5,175 research outputs found

    Charged-current inclusive neutrino cross sections in the SuperScaling model including quasielastic, pion production and meson-exchange contributions

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    Charged current inclusive neutrino-nucleus cross sections are evaluated using the superscaling model for quasielastic scattering and its extension to the pion production region. The contribution of two-particle-two-hole vector meson-exchange current excitations is also considered within a fully relativistic model tested against electron scattering data. The results are compared with the inclusive neutrino-nucleus data from the T2K and SciBooNE experiments. For experiments where Eν0.8\langle E_\nu \rangle \sim 0.8 GeV, the three mechanisms considered in this work provide good agreement with the data. However, when the neutrino energy is larger, effects from beyond the Δ\Delta also appear to be playing a role. The results show that processes induced by two-body currents play a minor role at the kinematics considered.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Analyzing Fuzzy Logic Computations with Fuzzy XPath

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    Implemented with a fuzzy logic language by using the FLOPER tool developed in our research group, we have recently designed a fuzzy dialect of the popular XPath language for the flexible manipulation of XML documents. In this paper we focus on the ability of Fuzzy XPath for exploring derivation trees generated by FLOPER once they are exported in XML format, which somehow serves as a debugging/analizing tool for discovering the set of fuzzy computed answers for a given goal, performing depth/breadth-first traversals of its associated derivation tree, finding non fully evaluated branches, etc., thus reinforcing the bi-lateral synergies between Fuzzy XPath and FLOPER

    Apego e identidad con el lugar de población española residente en Alemania

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    El presente estudio analiza cómo se relacionan las variables psicosociales ambientales de apego e identidad con el lugar con la satisfacción vital de población española residente en Alemania, es decir, en relación a la evaluación de la experiencia migratoria. Se tienen en cuenta también factores sociodemográficos en esta evaluación: empleo, ingresos mensuales recibidos y la clase social percibida. Con una muestra de 206 personas, los resultados muestran un nivel medio o medio alto en todas las variables psicosociales consideradas. Respecto a los factores sociodemográficos estudiados, no se muestran diferencias significativas para las variables apego e identidad con el lugar. Sin embargo, las diferencias si son significativas en satisfacción vital según la clase social percibida y los ingresos mensuales recibidos. Así, a mayores ingresos y percepción de una clase social más alta, mejor es la evaluación de la experiencia migratoria. Por otra parte, todas las variables psicosociales correlacionan de forma significativa entre ellas. Los resultados también indican que apego e identidad con el lugar predicen la satisfacción vital explicando un 21% de la varianza. Así, muestran mayores niveles de satisfacción aquellas personas que se sienten unidas y a gusto en la ciudad en la que residen.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Satisfacción residencial: Influencia en la comunidad y el bienestar

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    La satisfacción residencial se considera un componente de la calidad de vida percibida, cabe esperar que se vincule al bienestar y concretamente a la satisfacción vital, entendemos que una mayor satisfacción implica que los individuos deseen mantener y cuidar los entornos que habitan. En esta línea el sentido de comunidad supone un avance de una concepción aislada hacia un sentido de pertenencia mayor que vincula a los individuos. El presente trabajo pretende: 1. Confirmar las relaciones entre satisfacción residencial, satisfacción vital y sentido de comunidad. 2. Comprobar las diferencias en satisfacción residencial atendiendo a la influencia de variables sociodemográficas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Meson-exchange currents and quasielastic predictions for charged-current neutrino-12C scattering in the superscaling approach

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    We evaluate and discuss the impact of meson-exchange currents (MECs) on charged-current quasielastic neutrino cross sections. We consider the nuclear transverse response arising from two-particle two-hole states excited by the action of electromagnetic, purely isovector meson-exchange currents in a fully relativistic framework based on the work by the Torino Collaboration [A. D. Pace, M. Nardi, W. M. Alberico, T. W. Donnelly, and A. Molinari, Nucl. Phys. A726, 303 (2003)]. An accurate parametrization of this MEC response as a function of the momentum and energy transfers involved is presented. Results of neutrino-nucleus cross sections using this MEC parametrization together with a recent scaling approach for the one-particle one-hole contributions (named SuSAv2) are compared with experimental data (MiniBooNE, MINERvA, NOMAD and T2K Collaborations).Comment: 16 pages, 19 figure

