28 research outputs found

    An antibiogram classificattion system based on an hybrid hough transform and gradient approach

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    The antibiogram performed by the disc diffusion method is a test frequently used in clinical microbiology. In this test, the result is given by the diameter of the inhibition zone formed around the antibiotic disco In general, this measurement is performed manually. The main objective of this work was to develop an automatic image analysis system to assess the susceptibility of microorganisms to different antibiotics. As a first step, several images of antibiograms were obtained. Subsequently the images were subjected to image processing techniques. After the elimination of noise, the Hough transform was used to detect the antibiotic discs. Next, from the center of each identified disc, the inhibition zone was detected recurring to a gradient method. According to the diameter of the inhibition zone a susceptibility classification was made. The results prove the validity of the developed tool to detect the antibiotics discs and to segment the inhibition zones used in microorganism's susceptibilfty evaluation

    An antibiogram classification system based on an hybrid hough transform and gradient approach

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    The antibiogram performed by the disc diffusion method is a test frequently used in clinical microbiology. In this test, the result is given by the diameter of the inhibition zone formed around the antibiotic disc. In general, this measurement is performed manually. The main objective of this work was to develop an automatic image analysis system to assess the susceptibility of microorganisms to different antibiotics. As a first step, several images of antibiograms were obtained. Subsequently the images were subjected to image processing techniques. After the elimination of noise, the Hough transform was used to detect the antibiotic discs. Next, from the center of each identified disc, the inhibition zone was detected recurring to a gradient method. According to the diameter of the inhibition zone a susceptibility classification was made. The results prove the validity of the developed tool to detect the antibiotics discs and to segment the inhibition zones used in microorganism’s susceptibility evaluation

    Residual C-peptide in patients with Type 1 diabetes and multiethnic backgrounds

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate serum C-peptide in 88 patients from a multiethnic population with Type-1 diabetes and variable disease durations. METHOD: Eighty-eight patients with a mean disease duration of 8.1 +7.6 years were included and underwent C-peptide measurement before and after glucagon stimulation. Chi-squared and Mann Whitney U-tests were used to compare the variables between groups (all two-tailed, a = 0.05). Spearmans correlation coefficient was used to test the association between the continuous variables. Logistic regression was used for the multivariate analysis. Twenty-eight (31.8%) individuals had significantly detectable C-peptide levels after stimuli, particularly those with a shorter disease duration (


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    A Anadenanthera colubrina que é conhecida popularmente como angico, angico vermelho, dentre outros nomes, pertencente à família Fabaceae, sendo nativa da América do Sul e no Nordeste do Brasil pode chegar a até 7m de altura. Popularmente utiliza-se a decocção da casca do caule no tratamento de complicações do fígado, gonorreia, leucorreia, infecção dos ovários e como depurativo do sangue. Desta forma, investigações laboratoriais acerca das atividades antimicrobianas desta espécie é justificada, sendo este o objetivo central deste frente a patógenos de importância clínica como o Staphylococcus aureus e a Escherichia coli. As amostras vegetais foram coletadas em Santa Cruz / RN, higienizadas, secas e trituradas. O extrato aquoso foi obtido a partir da imersão de 45g de amostra em 450 mL de água destilada em ebulição, exposta por 15 minutos. Sendo filtrado, congelado e liofilizado. O extrato hidroalcoólico foi obtido pela maceração em solução de etanol: água (70:30 v/v), na proporção (1:10 p/v), por 7 dias, sendo filtrado e retirado o solvente em evaporador rotativo. Os extratos foram caracterizados por Cromatografia em Camada Delgada e testados na ação antimicrobiana em diversas concentrações (200 – 6,25 mg/mL) por difusão a disco. Os testes de Cromatografia em Camada Delgada indicaram que o extrato vegetal apresenta compostos apolares flavonoides, possivelmente derivados de quercetina e luteonina. O extrato hidroalcoólico quanto o aquoso foi capaz de inibir o crescimento in vitro da bactéria Staphylococcus aureus, sendo que ambos extratos apresentaram como concentração inibitória mínima 25mg/mL.Palavras-chaves: Angico, Atividade Antimicrobiana, S. aureus. The Anadenanthera colubrina which is popularly known as angico, red angico, among other names, belonging to the Fabaceae family and is native to South America and northeastern Brazil can reach up to 7m high. Popularly used to stem bark decoction in the treatment of liver complications, gonorrhea, leukorrhea, as infection of the ovaries and blood cleanser. Thus, laboratory investigations about the antimicrobial activity of this kind is justified, which is the main objective of this front to pathogens of clinical importance as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Plant samples were collected in Santa Cruz / RN, cleaned, dried and crushed. The aqueous extract was obtained from the sample of 45g immersion in 450 ml of boiling distilled water, exposed for 15 minutes. Being filtered, frozen and lyophilized. The hydroalcoholic extract was obtained by maceration in ethanol: water solution (70:30 v / v) in proportion (1:10 w / v) for 7 days, was filtered and the solvent removed on a rotary evaporator. Extracts were characterized by thin layer chromatography and tested for antimicrobial activity in various concentrations (200 to 6.25 mg / ml) by diffusion disk. Thin Layer Chromatography tests indicated that the plant extract has apolar flavonoid compounds, possibly derivatives of quercetin and luteolin. The hydroalcoholic extract and the aqueous were able to inhibit the in vitro growth of Staphylococcus aureus, both of which extracts presented as the minimum inhibitory concentration 25mg / ml.Keywords: Angico; Antimicrobial Activity; S. aureus

