181 research outputs found


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    Banyak penelitian telah dilakukan tentang atribut – atribut hotel terkait dengan keputusan pilihan hotel sebagai bagian dari perilaku pra-pembelian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh dari kepuasan pada atribut – atribut hotel terhadap overall satisfaction pada upscale hotel di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda untuk menguji pengaruh kepuasan pada atribut – atribut hotel terhadap overall satisfaction. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner pada 140 responden yang pernah menginap minimal satu malam di upscale hotel di Kota Bandung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengaruh kepuasan pada atribut – atribut hotel secara positif mempengaruhi overall satisfaction terhadap tamu yang menginap pada upscale hotel di Kota Bandung memiliki nilai presentase tinggi dan baik dari tamu. Selanjutnya dimensi prompt and courteous service quality, room cleanliness and comfort dan value for money mendapatkan tanggapan yang sangat baik dari tamu serta memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap overall satisfaction. Secara keseluruhan, dapat diketahui bahwa pengaruh kepuasan pada atribut hotel terhadap overall satisfaction memiliki pengaruh yang kuat. Adapun implikasi dari penelitian ini yaitu upscale hotel Kota Bandung harus memberikan produk, kualitas kamar dan fasilitas serta pelayanan dengan standar kualitas internasional hotel kelas atas agar tamu mendapatkan overall satisfaction. Oleh karena itu. penting bagi pengelola untuk mempertahankan kepuasan tamu serta mengenal betul kebutuhan tamu dan mengembangkan cara untuk meningkatkan produk dan layanan mereka agar tamu merasa puas. Many studies have been conducted on hotel attributes related to hotel choice decisions as part of pre-purchase behavior. This study aims to measure the effect of satisfaction on hotel attributes on overall satisfaction at upscale hotels in the city of Bandung. This study uses a quantitative approach using multiple linear regression analysis to test the effect of satisfaction on hotel attributes on overall satisfaction. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to 140 respondents who had stayed at least one night at an upscale hotel in the city of Bandung. The results showed that the effect of satisfaction on hotel attributes positively affects the overall satisfaction of guests staying at upscale hotels in the city of Bandung that have a high and good percentage value from guests. Furthermore, the dimensions of prompt and courteous service quality, room cleanliness and comfort and value for money get very good responses from guests and have a significant influence on overall satisfaction. Overall, it can be seen that the effect of satisfaction on hotel attributes on overall satisfaction has a strong influence. The implication of this research is that upscale hotels in Bandung City must provide products, quality rooms and facilities and services with international quality standards for upscale hotels so that guests get overall satisfaction. Therefore. it is important for the manager to maintain guest satisfaction as well as know the needs of guests very well and develop ways to improve their products and services so that guests are satisfied

    Oblique incidence and observation electronic speckle-pattern interferometry

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    In this paper we discuss an oblique incidence and observation electronic speckle-pattern interferometer, in which we use an anamorphic prism in front of the object. A collimated beam traveling through the prism is partly reflected at the base of the prism. The reflected light is the reference beam and the transmitted light illuminates the diffuse object, thereby generating the object beam. In this scheme the object and the reference beams are collinear. A new scheme that uses two prisms and permits phase stepping is also presented


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    ABSTRACT: In this paper we discuss the implementation of a project oriented laboratory course in optics education. Through our discussion we show the relevance and necessity for such a course. The course is tailored not only to make the students to learn concepts, but to build a product from scratch to completion. Emphasis is also made on the design, performance, marketing and aesthetics of the product. Key words: optics education Optics is interdisciplinary in nature with applications covering a broad range of fields. Although optics originated from physics it has evolved into a field that is a mixture of physics and engineering. In this context the method ofteaching and even the learning styles ofthe students are different from conventional physics students. Therefore, optics courses are usually a blend of new technology, engineering and physics. However, the traditional sequence in a course is to have a laboratory associated with the course or even a stand alone laboratory course. Laboratory experiences provide the tool for understanding the basic ideas but do not necessarily provide the background for the students to be prepared to go to industry. At Rose-Hulman Institute ofTechnology (RI-IIT) the students that graduate and take up jobs and also the students who enter graduate school have often expressed their lack of experience of designing and building a product. Even though a capstone course such as Advanced Optics Laboratory did provide some necessary insight into research and understanding concepts, it failed to create enthusiasm in the students. The course was offered during the spring quarter ofthe senior year so any additional system oriented experience modeling the work environment would not provide the students with background that would help them in theirjob search. Therefore it became apparent that some new sequence ofcourses or a new course had to be designed that would provide the knowledge and experience. The new project oriented laboratory course designed at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology meets the concerns and needs from both the students and teachers point of view. This paper will discuss the organization of the course, some projects examples given to the students, the goals given to the students and the accomplishments, the responses, and the products developed. W

    Contouring by electronic speckle pattern interferometry employing dual beam illumination

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    In this paper we extend and study the method for generating contours of diffuse objects employing a dual beam illumination coupled with electronic speckle pattern interferometry. The sensitivity and the orientation of the contour planes are analyzed. A novel method for tilting the planes of contours and experimental results incorporating phase shifting and fringe analysis are also presented. The theoretical and the experimental results show good agreement

    Investigations on the Mechanical Properties of Conducting Polymer Coating-Substrate Structures and Their Influencing Factors

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    This review covers recent advances and work on the microstructure features, mechanical properties and cracking processes of conducting polymer film/coating- substrate structures under different testing conditions. An attempt is made to characterize and quantify the relationships between mechanical properties and microstructure features. In addition, the film cracking mechanism on the micro scale and some influencing factors that play a significant role in the service of the film-substrate structure are presented. These investigations cover the conducting polymer film/coating nucleation process, microstructure-fracture characterization, translation of brittle-ductile fractures, and cracking processes near the largest inherent macromolecule defects under thermal-mechanical loadings, and were carried out using in situ scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations, as a novel method for evaluation of interface strength and critical failure stress

    Extended-range temporal electronic speckle pattern interferometry

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    In recent years the availability of high-speed digital video cameras has motivated the study of electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) in the time domain. To this end a properly sampled temporal sequence off-fringe patterns is used to analyze the temporal experiment. Samples of temporal speckle images must fulfill the Nyquist criteria over the time axis. When the transient phenomena understudy are too fast, the required sampling frequency over time may not be fulfilled. In that case one needs to extend the measuring range of the algorithm used to extract the modulating phase. We analyze how to use short laser pulses or short video acquisition times with fairly long temporal separation among them to estimate the modulating phase of a dynamic ESPI experiment. The only requirement is that the modulating phase being estimated be properly sampled in the spatial domain

    Simple inverting interferometer with holoelements

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