623 research outputs found

    A doença afetiva, o temperamento ciclotímico, a psicopatologia inserida no espetro bipolar

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    A ciclotimia é uma doença para os clínicos já conhecida há considerável tempo, apesar disso, é por vezes negligenciada até pelos profissionais que mais sabem sobre doenças psiquiátricas. Perturbações depressivas, bipolares I e II, até pela perceção de gravidade destas, recebem mais atenção e mais estudos, como tal face a estas doenças, existe sensivelmente menos conhecimento e menos interesse, os estudos são mais focados no tratamento dos episódios hipomaníacos e distímicos agudos, visando prevenir alterações afetivas mais graves a longo prazo. Com esta tese está em vista alcançar um esclarecimento mais profundo sobre a ciclotimia, retirar dúvidas que se possam ter, e reunir informação suficiente para deitar alguma luz sobre esta patologia. No momento em que vivemos, as perturbações psiquiátricas fazem parte de um importante leque na incidência e prevalência de doenças que assolam a humanidade, o que por sua vez implica custos consideráveis a nível pessoal, económico e familiar, assim sendo, uma maior capacidade de reconhecer corretamente e atempadamente, assimilando as informações concedidas pelos doentes dará origem a um melhor tratamento, aumentando assim as probabilidades de um prognóstico mais favorável.Cyclothymia is a disease known to us for a long time now, however, it’s quite often neglected even by the physicians who know the most about psychiatric disorders. Major Depressive disorders, Bipolar Disorder I and II, with the associated perception of severity in these diseases, end up getting more attention and more scientific studies, as such, regarding cyclothymia, there is less knowledge and less interest, and studies are generally more focused on the treatment of the depressive and hypomanic episodes, in order to prevent more severe mood disorders in the long run. With this thesis, my objective is to enlighten the world of cyclothymia, answer questions about it, and gather enough information to shed some light in this pathology. Right now, in the moment which we live in, psychiatric disorders have a very important role in the incidence and prevalence of diseases in mankind, and that means that there is a big cost on a personal, familiar and economical level, so, an improved ability to correctly diagnose, as soon as possible with the information conceded by the patients, will give rise to a better treatment, and increase the likelihood of an happier prognosis

    Imunização em modelos de um factor : uma aplicação a Portugal

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    Mestrado em Economia Monetária e FinanceiraUm investimento em obrigações de taxa fixa não tem uma rendibilidade Qarantida à partida porque os valores futuros das taxas de juro são incertos. O objectivo do presente trabalho consiste em estudar uma técnica de redução deste risco - a imunização - baseada em modelos de um factor da estrutura de prazo das taxas de juro. O modelo mais simples que é analisado baseia-se na duração de Macaulay. Assumindo uma estrutura de prazo das taxas de juro horizontal que sofra variações paralelas, a igualdade entre a duração dos activos e o horizonte de planeamento g.arante uma rendibilidade final não inferior à taxa de juro inicial. A duração de Fisher-Weil, desenvolvida posteriormente, garante a imunização contra variações aditivas de uma estrutura de prazo, em capitalização contínua, não necessariamente horizontal. São, ainda, estudados os modelos mais elaborados de Bierwag e de Khang, que imunizam contra choques, respectivamente, multiplicativos e log-aditivos. Todos estes modelos são normalmente criticados por possibilitarem ganhos de arbitragem. Assim, analisaram-se dois outros modelos consistentes com equilíbrio de mercado: o de equilíbrio parcial de Vasicek e o de equilíbrio geral de Cox. Ingersoll e Ross. Aqui. a imunização consiste em garantir, continuamente, a igualdade entre a sensibilidade dos activos e dos passivos a variações inesperadas das taxas de juro. As várias estratégias de investimento foram simuladas durante o período de Agosto de 1993 a Fevereiro de 1997. Entre os modelos de Macaulay, Fisher-Weil. Bierwag e Khang, concluiu-se que os dois primeiros são os mais eficientes. Os modelos de equilíbrio, particularmente o de Vasicek, superaram os anteriores, mas apenas em condições excepcionalmente favoráveis.An investment in a bond portfolio does not have a guaranteed rate of return due to the uncertain values of future interest rates. This thesis focus on a risk reduction technique - immunization - based on single-factor models of the term structure of interest rates. The simplest model that is analyzed is based on Macaulay's duration. Assuming parallel shifts of an horizontal temi structure, the equality between the assets' duration and the length of the planning period ensures a terminal rate of return not below the initial interest rate. The Fisher-Weil's duration guarantees immunization against additive shifis of a not necessarily horizontal temi structure of continuously compounded interest rates. We also study Bierwag's and Khanq.'s durations, which immunize against, respectively, a multiplicative and a log-additive random shock. These models are usually criticized for allowing arbitra.qe profits. Therefore, two market equilibrium consistent models were also analyzed: the partial equilibrium model of Vasicek and the general equilibrium model of Cox. Ingersoll, and Ross. Here, immunization is attained by continuously ensuring that the assets and the liabilities have the same sensibility to unexpected interest rate changes. Ali these investment strategies were tested using data for the AuQust/1993 - February/1997 period. Among the models of Macaulay, Fisher-Weil, Bierwag, and Khang, the first two proved to be the most efficient ones. The equilibrium models, especially Vasicek's, outperformed the previous ones, but only under favorable conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Physical-chemical properties of the phenolic compounds of Humulus lupulus and aromatic plant terpenes: potential for use in a cosmetic formulation

