225 research outputs found

    Do Lixão da Estrutural aos Centros de Triagem de Resíduos : o ponto de vista dos catadores de materiais recicláveis após o fechamento do lixão

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (especialização)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Gestão de Políticas Públicas, Departamento de Administração, Curso de Especialização em Gestão Pública Municipal, 2019.Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a percepção dos catadores de materiais recicláveis acerca das suas condições de trabalho, bem como das suas perspectivas de vida, após o fechamento do Lixão da Estrutural, e a construção dos Centros de Triagem de Resíduos. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa exploratória de abordagem qualitativa, com aplicação de entrevistas com os catadores que laboram no Centro de Triagem de Resíduos do Setor de Armazenagem e Abastecimento Norte - SAAN. A pesquisa mostrou que a política pública de desativação do Lixão da Estrutural, em parte, alcançou o seu objetivo, na medida em que viabilizou o descarte correto do lixo no Aterro Sanitário de Brasília. Porém, considerando que a coleta seletiva não é efetiva no Distrito Federal, a quantidade de resíduos que chega aos centros não é suficiente para que os catadores possam ter retorno financeiro razoável para manter a sua subsistência e de sua família. Assim, conclui-se que há muito a ser feito quanto à inclusão social e econômica dos catadores, grupo ainda estigmatizado pelo trabalho que desenvolve


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    RESUMO A competitividade de uma empresa pode ser definida como sua capacidade de atuar com eficácia em seu negócio. Assim, investimentos em inovação mostram-se essenciais à competitividade das empresas e consequentemente, dos países. Inovação consiste em aplicar modificações em produtos, processos ou modelos de negócio que gerem resultados. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a inovação praticada pelas empresas brasileiras e sua relação com a competitividade. Através de revisão bibliográfica verificou-se que no Brasil, algumas empresas são inovadoras a ponto de fornecerem ao mercado global produtos com características competitivas no mercado internacional. Porém a maioria não investe em inovação, utilizando apenas algumas práticas inovadoras já conhecidas globalmente.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Ambiente Global; Ambiente Organizacional; Competitividade E Produto. ABSTRACT The competitiveness of a company can be defined as its ability to act effectively in your business. Thus, investments in innovation are essential to the competitiveness of companies and, consequently, of countries. Innovation consists of applying changes to products, processes or business models that generate results. The objective of this study is to analyze the innovation practiced by Brazilian companies and their relationship with competitiveness. Through a bibliographic review it was verified that in Brazil, some companies are innovative to the point of supplying to the global market products with competitive characteristics in the international market. But most do not invest in innovation, using only some innovative practices already known globally.KEYWORDS: Global Environment; Organizational Environment; Competitiveness and Product

    Modelling of n-stage Blumlein stacked lines for bipolar pulse generation

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    A Blumlein line is a particular Pulse Forming Line, PFL, configuration that allows the generation of high-voltage sub-microsecond square pulses, with the same voltage amplitude as the dc charging voltage, into a matching load. By stacking n Blumlein lines one can multiply in theory by n the input dc voltage charging amplitude. In order to understand the operating behavior of this electromagnetic system and to further optimize its operation it is fundamental to theoretically model it, that is to calculate the voltage amplitudes at each circuit point and the time instant that happens. In order to do this, one needs to define the reflection and transmission coefficients where impedance discontinuity occurs. The experimental results of a fast solid-state switch, which discharges a three stage Blumlein stack, will be compared with theoretical ones

    Clinical and anatomopathological aspects of patients with hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    The hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome is considered an emerging disease in the Americas. Since 1993, thousands of cases have been reported from different countries, but mainly from Brazil. This study aims to describe some epidemiological, clinical and anatomopathological aspects of patients with hantavirus who presented poor outcome and were autopsied in a teaching hospital in Brazil, from 2000 to 2014. Of the 10 patients included, nine were male (mean age 43.5 years) and seven reported previous contact with rodents. Fever was present in eight of ten patients, dyspnea in nine of ten and myalgia in seven of ten patients; hemoconcentration, leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia and renal involvement were evidenced in all the 10 cases. At autopsy, the main alterations were seen in the lungs: pleural effusion (8/10 cases), increased weight 2.5 to 3 times, congestion/ edema (10/10), interstitial mononuclear inflammation (10/10), alveolar hemorrhage (7/10), pulmonary collapse (7/10), hyaline membranes (7/10) and alveolar neutrophilic infiltrate (2/10). Pericardial effusion (2/10), mild myocardium inflammation (4/10), right ventricle dilation (1/10), polyploidy nuclei (3/10) and pericardial diffuse petechial (1/10) were also observed. The other organs exhibited discrete and non-specific alterations. Currently, this syndrome continues to be associated with high mortality directly linked to a late diagnosis and/or a misdiagnosis in the medical centers where these patients were seen for the first time. The anatomopathological findings at autopsy revealed the final phase of the process with pulmonary alterations, allowing a direct correlation with the severity of respiratory distress observed in these patients at admission


