12 research outputs found

    Diarreia por Clostridium difficile em pacientes hematológicos e transplantados de células tronco hematopoiéticas: fatores de risco da forma grave e morte

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    Descrevemos a taxa de incidência de diarreia associada a Clostridium difficile (CDAD) em pacientes hematológicos e submetidos a transplante de células-tronco hematopoiéticas (TCTH) internados no HC-FMUSP no período de janeiro de 2007 a junho de 2011 usando dois denominadores 1.000 paciente e 1.000 dias de neutropenia e os fatores de risco associados à forma grave da doença e morte. O método de ELISA (Ridascreen-Biopharm, Germany) de detecção de toxinas A/B foi utilizado para o diagnóstico de C. difficile. Análise multivariada usando regressão logística múltipla foi conduzida para avaliar os potenciais fatores de risco associados com forma grave de CDAD e morte em até 14 dias do diagnóstico. Sessenta e seis episódios foram identificados em 64 pacientes entre 439 pacientes que apresentaram diarreia durante o período do estudo. A taxa de incidência de CDAD variou de 0,78 a 5,45 por 1.000 dias de neutropenia e de 0,65 para 5,45 por 1.000 pacientes-dias. A doença de base mais comum foi leucemia mielóide aguda 30/64(44%), 32/64 (46%) pacientes estavam neutropênicos, 31/64 (45%) foram submetidos à TCTH alogênico, 61/64 (88%) usaram antibióticos previamente e 9/64 (13%) apresentaram forma grave da doença. A maioria dos pacientes (89%) utilizou metronidazol oral no tratamento da CDAD e 19/64 (26%) evoluiram para óbito. Os fatores de risco independentes associados à morte foram forma grave da doença e uso de linezolida.We describe the rate of incidence of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea (CDAD) in hematologic and patients undergone stem cell transplant (HSCT) at HC-FMUSP, from January 2007 to June 2011, using two denominators 1,000 patient and 1,000 days of neutropenia and the risk factors associated with the severe form of the disease and death. The ELISA method (Ridascreen-Biopharm, Germany) for the detections of toxins A/B was used to identify C. difficile. A multivariate analysis was performed to evaluate potential factors associated with severe CDAD and death within 14 days after the diagnosis of CDAD, using multiple logistic regression. Sixty-six episodes were identified in 64 patients among 439 patients with diarrhea during the study period. CDA rate of incidence varied from 0.78 to 5.45 per 1,000 days of neutropenia and from 0.65 to 5.45 per 1,000 patient-days. The most common underlying disease was acute myeloid leukemia 30/64 (44%), 32/64 (46%) patients were neutropenic, 31/64 (45%) undergone allogeneic HSCT, 61/64 (88%) had previously used antibiotics and 9/64 (13%) have severe CDAD. Most of the patients (89%) received treatment with oral metronidazole and 19/64 (26%) died. The independent risk factors associated with death were the severe form of CDAD, and use of linezolid

    Streptococcus pyogenes strains in Sao Paulo, Brazil: molecular characterization as a basis for StreptInCor coverage capacity analysis

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud Several human diseases are caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, ranging from common infections to autoimmunity. Characterization of the most prevalent strains worldwide is a useful tool for evaluating the coverage capacity of vaccines under development. In this study, a collection of S. pyogenes strains from Sao Paulo, Brazil, was analyzed to describe the diversity of strains and assess the vaccine coverage capacity of StreptInCor.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud Molecular epidemiology of S. pyogenes strains was performed by emm-genotyping the 229 isolates from different clinical sites, and PCR was used for superantigen profile analysis. The emm-pattern and tissue tropism for these M types were also predicted and compared based on the emm-cluster classification.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud The strains were fit into 12 different emm-clusters, revealing a diverse phylogenetic origin and, consequently, different mechanisms of infection and escape of the host immune system. Forty-eight emm-types were distinguished in 229 samples, and the 10 most frequently observed types accounted for 69 % of all isolates, indicating a diverse profile of circulating strains comparable to other countries under development. A similar proportion of E and A-C emm-patterns were observed, whereas pattern D was less frequent, indicating that the strains of this collection primarily had a tissue tropism for the throat. In silico analysis of the coverage capacity of StreptInCor, an M protein-conserved regionally based vaccine candidate developed by our group, had a range of 94.5 % to 59.7 %, with a mean of 71.0 % identity between the vaccine antigen and the predicted amino acid sequence of the emm-types included here.\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud This is the first report of S. pyogenes strain characterization in Sao Paulo, one of the largest cities in the world; thus, the strain panel described here is a representative sample for vaccine coverage capacity analysis. Our results enabled evaluation of StreptInCor candidate vaccine coverage capacity against diverse M-types, indicating that the vaccine candidate likely would induce protection against the diverse strains worldwide.“Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico” [CNPq 557814/2009-0]“Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo” [FAPESP 2007/59262-3


