574 research outputs found

    Long-Term Nightshift Work and Breast Cancer Risk: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis with Special Attention to Menopausal Status and to Recent Nightshift Work

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    Conceptualization, B.P.-G., C.S. and A.M.P.-F.; methodology, B.P.-G., A.M.P.-F. and C.S. validation, B.P.-G., N.F.d.L., R.P.-B. and V.L; formal analysis, A.M.P.-F., R.P.-B. and C.S.; investigation, A.M.P.-F., R.P.-B. and C.S. resources, B.P.-G. and M.P., data curation, A.M.P.-F. and C.S.; writing—original draft preparation, C.S. and B.P.-G.; writing—review and editing R.P.-B., V.L., N.F.d.L., J.J.J.-M. and M.P.; visualization, A.M.P.-F., B.P.-G., R.P.-B. and C.S.; supervision, B.P.-G., M.P. and J.J.J.-M.; project administration, B.P.-G. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.This systematic review discusses long-term NSW and female BC risk, with special attention to differences between pre-and postmenopausal BC, to test the association with recent NSW. The review follows PRISMA guidelines (Prospero registry: CRD42018102515). We searched PubMed, Embase, and WOS for case–control, nested case–control, and cohort studies addressing long-term NSW (≥15 years) as risk exposure and female BC as outcome until 31 December 2020. Risk of bias was evaluated with the Newcastle–Ottawa scale. Eighteen studies were finally in-cluded (eight cohorts; five nested case–control; five case–control). We performed meta-analyses on long-term NSW and BC risk; overall and by menopausal status; a subanalysis on recent long-term NSW, based on studies involving predominantly women below retirement age; and a dose– response meta-analysis on NSW duration. The pooled estimate for long-term NSW and BC was 1.13 (95%CI = 1.01–1.27; 18 studies, I2 = 56.8%, p = 0.002). BC risk increased 4.7% per 10 years of NSW (95%CI = 0.94–1.09; 16 studies, I2 = 33.4%, p = 0.008). The pooled estimate for premenopausal BC was 1.27 (95%CI = 0.96–1.68; six studies, I2 = 32.0%, p = 0.196) and for postmenopausal BC 1.05 (95%CI = 0.90–1.24, I2 = 52.4%; seven studies, p = 0.050). For recent long-term exposure, the pooled estimate was 1.23 (95%CI = 1.06–1.42; 15 studies; I2 = 48.4%, p = 0.018). Our results indicate that long-term NSW increases the risk for BC and that menopausal status and time since exposure might be relevant

    An Estimation of Jobs Lost in Mexico during 2020 as a Result of the COVID-19: a Cointegration Approach/ Estimativa de empregos perdidos no México em 2020 como resultado do COVID-19: uma abordagem de cointegração

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    An estimation of jobs lost in the formal sector during 2020 in Mexico is presented. In order to obtain the jobs lost figure, a labor demand as function of output and real wage is estimated according to the cointegration approach. The main result is that 205,863 jobs of permanent workers insured at the Mexican Social Security Institute will be lost by each percentage point that Mexican GDP drops in 2020 as a consequence of the quarantine needed to avoid the Covid-19 spreads even further. If the Mexican GDP drops 8.2% in 2020 about 1.69 million of this kind of jobs would be lost

    Auditoría energética en edificios residenciales. Estudio para la mejora de la eficiencia energética en rehabilitación

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    Este proyecto nace como resultado de un proyecto real, consistente en la certificación energética de un bloque de viviendas que lleva construido 30 años. Pretende llevarse a cabo una rehabilitación que no sólo mejore el aspecto del mismo, sino que también mejore su eficiencia energética. Los resultados de estas mejoras han sido plasmados mediante la certificación energética realizada con el programa normativo CALENER VyP. El objetivo principal del proyecto es visualizar de forma clara y objetiva, mediante un programa informático normativo, que la rehabilitación sugerida consigue mejorar la eficiencia energética del edificio, así como generar ahorros en el consumo de combustible de la comunidad. Para la consecución de este objetivo principal, se desarrollan diferentes estudios de mejora en la rehabilitación energética del edificio. Así pues, en este proyecto se analizan varios puntos: •Cerramientos de edificio: Se estudia cómo pueden mejorarse mediante los cálculos de transmitancia según el Código Técnico de la Edificación. Se realiza también una comparativa con los costes de llevar a cabo estas mejoras para ver qué resultado es el más adecuado. •Puentes térmicos: Se visualiza y analiza el estado actual de los mismos mediante termografías y se realiza el estudio de las mejoras que supone la rehabilitación propuesta en cerramientos. •Integración de energía solar térmica: Se calcula el porcentaje de cobertura solar para conseguir reducir consumos en agua caliente sanitaria. Como implementación a este apartado se realiza el proyecto de la instalación, así como el estudio económico del mismo. •Cálculo de la eficiencia energética del edificio y reducción de consumos: Con las mejoras propuestas se realiza el cálculo final, en el que se compara el estado inicial y el final del edificio y se concluye con datos fiables cual es el ahorro que supone la rehabilitación. •Estudio de viabilidad económica: Una vez calculados los ahorros se comparan con los costes, incluyendo el aporte de posibles subvenciones, para concluir un periodo de amortización de las propuestas. Todos estos estudios dan como resultado que, gracias a la rehabilitación propuesta, se reduce el consumo del edificio en un 60%, dando como resultado un periodo de amortización de 11 años