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    Toxocariasis is currently considered an important zoonosis in many countries and is usually attributed\ud to larvae of Toxocara canis Werner, 1782 but less frequently, T. cat. This study attempts to compare the\ud migration routes followed by T. canis and Toxocara cati (Schrank, 1788) in Rattus norvegicus\ud Berkenhout, 1769 and to determine the percentage of larvae recovered in each organ of experimentally\ud infected rats. Twenty-one 8-week-old, male specimens of R. norvegicus (Wistar) were inoculated\ud orally with 500 embryonated eggs of T. canis, while another 21 rats of the same species were\ud inoculated orally with 300 embryonated eggs of T. cati. On postinfection days 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 30 and 60,\ud three rats from each group were sacrificed and larval recovery was performed from various organs and\ud the carcass following digestion with 0.5% HCl method. Comparisons of the percentage of recovered\ud larvae revealed that T. cati larvae migrated in greater quantities, as early as day 3 postinfection, to the\ud lungs (23.77%, compared to 0.34% for T. canis), while migration of T. cati larvae to the carcass was\ud observed from day 3 up to day 60 postinoculation. This experiment verified that the larvae of these two\ud species follow distinct migration routes and have different recovery rates.La toxocariasis es actualmente considerada una importante zoonosis en muchos países y es\ud generalmente atribuida a larvas de Toxocara canis (Werner, 1782, entretanto, a pesar de ser menos\ud frecuente, T. cati (Schrank, 1788) puede causar enfermedad. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar\ud las rutas de migración seguidas por T. canis y T. cati en Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout, 1769) y\ud determinar el porcentaje de larvas obtenidas en cada órgano de las ratas infectadas experimentalmente.\ud Veintiún especímenes machos de R. norvegicus (Wistar), con ocho semanas de edad fueron\ud inoculados oralmente con 500 huevos larvados de T. canis, en cuanto que otras 21 ratas de la misma\ud especie fueron inoculadas oralmente con 300 huevos embrionados de T. cati. En los días 3, 5, 8, 10, 15,\ud 30 y 60 pos-infección, tres ratas de cada grupo fueron sacrificadas y la recuperación de larvas fue\ud realizada en varios órganos y la musculatura después de la digestión con el método de HCl a 0,5%. La\ud comparación de los porcentajes de larvas recuperadas reveló que las larvas de T. cati migraron para los\ud pulmones en mayor cantidad, luego en el tercer día pos-infección (23,77%, y solamente 0,34% en el\ud caso de T. canis) al paso que la migración de larvas de T. cati para la musculatura fue observada desde\ud el día 3 hasta el día 60 pos-inoculación. Con este experimento se verificó que las larvas de estas dos\ud especies siguen rutas de migración distintas y tienen tasas de recuperación diferentes

    Seed germination in Tephrosia egregia Sandwith (Fabaceae), a species native to the brazilian Caatinga ecoregion with potential for recovery of degraded areas

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    ABSTRACT Tephrosia egregia Sandwith is a species that develops in some States of the Northeast region of Brazil. It is propagated by seeds and has considerable potential for restoration. Thus, studies related to seed germination are important for the species. The aims were to characterize the post-seminal development and evaluate the germination response of the seeds under different temperatures and water stress and salt stress. Germination tests were performed at 20, 25, 30 and 20-30 °C and under PEG 6000 and NaCl concentrations (-0.2, -0.4, -0.6 and -0.8 MPa). The germination test should be conducted in a paper roll at 25 ºC for 14 days. Seed germination declines from the water potential of -0.2 MPa on; the species is sensitive to water stress. Under salt stress, there is more accentuated decline in germination as from -0.4 MPa, and this is an indication have a certain tolerance to salinity

    Bioactive glass added to autogenous bone graft in maxillary sinus augmentation: a prospective histomorphometric, immunohistochemical, and bone graft resorption assessment

