5,201 research outputs found

    Treatment of a Complex Distal Triceps Tendon Rupture With a New Technique: A Case Report

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    Introduction: The distal triceps tendon rupture is an uncommon injury. The acute treatment is well-defined, but when a delayed diagnosis is made or when a tendon retraction is present the alternatives or reconstruction are limited and sometimes complex. Case Presentation: In this case, we report on a 28-year-old man who presented with a chronic disruption of the distal triceps tendon with a gap of approximately 15 cm. The patient was diagnosed in another center with an inveterate breakage of the distal triceps tendon and was initially treated with an Achilles allograft that was complicated by a wound infection and required more than ten surgeries. Nearly 22 months after the initial trauma, and 12 months after the first surgery, we performed a reconstruction with an Achilles tendon allograft using the new technique of distal attachment. At the 12-month follow-up the patient presented a joint balance from -5º to 110º and presented with no pain. Conclusions: The use of an Achilles tendon allograft provides excellent results in complex distal triceps tendon ruptures. We report the use of a new technique to anchor a distal Achilles allograft

    Epitaxial growth of (0001) oriented porous GaN layers by chemical vapour deposition

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    LEDs with enhanced light extraction efficiency and sensors with improved sensitivity have been developed using porous semiconductors. Here, the growth of porous GaN epitaxial layers oriented along the [0001] crystallographic direction on Al2O3, SiC, AlN and GaN substrates is demonstrated. A lattice mismatch between the substrate and the porous GaN layer directly affects the structure and porosity of the porous GaN layer on each substrate. Deposition of unintentionally doped n-type porous GaN on non-porous p-type GaN layers allows for the fabrication of high quality rectifying p–n junctions, with potential applications in high brightness unencapsulated GaN-based light emitting diodes and high surface area wide band gap sensor devices

    Microtubule stabilization reduces amyloid pathology and improves synaptic/memory deficits in APP/PS1 mice

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    Aims: Cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is highly related to synaptic/neuronal loss. Tau hyperphosphorylation destabilizes microtubules leading to axonal transport failure and generation of dystrophic neurites, thus contributing to synaptic dysfunction. The effect of microtubule stabilization on amyloid-beta pathology has not been assessed in vivo yet. This study evaluated the effect of the microtubule-stabilizing agent, Epothilone D (EpoD) in the pathology of an amyloidogenic mouse model. Methods: APP751SL/PS1M146L mice (3-month-old) were treated weekly with intraperitoneal injections of EpoD (2 mg/kg) or vehicle for 3 months. For memory performance, animals were tested on the objectrecognition, Y-maze and Morris water maze. Hippocampal proteinopathies were quantified by image analysis after immunostaining. Somatostatin (SOM)-numerical density was calculated by stereology. APPswe-N2a cells were treated with EpoD 100nM for 12/24 hours. Protein levels were analysed by Western/dot-blot. Results: EpoD-treated mice improved their performance of cognitive tests, while hippocampal phospho-tau and Ab (especially oligomers) accumulation decreased, together with synaptic/neuritic pathology. Remarkably, EpoD exerted a neuroprotective effect on SOM-interneurons, a highly AD-vulnerable GABAergic subpopulation. Conclusions: EpoD improved microtubule dynamics and axonal transport in an AD-like context, reducing tau and Ab accumulation and promoting neuronal and cognitive protection, underlining the cross-talk between cytoskeleton pathology and proteinopathy. Therefore, microtubule-stabilizing drugs could be candidates for slowing AD at both tau and Ab pathologies.Supported by PI18/01557 (to AG) and PI18/01556 (to JV) grants from ISCiii of Spain, co-financed by FEDER funds (European Union), CIBERNED collaborative grant (to AG and JV), and by PPIT.UMA.B1.2017/26 grant (to RSV). Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Hawking radiation and thermodynamics of dynamical black holes in phantom dominated universe

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    The thermodynamic properties of dark energy-dominated universe in the presence of a black hole are investigated in the general case of a varying equation-of-state-parameter w(a)w(a). We show that all the thermodynamics quantities are regular at the phantom divide crossing, and particularly the temperature and the entropy of the dark fluid are always positive definite. We also study the accretion process of a phantom fluid by black holes and the conditions required for the validity of the generalized second law of thermodynamics. As a results we obtain a strictly negative chemical potential and an equation-of-state parameter w<−5/3.w<-5/3.Comment: 22 pages,3 figure

    Sialic Acid Glycobiology Unveils Trypanosoma cruzi Trypomastigote Membrane Physiology.