    Influenza seroprotection correlates with predominant circulating viruses during 2014/15 and 2015/16 seasons in Portugal

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    Rede Portuguesa de Laboratórios para o Diagnóstico da GripeBACKGROUND: Population immune profile for influenza is highly affected by circulating influenza viruses, thus changing the risk of infection for influenza. This study aims to assess influenza immunity in the Portuguese population by age groups, during 2014 and 2015 and establish a relationship between seroprotection and circulating influenza viruses in 2014/15 and 2015/16 seasons. METHODS: Two cross-sectional studies were developed based on a convenience serum sample collected in June 2014 (n=626) and July 2015 (n=675) in hospitals from mainland and Azores and Madeira.Serums equally represent all age groups. Antibody titers were evaluated by HI assay for strains recommended for seasonal influenza vaccine northern hemisphere,2014/15 and 2015/2016. Seroprevalences were estimated for each strain by age group and the association with seasonal cumulative influenza-like illness (ILI) rates for influenza virus during both seasons was analised. RESULTS: In June 2014 the highest seroprotection was observed for influenza A(H3) (39.0%; 95% CI: 36.2-43.8%) and A(H1)pdm09 (29.7; 95% CI: 26.3-33.4%), with higher levels in children 5-14 years old. In 2014/2015 a dominant circulation of influenza B/Yamagata was observed with high incidence rates in individuals under 65 years old, the ones that had lower seroprotection. Although before the start of the season high protection for A(H3) was observed, the circulation of the new drift A(H3) strains had gained an immunological advantage,in accordance with A(H3) elevated incidence rates observed during 2014/15. In July 2015 the highest seroprotection was observed for influenza B/ Yamagata (55.1%; 95% CI: 51.4-58.9%), 2.4 times the estimated 2014.This increase was even more pronounced in younger (≤ 4 years old), 6.3 times increase in 2015.This fact is in agreement with the predominant influenza B virus detected and the high ILI incidence rate observed in children during 2014/2015 epidemic. Seroprotection levels for influenza A in July 2015 were not significantly different from 2014.During 2015/16 season, influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 was predominant, with high incidence rate in < 65 year old. Influenza B/Victoria lineage,although detected at low levels increased in frequency, in agreement with the lowest level of seroprotection detected in the general population before the start of 2015/2016 season (21.8%; 95% CI: 18.7-24.0%). CONCLUSIONS There was a correlation between virus circulation, incidence rates for each age group and the previous seroprotection for seasonal influenza viruses.Our study highlights the value of measuring the serological profile for influenza to establishe risk groups for infection for which an increase preventive measures, including vaccination, should be fostered.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perspectivas atuais sobre o uso de psilocibina no manejo da depressão resistente: revisão sistemática

