607 research outputs found

    The impact of the COVID-19 policies on the employee´s motivation within the electronic retail market segment

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    Several were the measures adopted by companies to control the worsening of the COVID-19 pandemic. From hygiene measures to time management measures, the employees of these public service spaces were faced with new routines and, consequently, new realities. This study seeks to explore what kind of emotional and motivational impact was felt, by the employees, in view of the measures adopted by an electronic retail company. Data collection was carried out through interviews, with a sample of 9 people interviewed. All respondents met the conditions of being of working age and currently employed. In order to analyze the outlined objectives, the following three research questions were created • What does motivates employees to work at a retail store during the COVID-19 pandemic? • Does the appreciation of the work from the supervisor have a positive impact on the employee's engagement with the company? • Could the company do differently in the COVID-19 pandemic? The results obtained were judged from the information collected by the candidates and the reviewed literature.Várias foram as medidas adotadas pelas empresas para controlar o agravamento da pande- mia COVID-19. Desde medidas de Higienização a medidas de gestão de horários, os colabora- dores destes espaços de atendimento ao público, viram-se confrontados com novas rotinas e consequentemente novas realidades. Este estudo procura explorar que tipo de impacto emocional e motivacional foi sentido, por parte dos colaboradores, perante as medidas adotadas por uma empresa de retalho elétrónico. A recolha de dados foi efetuada através de um entrevistas, com uma amostra de 9 pessoas entrevistadas. Todos os inquiridos atendiam às condições de estar em idade ativa e estar atualmente empregados. Com vista à análise dos objetivos traçados, foram criadas as seguintes três perguntas de investigação • O que motiva os colaboradores durante a pandemia do COVID-19? • A valorização do trabalho por parte supervisor tem impacto positivo no engajamento do funcionário com a empresa? • Podia a empresa ter gerido de forma diferente a gestão da a pandemia? Os resultados foram obtidos através da jução de informação recolhida pelos candidatos e literatura revista

    The use of motion capture in non-realistic animation

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    The Use of Motion Capture in Non-realistic Animation explores the possibility of creating non-realistic animation through the use of motion capture. In this study we look to the particularities of cartoony/non-realistic animation while trying to as-certain if it is viable to create this type of animation through the process of motion capture. This dissertation will, firstly, expose the historical, theoretical, technical and artistic context. There will be a brief description of important landmarks and general overview of the history of animation. There will also be an explanation of how animators’ will to mimic real life motion, led to the invention of several technologies in order to achieve this goal. Next we will describe the several stages that compose the motion capture process. Lastly there will be a comparison be-tween key-frame animation and motion capture animation techniques and also the analysis of several examples of films where motion capture was used. Finally there will be a description of the production phases of an animated short film called Na-poleon’s Unsung Battle. In this film the majority of its animated content was obtained through the use of motion capture while aiming for a cartoony/non-realistic style of animation. There is still margin for improvement on the final results but there is also proof that it is possible to obtain a non-realistic style of animation while using motion capture technology. The questions that remain are: is it time effective and can the process be optimized for this less than common use

    Desafios das Universidades Empreendedoras: Universidade Tradicional X Universidade Corporativa

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar e fazer um paralelo entre a Universidade tradicional e a Universidade corporativa. Pretende ainda, colaborar na discussão do tema,Universidade empreendedora, apresentando novos desafios para as universidades brasileiras, com o intuito de estas instituições alcancem seus objetivos, diante de cenários cada vez mais instáveis. O estado da arte remete para constatações de que as universidades tradicionais necessitam de estratégias gerenciais empreendedoras e voltadas para atender as necessidades da sociedade. Que as diversas recessões políticas e financeiras, por que passam estas instituições, contribuem para que os gerentes públicos usem ferramentas gerenciais inovadores e necessárias, visando estratégias principalmente de parcerias entre universidades e empresas, interagindo para alavancar e desenvolver o mercado que as envolve, através da troca de experiências, de conhecimento e de tecnologias específicas

    Estimativa do tamanho do genoma de seis espécies de ferrugens (Pucciniales)

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    Rust fungi (Basidiomycota, Pucciniales), one of the largest groups of phytopathogenic organisms, are characterised by host specialisation, biotrophy, complex life cycles and enlarged genomes. In this work we have used flow cytometry to determine the genome size of six rust species, Melampsora pulcherrima, Puccinia behenis, P. cichorii, P. pimpinellae, P. vincae and Uromyces dianthi, the causal agents of rust on Mercurialis annua, Silene latifolia, Cichorium intybus, Pimpinella villosa, Vinca major and Dianthus caryophyllus, respectively. With results ranging between 182.1 and 566.4 Mbp/1C, this study has contributed to the knowledge of genome sizes in the order Pucciniales, reinforcing this group as the one with the largest average genome size among fungi, with 335.6 Mbp/1C. By comparing genome sizes and their variability across the fungal kingdom, this study has contributed for understanding the patterns of genome size distribution along the fungal phylogeny, suggesting links between biological specificities and genome sizes. In particular, genome sizes of rust fungi vary greatly within genera, but also differ sharply from other non-Pucciniales orders in the Pucciniomycotina, suggesting that genome size variation may be an active element shaping the evolution of rust fung

