172 research outputs found

    Periderm invasion contributes to epithelial formation in the teleost pharynx

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    The gnathostome pharyngeal cavity functions in food transport and respiration. In amniotes the mouth and nares are the only channels allowing direct contact between internal and external epithelia. In teleost fish, gill slits arise through opening of endodermal pouches and connect the pharynx to the exterior. Using transgenic zebrafish lines, cell tracing, live imaging and different markers, we investigated if pharyngeal openings enable epithelial invasion and how this modifies the pharyngeal epithelium. We conclude that in zebrafish the pharyngeal endoderm becomes overlain by cells with a peridermal phenotype. In a wave starting from pouch 2, peridermal cells from the outer skin layer invade the successive pouches until halfway their depth. Here the peridermal cells connect to a population of cells inside the pharyngeal cavity that express periderm markers, yet do not invade from outside. The latter population expands along the midline from anterior to posterior until the esophagus-gut boundary. Together, our results show a novel role for the periderm as an internal epithelium becomes adapted to function as an external surface.Agência financiadora Ghent University Research Fund - BOF24J2015001401 Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas - RR140077info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Promotion of mental health literacy and mental well-being in a Portuguese unemployed population sample : effectiveness assessment of a capacity building community-based intersectoral intervention

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    Copyright © 2017 Published by Elsevier Masson SASIntroduction: Economic crises have consequences on labor market, with impacts on mental health (MH) and psychological well-being (PWB). We describe the effectiveness of an intervention among unemployed, performed within EEA Grants Healthy Employment project.Objectives Evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention for MH literacy, PWB and resilience among unemployed. Aims MH and PWB promotion, common mental disorders prevention and inequalities reduction linked to unemployment.Methods A five modules intervention (life-work balance; impact of unemployment on PWB and MH; stigma; depression and anxiety; health promotion) distributed by 20 hours was developed based on literature reviews and a Delphi panel. It was delivered to unemployees from two public employment centers (PECs).Inclusion criteria: 18–65 years old; registration in PEC for less than a year; minimum of nine years of formal education. Control groups from the same PECs received the care-as-usual. Measures of psychological WB, MH self-reported symptoms, life satisfaction,resilience and mental health literacy were collected through an online survey before and one week after intervention.Results Overall, 87 unemployed participated,48% allocated to the intervention group (IG); 56% women (21–64 years old), average education was 15 years. Mixed measures ANOVA showed that the interaction between time and group was significant for PWB and MH literacy measures. The IG showed better self-reported PWB and improved MH literacy after intervention, compared to controls. No significant interactions were found for MH symptoms, life satisfaction and resilience.Conclusions This study shows the contribution of short-term community-based interventions in increasing MH literacy and PWB among unemployed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fish models of induced osteoporosis

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    Osteopenia and osteoporosis are bone disorders characterized by reduced bone mineral density (BMD), altered bone microarchitecture and increased bone fragility. Because of global aging, their incidence is rapidly increasing worldwide and novel treatments that would be more efficient at preventing disease progression and at reducing the risk of bone fractures are needed. Preclinical studies are today a major bottleneck to the collection of new data and the discovery of new drugs, since they are commonly based on rodent in vivo systems that are time consuming and expensive, or in vitro systems that do not exactly recapitulate the complexity of low BMD disorders. In this regard, teleost fish, in particular zebrafish and medaka, have recently emerged as suitable alternatives to study bone formation and mineralization and to model human bone disorders. In addition to the many technical advantages that allow faster and larger studies, the availability of several fish models that efficiently mimic human osteopenia and osteoporosis phenotypes has stimulated the interest of the academia and industry toward a better understanding of the mechanisms of pathogenesis but also toward the discovery of new bone anabolic or antiresorptive compounds. This mini review recapitulates the in vivo teleost fish systems available to study low BMD disorders and highlights their applications and the recent advances in the field.UIDB/04326/2020, EAPA_151/2016/BLUEHUMANinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparative analysis of the anthelmintic efficacy of European heather extracts on Teladorsagia circumcincta and Trichostrongylus colubriformis egg hatching and larval motility

