. Therefore, a study to determine whether or not the glucosinolate content has an influence on ostriches’ feed intake was conducted. Grower ostriches in a free-choice system had access to five iso-nutritious diets with different inclusion levels of COCM, replacing SOCM in increments of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. The control diet (the diet with 0% inclusion of COCM) showed to be the preferred diet by having the highest average intake per bird per day over the entire trial period (736.1 ± 74.1 g/bird/day). The intake of this diet made up to 35% of the total daily intake while the diets containing COCM were consumed at levels lower than 18% of the total DMI per bird. As the preference trial showed that the inclusion of COCM in ostrich diets might have a negative influence on feed intake in a free-choice system, production and slaughter traits were evaluated in the following trial. Ostriches were reared from 77-337 days of age on five iso-nutritious diets, each with a different inclusion level of COCM, replacing 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of SOCM, respectively. Bird weight and feed intake were measured over the entire growth period. Results showed that the replacement of SOCM with COCM had little effect on the performance of ostriches. The ostriches that were reared on the diet replacing 75% of SOCM had the best performance in terms of slaughter and production traits. Typically, production of the end-products (feather, leather and meat yield and quality) is directly influenced by nutrition. The replacement of SOCM with COCM had no influence on the production and quality characteristics of feathers, skin or meat. This study concludes that the COCM can be used as a cheaper alternative protein source in the diets of slaughter ostriches without having any detrimental effect on growth, production parameters and slaughter traits. This will not only be beneficial to the ostrich industry but it will also benefit the local grain industry.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ongeveer 75% van al die uitgawes wat gepaardgaan met intensiewe volstruisboerdery, word toegeskryf aan voerkoste. Een van die hoofkomponente in volstruisdiëte is proteïen. Sojaboonoliekoek word tans hoofsaaklik gebruik as proteïenbron in dierevoer. Omdat die aanvraag na sojaboonoliekoek hoër is as die produksie daarvan in Suid-Afrika, word groot hoeveelhede sojaboonoliekoek jaarliks ingevoer. Dit laat die koste van voer aansienlik styg. In ‘n poging om voerkoste te verlaag, is kanola-oliekoek as alternatiewe, plaaslik beskikbare proteïenbron geïdentifiseer. Omdat voeding ‘n direkte invloed op produksie het, is dit belangrik om die moontlike invloed wat alternatiewe rou materiale mag hê, te ondersoek. Kanola-oliekoek het ‘n hoë glikosinolaatinhoud wat die insluiting daarvan in dierevoeding beperk. Glikosinolate is antinutriënte wat die smaaklikheid van voer verlaag. ‘n Studie is gedoen om te bepaal tot watter mate die glikosinolaatinhoud van voer ‘n invloed het op voerinname van volstruise. Volstruise (in die groeifase) is in ‘n vrye-keuse sisteem van vyf verskillende diëte voorsien. Elke dieet het ‘n verskillende insluitingsvlak van kanola oliekoek bevat. Die kanola-oliekoek het onderskeidelik 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% en 100% van die sojaboonoliekoek wat as proteïenbron in die diëte gedien het, vervang. Die volstruise het ‘n duidelike voorkeur vir die kontrole dieet (wat geen kanola-oliekoek bevat het nie) getoon. Oor die hele proeftydperk was die gemiddelde inname van hierdie dieet 35%, terwyl die inname van die ander diëte laer as 18% elk was. Omdat die voorkeurproef aangedui het dat die insluiting van kanola-oliekoek in volstruisdiëte ‘n negatiewe invloed op voerinname in ‘n vrye-keuse sisteem het, is die produksie- en slageienskappe geëvalueer. In hierdie studie is volstruiskuikens vanaf die ouderdom van 77 dae tot 337 dae oud grootgemaak op vyf diëte. Vir elke dieet is die sojaboonoliekoek weereens varvang met kanola-oliekoek (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% en 100%, onderskeidelik). Voerinname en die gewigte van die volstruise is gedurende die hele proeftydperk gemonitor. Alhoewel die vervanging van sojaboonoliekoek met kanola-oliekoek in volstruisdiëte min tot geen effek op produksie gehad het, het die volstruise wat grootgemaak is op die dieet waarin 75% van die sojaboonoliekoek vervang is die beste produksie getoon. Die resultate na die evaluering van die eindprodukte (naamlik vere-, leer- en vleiskwaliteit en opbrengs) het getoon dat die vervanging van sojaboonoliekoek met kanola-oliekoek geen invloed op die produksie en kwaliteit van hierdie produkte het nie. Die algehele gevolgtrekking van hierdie studie is dat kanola-oliekoek geskik om as proteïenbron te dien in diëte van slagvolstruise sonder dat enige nadelige effek op groei, produksie parameters en slageienskappe waargeneem sal word. Die gebruik van kanola-oliekoek sal nie net tot voordeel van die volstruisbedryf wees nie, maar sal ook tot voordeel vir die plaaslike graanindustrie wees.Master