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    Os helmintos capazes de acometer o sistema nervoso central são considerados neurotrópicos e comumente associados aos quadros de meningite eosinofílica. Estes helmintos não são parasitas humanos habituais, sendo seu parasitismo classificado como acidental. O parasita Angiostrongylus cantonesis era considerado exótico há alguns anos, mas sua ocorrência recente certamente está ligada a mudanças ambientais geradas pela introdução de um potencial vetor – um molusco trazido da África para servir de alimento humano – o Achatina fulica. O caracol gigante africano é encontrado tanto em áreas urbanas quanto rurais e fica muito próximo das pessoas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar e controlar a presença do molusco exótico Achatina fulica no câmpus I da UEPB. Este foi um estudo transversal e experimental, com coletas de amostras no campo, que foram realizadas entre os meses de agosto de 2019 a junho de 2020. Foram selecionados 20 pontos de coleta que abrangia os arredores dos prédios do Câmpus I da UEPB, por meio de técnicas de geoprocessamento. Dos 20 pontos de coleta, só foi obtido positividade para a presença do caracol nos pontos mais ao sudeste do câmpus que corresponde aos pontos de 1 ao 6 e no ponto 17. Obteve-se um total de 1.674 de exemplares, dos quais 1.032 eram viáveis e 642 não viáveis. A literatura aponta que a melhor ocasião para capturar os moluscos é no crepúsculo e/ou dias nublados e chuvosos, pois é quando saem de seus abrigos em maior número. Sua aniquilação pode ser feita por métodos mecânicos e/ou químicos, sendo estes últimos preferenciais. Como a presença do Achatina fulica está associada ao parasita Angiostrongylus cantonesis e à ocorrência de casos graves de meningite eosinofílica, assim como constitui uma ameaça à biodiversidade por competir com espécies de moluscos locais, o seu controle é de fundamental importância para a saúde pública. O que se recomenda nestes casos é manter uma vigilância sanitária constante, inclusive com a avaliação periódica das condições ambientais, particularmente da higidez do solo, já que o câmpus da UEPB abriga não apenas estudantes e funcionários públicos, mas também serviços de saúde oferecidos a toda a população do município de Campina Grande e cidades circunvizinhas

    AMAZONIA CAMTRAP: A data set of mammal, bird, and reptile species recorded with camera traps in the Amazon forest

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    The Amazon forest has the highest biodiversity on Earth. However, information on Amazonian vertebrate diversity is still deficient and scattered across the published, peer-reviewed, and gray literature and in unpublished raw data. Camera traps are an effective non-invasive method of surveying vertebrates, applicable to different scales of time and space. In this study, we organized and standardized camera trap records from different Amazon regions to compile the most extensive data set of inventories of mammal, bird, and reptile species ever assembled for the area. The complete data set comprises 154,123 records of 317 species (185 birds, 119 mammals, and 13 reptiles) gathered from surveys from the Amazonian portion of eight countries (Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela). The most frequently recorded species per taxa were: mammals: Cuniculus paca (11,907 records); birds: Pauxi tuberosa (3713 records); and reptiles: Tupinambis teguixin (716 records). The information detailed in this data paper opens up opportunities for new ecological studies at different spatial and temporal scales, allowing for a more accurate evaluation of the effects of habitat loss, fragmentation, climate change, and other human-mediated defaunation processes in one of the most important and threatened tropical environments in the world. The data set is not copyright restricted; please cite this data paper when using its data in publications and we also request that researchers and educators inform us of how they are using these data