389 research outputs found

    Vertical Jumping as a Monitoring Tool in Endurance Runners: A Brief Review

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    Jumping performance (e.g., countermovement jump [CMJ]), as a measure of neuromuscular performance, has been suggested as an easy-to-use tool which simultaneously provides neuromuscular and metabolic information and, thereby, allows coaches to confidently monitor the status of their athletes during a workout. This hypothesis has been satisfactorily tested with sprint athletes. However, the rationale for the use of CMJ height loss as an index to monitor the workload during an endurance running session is not sufficiently evidence-based. First, it is assumed that a CMJ height loss occurs during typical interval training for endurance runners. Second, it is also assumed that a significant relationship between metabolic stress and the neuromuscular strain induced during these endurance workouts exists. These two assumptions will be questioned in this review by critically analyzing the kinetics of CMJ performance during and after running workouts, and the relationship between neuromuscular and physiological stress induced during different protocols in endurance runners. The current evidence shows that fatigue induced by common running workouts for endurance runners does not counterbalance the potentiation effect in the CMJ height. Additionally, the findings reported among different studies are consistent regarding the lack of association between CMJ height loss and physiological stress during interval sessions in endurance runners. In practical terms, the authors suggest that this marker of neuromuscular fatigue may not be used to regulate the external training load during running workouts in endurance runners. Nevertheless, the analysis of CMJ height during running workouts may serve to monitor chronic adaptations to training in endurance runners

    AVOCADO: A Virtual Observatory Census to Address Dwarfs Origins

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    Dwarf galaxies are by far the most abundant of all galaxy types, yet their properties are still poorly understood -especially due to the observational challenge that their intrinsic faintness represents. AVOCADO aims at establishing firm conclusions on their formation and evolution by constructing a homogeneous, multiwavelength dataset for a statistically significant sample of several thousand nearby dwarfs (-18 < Mi < -14). Using public data and Virtual Observatory tools, we have built GALEX+SDSS+2MASS spectral energy distributions that are fitted by a library of single stellar population models. Star formation rates, stellar masses, ages and metallicities are further complemented with structural parameters that can be used to classify them morphologically. This unique dataset, coupled with a detailed characterization of each dwar's environment, allows for a fully comprehensive investigation of their origins and to track the (potential) evolutionary paths between the different dwarf types.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. To appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 277, "Tracing the Ancestry of Galaxies on the Land of our Ancestors", Carignan, Freeman, and Combes, ed

    Modelo pedagógico para el asesoramiento académico en entornos virtuales de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

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    La relevancia que han adquirido los debates y análisis sobre la pedagogía en el marco de los nuevos escenarios educativos conduce a preguntarse por las características que asume actualmente la asesoría en modalidades alternativas y la gestión de entornos virtuales en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en nivel superior. Un problema central sobre la discusión de formación de profesores en la universidad es la calidad de los procesos de actualización y el papel de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, observándolas desde la perspectiva de incorporación como herramientas en el marco del modelo pedagógico y no sólo como transformaciones en sí mismas. A partir de septiembre 2007, la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, a través de los programas educativos en modalidad a distancia, enfrenta la necesidad de transformar la formación de profesores en esta particularidad, lo cual, de acuerdo con el modelo de innovación curricular vigente desde 2003, exige la apertura de modalidades alternativas que permitan la transformación del proceso académico y formativo, así como la ampliación de las posibilidades de egreso mediante una educación productiva, competitiva y de calidad en el ámbito nacional e internacional

    Paleoenvironmental evolution of Laguna Seca lake (Sierra Nevada, southern Iberia) since the Late Glacial