    A (Tall) Tale of Two Sisters: Integrating rhetorical and cognitive-pragmatic approaches to explore unreliable narration in film

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    There is a sustained debate in the academy about the role of narratology in film studies. This article forms part of this larger debate in exploring the application of the concept of unreliable narration to films, specifically to Jee-woon Kim’s little-known but exceptional film A Tale of Two Sisters (2003). A dispute surrounding this narratological device has centred on how readers or viewers determine that the narration deviates from diegetic truth. Two major strands of narratology have given divergent answers to this question: the rhetorical approach has been in favour of aligning diegetic truth with an “implied author”, while the cognitive approach has called the implied author into question, instead focusing on the viewer’s construction of the diegetic truth. This paper investigates the possibility of integrating the two approaches in terms of the viewer’s construction of ethical judgements and cued inferences, which would open up a new avenue for considering this narrative device

    Olfactory and visual species recognition in newts and their role in hybridization

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    Mating patterns between hybridizing taxa are often conditional to the mechanisms underlying species recognition. During mate choice, individuals often assess information displayed by potential mates on several sensory channels. The reliance on more than one modality is particularly expected whenever transmission conditions are variable or signals subject to wear. Determining the sensory bases of species recognition is, thus, crucial to assess the effect of the signalling environment on the hybridization process between species where mate choice occurs. We addressed this issue in two newt species, Lissotriton helveticus and L. vulgaris, that hybridize and breed in aquatic habitats disturbed by various natural processes. We measured visual and olfactory preferences in males and females. Visual and olfactory recognition was detected in L. helveticus males and L. vulgaris females. In contrast, we observed limited olfactory recognition in L. helveticus females and no evidence of recognition at all in L. vulgaris males. In addition, one single variable, body size, strongly influenced female preference. Ecological factors modulating visual signalling conditions and the body size ratio in males are, thus, likely to influence the probability of heterospecific mating. This study highlights the need to consider more largely environmental factors affecting communication in the hybridization process

    What defines a great surgeon? A survey study confronting perspectives

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    BackgroundThe definition of a great surgeon is usually reported by surgeons themselves. The objective of the study was to define a multifaceted definition of a great surgeon, by confronting patients', healthcare workers', and surgeons' perspectives.Study designAn online open-ended questionnaire was created to identify three qualities and three shortcomings defining a great surgeon. Age, gender, and profession of respondents were collected. Responses with a similar meaning were combined into word groups and labeled within four themes: human qualities, technical surgical skills (TSS), non-technical skills (NTS), and knowledge. Multivariate analyses were conducted between themes and respondent characteristics.ResultsFour thousand seven hundred and sixty qualities and 4,374 shortcomings were obtained from 1,620 respondents including 385 surgeons, 291 patients, 565 operating theater (OT) health professionals, and 379 non-OT health professionals. The main three qualities were dexterity (54% of respondents), meticulousness (18%), and empathy (18%). There was no significant difference between professional categories for TSS. Compared with surgeons, non-OT health professionals and patients put more emphasis on human qualities (29 vs. 39% and 42%, respectively, p < .001). OT health professionals referred more to NTS than surgeons (35 vs. 22%, p < 0.001). Knowledge was more important for surgeons (19%) than for all other professional categories (p < 0.001).ConclusionsThis survey illustrates the multifaceted definition of a great surgeon. Even if dexterity is a major quality, human qualities are of paramount importance. Knowledge seems to be underestimated by non-surgeons, although it essential to understand the disease and preparing the patient and OT team for the procedure