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    A depressão resistente ao tratamento é um desafio global, impactando negativamente a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Nesse contexto, a psilocibina, um composto psicodélico presente em certos cogumelos, desperta interesse como possível intervenção terapêutica. Seu potencial para influenciar positivamente o humor e a cognição, através da ativação dos receptores de serotonina no cérebro, sugere uma nova abordagem no tratamento da depressão resistente. Este estudo busca analisar as perspectivas atuais sobre o uso da psilocibina nesse contexto, destacando a necessidade de mais pesquisas sobre seus efeitos e segurança para sua integração clínica. Este estudo, baseado em uma revisão sistemática da literatura científica, abrange o período de 2016 a 2024, utilizando as bases de dados PubMed (Medline), Cochrane Library e Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). No primeiro estudo, os efeitos agudos da psilocibina foram detectáveis de 30 a 60 minutos após a administração, atingindo o pico em 2 a 3 horas e diminuindo após pelo menos 6 horas. A substância foi bem tolerada, com eventos adversos leves e transitórios. Houve uma redução significativa nos sintomas depressivos, ansiedade e anedonia após o tratamento com doses altas. O segundo estudo envolveu 233 participantes distribuídos em grupos de doses diferentes. Houve uma redução significativa nos sintomas depressivos após o tratamento, com doses mais altas apresentando uma diferença estatisticamente maior em comparação com a dose mais baixa e o grupo de controle. Eventos adversos, como dor de cabeça e náusea, foram comuns entre os participantes. O terceiro estudo abordou as perspectivas futuras para o tratamento com psilocibina para depressão resistente. Recomendações incluíram equilibrar o tempo dos pacientes e terapeutas, aumentar gradualmente a intensidade das sessões e integrar a terapia sustentada ao tratamento. O envolvimento de pacientes experientes e estudos naturalísticos adicionais foi destacado como importante para abordagens mais personalizadas. Em resumo, a psilocibina mostra potencial como tratamento para a depressão resistente, com redução significativa dos sintomas depressivos e boa tolerabilidade. No entanto, são necessárias mais pesquisas para confirmar sua eficácia e segurança, destacando a importância de estudos adicionais e ensaios clínicos controlados

    Diagnostic Considerations regarding Coronal Caries [Chapter 6]

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    This chapter considers the main principles guiding diagnosis of the disease dental caries in clinical practice by means of clinical examination and radiographs as adjunct method. Dental professionals have been trained to diagnose caries disease by assessing clinical symptoms and signs of caries lesions complemented by radiographic examination as an adjunct method. Clinical examination is the foundation of the diagnosis and should be performed after removal of dental biofilm of tooth surfaces, air-drying, and under good illumination. Clinical diagnostic methods categorize caries lesions according to their severity and in some methods according to their activity. Caries lesion activity has been determined by surface reflection and texture. The detection of thick or heavy biofilm on tooth surfaces is an additional diagnostic clinical tool to estimate caries lesion activity. Patients with no caries experience, that is, without clinical and/or radiographic signs of caries lesions in the dentition, are considered caries inactive. Other caries-inactive patients may present inactive caries lesions/restorations in their dentition. In contrast, patients are considered caries active when presenting any active caries lesion at clinical level and/or any progressing lesion as demonstrated by at least two bitewing radiographs taken at different points in time. The main concern about caries-active patients is that caries lesions are likely to progress unless effective measures are implemented to interfere with its progression. Prescribed according to individual needs, bitewing radiographs provide additional information for clinical examination in the detection of approximal enamel and outer third dentine lesions that can be inactivated by nonoperative treatment

    Predictors of subclinical atherosclerosis evaluated by carotid intima-media thickness in asymptomatic young women with type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    ABSTRACT Objective This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence and clinical predictors of subclinical atherosclerosis in asymptomatic, young adult women with type 1 DM. Subjects and methods The study included 45 women with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) (aged 36 ± 9 years) who underwent carotid Doppler ultrasound evaluation to determine the carotid artery intima-media thickness (CIMT) and to assess the occurrence of carotid artery plaques. Insulin sensitivity was assessed by estimated glucose disposal rate (eGDR), and metabolic syndrome (MS) was defined by the World Health Organization criteria. Results The cohort had a mean age of 36 ± 9 years, diabetes duration of 18.1 ± 9.5 years, and body mass index (BMI) of 24.6 ± 2.4 kg/m2. MS was present in 44.4% of the participants. The CIMT was 0.25 ± 0.28 mm, and the prevalence of carotid artery plaques was 13%. CIMT correlated positively with hypertension (p = 0.04) and waist-to-hip ratio (r = 0.37, p = 0.012). The presence of carotid artery plaques correlated positively with age (p = 0.018) and hypertension (p = 0.017). eGDR correlated negatively with CIMT (r = -0.39, p = 0.009) and carotid plaques (p = 0.04). Albuminuria showed a correlation trend with CIMT (p = 0.06). Patients with carotid artery plaques were older, had a higher prevalence of hypertension, and lower eGDR. No correlation was found between CIMT and carotid plaques with diabetes duration, MS, BMI, cholesterol profile, glycated hemoglobin, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, or fibrinogen. Conclusion Insulin resistance, central obesity, hypertension, and older age were predictors of subclinical atherosclerosis in asymptomatic, young adult women with type 1 DM