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    Comunicación oral en XXI INQUA Congress. Rome (Italy). 14-20th july 2023Laguna Seca lake at 2259 masl has provided the longest alpine sedimentary record in southern Iberia, registering the last ~18 kyr in a ~14-meter-long sediment core. The oldest part of the sedimentary record represents a phase of subaerial debris flows and a small glacier/nivation hollow. The sediment characteristics abruptly changed at ~15.7 cal kyr BP, when a lake environment was established. A multi-proxy approach (magnetic susceptibility, organic geochemical analyses in bulk sediment, XRF core scanner data, and algae identification) has allowed the characterization of three different environmental phases in this lake. Deep lake conditions are identified from ~15.7 to ~10.6 cal kyr BP, agreeing with overall increasing precipitation in southern Iberia coinciding with augmenting summer insolation. This part of the record is characterized by grey lutites with high total organic carbon (TOC) content, high algae productivity, high vascular plant inputs (high C/N ratio) from the catchment and low Fe/S ratio, suggesting low oxygen conditions in the water-sediment interphase. Between ~10.6 and 8.2-8.0 cal kyr BP higher TOC and low Fe/S ratio are also recorded as well as higher algae content and low C/N ratio suggesting high aquatic production and more algae contribution to the local organic matter pool. This period registered the highest lake levels agreeing with summer insolation maximum and highest precipitation in southern Iberia. An abrupt lowering of the lake level is recorded after 8.0 cal kyr BP in the area. This is deduced by the decrease in TOC and algae in the sediments and more siliciclastic contribution from the catchment basin, evidenced by a high increase in siliciclastic elements (Si, Al, K, Ti, among others), with increased oxic conditions in the water-sediment interphase pointed out by the high increase in Fe/S ratio. Additionally, a potential increase in north African aeolian inputs (rich in Fe cations and Fe compounds) can be interpreted for the Middle and Late Holocene, evidenced by high Fe/Al values. This environmental change agrees with an aridification trend previously observed in the southern Iberian Peninsula

    Dynamic Edematous Response of the Human Heart to Myocardial Infarction Implications for Assessing Myocardial Area at Risk and Salvage

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    BACKGROUND: Clinical protocols aimed to characterize the post-myocardial infarction (MI) heart by cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) need to be standardized to take account of dynamic biological phenomena evolving early after the index ischemic event. Here, we evaluated the time course of edema reaction in patients with ST-segment-elevation MI by CMR and assessed its implications for myocardium-at-risk (MaR) quantification both in patients and in a large-animal model. METHODS: A total of 16 patients with anterior ST-segment-elevation MI successfully treated by primary angioplasty and 16 matched controls were prospectively recruited. In total, 94 clinical CMR examinations were performed: patients with ST-segment-elevation MI were serially scanned (within the first 3 hours after reperfusion and at 1, 4, 7, and 40 days), and controls were scanned only once. T2 relaxation time in the myocardium (T2 mapping) and the extent of edema on T2-weighted short-tau triple inversion-recovery (ie, CMR-MaR) were evaluated at all time points. In the experimental study, 20 pigs underwent 40-minute ischemia/reperfusion followed by serial CMR examinations at 120 minutes and 1, 4, and 7 days after reperfusion. Reference MaR was assessed by contrast-multidetector computed tomography during the index coronary occlusion. Generalized linear mixed models were used to take account of repeated measurements. RESULTS: In humans, T2 relaxation time in the ischemic myocardium declines significantly from early after reperfusion to 24 hours, and then increases up to day 4, reaching a plateau from which it decreases from day 7. Consequently, edema extent measured by T2-weighted short-tau triple inversion-recovery (CMR-MaR) varied with the timing of the CMR examination. These findings were confirmed in the experimental model by showing that only CMR-MaR values for day 4 and day 7 postreperfusion, coinciding with the deferred edema wave, were similar to values measured by reference contrast-multidetector computed tomography. CONCLUSIONS: Post-MI edema in patients follows a bimodal pattern that affects CMR estimates of MaR. Dynamic changes in post-ST-segment-elevation MI edema highlight the need for standardization of CMR timing to retrospectively delineate MaR and quantify myocardial salvage. According to the present clinical and experimental data, a time window between days 4 and 7 post-MI seems a good compromise solution for standardization. Further studies are needed to study the effect of other factors on these variables.This study was partially supported by a competitive grant from the Spanish Society of Cardiology (Proyectos de Investigacion Traslacional en Cardiologia de la Sociedad Espanola de Cardiologia 2015, for the project Caracterizacion tiSUlar miocaRdica con resonancia magnetica en pacientes tras inFarto agudo de mioCardio con elevacioN de ST sometidos a angloplastia Coronaria primaria. Estudio SURF-CNIC), by a competitive grant from the Carlos III Institute of Health-Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria- and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER) (PI10/02268 and PI13/01979), the Spanish Ministry of economy, industry, and competitiveness (MEIC) and ERDF/FEDER SAF2013-49663-EXP. Dr Fernandez-Jimenez holds a FICNIC fellowship from the Fundacio Jesus Serra, the Fundacion Interhospitalaria de Investigacion Cardiovascular, and the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC), and Dr Aguero is a FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN-Cardionext fellow. This study forms part of a Master Research Agreement between the CNIC and Philips Healthcare, and is part of a bilateral research program between Hospital de Salamanca Cardiology Department and the CNIC. This research program is part of an institutional agreement between FIIS-Fundacion Jimenez Diaz and CNIC. The CNIC is supported by the MEIC and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (MEIC award SEV-2015-0505).S

