810 research outputs found

    Composición corporal, nutrición y sarcopenia en personas residentes en instituciones sociosanitarias en la provincia de Sevilla

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    50 páginas.Trabajo Fin de Máster en Actividad Física y Salud. Tutor: Dr. D. Javier González Gallego. Hemos analizado transversalmente una muestra de personas mayores residentes en instituciones sociosanitarias en la provincia de Sevilla. Los participantes recibieron una valoración geriátrica estructurada (deterioro cognitivo, depresión y grado dependencia) que incluyó análisis de composición corporal, así como mediciones de fuerza y otras cualidades físicas mediante diferentes instrumentos y definiciones de sarcopenia (EWGSOP2 y FNIH). Como principales hallazgos, la muestra fue mayoritariamente femenina, obesa, con dependencia moderada-severa y sin deterioro cognitivo. Encontramos una alta prevalencia de sarcopenia y bajo rendimiento físico. El acuerdo entre criterios EWGSOP2 y FNIH fue débil o inexistente. Los criterios EWGSOP2 (“sarcopenia grave”), diferenciaron mejor que los FNIH composición corporal y rendimiento físico. La única prueba de rendimiento físico que presentó diferencias según “sarcopenia grave” EWGSOP2 fue el test de la silla.A cross-sectional analysis of a sample of elderly people residing in nursing homes in the province of Seville was carried out. Participants underwent a structured geriatric assessment (cognitive impairment, depression and physical disability) that included body composition analysis, as well as measurements of strength and other physical qualities with different instruments and definitions of sarcopenia (EWGSOP2 and FNIH). As our main findings, the sample was mostly female, obese, with moderate to severe physical disability, and without cognitive impairment. We found a high prevalence of sarcopenia and low physical performance. The agreement between EWGSOP2 and FNIH was weak or nonexistent. The EWGSOP2 criteria ("severe sarcopenia"), differentiated body composition and physical performance better than FNIH criteria. The only physical performance test that showed differences according to EWGSOP2 "severe sarcopenia" was the chair stand test

    Evaluation of the Mineral Status of Two Ecosystems for Sustainable Goat Rearing in the Iberian Peninsula

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    The mineral status in two ecosystems typical of the Iberian Peninsula was evaluated. Ecosystem I was formed by forests and ecosystem II by hilly areas. The levels of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc and selenium in soils, rations and serum were measured. The concentratons of iron, copper, zinc and selenium were also checked in liver. Ecosystem I showed higher values of every mineral, except for phosphorus. Seasonal differences were recorded for rations and serum, with higher values in spring. The rations produced by both ecosystems met the mineral requirements of goats in lactation. Thus, both ecosystems are suitable for the development of an ecological goat farming system. However, extra supply of minerals, particularly calcium, may be needed in the maximum productions periods

    Games on concept lattices: Shapley value and core

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    We introduce cooperative TU-games on concept lattices, where a concept is a pair (S, S′ ) with S being a subset of players or objects, and S ′ a subset of attributes. Any such game induces a game on the set of players/objects, which appears to be a TU-game whose collection of feasible coalitions is a lattice closed under intersection, and a game on the set of attributes. We propose a Shapley value for each type of game, axiomatize it, and investigate the geometrical properties of the core (nonemptiness, boundedness, pointedness, extremal rays).Agence Nationale de la Recherche ANR-13-BSHS1-001

    Recuperación de bacterias aerobias y anaerobias de pacientes con apendicitis aguda mediante botellas de hemocultivo