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    Trypanosoma cruzi, the flagellate protozoan agent of Chagas disease or American trypanosomiasis, is unable to synthesize sialic acids de novo. Mucins and trans-sialidase (TS) are substrate and enzyme, respectively, of the glycobiological system that scavenges sialic acid from the host in a crucial interplay for T. cruzi life cycle. The acquisition of the sialyl residue allows the parasite to avoid lysis by serum factors and to interact with the host cell. A major drawback to studying the sialylation kinetics and turnover of the trypomastigote glycoconjugates is the difficulty to identify and follow the recently acquired sialyl residues. To tackle this issue, we followed an unnatural sugar approach as bioorthogonal chemical reporters, where the use of azidosialyl residues allowed identifying the acquired sugar. Advanced microscopy techniques, together with biochemical methods, were used to study the trypomastigote membrane from its glycobiological perspective. Main sialyl acceptors were identified as mucins by biochemical procedures and protein markers. Together with determining their shedding and turnover rates, we also report that several membrane proteins, including TS and its substrates, both glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins, are separately distributed on parasite surface and contained in different and highly stable membrane microdomains. Notably, labeling for α(1,3)Galactosyl residues only partially colocalize with sialylated mucins, indicating that two species of glycosylated mucins do exist, which are segregated at the parasite surface. Moreover, sialylated mucins were included in lipid-raft-domains, whereas TS molecules are not. The location of the surface-anchored TS resulted too far off as to be capable to sialylate mucins, a role played by the shed TS instead. Phosphatidylinositol-phospholipase-C activity is actually not present in trypomastigotes. Therefore, shedding of TS occurs via microvesicles instead of as a fully soluble form

    Different Lifestyle Interventions in Adults From Underserved Communities: The FAMILIA Trial

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    BACKGROUND: The current trends of unhealthy lifestyle behaviors in underserved communities are disturbing. Thus, effective health promotion strategies constitute an unmet need. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of 2 different lifestyle interventions on parents/caregivers of children attending preschools in a socioeconomically disadvantaged community. METHODS: The FAMILIA (Family-Based Approach in a Minority Community Integrating Systems-Biology for Promotion of Health) study is a cluster-randomized trial involving 15 Head Start preschools in Harlem, New York. Schools, and their children's parents/caregivers, were randomized to receive either an "individual-focused" or "peer-to-peer-based" lifestyle intervention program for 12 months or control. The primary outcome was the change from baseline to 12 months in a composite health score related to blood pressure, exercise, weight, alimentation, and tobacco (Fuster-BEWAT Score [FBS]), ranging from 0 to 15 (ideal health = 15). To assess the sustainability of the intervention, this study evaluated the change of FBS at 24 months. Main pre-specified secondary outcomes included changes in FBS subcomponents and the effect of the knowledge of presence of atherosclerosis as assessed by bilateral carotid/femoral vascular ultrasound. Mixed-effects models were used to test for intervention effects. RESULTS: A total of 635 parents/caregivers were enrolled: mean age 38 ± 11 years, 83% women, 57% Hispanic/Latino, 31% African American, and a baseline FBS of 9.3 ± 2.4 points. The mean within-group change in FBS from baseline to 12 months was ∼0.20 points in all groups, with no overall between-group differences. However, high-adherence participants to the intervention exhibited a greater change in FBS than their low-adherence counterparts: 0.30 points (95% confidence interval: 0.03 to 0.57; p = 0.027) versus 0.00 points (95% confidence interval: -0.43 to 0.43; p = 1.0), respectively. Furthermore, the knowledge by the participant of the presence of atherosclerosis significantly boosted the intervention effects. Similar results were sustained at 24 months. CONCLUSIONS: Although overall significant differences were not observed between intervention and control groups, the FAMILIA trial highlights that high adherence rates to lifestyle interventions may improve health outcomes. It also suggests a potential contributory role of the presentation of atherosclerosis pictures, providing helpful information to improve future lifestyle interventions in adults.AGENCIA FINANCIADORA: The American Heart Association, under grant No 14SFRN20490315, funded this study. R.F-J is a recipient of funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 707642. The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCNU) and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505).S

    Symptom Remission and Brain Cortical Networks at First Clinical Presentation of Psychosis: The OPTiMiSE Study

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    Individuals with psychoses have brain alterations, particularly in frontal and temporal cortices, that may be particularly prominent, already at illness onset, in those more likely to have poorer symptom remission following treatment with the first antipsychotic. The identification of strong neuroanatomical markers of symptom remission could thus facilitate stratification and individualized treatment of patients with schizophrenia. We used magnetic resonance imaging at baseline to examine brain regional and network correlates of subsequent symptomatic remission in 167 medication-naïve or minimally treated patients with first-episode schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, or schizoaffective disorder entering a three-phase trial, at seven sites. Patients in remission at the end of each phase were randomized to treatment as usual, with or without an adjunctive psycho-social intervention for medication adherence. The final follow-up visit was at 74 weeks. A total of 108 patients (70%) were in remission at Week 4, 85 (55%) at Week 22, and 97 (63%) at Week 74. We found no baseline regional differences in volumes, cortical thickness, surface area, or local gyrification between patients who did or did not achieved remission at any time point. However, patients not in remission at Week 74, at baseline showed reduced structural connectivity across frontal, anterior cingulate, and insular cortices. A similar pattern was evident in patients not in remission at Week 4 and Week 22, although not significantly. Lack of symptom remission in first-episode psychosis is not associated with regional brain alterations at illness onset. Instead, when the illness becomes a stable entity, its association with the altered organization of cortical gyrification becomes more defined
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