81 research outputs found

    Test particle acceleration in a numerical MHD experiment of an anemone jet

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    To use a 3D numerical MHD experiment representing magnetic flux emerging into an open field region as a background field for tracing charged particles. The interaction between the two flux systems generates a localised current sheet where MHD reconnection takes place. We investigate how efficiently the reconnection region accelerates charged particles and what kind of energy distribution they acquire. The particle tracing is done numerically using the Guiding Center Approximation on individual data sets from the numerical MHD experiment. We derive particle and implied photon distribution functions having power law forms, and look at the impact patterns of particles hitting the photosphere. We find that particles reach energies far in excess of those seen in observations of solar flares. However the structure of the impact region in the photosphere gives a good representation of the topological structure of the magnetic field.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    A simple model for molecular hydrogen chemistry coupled to radiation hydrodynamics

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    We introduce non-equilibrium molecular hydrogen chemistry into the radiation hydrodynamics code Ramses-RT. This is an adaptive mesh refinement grid code with radiation hydrodynamics that couples the thermal chemistry of hydrogen and helium to moment-based radiative transfer with the Eddington tensor closure model. The H2 physics that we include are formation on dust grains, gas phase formation, formation by three-body collisions, collisional destruction, photodissociation, photoionization, cosmic ray ionization, and self-shielding. In particular, we implement the first model for H2 self-shielding that is tied locally to moment-based radiative transfer by enhancing photodestruction. This self-shielding from Lyman-Werner line overlap is critical to H2 formation and gas cooling. We can now track the non-equilibrium evolution of molecular, atomic, and ionized hydrogen species with their corresponding dissociating and ionizing photon groups. Over a series of tests we show that our model works well compared to specialized photodissociation region codes. We successfully reproduce the transition depth between molecular and atomic hydrogen, molecular cooling of the gas, and a realistic Stromgren sphere embedded in a molecular medium. In this paper we focus on test cases to demonstrate the validity of our model on small scales. Our ultimate goal is to implement this in large-scale galactic simulations.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures, printed in MNRA

    Feedback in Clouds II: UV Photoionisation and the first supernova in a massive cloud

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    Molecular cloud structure is regulated by stellar feedback in various forms. Two of the most important feedback processes are UV photoionisation and supernovae from massive stars. However, the precise response of the cloud to these processes, and the interaction between them, remains an open question. In particular, we wish to know under which conditions the cloud can be dispersed by feedback, which in turn can give us hints as to how feedback regulates the star formation inside the cloud. We perform a suite of radiative magnetohydrodynamic simulations of a 10^5 solar mass cloud with embedded sources of ionising radiation and supernovae, including multiple supernovae and a hypernova model. A UV source corresponding to 10% of the mass of the cloud is required to disperse the cloud, suggesting that the star formation efficiency should be on the order of 10%. A single supernova is unable to significantly affect the evolution of the cloud. However, energetic hypernovae and multiple supernovae are able to add significant quantities of momentum to the cloud, approximately 10^{43} g cm/s of momentum per 10^{51} ergs of supernova energy. This is on the lower range of estimates in other works, since dense gas clumps that remain embedded inside the HII region cause rapid cooling in the supernova blast. We argue that supernovae alone are unable to regulate star formation in molecular clouds, and that strong pre-supernova feedback is required to allow supernova blastwaves to propagate efficiently into the interstellar mediumComment: 15 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Galaxies that Shine: radiation-hydrodynamical simulations of disk galaxies

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    Radiation feedback is typically implemented using subgrid recipes in hydrodynamical simulations of galaxies. Very little work has so far been performed using radiation-hydrodynamics (RHD), and there is no consensus on the importance of radiation feedback in galaxy evolution. We present RHD simulations of isolated galaxy disks of different masses with a resolution of 18 pc. Besides accounting for supernova feedback, our simulations are the first galaxy-scale simulations to include RHD treatments of photo-ionisation heating and radiation pressure, from both direct optical/UV radiation and multi-scattered, re-processed infrared (IR) radiation. Photo-heating smooths and thickens the disks and suppresses star formation about as much as the inclusion of ("thermal dump") supernova feedback does. These effects decrease with galaxy mass and are mainly due to the prevention of the formation of dense clouds, as opposed to their destruction. Radiation pressure, whether from direct or IR radiation, has little effect, but for the IR radiation we show that its impact is limited by our inability to resolve the high optical depths for which multi-scattering becomes important. While artificially boosting the IR optical depths does reduce the star formation, it does so by smoothing the gas rather than by generating stronger outflows. We conclude that although higher-resolution simulations, and potentially also different supernova implementations, are needed for confirmation, our findings suggest that radiation feedback is more gentle and less effective than is often assumed in subgrid prescriptions.Comment: 28 pages, 26 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Revised to match published versio

    Snap, Crackle, Pop: sub-grid supernova feedback in AMR simulations of disk galaxies

