51 research outputs found

    Children's exposure assessment of radiofrequency fields: comparison between spot and personal measurements

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    Radiofrequency (RF) fields are widely used and, while it is still unknown whether children are more vulnerable to this type of exposure, it is essential to explore their level of exposure in order to conduct adequate epidemiological studies. Personal measurements provide individualized information, but they are costly in terms of time and resources, especially in large epidemiological studies. Other approaches, such as estimation of time-weighted averages (TWAs) based on spot measurements could simplify the work.; The aims of this study were to assess RF exposure in the Spanish INMA birth cohort by spot measurements and by personal measurements in the settings where children tend to spend most of their time, i.e., homes, schools and parks; to identify the settings and sources that contribute most to that exposure; and to explore if exposure assessment based on spot measurements is a valid proxy for personal exposure.; When children were 8 years old, spot measurements were conducted in the principal settings of 104 participants: homes (104), schools and their playgrounds (26) and parks (79). At the same time, personal measurements were taken for a subsample of 50 children during 3 days. Exposure assessment based on personal and on spot measurements were compared both in terms of mean exposures and in exposure-dependent categories by means of Bland-Altman plots, Cohen's kappa and McNemar test.; Median exposure levels ranged from 29.73 (in children's bedrooms) to 200.10 μW/m; 2; (in school playgrounds) for spot measurements and were higher outdoors than indoors. Median personal exposure was 52.13 μW/m; 2; and median levels of assessments based on spot measurements ranged from 25.46 to 123.21 μW/m; 2; . Based on spot measurements, the sources that contributed most to the exposure were FM radio, mobile phone downlink and Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial, while indoor and personal sources contributed very little (altogether <20%). Similar distribution was observed with personal measurements. There was a bias proportional to power density between personal measurements and estimates based on spot measurements, with the latter providing higher exposure estimates. Nevertheless, there were no systematic differences between those methodologies when classifying subjects into exposure categories. Personal measurements of total RF exposure showed low to moderate agreement with home and bedroom spot measurements and agreed better, though moderately, with TWA based on spot measurements in the main settings where children spend time (homes, schools and parks; Kappa = 0.46).; Exposure assessment based on spot measurements could be a feasible proxy to rank personal RF exposure in children population, providing that all relevant locations are being measured

    Perceção do risco de exposição a campos eletromagnéticos de radiofrequência na coorte INMA-Guipúscoa

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    Perception of environmental risks to the population is a priority issue for the bodies and administrations responsible for managing them. There are few studies on the perception of the risk to RF, but all of them report high levels of concern. This study describes and analyzes the RF risk perception of mothers belonging to the INMA-Gipuzkoa project.Data on perception were collected by means of two questionnaires given to mothers in two different periods. During pregnancy, 625 mothers chose the five relevant environmental issues in their place of residence from a list of 16. When their children were 8, 386 mothers rated, on a scale from 0 to 10, their perception of their levels of exposure to RF and the health risk derived from such exposure.During pregnancy, 31.8 % of mothers chose proximity to RF antennas as one of the 5 most important environmental problems. When their children were 8, 98.0 % and 90.3 % of women reported medium or high perception values (between 5 and 10) regarding exposure and health risk, respectively. A moderate correlation was found between exposure perception and risk perception (0.5). There is no association between RF exposure perception and actual levels measured inside homes.Knowing the factors associated with the perception of risks by the population will be useful to manage them properly.La percepción sobre los riesgos ambientales en la población es un tema prioritario para los organismos y administraciones responsables de su gestión. Los pocos estudios que han evaluado la percepción del riesgo a radiofrecuencias (RF), apuntan a unos niveles altos de preocupación. Este estudio describe y analiza la percepción del riesgo a RF en las mujeres del proyecto INMAGipuzkoa.Los datos sobre percepción se recogieron mediante cuestionarios en dos diferentes periodos. Durante el embarazo 625 madres seleccionaron 5 problemas ambientales relevantes en su lugar de residencia de una lista de 16. A los 8 años de edad de los niños, 386 madres puntuaron, en una escala de 0 a 10, su percepción sobre el nivel de exposición a RF y el riesgo para la salud derivado de esa exposición.Durante el embarazo un 31,8 % de madres eligieron la cercanía a antenas de RF como uno de los 5 problemas ambientales más importantes. A los 8 años de edad de los niños el 98,0 % y el 90,3 % de las mujeres referían niveles de percepción medios o altos (entre 5 y 10) respecto a la exposición y el riesgo para la salud, respectivamente. Se encontró una correlación moderada entre percepción de exposición y de riesgo (0,5). No existe relación entre percepción de la exposición a RF y los niveles reales obtenidos mediante mediciones en las viviendas.Conocer los factores asociados con la percepción de los riesgos por la ciudadanía ayudará a gestionarlos de forma adecuada.A perceção da população sobre os riscos ambientais é um assunto prioritário para os organismos e administrações responsáveis pela sua gestão. Os poucos estudos que avaliaram a perceção do risco de exposição a radiofrequências (RF) indicam níveis altos de preocupação. Este estudo descreve e analisa a perceção de risco de exposição a RF em mulheres do projeto INMA-Guipúscoa.Os dados sobre a perceção foram obtidos através de questionários em dois períodos diferentes. Durante a gravidez 625 mães selecionaram 5 problemas ambientais relevantes no seu local de residência de entre uma lista de 16. Aos 8 anos de idade das crianças, 386 mães pontuaram, numa escala de 0 a 10, a sua perceção sobre o nível de exposição a RF e o risco para a saúde derivado dessa exposição.Durante a gravidez 31.8% das mães elegeram a proximidade a antenas de RF como um dois 5 problemas ambientais mais importantes. Aos 8 anos de idade das crianças 98,0 % e 90,3% das mulheres referiram níveis de perceção médios ou altos (entre 5 e 10) relativos à exposição e ao risco para a saúde, respetivamente. Encontrou-se uma correlação moderada entre a perceção de exposição e de risco (0,5). Não existe uma relação entre a perceção da exposição a RF e os níveis reais obtidos através de medições nas habitações.Conhecer os fatores associados à perceção de risco por parte dos cidadãos ajudará a geri-los de forma adequada