    Male Attractiveness Is Influenced by UV Wavelengths in a Newt Species but Not in Its Close Relative

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    Background: Functional communication in the UV range has been reported in Invertebrates and all major groups of Vertebrates but Amphibians. Although perception in this wavelength range has been shown in a few species, UV signalling has not been demonstrated in this group. One reason may be that in lentic freshwater habitats, litter decomposition generates dissolved organic carbon that absorbs UV radiation and thus hinders its use for visual signalling. We tested the effect of male UV characteristics on female sexual preference in two newt species that experience contrasting levels of UV water transmission when breeding. Methodology/Principal Findings: We analysed water spectral characteristics of a sample of breeding ponds in both species. We quantified male ventral coloration and measured male attractiveness under two lighting conditions (UV present, UV absent) using a no-choice female preference design. UV transmission was higher in Lissotriton vulgaris breeding sites. Male UV patterns also differed between experimental males of the two species. We observed a first common peak around 333 nm, higher in L. vulgaris, and a second peak around 397 nm, more frequent and higher in L. helveticus. Male attractiveness was significantly reduced in L. vulgaris when UV was not available but not in L. helveticus. Male attractiveness depended on the hue of the first UV peak in L. vulgaris. Conclusion/Significance: Our study is the first report of functional UV-based communication in Amphibians. Interestingly

    Autoantibody signatures defined by serological proteome analysis in sera from patients with cholangiocarcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: The challenging diagnosis and poor prognosis of cholangiocarcinoma require the determination of biomarkers. Autoantibodies could be used in the clinic as diagnostic markers for the early detection of tumours. By proteomic approaches, several autoantibodies were proposed as potential markers. We tried in this study, to perform a serological proteome analysis, using various antigenic substrates, including tumours and human liver. METHODS: Sera from patients (n = 13) and healthy donors (n = 10) were probed on immunoblots performed using 2-dimensionally separated proteins from cholangiocarcinoma cell lines (CCLP1 and CCSW1), from the liver of healthy subject and interestingly, from tumour and adjacent non-tumour liver tissues from five patients with cholangiocarcinoma and tested with their corresponding serum. Spots of interest were identified using mass spectrometry and classified according gene ontology analysis. RESULTS: A comparison of the whole immunoblotting patterns given by cholangiocarcinoma sera against those obtained with normal control sera enabled the definition of 862 spots. Forty-five different proteins were further analysed, corresponding to (1) spots stained with more than four of 13 (30 %) sera tested with the CCLP1 or the CCSW1 cell line and with the normal liver, and (2) to spots immunoreactive with at least two of the five sera probed with their tumour and non-tumour counter-part of cholangiocarcinoma. Immunoreactive proteins with catalytic activity as molecular function were detected at rates of 93 and 64 % in liver from healthy subjects or cholangiocarcinoma non-tumour tissues respectively, compared to 43, 33, 33 % in tumour tissues, or CCSW1 and CCLP1 cell lines. A second pattern was represented by structural proteins with rates of 7 and 7 % in normal liver or non-tumour tissues compared to 14, 33 and 67 % in tumour tissue, CCSW1 or CCLP1 cell lines. Proteins with a binding function were detected at rates of 7 % in non-tumour tissue and 14 % in tumour tissue. Using the extracted tumour tissue, serotransferrin was targeted by all cholangiocarcinoma-related sera. CONCLUSIONS: Immunological patterns depended on the type of antigen substrate used; i.e. tumour versus non tumour specimens. Nevertheless, a combination of multiple autoantibodies tested with the most appropriate substrate might be more sensitive and specific for the diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma

    I. Départ. — La route. — Châteauneuf. — Moulins. — Accident. — Lyon

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    23 Mai 1845, à midi un quart, partis d’Orléans. Les adieux de toute notre famille, et surtout ceux si touchants de notre bonne mère, nous avaient tellement émus tous les deux, qu’une grande partie de la route fut silencieuse et triste comme les idées qui traversaient notre cœur en pensant au mauvais état de santé dans lequel nous laissions Madame Johanet. Ce qui nous consolait, était de parler d’elle, de voir le beau temps qui lui permettait une promenade, dont elle se trouvait toujours si bi..