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    We compare 5 sub-grid models for supernova (SN) feedback in adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) simulations of isolated dwarf and L-star disk galaxies with 20-40 pc resolution. The models are thermal dump, stochastic thermal, 'mechanical' (injecting energy or momentum depending on the resolution), kinetic, and delayed cooling feedback. We focus on the ability of each model to suppress star formation and generate outflows. Our highest-resolution runs marginally resolve the adiabatic phase of the feedback events, which correspond to 40 SN explosions, and the first three models yield nearly identical results, possibly indicating that kinetic and delayed cooling feedback converge to wrong results. At lower resolution all models differ, with thermal dump feedback becoming inefficient. Thermal dump, stochastic, and mechanical feedback generate multiphase outflows with mass loading factors β1\beta \ll 1, which is much lower than observed. For the case of stochastic feedback we compare to published SPH simulations, and find much lower outflow rates. Kinetic feedback yields fast, hot outflows with β1\beta\sim 1, but only if the wind is in effect hydrodynamically decoupled from the disk by using a large bubble radius. Delayed cooling generates cold, dense and slow winds with β>1\beta> 1, but large amounts of gas occupy regions of temperature-density space with short cooling times. We conclude that either our resolution is too low to warrant physically motivated models for SN feedback, that feedback mechanisms other than SNe are important, or that other aspects of galaxy evolution, such as star formation, require better treatment.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS with minor revision

    Galaxies that shine: radiation-hydrodynamical simulations of disc galaxies

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    Radiation feedback is typically implemented using subgrid recipes in hydrodynamical simulations of galaxies. Very little work has so far been performed using radiation-hydrodynamics (RHD), and there is no consensus on the importance of radiation feedback in galaxy evolution. We present RHD simulations of isolated galaxy discs of different masses with a resolution of 18pc. Besides accounting for supernova feedback, our simulations are the first galaxy-scale simulations to include RHD treatments of photoionization heating and radiation pressure, from both direct optical/UV radiation and multiscattered, re-processed infrared (IR) radiation. Photoheating smooths and thickens the discs and suppresses star formation about as much as the inclusion of (‘thermal dump') supernova feedback does. These effects decrease with galaxy mass and are mainly due to the prevention of the formation of dense clouds, as opposed to their destruction. Radiation pressure, whether from direct or IR radiation, has little effect, but for the IR radiation we show that its impact is limited by our inability to resolve the high optical depths for which multiscattering becomes important. While artificially boosting the IR optical depths does reduce the star formation, it does so by smoothing the gas rather than by generating stronger outflows. We conclude that although higher resolution simulations, and potentially also different supernova implementations, are needed for confirmation, our findings suggest that radiation feedback is more gentle and less effective than is often assumed in subgrid prescription

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    On the Indeterministic Nature of Star Formation on the Cloud Scale

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    Molecular clouds are turbulent structures whose star formation efficiency (SFE) is strongly affected by internal stellar feedback processes. In this paper we determine how sensitive the SFE of molecular clouds is to randomised inputs in the star formation feedback loop, and to what extent relationships between emergent cloud properties and the SFE can be recovered. We introduce the yule suite of 26 radiative magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) simulations of a 10,000 solar mass cloud similar to those in the solar neighbourhood. We use the same initial global properties in every simulation but vary the initial mass function (IMF) sampling and initial cloud velocity structure. The final SFE lies between 6 and 23 percent when either of these parameters are changed. We use Bayesian mixed-effects models to uncover trends in the SFE. The number of photons emitted early in the cluster's life and the length of the cloud provide are the strongest predictors of the SFE. The HII regions evolve following an analytic model of expansion into a roughly isothermal density field. The more efficient feedback is at evaporating the cloud, the less the star cluster is dispersed. We argue that this is because if the gas is evaporated slowly, the stars are dragged outwards towards surviving gas clumps due to the gravitational attraction between the stars and gas. While star formation and feedback efficiencies are dependent on nonlinear processes, statistical models describing cloud-scale processes can be constructed.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures, 6 tables. Accepted to MNRAS, version updated with published titl


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    We investigate the formation of metal-poor globular clusters (GCs) at the center of two dark matter halos with Mhalo\textit{M}_{halo} ~ 4 ×\times 107^7 M\textit{M}_\odot at z\textit{z} > 10 using cosmological radiation-hydrodynamics simulations. We find that very compact (\lesssim1 pc) and massive (~ 6 ×\times 105^5 M\textit{M}_\odot) clusters form rapidly when pristine gas collapses isothermally with the aid of efficient Lyα\alpha emission during the transition from molecular-cooling halos to atomic-cooling halos. Because the local free-fall time of dense star-forming gas is very short (\ll1 Myr), a large fraction of the collapsed gas is turned into stars before stellar feedback processes blow out the gas and shut down star formation. Although the early stage of star formation is limited to a small region of the central star-forming disk, we find that the disk quickly fragments due to metal enrichment from supernovae. Sub-clusters formed in the fragmented clouds eventually merge with the main cluster at the center. The simulated clusters closely resemble the local GCs in mass and size but show a metallicity spread that is much wider than found in the local GCs. We discuss a role of pre-enrichment by Pop III and II stars as a potential solution to the latter issue. Although not without shortcomings, it is encouraging that a naive blind (not tuned) cosmological simulation presents a possible channel for the formation of at least some massive GCs.The research is supported in part by NSF grant AST-1108700 and NASA grant NNX12AF91G and in part by the ERC Advanced Grant 320596 “The Emergence of Structure during the epoch of Reionization.” JR was funded by the European Research Council under the European Unions Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007- 2013)/ERC Grant agreement 278594-GasAroundGalaxies, and the Marie Curie Training Network CosmoComp (PITN-GA- 2009-238356). SKY acknowledges support from the Korean National Research Foundation (Doyak 2014003730).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Institute of Physics via http://dx.doi.org/10.3847/0004-637X/823/1/5