    egionelose esporádica: um problema não resolvido

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    Objective: To summarize the major findings obtained in different studies focusing on the origin of sporadic legionellosis.Methods: A literature search was conducted in national and international journals (1990-June 2012), and those articles that fell within the scope of the study were selected. The articles have been classified into three groups: (i) studies designed to identify environmental risk factors, (ii) studies based on the transmission hypothesis from specific sources, and (iii) studies based on the spatial-temporal pattern of legionellosis.Results: Of the 27 articles selected, half (13) were conducted in the UK or the USA and 2 in Spain. Having a travel history during the incubation period and being a professional driver were the two most frequently identified environmental risk factors. Sources of infection historically related with outbreaks, such as cooling towers and drinking water systems, have also been associated with sporadic cases. The influence of meteorological factors on incidence of the disease has been indicated in a consistent way by various authors, while studies based on spatial analysis methods are gaining in importance.Conclusions: Despite the different hypotheses proposed about the origin of sporadic legionellosis, there is no clear epidemiological evidence regarding the sources of infection. This calls into question if the current monitoring and surveillance measures are sufficiently effective to prevent the occurrence of sporadic cases, and also highlights the need for further research.Objetivo: Resumir los hallazgos más relevantes obtenidos en diferentes estudios dirigidos a investigar el origen de la legionelosis esporádica. Métodos: Se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica en revistas nacionales e internacionales (1990-junio 2012) y se han seleccionado los artículos que se ajustan al objetivo del estudio. Los artículos se han clasificado en tres grupos: (i) estudios dirigidos a identificar factores ambientales de riesgo; (ii) estudios basados en hipótesis de transmisión a partir de fuentes concretas; y (iii) estudios basados en la variabilidad espacio-temporal de la legionelosis. Resultados: De los 27 artículos seleccionados, la mitad (13) se han realizado en Reino Unido o EEUU y 2 en España. Los factores de riesgo ambiental identificados con más frecuencia han sido el historial de viaje durante el período de incubación y ser conductor de profesión. Fuentes de infección relacionadas históricamente con brotes, como las torres de refrigeración y el agua de consumo, también se han asociado con los casos esporádicos. Diferentes autores señalan de forma consistente la influencia de los factores meteorológicos en la incidencia y están adquiriendo importancia los estudios dirigidos a analizar el patrón espacial de presentación de casos. Conclusiones: A pesar de las diferentes hipótesis sobre el origen de la legionelosis esporádica no existe una evidencia epidemiológica clara sobre las fuentes de infección. Se pone en cuestión si las medidas de control y vigilancia realizadas actualmente están siendo suficientemente eficaces para prevenir la aparición de casos esporádicos y se destaca la necesidad de seguir investigando.Objetivo: Resumir as descobertas mais relevantes obtidas em diversos estudos cujo objetivo é investigar a origem da legionelose esporádica.Métodos: Realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica em revistas nacionais e internacionais (1990-jun 2012) e foram selecionados os artigos que se ajustam ao objetivo do estudo. Os artigos foram classificados em três grupos: (i) estudos que visam identificar fatores ambientais de risco; (ii) estudos baseados na hipótese de transmissão a partir de fontes concretas; e (iii) estudos baseados na variabilidade espaço-tempo da legionelose. Resultados: Dos 27 artigos selecionados, a metade (13) foi realizada no Reino Unido ou nos EUA, e 2 em Espanha. Os fatores de risco ambiental identificados com mais frequência foi o historial de viagem durante o período de incubação e ser motorista de profissão. Fontes de infeção relacionadas historicamente com surtos, como as torres de refrigeração e a água de consumo, também se associaram com os casos esporádicos. Diversos autores assinalam de forma consistente a influência dos fatores meteorológicos na incidência e estão a adquirir importância os estudos cujo objetivo é a análise do padrão espacial de apresentação dos casos.Conclusões: Apesar das diversas hipóteses sobre a origem da legionelose esporádica, não existe uma evidência epidemiológica clara sobre as fontes de infeção. Põe-se em questão se as medidas de controlo e vigilância realizadas atualmente estão a ser suficientemente eficazes para prevenir o aparecimento de casos esporádicos e destaca-se a necessidade de continuar a investigar