    Human motion analysis and simulation tools: a survey

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    Computational systems to identify objects represented in image sequences and tracking their motion in a fully automatic manner, enabling a detailed analysis of the involved motion and its simulation are extremely relevant in several fields of our society. In particular, the analysis and simulation of the human motion has a wide spectrum of relevant applications with a manifest social and economic impact. In fact, usage of human motion data is fundamental in a broad number of domains (e.g.: sports, rehabilitation, robotics, surveillance, gesture-based user interfaces, etc.). Consequently, many relevant engineering software applications have been developed with the purpose of analyzing and/or simulating the human motion. This chapter presents a detailed, broad and up to date survey on motion simulation and/or analysis software packages that have been developed either by the scientific community or commercial entities. Moreover, a main contribution of this chapter is an effective framework to classify and compare motion simulation and analysis tools

    Avaliação do risco cardiovascular: impacto das modalidades actuais de imagem

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    Mestrado Integrado em MedicinaMaster Degree in Medicin

    Joining the open government partnership initiative: An empirical analysis of diffusion effects

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    Prior empirical studies of the Open Government Partnership have failed to take into account possible diffusion mechanisms contributing to the expansion in the number of countries joining the partnership since its beginning in 2010. Notwithstanding the increase in the study of open government policies over the past decade across multiple levels of government, the factors influencing the decision to join multilateral initiatives like the Open Government Partnership are still under-researched. Using data from 175 countries and covering a period that goes from the year prior to the establishment of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) until the year when the latest current members have joined the partnership (2010–2018), this article examines the diffusion mechanisms affecting a country's decision to participate in the OGP. Based on binary response logit regression models, this study analyses the effects of key diffusion variables while controlling for the countries' internal determinants of participation. The findings indicate that diffusion of the OGP takes place through regional proximity, common cultural and system of government traits, and membership in international organization. While democratic countries are more likely to join, autocracies also join conditional on other countries in the same group joining. This suggests further research is needed to uncover the way countries with different regime traits design and implement transparency and open government policies under the banner of this multilateral initiative

    Estudo e Caracterização Experimental da Magnetostrição da Chapa Magnética de Transformadores de Potência

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    A necessidade de instalar transformadores de potência nas proximidades de populações leva a que haja necessidade de garantir que o nível de ruído emitido pelos mesmos seja o menor possível. A geração de ruído em transformadores e máquinas elétricas é um tema muito complexo e, por isso, as diversas fontes de ruído em transformadores têm sido alvo de inúmeros estudos, sendo a magnetostrição do núcleo tipicamente a principal. Neste trabalho foi feito um levantamento de informação relativo ao magnetismo e materiais magnéticos, bem como relativamente a aspetos construtivos e processos de fabrico de transformadores. Foram reunidos resultados de estudos de vários autores sobre a influência dos processos de corte da chapa magnética e do seu impacto na magnetostrição. Também foram analisados dispositivos para análise do comportamento magnético da chapa e os Tipos de instrumentação existentes que podem ser utilizados para medição de magnetostrição. Como não havia informação relativamente à estrutura metalográfica específica dos tipos de chapa frequentemente utilizados pela EFACEC, foi feita uma análise metalográfica para averiguar o tamanho e a orientação do grão e se era detetável deformação e alteração significativa do grão na zona do corte. Foram identificados o tamanho e a forma do grão, mas não se detetaram deformações e alterações significativas provocadas pelo corte. A caracterização experimental da magnetostrição é muito controversa. Não há normas que definam claramente os processos de medição, instrumentos de medição e procedimentos. Neste trabalho foi utilizado um sistema composto por uma ponte de Epstein e um extensómetro colado numa chapa de teste. Com este sistema foi possível medir a magnetostrição ainda que com muito ruído elétrico, que teve de ser eliminado por um conjunto de filtros digitais. Foram testadas diversas quantidades de chapas e registados valores para várias gamas de indução, concluindo-se que os ensaios com menos chapas permitiam obter resultados mais representativos.The need to install power transformers near populations has led to an increasing interest in the reduction of their noise level. The generation of noise in transformers and electric machines is a very complex subject and that is why a diversity of noise sources in transformers have been the object of numerous studies, where the magnetostriction of the core is typically the main one. In this work, information was collected regarding magnetism and magnetic materials, as well as regarding construcTIon and manufacturing aspects of transformers. Results of studies by several authors on the influence of the cuƫng processes of the electric steel sheet and its impact on the magnetostriction were analysed. Devices for the analysis of the magnetic behaviour of electric steel sheets and the types of instrumentation that can be used for magnetostriction measurement were also studied. As there was no information regarding the metallographic structure of the specific types of steel sheets used by EFACEC, a metallographic analysis was carried out to ascertain the size and orientation of the grain and detect deformation and grain modification in the cuƫng zone. The size and shape of the grain were identified but no significant deformation caused by the cutting process was detected. The experimental characterization of magnetostriction is very controversial. There are no standards clearly defining measuring instruments and procedures. In this work, a system composed of an Epstein bridge and a strain gauge was used in one of the steel sheet test plates. With this system, it was possible to identify magnetostriction even from noisy measurements, where noise had to be eliminated by a set of digital filters. Several amounts of steel sheets were tested, and values were recorded for various induction ranges, being concluded that the tests with less plates allow to obtain more representative results