223 research outputs found

    Horologium Aeternae Sapientiae

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    Màster Cultures Medievals. Assignatura Mística Medieval en el Pensament Europeu (Exposició Virtual 2017PID-UB/027) - Universitat Barcelona.- Tutora: Blanca GaríIncunable amb enquadernació relligada de pergamí. Volum de 64 folis, cada un d'una mida aproximada de 16 x 21,5 cm. Conté Ad lectorem, Prologus, Liber Primus, Liber Secundus, Oficium Aeternae Sapientiae, Meditationes i Oratio ad Sancti Dominicum. A la primera pàgina, una petita anotació al marge superior esquerra, de difícil lectura, indica que la propietària del llibre havia estat en algun moment una tal Katerina Bastida

    A quarterly fiscal database for the euro area based on intra-annual fiscal information

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    The analysis of the macroeconomic impact of fiscal policies in the euro area has been traditionally limited by the absence of quarterly fiscal data. To overcome this problem, we provide two new databases in this paper. Firstly, we construct a quarterly database of euro area fiscal variables for the period 1980-2008 for a quite disaggregated set of fiscal variables; secondly, we present a real-time fiscal database for a subset of fiscal variables, composed of biannual vintages of data for the euro area period (2000-2009). All models are multivariate, state space mixed- frequencies models estimated with available national accounts fiscal data (mostly annual) and, more importantly, monthly and quarterly information taken from the cash accounts of the governments. We provide not seasonally- and seasonally-adjusted data. Focusing solely on intra-annual fiscal information for interpolation purposes allows us to capture genuine intra-annual "fiscal" dynamics in the data. Thus, we provide fiscal data that avoid some problems likely to appear in studies using fiscal time series interpolated on the basis of general macroeconomic indicators, namely the well-known decoupling of tax collection from the evolution of standard macroeconomic tax bases (revenue windfalls/shortfalls). JEL Classification: C53, E6, H6.euro area, Fiscal policies, Interpolation, mixed frequencies, Unobserved Components models

    Fiscal policy shocks in the euro area and the US: an empirical assessment

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    We analyse the impact of fiscal policy shocks in the euro area as a whole, using a newly available quarterly dataset of fiscal variables for the period 1981-2007. To allow for comparability with previous results on euro area countries and the US, we use a standard structural VAR framework, and study the impact of aggregated and disaggregated government spending and net taxes shocks. In addition, to frame euro area results, we apply the same methodology for the same sample period to US data. We also explore the sensitivity of the provided results to the inclusion of variables aiming at measuring “financial stress” (increases in risk) and “fiscal stress” (sustainability concerns). Analysing US and euro area data with a common methodology provides some interesting insights on the interpretation of fiscal policy shocks. JEL Classification: E62, H30euro area, Fiscal multipliers, Fiscal shocks, SVAR

    A quarterly fiscal database for the euro area based on intra-annual fiscal information

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    The analysis of the macroeconomic impact of fiscal policies in the euro area has been traditionally limited by the absence of quarterly fiscal data. To overcome this problem, we provide two new databases in this paper. Firstly, we construct a quarterly database of euro area fiscal variables for the period 1980-2008 for a quite disaggregated set of fiscal variablessecondly, we present a real-time fiscal database for a subset of fiscal variables, composed of bi-annual vintages of data for the euro area period (2000-2009). All models are multivariate, state-space mixed-frequencies models estimated with available national accounts fiscal data (mostly annual) and, more importantly, monthly and quarterly information taken from the cash accounts of the governments. We provide not seasonallyand seasonally-adjusted data. Focusing solely on intra-annual fiscal information for interpolation purposes allows us to capture genuine intra-annual "fiscal" dynamics in the data. Thus, we provide fiscal data that avoid some problems likely to appear in studies using fiscal time series interpolated on the basis of general macroeconomic indicators, namely the well-known decoupling of tax collection from the evolution of standard macroeconomic tax bases (revenue windfalls/shortfalls)

    Fiscal targets. A guide to forecasters?