    Low-dose statin treatment increases prostate cancer aggressiveness

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    Prostate cancer is diagnosed late in life, when co-morbidities are frequent. Among them, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes or metabolic syndrome exhibit an elevated incidence. In turn, prostate cancer patients frequently undergo chronic pharmacological treatments that could alter disease initiation, progression and therapy response. Here we show that treatment with anti-cholesterolemic drugs, statins, at doses achieved in patients, enhance the pro-tumorigenic activity of obesogenic diets. In addition, the use of a mouse model of prostate cancer and human prostate cancer xenografts revealed that in vivo simvastatin administration alone increases prostate cancer aggressiveness. In vitro cell line systems supported the notion that this phenomenon occurs, at least in part, through the direct action on cancer cells of low doses of statins, in range of what is observed in human plasma. In sum, our results reveal a prostate cancer experimental system where statins exhibit an undesirable effect, and warrant further research to address the relevance and implications of this observation in human prostate cancer

    Low-dose statin treatment increases prostate cancer aggressiveness

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    Altres ajuts: NM-M was supported by the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), AECC JP Vizcaya. VT is supported by Fundación Vasca de Innovación e Investigación Sanitarias, BIOEF (BIO15/CA/052), the department of health of the Basque Government (2016111109) and the 2016 grant of the AECC (Junta provincial de Bizkaia). LA, AA-A and LV-J were supported by the Basque Government of education. The work of A.C. is supported by the Ramón y Cajal award, the Basque Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (Etortek) and the department of education (IKERTALDE IT1106-16), FERO VIII Fellowship, the BBVA foundation, Severo Ochoa. Excellence Accreditation SEV-2016-0644) and the European Research Council (Starting Grant 336343; Proof of Concept 754627). The participation of AC, VT, NM-M, SF and AZ as part of CIBERONC was co-funded with FEDER funds.Prostate cancer is diagnosed late in life, when co-morbidities are frequent. Among them, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes or metabolic syndrome exhibit an elevated incidence. In turn, prostate cancer patients frequently undergo chronic pharmacological treatments that could alter disease initiation, progression and therapy response. Here we show that treatment with anti-cholesterolemic drugs, statins, at doses achieved in patients, enhance the pro-tumorigenic activity of obesogenic diets. In addition, the use of a mouse model of prostate cancer and human prostate cancer xenografts revealed that in vivo simvastatin administration alone increases prostate cancer aggressiveness. In vitro cell line systems supported the notion that this phenomenon occurs, at least in part, through the direct action on cancer cells of low doses of statins, in range of what is observed in human plasma. In sum, our results reveal a prostate cancer experimental system where statins exhibit an undesirable effect, and warrant further research to address the relevance and implications of this observation in human prostate cancer