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    Introduction: Acute appendicitis is the first cause of acute abdomen, however, there is a little information about the associated bacteria and its sensibility profile.Objetive: To identify and to determine the resistance pattern of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria isolated in periapendicular fluid cultures taken in patients with acute appendicitis and to establish the proportions of isolates according to the clinical phase.Materials and methods: A descriptive and prospective study was undertaken at the Hospital Universitario de San José (Bogotá, Colombia) of patients older than sixteen years of age, undergoing an open appendectomy. A sample of periappendiceal fluid was taken, which was deposited directly into aerobic and anaerobic blood culture bottles. Results: One hundred and fifty-four patients were included. The overall positivity of cultures was 87% (n=1344); 77% (n=118) for aerobes and 51% (n=79) for anaerobes. The proportion of positive cultures was lower in the uncomplicated appendicitis cases as compared to the complicated ones (80% (66/83) vs. 95%(67/71), p = 0.003). The microorganisms isolated most frequently were: Escherichia coli (53%) (n=84); Bacteroides spp. (25%) (n=25); Propionibacterium acnes (21%) (n=21); coagulase negativeStaphylococci (17%) (n=27); Enterococcus spp. (11%) (n=15), and Fusobacterium spp. (11%) (n=11). The sensitivity of E. coli to ampicillin/sulbactam was 30%. The sensitivity of Bacteroides spp. to clindamycin and ampicillin/sulbactam was 91%. All anaerobe isolates were sensitive to piperacillin/tazobactam, ertapenem, meropenem and metronidazole.Conclusions: Intraoperative cultures in acute appendicits are relevant in order to determine the local epidemiological pattern and to establish prophylactic and therapeutic antibiotics for this pathology; direct inoculation in blood culture bottles allows a high recovery of microorganisms.Introduccción. La apendicitis aguda es la primera causa de abdomen agudo; sin embargo, poco se conoce sobre las bacterias asociadas y su perfil de sensibilidad.Objetivo. Identificar y determinar el patrón de resistencia de las bacterias aerobias y anaerobias aisladas en cultivo de líquido periapendicular tomado de los pacientes con apendicitis aguda, y establecer la proporción de bacterias según la fase clínica. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo y prospectivo en el Hospital Universitario de San José de Bogotá (Colombia), en pacientes mayores de 16 años sometidos a apendicectomía abierta. Se tomaron muestras de líquido periapendicular, las cuales se sembraron directamente en botellas de hemocultivos para aerobios y anaerobios.Resultados. Se incluyeron 154 pacientes. Del total de cultivos, el 87 % (n=134) fueron positivos: 77 % (n=118) para aerobios y 51 % (n=79) para anaerobios. La proporción de cultivos positivos fue inferior en los casos de apendicitis no complicada, en comparación con aquellos de apendicitis complicada (80 % (66/83) Vs. 95 % (67/71); p=0,003). Los microorganismos aislados con mayor frecuencia fueron: Escherichia coli (53 %) (n=84), Bacteroides sp. (25 %) (n=25), Propionibacterium acnes (21 %) (n=21), Staphylococci coagulasa negativo (17 %) (n=27), Enterococcus sp. (10 %) (n=15) y Fusobacterium sp. (11 %) (n=11). La sensibilidad de E. coli a la amplicilina sulbactam fue de 30 %. La sensibilidad de Bacteroides spp. a la clindamicina y la ampicilina sulbactam fue de 91 %. El 100 % de los anaerobios fueron sensibles a piperacilina tazobactam, ertapenem, meropenem y metronidazol.Conclusiones. Los cultivos intraoperatorios son pertinentes en la apendicitis para determinar el patrón epidemiológico local, y establecer los antibióticos profilácticos y terapéuticos para esta enfermedad. Su siembra directa en botellas de hemocultivo permite una gran recuperación de microorganismos

    The cg-average tree value for games on cycle-free fuzzy communication structures

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    The main goal in a cooperative game is to obtain a fair allocation of the profit due the cooperation of the involved agents. The most known of these allocations is the Shapley value. This allocation considers that the communication among the players is complete. The Myerson value is a modification of the Shapley value considering a communication structure which determines the feasible bilateral relationships among the agents. This allocation of the profit is not always a stable solution. Another payoff allocation for games with a communication structure from the definition of the Shapley value is the average tree value. This one is a stable solution for any game using a cycle-free communication structure. Later fuzzy communication structures were introduced. In a fuzzy communication structure, the membership of the agents and the relationships among them are leveled. The Myerson value was extended in several different ways depending on the behavior of the agents. In this paper, the average tree value is extended to games with fuzzy communication structures taking one particular version: the Choquet by graphs (cg). We present an application to the management of an electrical network with an algorithmic implementation.Spanish Ministry of Education and Science MTM2017-83455-PAndalusian Government FQM23