    Summer temperatures during the Holocene inferred from a chironomid record from Sierra Nevada, southern Spain

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    XXI INQUA 2023. Rome. july 14-20 2023Accurate and continuous quantitative paleotemperature records from the past are rare in southern Iberia, mostly due to the scarcity of continuous sedimentary sequences in terrestrial environments from that area. In this study we show the first Holocene mean July air temperature reconstruction based on fossil chironomids from a sedimentary sequence obtained from Laguna de Río Seco, an alpine lake in Sierra Nevada, southern Spain. Reconstructed summer temperatures agree with changes in summer insolation and other palaeotemperature records from alpine environments from southern Europe and show the Holocene thermal maximum between 10 to 8.0 ka (1 ka = 1000 cal yr BP). Rapid cooling occurred after the warmest maximum and between ~8.0-7.0 ka and temperatures stabilized between ~6.5 and 3.0 ka. A further cooling trend started ~3.0 ka, and coldest summer conditions were reached at 1.4 ka (~550 CE) and ~0.2 ka (~1750 CE), coinciding with the Dark Ages and Little Ice Age, respectively. This record also shows relatively warmer summer temperature conditions during the Iberian-Roman Humid Period ~2.0 ka and during the Medieval Climate Anomaly at ~0.9 ka. Summer climate warming of more than two degree Celsius is observed in the last decades showing that recent warming is amplified in high alpine environments

    Current Advances Research in Nutraceutical Compounds of Legumes, Pseudocereals and Cereals

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    The increase of the Western-type diet and life-style, with high content of highly processed fats, salt and sugar, as well as sedentary life, is directly linked to an increasing incidence of chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity, cancer, cardiovascular diseases or stroke, and inflammatory-related diseases, which are a great challenge in global health and are usually associated with negative effects of globalization: rapid urbanization, diet and increased sedentary life worldwide. This has brought new interest and increased research into plant-based diets. In this context, the implementation in the diet of legumes, cereals and pseudo-cereals, due to their nutraceutical properties, which is interesting as well as advisable. These foods, in addition of having a high nutritional value themselves, have synergistic properties as part of a balanced diet. For example, most legumes are rich in lysine which is scarce in cereals, and these are rich in sulphur amino acids, such as methionine, while these amino acids are scarce in legumes and are of great importance for the central nervous system development. These foods or part of a food, due to their qualities, and that they provide health benefits can be classified as nutraceuticals. In addition, due to their health benefits beyond nutritional properties, can be classified as functional foods, promoting prevention and treatment for the above mentioned diseases, among others. This double function is due mainly to the proteins and the presence of various secondary metabolites and bioactive compounds in these foods of plant (grain and seed) origin. Last discovered knowledge and research features will be described in the present book chapter