    Spatial and temporal variability of personal environmental exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields in children in Europe

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    Exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) has rapidly increased and little is known about exposure levels in children. This study describes personal RF-EMF environmental exposure levels from handheld devices and fixed site transmitters in European children, the determinants of this, and the day-to-day and year-to-year repeatability of these exposure levels.; Personal environmental RF-EMF exposure (μW/m; 2; , power flux density) was measured in 529 children (ages 8-18 years) in Denmark, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Switzerland, and Spain using personal portable exposure meters for a period of up to three days between 2014 and 2016, and repeated in a subsample of 28 children one year later. The meters captured 16 frequency bands every 4 s and incorporated a GPS. Activity diaries and questionnaires were used to collect children's location, use of handheld devices, and presence of indoor RF-EMF sources. Six general frequency bands were defined: total, digital enhanced cordless telecommunications (DECT), television and radio antennas (broadcast), mobile phones (uplink), mobile phone base stations (downlink), and Wireless Fidelity (WiFi). We used adjusted mixed effects models with region random effects to estimate associations of handheld device use habits and indoor RF-EMF sources with personal RF-EMF exposure. Day-to-day and year-to-year repeatability of personal RF-EMF exposure were calculated through intraclass correlations (ICC).; Median total personal RF-EMF exposure was 75.5 μW/m; 2; . Downlink was the largest contributor to total exposure (median: 27.2 μW/m; 2; ) followed by broadcast (9.9 μW/m; 2; ). Exposure from uplink (4.7 μW/m; 2; ) was lower. WiFi and DECT contributed very little to exposure levels. Exposure was higher during day (94.2 μW/m; 2; ) than night (23.0 μW/m; 2; ), and slightly higher during weekends than weekdays, although varying across regions. Median exposures were highest while children were outside (157.0 μW/m; 2; ) or traveling (171.3 μW/m; 2; ), and much lower at home (33.0 μW/m; 2; ) or in school (35.1 μW/m; 2; ). Children living in urban environments had higher exposure than children in rural environments. Older children and users of mobile phones had higher uplink exposure but not total exposure, compared to younger children and those that did not use mobile phones. Day-to-day repeatability was moderate to high for most of the general frequency bands (ICCs between 0.43 and 0.85), as well as for total, broadcast, and downlink for the year-to-year repeatability (ICCs between 0.49 and 0.80) in a small subsample.; The largest contributors to total personal environmental RF-EMF exposure were downlink and broadcast, and these exposures showed high repeatability. Urbanicity was the most important determinant of total exposure and mobile phone use was the most important determinant of uplink exposure. It is important to continue evaluating RF-EMF exposure in children as device use habits, exposure levels, and main contributing sources may change

    Stratification and therapeutic potential of PML in metastatic breast cancer.

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    Patient stratification has been instrumental for the success of targeted therapies in breast cancer. However, the molecular basis of metastatic breast cancer and its therapeutic vulnerabilities remain poorly understood. Here we show that PML is a novel target in aggressive breast cancer. The acquisition of aggressiveness and metastatic features in breast tumours is accompanied by the elevated PML expression and enhanced sensitivity to its inhibition. Interestingly, we find that STAT3 is responsible, at least in part, for the transcriptional upregulation of PML in breast cancer. Moreover, PML targeting hampers breast cancer initiation and metastatic seeding. Mechanistically, this biological activity relies on the regulation of the stem cell gene SOX9 through interaction of PML with its promoter region. Altogether, we identify a novel pathway sustaining breast cancer aggressiveness that can be therapeutically exploited in combination with PML-based stratification.The work of A.C. is supported by the Ramón y Cajal award, the Basque Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (Etortek), Health (2012111086) and Education (PI2012-03), Marie Curie (277043), Movember Foundation (GAP1), ISCIII (PI10/01484, PI13/00031), FERO (VIII Fellowship) and ERC (336343). N.M.-M. and P.A. are supported by the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), AECC JP Vizcaya and Guipuzcoa, respectively. J.U. and F.S. are Juan de la Cierva Researchers (MINECO). L.A., A.A.-A. and L.V.-J. are supported by the Basque Government of education. M.L.-M.C. acknowledges SAF2014-54658-R and Asociación Española contra el Cancer. R.B. acknowledges Spanish MINECO (BFU2014-52282-P, Consolider BFU2014-57703-REDC), the Departments of Education and Industry of the Basque Government (PI2012/42) and the Bizkaia County. M.S., V.S. and J.B. acknowledge Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) Foundation (Tumour Biomarker Research Program). M.S. and J.B. are supported by NIH grant P30 CA008748. M.dM.V. is supported by the Institute of Health Carlos III (PI11/02251, PI14/01328) and Basque Government, Health Department (2014111145). A.M. is supported by ISCIII (CP10/00539, PI13/02277) and Marie Curie CIG 2012/712404. V.S. is supported by the SCIII (PI13/01714, CP14/00228), the FERO Foundation and the Catalan Agency AGAUR (2014 SGR 1331). R.R.G. research support is provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation grant SAF2013-46196, BBVA Foundation, the Generalitat de Catalunya (2014 SGR 535), Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and FEDER funds (SAF2013-46196).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms1259