    Cost-allocation problems for fuzzy agents in a fixed-tree network

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    Cost-allocation problems in a fixed network are concerned with distributing the costs for use by a group of clients who cooperate in order to reduce such costs. We work only with tree networks and we assume that a minimum cost spanning tree network has already been constructed and now we are interested in the maintenance costs. The classic problem supposes that each agent stays for the entire time in the same node of the network. This paper introduces cost-allocation problems in a fixed-tree network with a set of agents whose activity over the nodes is fuzzy. Agent’s needs to pay for each period of time may differ. Moreover, the agents do not always remain in the same node for each period. We propose the extension of a very well-known solution for these problems: Bird’s rule.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2017-83455-PJunta de Andalucía FQM23

    Optimization tool to improve the management of the leakages and recovered energy in irrigation water systems

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    [EN] The use of pumps working as turbines is a new solution, which has been recently analysed to improve the water management in the different water systems. The improvement of sustainability involved with this use should be considered in these networks, and it focuses on the reduction of the consumption energy as well as the reduction of leakages. Both variables have a great influence on the rest of economical, technical and environmental indicators of network behavior, becoming key in their improvement. In this line, the research develops a methodology, which includes the estimation of the leakages in the different junctions and pipes as a function of the injected and registered volume data in the water. The present methodology proposes different operation scenarios according to leakages and it develops a double optimization procedure to locate and select the best recovery machines considering different objective functions. The methodology is applied to a real case study, which has serial data of water registered volume since 2001. The research shows the leakages influence in the operation points as well as the recovered energy. Different sustainable indicators are analysed for the different scenarios according to optimized procedures: The IRLGP index was defined as the ratio between reduction of the leakage volume for each installed power and it reached the annual value of 11,280.8 m3/kW; The optimized procedure establishes the significance to consider the leakages when the hydraulic machines are selected. Their best efficiency points increase to 195% and 205% compared to the ideal scenario without leakages.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. This work was supported by the project SISIFO (Development of analytical tools to characterIze the Sustainability of hydraulic systems Indicators that deFine sustainable development Objectives) PID2020-114781RA-I00 from Spanish State Research Plan Scientific and Technical and Innovation 2017-2020.Macías Ávila, CA.; Sánchez-Romero, F.; López Jiménez, PA.; Pérez-Sánchez, M. (2021). Optimization tool to improve the management of the leakages and recovered energy in irrigation water systems. Agricultural Water Management. 258:1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2021.107223S11325

    Definition of the Operational Curves by Modification of the Affinity Laws to Improve the Simulation of PATs

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    [EN] New technologies for water pressurized systems try to implement the introduction of strategies for the improvement of the sustainable indicators. One of these technologies is the implementation of pumps working as turbines. The use of these recovery machines was proposed some years ago, and the interest in this technology has increased over the last years. The simulation of these machines is necessary when analyzing pressurized water systems, or when optimization procedures are proposed for their management, great care must be taken. In these cases, the knowledge of the operation curves is crucial to reach accurate results. This study proposes different regression expressions to define three operational curves when the machines operate under variable rotational speed. These curves are the best efficiency head, the best power-head and the best power flow. The here proposed methods were compared with other five published methods. The comparison shows the proposed method was the best when it is compared with the rest of the published procedures, reducing the error values between 8 and 20%.Macías Ávila, CA.; Sánchez-Romero, F.; López Jiménez, PA.; Pérez-Sánchez, M. (2021). Definition of the Operational Curves by Modification of the Affinity Laws to Improve the Simulation of PATs. Water. 13(14):1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13141880S118131

    Leakage Management and Pipe System Efficiency. Its Influence in the Improvement of the Efficiency Indexes

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    [EN] Water is one of the most valuable resources for humans. Worldwide, leakage levels in water distribution systems oscillate between 10% and 55%. This causes the need for constant repairs, economic losses, and risk to the health of users due to possible pathogenic intrusion. There are different methods for estimating the level of leakage in a network, depending on parameters such as service pressure, orifice size, age and pipe material. Sixty-two water distribution networks were analyzed to determine the leakage method used, the calibration method, and the percentage of existing leaks. Different efficiency indicators were proposed and evaluated using this database. Several cases of installation of pumps working as turbines (PATs) in water distribution networks were analyzed in which the use of these recovery systems caused a pressure drop, reducing the level of leaks and recovering energy.Macías Ávila, CA.; Sánchez-Romero, F.; López Jiménez, PA.; Pérez-Sánchez, M. (2021). Leakage Management and Pipe System Efficiency. Its Influence in the Improvement of the Efficiency Indexes. Water. 13(14):1-25. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13141909S125131