    Radioterapia combinada con quimioterapia en el tratamiento del cáncer de pulmón

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    El empleo conjunto de radioterapia y quimioterapia en el cáncer de pulmón no metastásico (microcítico y no microcítico) permite combi- nar los benefi cios de la radioterapia en términos de control local con aquellos conseguidos por la quimioterapia erradicando la enfermedad micrometastásica. Diversos estudios aleatorizados han demostrado que la radioterapia radical combinada con quimioterapia mejora la supervi- vencia de estos pacientes, a expensas de un incremento de la toxicidad. El desarrollo tecnológico y los avances en programas informáticos han posibilitado la introducción de nuevos aceleradores lineales comunicados con sofi sticados sistemas de planifi cación tridimensional que permiten administrar dosis mayores de irradiación al volumen tumoral diana y menores dosis de irradiación sobre estructuras sanas (pulmón, corazón, esófago y médula espinal). El resultado fi nal es un incremento del índice terapéutico debido a un probable benefi cio en el control local y una disminución de los efectos adversos de la irradiación. El volumen de irradiación, la dosis total a administrar, el fraccionamiento de la dosis, el tipo de esquema de combinación de la radioterapia con la quimiotera- pia, así como la infl uencia en la supervivencia de la irradiación cerebral profi láctica en el caso del cáncer microcítico de pulmón son temas de discusión en la actualidad. INGLÉS: The combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy in lung cancer (locally advanced non-small and small cell) may offer the benefits of radiotherapy in terms of local control and those of chemotherapy in terms of reducing metastatic dissemination of the disease. Several randomized studies have showed that radical radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy improves the survival of these patients at the expense of an increase in toxicity. The technological development and the improvements in software have allowed the introduction of new linear accelerators and a three-dimensional planning system with the intention of delivering higher irradiation doses in the tumor target, and minimizing the dose in adjacent normal tissues (lung, heart, esophagus and spinal cord). The volume of irradiation, the total dose, the fractionation, the schedule for the combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, as well as the influence of the prophylactic cranial irradiation in small cell lung cancer are points for discussion at the moment

    easyDAS: Automatic creation of DAS servers

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    Background: The Distributed Annotation System (DAS) has proven to be a successful way to publish and share biological data. Although there are more than 750 active registered servers from around 50 organizations, setting up a DAS server comprises a fair amount of work, making it difficult for many research groups to share their biological annotations. Given the clear advantage that the generalized sharing of relevant biological data is for the research community it would be desirable to facilitate the sharing process. Results: Here we present easyDAS, a web-based system enabling anyone to publish biological annotations with just some clicks. The system, available at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/panda-srv/easydas is capable of reading different standard data file formats, process the data and create a new publicly available DAS source in a completely automated way. The created sources are hosted on the EBI systems and can take advantage of its high storage capacity and network connection, freeing the data provider from any network management work. easyDAS is an open source project under the GNU LGPL license. Conclusions: easyDAS is an automated DAS source creation system which can help many researchers in sharing their biological data, potentially increasing the amount of relevant biological data available to the scientific community.Postprint (published version

    In vitro and in vivo anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activity of new arylamine Mannich base-type derivatives

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    Chagas disease is a neglected tropical disease with 6-7 million people infected worldwide and there is no effective treatment. Therefore, there is an urgent need to continue researching in order to discover novel therapeutic alternatives. We present a series of arylaminoketone derivatives as means of identifying new drugs to treat Chagas disease in the acute phase with greater activity, less toxicity and with a larger spectrum of action than that corresponding to the reference drug benznidazole. Indexes of high selectivity found in vitro formed the basis for later in vivo assays in BALB/c mice. Murine model results show that compounds 3, 4, 7 and 10 induced a remarkable decrease in parasitemia levels in acute phase and the parasitemia reactivation following immunosuppression, and curative rates were higher than with benznidazole. These high anti-parasitic activities encourage us to propose these compounds as promising molecules for developing an easy to synthesize anti-Chagas agent

    Tratamiento radioterápico del cáncer mama: estándares y nuevas tendencias. Irradiación parcial acelerada de la mama

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    Radiotherapy as a part of the breast cancer treatment has evolved in the last decades. Post-mastectomy radiotherapy produces a substantial reduction in the risk of local recurrence as well as a moderate, but definitive reduction in long-term breast cancer mortality in women at high risk of locoregional failure. Whole-breast irradiation, as part of breast-conservation therapy, has well-established results with good cosmesis, and low toxicity. Results from the BCT trials suggest that the risk for ipsilateral breast cancer recurrence resides within close proximity to the original tumor site. This has led investigators to consider the role of an accelerated and more tumor bed-focused course of radiotherapy. Accelerated partial-breast irradiation (APBI) is a collection of radiotherapy techniques that deliver higher daily doses of radiation to the surgical cavity with margin over a shorter time than whole breast irradiation (from 6-6.5 weeks to 1 week). Early results of this approach have demonstrated excellent local control, minimal acute toxicity, and are more convenient for the patient. Phase III randomized clinical trials are currently underway to assess local control, acute and chronic toxicities. APBI extend the choise of breast conservatio