    Generalized convexity: Their applications to variational problems

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    The aim of this paper is to show one of the generalized convexity applications, generalized monotonicity particularly, to the variational problems study. These problems are related to the search of equilibrium conditions in physical and economic environments. If convexity plays an important role in mathematical programming problems, monotonicity will play a similar role in variational problems. This paper shows some recent results about this topic

    Optimality and duality on Riemannian manifolds

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    Our goal in this paper is to translate results on function classes that are characterized by the property that all the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker points are efficient solutions, obtained in Euclidean spaces to Riemannian manifolds. We give two new characterizations, one for the scalar case and another for the vectorial case, unknown in this subject literature. We also obtain duality results and give examples to illustrate it.Ministerio de Economía y Competitivida

    Generalized convexity: Their applications to multiobjective programming

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    The aim of this paper is to show some applicable results to multiobjective optimization problems and the role that the Generalized Convexity plays in them. The study of convexity for sets and functions has special relevance in the search of optimal functions, and in the development of algorithms for solving optimization problems. However, the absence of convexity implies a total loss of effectiveness of the Optimization Theory methods, ie, the results are being verified under less stringent conditions, it was what became known as Generalized convexity. The literature generated around this topic has demonstrated its importance both from a theoretical point of view as practical, but it has also generated an enormous amount of papers with little scientific input

    New optimality conditions for multiobjective fuzzy programming problems

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    In this paper we study fuzzy multiobjective optimization problems de ned for n variables. Based on a new p-dimensional fuzzy stationary-point de nition, necessary e ciency conditions are obtained. And we prove that these conditions are also su cient under new fuzzy generalized convexity notions. Furthermore, the results are obtained under general di erentiability hypothesis.The research in this paper has been supported by Fondecyt-Chile, project 1151154 and by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain, through grant MINECO/FEDER(UE) MTM2015-66185-P

    Different optimum notions for fuzzy functions and optimality conditions associated

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    Fuzzy numbers have been applied on decision and optimization problems in uncertain or imprecise environments. In these problems, the necessity to define optimal notions for decision-maker’s preferences as well as to prove necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for these optima are essential steps in the resolution process of the problem. The theoretical developments are illustrated and motivated with several numerical examples.The research in this paper has been supported by MTM2015-66185 (MINECO/FEDER, UE) and Fondecyt-Chile, Project 1151154

    A Better Approach for Solving a Fuzzy Multiobjective Programming Problem by Level Sets

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    In this paper, we deal with the resolution of a fuzzy multiobjective programming problem using the level sets optimization. We compare it to other optimization strategies studied until now and we propose an algorithm to identify possible Pareto efficient optimal solutions

    Approximate Efficient Solutions of the Vector Optimization Problem on Hadamard Manifolds via Vector Variational Inequalities

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    This article has two objectives. Firstly, we use the vector variational-like inequalities problems to achieve local approximate (weakly) efficient solutions of the vector optimization problem within the novel field of the Hadamard manifolds. Previously, we introduced the concepts of generalized approximate geodesic convex functions and illustrated them with examples. We see the minimum requirements under which critical points, solutions of Stampacchia, and Minty weak variational-like inequalities and local approximate weakly efficient solutions can be identified, extending previous results from the literature for linear Euclidean spaces. Secondly, we show an economical application, again using solutions of the variational problems to identify Stackelberg equilibrium points on Hadamard manifolds and under geodesic convexity assumptions