73 research outputs found

    Modulation of Contact Sensitivity Responses by Bacterial Superantigen

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    Superantigens are potent modulators of the immune system, especially T cells. Therefore, we determined the influence of superantigens on the T-cell-mediated immune response, contact sensitivity. We chose the combination of staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) as superantigen and 2,4-dinitrofluorbenzene (DNFB) as the contact sensitizer, because in BALB/c mice SEB reacts almost exclusively with Vβ8+ T cells, and these cells are capable of transferring contact sensitivity to DNFB from sensitized donors to naive syngeneic recipients. Pretreatment with a single intradermal injection of 50 ng SEB 24 h before DNFB exposure at the same site on the lower abdomen enhanced the induction of contact sensitivity: its intradermal injection permitted sensitization with non-sensitizing concentrations of DNFB as assessed by ear swelling responses after challenge with DNFR. In contrast, pretreatment with repeated intradermal injections of 50 ng SEB every other day over at least 1 week inhibited the induction of contact sensitivity following sensitization. The enhancing effect of SEB may be explained by the creation of a proinflammatory milieu in the skin after a single intradermal injection of the bacterial toxin, whereas the inhibitory effect may be due to tolerization of Vβ8+ T cells. The data indicate that products of skin-colonizing bacteria that can serve as superantigens are able to augment or inhibit the development of contact sensitivity

    Healthcare provision for insect venom allergy patients during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The population prevalence of insect venom allergy ranges between 3–5%, and it can lead to potentially life-threatening allergic reactions. Patients who have experienced a systemic allergic reaction following an insect sting should be referred to an allergy specialist for diagnosis and treatment. Due to the widespread reduction in outpatient and inpatient care capacities in recent months as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the various allergy specialized centers in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland have taken different measures to ensure that patients with insect venom allergy will continue to receive optimal allergy care. A recent data analysis from the various centers revealed that there has been a major reduction in newly initiated insect venom immunotherapy (a 48.5% decline from March–June 2019 compared to March–June 2020: data from various centers in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland). The present article proposes defined organizational measures (e.g., telephone and video appointments, rearranging waiting areas and implementing hygiene measures and social distancing rules at stable patient numbers) and medical measures (collaboration with practice-based physicians with regard to primary diagnostics, rapid COVID-19 testing, continuing already-initiated insect venom immunotherapy in the outpatient setting by making use of the maximal permitted injection intervals, prompt initiation of insect venom immunotherapy during the summer season, and, where necessary, using outpatient regimens particularly out of season) for the care of insect venom allergy patients during the COVID-19 pandemic


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    Постать останнього кошового отамана Задунайської запорозької Січі а згодом й Азовського козацького війська Йосипа Михайловича Гладкого не залишилася поза увагою істориків [1] і народної пам’яті [2]. Діяльність цієї, безумовно, харизматичної людини отримала неоднозначну оцінку в попередній і сучасній історіографії. Останнім часом з’явилися ґрунтовні дослідження запорозького історика Людмили Маленко, присвячені історії Азовського козацького війська [3] і персонально діяльності отамана цього війська Й.Гладкого [4]. Дослідниця ввела до наукового обігу потужний корпус нових джерел. У полі зору Л.Маленко опинилася також і генеалогія Гладких. Проте ще наприкінці 1880-х рр. цього питання торкався відомий дослідник Запорожжя Дмитро Іванович Яворницький (1855-1940). Він був чи не першим, хто більш-менш повно висвітлив родинні стосунки Й.Гладкого. Вже у першій своїй великій монографії “Запорожжя в залишках старовини і переказах народу” Д.Яворницький приділив немало рядків Й.Гладкому та його нащадкам [5]. Головним джерелом у цьому дослідженні були документи родинного архіву Гладких. Яворницькому допомагав в цьому питанні його олександрівський приятель і відомий дослідник історії й фольклору місцевого краю Яків Павлович Новицький (1847-1925). В творчому доробку історика є й спеціальна стаття, присвячена Й. Гладкому та його генеалогії [6]

    Nitration of Wheat Amylase Trypsin Inhibitors Increases Their Innate and Adaptive Immunostimulatory Potential in vitro

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    Amylase trypsin inhibitors (ATI) can be found in all gluten containing cereals and are, therefore, ingredient of basic foods like bread or pasta. In the gut ATI can mediate innate immunity via activation of the Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) on immune cells residing in the lamina propria, promoting intestinal, as well as extra-intestinal, inflammation. Inflammatory conditions can induce formation of peroxynitrite (ONOO−) and, thereby, endogenous protein nitration in the body. Moreover, air pollutants like ozone (O3) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) can cause exogenous protein nitration in the environment. Both reaction pathways may lead to the nitration of ATI. To investigate if and how nitration modulates the immunostimulatory properties of ATI, they were chemically modified by three different methods simulating endogenous and exogenous protein nitration and tested in vitro. Here we show that ATI nitration was achieved by all three methods and lead to increased immune reactions. We found that ATI nitrated by tetranitromethane (TNM) or ONOO− lead to a significantly enhanced TLR4 activation. Furthermore, in human primary immune cells, TNM nitrated ATI induced a significantly higher T cell proliferation and release of Th1 and Th2 cytokines compared to unmodified ATI. Our findings implicate a causative chain between nitration, enhanced TLR4 stimulation, and adaptive immune responses, providing major implications for public health, as nitrated ATI may strongly promote inhalative wheat allergies (baker's asthma), non-celiac wheat sensitivity (NCWS), other allergies, and autoimmune diseases. This underlines the importance of future work analyzing the relationship between endo- and exogenous protein nitration, and the rise in incidence of ATI-related and other food hypersensitivities

    Clinical Efficacy of Blue Light Full Body Irradiation as Treatment Option for Severe Atopic Dermatitis

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    BACKGROUND: Therapy of atopic dermatitis (AD) relies on immunosuppression and/or UV irradiation. Here, we assessed clinical efficacy and histopathological alterations induced by blue light-treatment of AD within an observational, non-interventional study. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: 36 patients with severe, chronic AD resisting long term disease control with local corticosteroids were included. Treatment consisted of one cycle of 5 consecutive blue light-irradiations (28.9 J/cm(2)). Patients were instructed to ask for treatment upon disease exacerbation despite interval therapy with topical corticosteroids. The majority of patients noted first improvements after 2-3 cycles. The EASI score was improved by 41% and 54% after 3 and 6 months, respectively (p≤0.005, and p≤0.002). Significant improvement of pruritus, sleep and life quality was noted especially after 6 months. Also, frequency and intensity of disease exacerbations and the usage of topical corticosteroids was reduced. Finally, immunohistochemistry of skin biopsies obtained at baseline and after 5 and 15 days revealed that, unlike UV light, blue light-treatment did not induce Langerhans cell or T cell depletion from skin. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Blue light-irradiation may represent a suitable treatment option for AD providing long term control of disease. Future studies with larger patient cohorts within a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial are required to confirm this observation