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    Background Gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) control is traditionally achieved with the use of anthelmintic drugs, however due to regulations in organic farming and the rise in anthelmintic resistance, alternatives are sought after. A promising alternative is the use of bioactive plant feeding due to the presence of plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) such as proanthocyanidins (PAs). This study focussed on the perennial shrub heather (Ericaceae family), a plant rich in PAs, highly abundant across Europe and with previously demonstrated anthelmintic potential. Methods In vitro assays were used to investigate heather’s anthelmintic efficacy against egg hatching and larval motility. Heather samples were collected from five European countries across two seasons, and extracts were tested against two GIN species: Teladorsagia circumcincta and Trichostrongylus colubriformis. Polyphenol group-specific ultraperformance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis was performed to identify relevant polyphenol subgroups present, including the PA concentration and size and ratio of the subunits. Partial least squares analysis was performed to associate efficacy with variation in PSM composition. Results Heather extracts reduced egg hatching of both GIN species in a dose-dependent manner by up to 100%, while three extracts at the highest concentration (10 mg/ml) reduced larval motility to levels that were not significantly different from dead larvae controls. PAs, particularly the procyanidin type, and flavonol derivatives were associated with anthelmintic activity, and the particular subgroup of polyphenols associated with the efficacy was dependent on the GIN species and life stage. Conclusions Our results provide in vitro evidence that heather, a widely available plant often managed as a weed in grazing systems, has anthelmintic properties attributed to various groups of PSMs and could contribute to sustainable GIN control in ruminant production systems across Europe

    The VMC Survey -- XXXV. Model fitting of LMC Cepheid light curves

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    We present the results of the light curve model fitting technique applied to optical and near-infrared photometric data for a sample of 18 Classical Cepheids (11 fundamentals and 7 first overtones) in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We use optical photometry from the OGLE III database and near--infrared photometry obtained by the European Southern bservatory public survey "VISTA near--infrared survey of the Magellanic Clouds system". Iso--periodic nonlinear convective model sequences have been computed for each selected Cepheid in order to reproduce the multi--filter light curve amplitudes and shape details. The inferred individual distances provide an intrinsic weighted mean value for the LMC distance modulus of μ0=18.56\mu_0=18.56 mag with a standard deviation of 0.13 mag. We derive also the Period--Radius, the Period--Luminosity and the Period--Wesenheit relations that are consistent with similar relations in the literature. The intrinsic masses and luminosities of the best--fitting models show that all the investigated pulsators are brighter than the redictions of the canonical evolutionary mass--luminosity relation, suggesting a significant efficiency of non--canonical phenomena, such as overshooting, mass loss and/or rotation.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Cognitive performance and psychosocial functioning in patients with bipolar disorder, unaffected siblings, and healthy controls

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    Objective:: To assess cognitive performance and psychosocial functioning in patients with bipolar disorder (BD), in unaffected siblings, and in healthy controls. Methods:: Subjects were patients with BD (n=36), unaffected siblings (n=35), and healthy controls (n=44). Psychosocial functioning was accessed using the Functioning Assessment Short Test (FAST). A sub-group of patients with BD (n=21), unaffected siblings (n=14), and healthy controls (n=22) also underwent a battery of neuropsychological tests: California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT), Stroop Color and Word Test, and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). Clinical and sociodemographic characteristics were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance or the chi-square test; multivariate analysis of covariance was used to examine differences in neuropsychological variables. Results:: Patients with BD showed higher FAST total scores (23.90±11.35) than healthy controls (5.86±5.47; p < 0.001) and siblings (12.60±11.83; p 0.001). Siblings and healthy controls also showed statistically significant differences in FAST total scores (p = 0.008). Patients performed worse than healthy controls on all CVLT sub-tests (p < 0.030) and in the number of correctly completed categories on WCST (p = 0.030). Siblings did not differ from healthy controls in cognitive tests. Conclusion:: Unaffected siblings of patients with BD may show poorer functional performance compared to healthy controls. FAST scores may contribute to the development of markers of vulnerability and endophenotypic traits in at-risk populations