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    The Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) are known worldwide as an essential flavor in the beer industry. Its compounds have been showing health benefits in terms ofphytochemical, pharmacological and biological profiles, due to their antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities. This study intends todevelop a gel formulation incorporating hydroalcoholic extracts of different varieties of hops such as Cascade, Polaris and Spontaneous, from the cones and thevegetative plant parts, in different percentages. The essential oil of Thymus zygis was used as a natural conservative and the analysis of the composition was made byGC and GC-MS. Later evaluation of the physical-chemical parameters, stability and capacity to inhibit microbial growth was made. The pH measurement results of theformulations tend to be adjusted to the natural pH skin. The relative density obtained values of 1 and 0.857. It was found that there were no changes in the phase separation in the centrifugation, vibration, stability and accelerated test. However, changes were observed in the UV-Visible spectra, in texture, consistency and viscosity, and in the color test. In the light test there was phase separation in the samples, which may be related to the manufacturing technique of the formulations.However, this formulations anti aging with phenols from Hop can be development in order to obtain formulations with relevant properties for the consumers and the cosmetic industry.The authors thank the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) and the ERDF under the PT2020 Program for their financial support to CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Portuguese National Registry for Hemophilia: Developing of a Web-based Technological Solution

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    AbstractThe crucial role that patient records have in the management of the rare and chronic diseases greatly increases the need to create mechanisms to facilitate the identification and management of the patient's data. Hemophilia is an X-linked congenital bleeding disorder caused by a deficiency of coagulation factor that affects the population on a ratio of 1 case for 10,000 people born. Currently, there are several countries with technological platforms to support the National Patients’ Registries (NPR) of Hemophilia and other Congenital Coagulopathies (HoCC), due to its benefits in the management of the disease. This work presents the technological platform developed in a joint initiative between the University of Aveiro (UA) and the Portuguese Association of Congenital Coagulopathies (PACC), with the purpose of creating the first NPR with HoCC in Portugal. This web application is hosted in the data center of the University of Aveiro, and is being used by the clinicians of the different Hemophilia Treatment Centers (HTC) across the country

    Literature review on shift work and nurse’s burnout

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    Abstract of communication presented at the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century. Egas Moniz University Campus, Monte de Caparica, Portugal, 3–5 June 2019This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Procesos de innovación de las PYME en municipios desfavorecidos de Portugal

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    This paper examines the innovation processes of Small and Medium\ud Enterprises (SMEs) in peripheral areas, particularly in the municipality of Guarda and in the islands of Sao Miguel and Santa Maria in the Azores. For this purpose, a survey was conducted, and three models were estimated: a "Logit" model, to measure the difference between firms that innovate and those that do not; a "Tobit" model, to measure the intensity of innovation; and a "Probit" model to analyze the type of innovation. The results show a positive relationship between the introduction of innovations in the market sector and the age and activity of the companies, an inverse\ud relationship in regards to the size of the company and in relation to the region.Este artículo examina los procesos de innovación de las pequeñas y\ud medianas empresas (PYME) en las zonas periféricas, en particular en el municipio de Guarda y en las islas de Sao Miguel y Santa María en las Azores. Para este fin se construyó una encuesta para ser aplicada en las áreas de negocio antes mencionadas y la metodología utilizada es la estimación de tres modelos: en primer lugar un modelo "Logit", para medir la diferencia entre las empresas que innovan y las que no innovan; en segundo lugar un modelo "Tobit", para medir la intensidad de la innovación, y el tercero, un modelo "Probit", para analizar el tipo de innovación. Las conclusiones apuntan a la existencia de una relación positiva entre la variable independiente: la introducción de innovaciones en el sector del mercado y las variables\ud edad, y la actividad, una relación inversa en lo que respecta al tamaño de la empresa y en menor grado en relación con la variable región