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    ¿Debería tomar en consideración un analista en su proceso de toma de decisiones los anuncios del Gobierno sobre las políticas que implementará en el futuro? Para responder a esta pregunta, el analista podría combinar en un modelo la siguiente información: 1) la política/objetivo anunciada por el Gobierno y 2) la información disponible sobre las políticas que de hecho está implementando el Gobierno. Esta es la aproximación que tomamos en el presente trabajo. Formulamos y estimamos modelos empíricos para un conjunto de países de la UE (Alemania, Francia, Italia y España) y mostramos que los objetivos oficiales de gasto (consumo público) proporcionan información útil sobre la política de gasto (consumo público) efectivamente realizada a posteriori en situaciones en las cuales se instrumentan cambios significativos en las políticas (incluso cuando el cumplimiento de dichos planes en el pasado fue escaso) y cuando hay información limitada sobre el grado de implementación efectiva de los planes en curso (esto es, a principios del año presupuestario). Nuestros resultados complementan y cualifican una rama muy influyente de la literatura, que tiende a encontrar que los objetivos oficiales incorporan sesgos sistemáticos significativosShould rational agents take into consideration government policy announcements? A skilled agent (an econometrician) could set up a model to combine the following two pieces of information in order to anticipate the future course of fiscal policy in real-time: (i) the ex-ante path of policy as published/announced by the government(ii) incoming, observed data on the actual degree of implementation of ongoing plans. We formulate and estimate empirical models for a number of EU countries (Germany, France, Italy and Spain) to show that government (consumption) targets convey useful information about ex-post policy developments when policy changes significantly (even if past credibility is low) and when there is limited information about the implementation of plans (e.g. at the beginning of a fiscal year). In addition, our models are instrumental in unveiling the current course of policy in real time. Our approach complements a well-established branch of the literature that finds politically motivated biases in policy target

    Los primates, sujetos del derecho ecuatoriano

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    La tesina plantea el reconocimiento de derechos específicos hacia la especie animal conocida como primate, considerando el origen y desarrollo de la teoría sobre los derechos de los animales en el mundo, así como las perspectivas científicas y culturales que apoyan el otorgamiento de derechos hacia animales. El trabajo expone los aportes normativos de diversos países respecto a derechos animales y busca determinar cuáles derechos, aparentemente exclusivos de los seres humanos, sí pueden ser reconocidos hacia primates dentro del marco normativo ecuatoriano. Se expone, además, las circunstancias que demuestran la necesidad de que se otorgue la titularidad de derechos hacia esta especie de animales que, al ser reconocidos únicamente como objetos, se encuentra en peligro de extinción así como sometidos a tratos degradantes e irreparables. Al ser un tema poco examinado, la metodología utilizada es la exploratoria, apenas se conoce la diferencia entre bienestar animal y derechos animales, por lo que en el país no se ha establecido con claridad la tendencia respecto a la protección animal; constitucionalmente, se brindó reconocimiento expreso de derechos hacia la naturaleza y por ende, se entendería hacia animales, sin embargo, esta postura no ha sido analizada a fondo, sus beneficios y resultados no han sido detallados con amplitud. A diferencia, el segmento creciente de la sociedad que lleva a cabo el activismo a favor de los animales, exige con más premura que sean otorgados derechos a fin de cesar con el sufrimiento animal; incongruente al retraso en el análisis de la protección animal en el país, el activismo se manifiesta, conquista y avanza en brindar un cambio de vida a los animales que aman y consideran sus semejantes

    Health Assets, Vocation and Zest for Healthcare Work. A Salutogenic Approach to Active Coping among Certified Nursing Assistant Students

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    People's health assets (HA) mapping process and design dynamization strategies for it are paramount issues for health promotion. These strategies improve the health heritage of individuals and communities as both the salutogenic model of health (SMH) and health assets model (HAM) defend. Connecting and mobilizing HA and strengthens the 'sense of coherence' (SOC) are both related to enhancing stress active and effective coping strategies. This study aims to describe the HA present in a population of certified nursing assistant students (n = 921) in Spain and then to explore their relationships with the SOC, the motivation to choose healthcare studies and their academic performance. A great variety of HA were identified and mapped. Findings showed that individuals with greater motivation towards self-care and 'caring for others' as internal HA, possessed higher SOC levels and a strong vocation for healthcare work. Differences in HA were identified according to gender, age and employment situation. Consistent connections between the care-relation factor and vocational factor with interpersonal and extrapersonal HA were reported. Evidence and results substantiated the salutogenic and asset-based approach as a proper strategy to strengthen SOC, dynamize their HA map, reinforce the sense of calling and enable Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) students to buffer against caregiving-related stress and thrive in their professio
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