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the bone resorption rate, histomorphometry and immunohistochemical findings of bioactive glass (Biogran; Biomet, Warsaw, IN, USA) mixed with autogenous bone grafts (1:1) and autogenous bone graft isolate in maxillary sinus elevation surgery. Material and Methods: A total of 9 maxillary sinuses were grafted with Biogran with autogenous bone graft (group 1) and 12 were mixed with autogenous bone graft (group 2). Postoperative cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) was used to measure the initial graft volume after 15 days (T1), and 6 months later, another CBCT scan was performed to evaluate the final graft volume (T2) and determine the graft resorption rate. The resorption outcomes were 37.9%±18.9% in group 1 and 45.7%±18.5% in group 2 (P=0.82). After 6 months, biopsies were obtained concurrent with the placement of dental implants; these implants were subjected to histomorphometric analysis and immunohistochemical analysis for tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP). Results: The average bone formation in group 1 was 36.6%±12.9 in the pristine bone region, 33.2%±13.3 in the intermediate region, and 45.8%±13.8 in the apical region; in group 2, the values were 34.4%±14.4, 35.0%±13.9, and 42.0%±16.6 of new bone formation in the pristine bone, intermediate, and apical regions, respectively. Immunostaining for TRAP showed poor clastic activity in both groups, which can indicate that those were in the remodeling phase. Conclusions: The similarity between the groups in the formation and maintenance of the graft volume after 6 months suggests that the bioactive glass mixed with autogenous bone (1:1) can be used safely as a bone substitute for the maxillary sinus lift

    Avaliação da distribuição regional do risco sanitário dos Estabelecimentos de Assistência Odontológica no Estado de Minas Gerais, no período entre 2015-2016 / Regional distribution of the sanitary risk of dental healthcare institutions at Minas Gerais State during 2015 and 2016

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    Os Estabelecimentos de Assistência Odontológica (EAOs) são ambientes susceptíveis à contaminação e infecção cruzada, sendo necessário o emprego de normas e rotinas para evitar sua disseminação. A identificação dos riscos sanitários e sua distribuição contribuem para o controle e gestão das ações da Vigilância Sanitária (VISA).  Objetivo – Avaliar, por meio de dados estatísticos, o risco sanitário regional em EAOs, observado nas inspeções da VISA, em Minas Gerais (MG) no período de 2015 a 2016. Método – Estudo transversal retrospectivo realizado a partir de 13.839 formulários da "Planilha de Notificações de Riscos e Situação de Riscos” do FormSUS, preenchidos após inspeções em EAOs por fiscais dos municípios de MG. Dos formulários que identificaram risco positivo, foram avaliadas análises estatísticas descritivas e espaciais das questões específicas relacionadas ao funcionamento dos EAOs. Considerou-se indicadores de risco falhas referentes: ao processamento do instrumental, à ausência / uso inadequado de autoclave e equipamentos de proteção individual e à ausência ou não implementação de um Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos.  Resultados – Do total de formulários avaliados, 7.726 (55,83%) identificaram risco sanitário positivo. Dentre as questões específicas, a ausência de monitoramento da autoclave foi o principal fator de risco identificado, alcançando 47,55% dos resultados. O georreferenciamento das Unidades Regionais de Saúde (URSs) mostrou os diferentes percentuais de inadequação, para cada pergunta avaliada.Conclusões – A identificação de fatores de risco associados ao georreferenciamento dos dados obtidos, com o traçado de um perfil territorial, permitiu estabelecer prioridades no planejamento de ações de intervenção, como direcionar futuras capacitações das equipes de VISA e dos profissionais do setor regulado

    Main findings and diagnostic yield of bronchoalveolar lavage, bronchial brushing and transbronchial biopsy in HIV-positive patients

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    HIVBronchoalveolar lavage, bronchial brushing and transbronchial biopsy are of fundamental importance in the diagnosis of pathologies affecting the lungs of immunosuppressed patients, especially those infected with HIV. This was a descriptive and retrospective study, in which the results of bronchoalveolar lavages, bronchial brushings and transbronchial biopsies of HIV-positive patients attended at the Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro from 1999 to 2015 were reviewed to determine the most frequent findings in these patients, to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of these procedures and to correlate bronchoscopy results with clinical and radiological findings. Serological tests for HIV were confirmed and cases with negative or unverified serology were excluded. Medical records were reviewed for correlation with clinical and radiological findings. A total of 1,423 patients with a mean age of 50 years were initially selected; 727 cases had no serology for HIV; 696 had serology for HIV and 64 were positive. Of these, 47 were men, aged 24 to 84 years, and 17 women, aged 31 to 69 years. Biopsies and cytological tests were positive in 20 (31.25%) of the 64 patients and the most frequent diagnosis was pneumocystosis, found in 8 cases (12.5%). Of the 20 bronchofibroscopy-positive patients, only 2 did not show agreement between histopathological and clinical-radiological diagnoses. The analysis of the cytological tests and biopsy specimens obtained by bronchofibroscopy seems to be valuable for the etiological diagnosis of pulmonary infections in HIV- positive patients; however, negative results do not always exclude the diagnosis. In these cases, clinical symptoms and imaging findings may help to guide the best therapy