    Prodromal symptoms and the duration of untreated psychosis in first episode of psychosis patients: what differences are there between early vs. adult onset and between schizophrenia vs. bipolar disorder?

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    To assess the role of age (early onset psychosis-EOP < 18 years vs. adult onset psychosis-AOP) and diagnosis (schizophrenia spectrum disorders-SSD vs. bipolar disorders-BD) on the duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) and prodromal symptoms in a sample of patients with a first episode of psychosis. 331 patients with a first episode of psychosis (7–35 years old) were recruited and 174 (52.6%) diagnosed with SSD or BD at one-year follow-up through a multicenter longitudinal study. The Symptom Onset in Schizophrenia (SOS) inventory, the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale and the structured clinical interviews for DSM-IV diagnoses were administered. Generalized linear models compared the main effects and group interaction. 273 AOP (25.2 ± 5.1 years; 66.5% male) and 58 EOP patients (15.5 ± 1.8 years; 70.7% male) were included. EOP patients had significantly more prodromal symptoms with a higher frequency of trouble with thinking, avolition and hallucinations than AOP patients, and significantly different median DUP (91 [33–177] vs. 58 [21–140] days; Z = − 2.006, p = 0.045). This was also significantly longer in SSD vs. BD patients (90 [31–155] vs. 30 [7–66] days; Z = − 2.916, p = 0.004) who, moreover had different profiles of prodromal symptoms. When assessing the interaction between age at onset (EOP/AOP) and type of diagnosis (SSD/BD), avolition was significantly higher (Wald statistic = 3.945; p = 0.047), in AOP patients with SSD compared to AOP BD patients (p = 0.004). Awareness of differences in length of DUP and prodromal symptoms in EOP vs. AOP and SSD vs. BD patients could help improve the early detection of psychosis among minors

    Negative symptoms and sex differences in first episode schizophrenia: What's their role in the functional outcome? A longitudinal study

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    Introduction: Negative symptoms (NS) include asociality, avolition, anhedonia, alogia, and blunted affect and are linked to poor prognosis. It has been suggested that they reflect two different factors: diminished expression (EXP) (blunted affect and alogia) and amotivation/pleasure (MAP) (anhedonia, avolition, asociality). The aim of this article was to examine potential sex differences among first-episode schizophrenia (FES) patients and analyze sex-related predictors of two NS symptoms factors (EXP and MAP) and functional outcome. Material and methods: Two hundred and twenty-three FES (71 females and 152 males) were included and evaluated at baseline, six-months and one-year. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to examine the effects of time and sex on NS and a multiple linear regression backward elimination was performed to predict NS factors (MAP-EXP) and functioning. Results: Females showed fewer NS (p = 0.031; Cohen's d = −0.312), especially those related to EXP (p = 0.024; Cohen's d = −0.326) rather than MAP (p = 0.086), than males. In both male and female group, worse premorbid adjustment and higher depressive symptoms made a significant contribution to the presence of higher deficits in EXP at one-year follow-up, while positive and depressive symptoms predicted alterations in MAP. Finally, in females, lower deficits in MAP and better premorbid adjustment predicted better functioning at one-year follow-up (R2 = 0.494; p < 0.001), while only higher deficits in MAP predicted worse functioning in males (R2 = 0.088; p = 0.012). Conclusions: Slightly sex differences have been found in this study. Our results lead us to consider that early interventions of NS, especially those focusing on motivation and pleasure symptoms, could improve functional outcomes