    The VMC survey - XXXI: The spatially resolved star formation history of the main body of the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We recover the spatially resolved star formation history across the entire main body and Wing of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), using 14 deep tile images from the VISTA survey of the Magellanic Clouds (VMC) in the YJKs filters. The analysis is performed on 168 subregions of size 0.143 deg2 covering a total contiguous area of 23.57 deg2. We apply a colour\u2013magnitude diagram (CMD) reconstruction method that returns the best-fitting star formation rate SFR(t), age\u2013metallicity relation, distance and mean reddening, together with their confidence intervals, for each subregion. With respect to previous analyses, we use a far larger set of the VMC data, updated stellar models, and fit the two available CMDs (Y 12 Ks versus Ks and J 12 Ks versus Ks) independently. The results allow us to derive a more complete and more reliable picture of how the mean distances, extinction values, star formation rate, and metallicities vary across the SMC, and provide a better description of the populations that form its Bar and Wing. We conclude that the SMC has formed a total mass of (5.31 \ub1 0.05) 7 108 M 99 in stars over its lifetime. About two-thirds of this mass is expected to be still locked in stars and stellar remnants. 50 per cent of the mass was formed prior to an age of 6.3 Gyr, and 80 per cent was formed between 8 and 3.5 Gyr ago. We also illustrate the likely distribution of stellar ages and metallicities in different parts of the CMD, to aid the interpretation of data from future astrometric and spectroscopic surveys of the SMC

    The VMC survey - XLIII. The spatially resolved star formation history across the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We derive the spatially resolved star formation history (SFH) for a 96 deg2 area across the main body of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), using the near-infrared photometry from the VISTA survey of the Magellanic Clouds (VMC). The data and analyses are characterized by a great degree of homogeneity and a low sensitivity to the interstellar extinction. 756 subregions of size 0.125 deg2 – corresponding to projected sizes of about 296×322pc2 in the LMC – are analysed. The resulting SFH maps, with typical resolution of 0.2–0.3 dex in logarithm of age, reveal main features in the LMC disc at different ages: the patchy star formation at recent ages, the concentration of star formation on three spiral arms and on the Bar up to ages of ~1.6 Gyr, and the wider and smoother distribution of older populations. The period of most intense star formation occurred roughly between 4 and 0.5 Gyr ago, at rates of ~0.3M?yr-1?. We compare young and old star formation rates with the observed numbers of RR Lyrae and Cepheids. We also derive a mean extinction and mean distance for every subregion, and the plane that best describes the spatial distribution of the mean distances. Our results cover an area about 50 per?cent larger than the classical SFH maps derived from optical data. Main differences with respect to those maps are lower star formation rates at young ages, and a main peak of star formation being identified at ages slightly younger than 1 Gyr

    Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: A Synopsis of Coordinated National Crop Wild Relative Seed Collecting Programs across Five Continents

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    The Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change Project set out to improve the diversity, quantity, and accessibility of germplasm collections of crop wild relatives (CWR). Between 2013 and 2018, partners in 25 countries, heirs to the globetrotting legacy of Nikolai Vavilov, undertook seed collecting expeditions targeting CWR of 28 crops of global significance for agriculture. Here, we describe the implementation of the 25 national collecting programs and present the key results. A total of 4587 unique seed samples from at least 355 CWR taxa were collected, conserved ex situ, safety duplicated in national and international genebanks, and made available through the Multilateral System (MLS) of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (Plant Treaty). Collections of CWR were made for all 28 targeted crops. Potato and eggplant were the most collected genepools, although the greatest number of primary genepool collections were made for rice. Overall, alfalfa, Bambara groundnut, grass pea and wheat were the genepools for which targets were best achieved. Several of the newly collected samples have already been used in pre-breeding programs to adapt crops to future challenges.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio