313 research outputs found

    Collective crimenes. The regulation of the crimen havoc

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Derecho. Curso académico 2016-2017[ES] In this research work, it is intended to analyze the crime of ravages, mainly, based on it´s penal regulation. It is a crime that is scarcely analyzed doctrinally and jurisprudentially, due to its little application by the courts, since we are dealing with a crime almost exclusively related to the crimes of terrorism, because of their close connection. To be able to analyze this crime, and in general, anyone, a detailed legal-criminal study is developed from several points of view. We will go through all the categories in which the same is divided, its regulation, so as not to violate the principle of no bis in idem. Emphasizing that we are faced with a specific crime of danger in its first section and abstract danger in the second. Until arriving to establish that there is only one closed catalog of possible typical behaviors, with its results. Developing its legal right, iter criminis, antijuridicidad and its competitions. In order to clarify to the reader a definition and a clear content about this criminal figure[EN] In this research work, it is intended to analyze the crime of ravages, mainly, based on it´s penal regulation. It is a crime that is scarcely analyzed doctrinally and jurisprudentially, due to its little application by the courts, since we are dealing with a crime almost exclusively related to the crimes of terrorism, because of their close connection. To be able to analyze this crime, and in general, anyone, a detailed legal-criminal study is developed from several points of view. We will go through all the categories in which the same is divided, its regulation, so as not to violate the principle of no bis in idem. Emphasizing that we are faced with a specific crime of danger in its first section and abstract danger in the second. Until arriving to establish that there is only one closed catalog of possible typical behaviors, with its results. Developing its legal right, iter criminis, antijuridicidad and its competitions. In order to clarify to the reader a definition and a clear content about this criminal figur

    Identificación de los Estilos de Aprendizaje predominantes en estudiantes de secundaria

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    El presente pretendió determinar los Estilos de Aprendizaje de los alumnos de secundaria, dentro del Instituto de Educación Secundaria Pedro Álvarez de Sotomayor, en la localidad de Manzanares (Ciudad Real). Para ello se utilizaron muestras de ambos ciclos de secundaria, entre los alumnos de segundo y cuarto de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (E.S.O.). De igual modo, se examinaron las preferencias entre los distintos cursos, así como los posibles cambios acaecidos en educación secundaria y los alumnos de cuarto curso de la Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte de Toledo. Para dicho cometido se compuso una muestra de 120 sujetos (n=120) y se aplicó el Cuestionario de Honey-Alonso (CHAEA) (Alonso et al., 1994). Los resultados que se obtuvieron manifestaron preferencias de los sujetos –en el siguiente orden– por los estilos “Reflexivo”, “Pragmático”, “Teórico” y “Activo”. Una vez efectuado el tratamiento estadístico, no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los alumnos de los dos cursos examinados. De los contrastes estadísticos de los resultados totales de secundaria con otras muestras de representación académica (Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte de Toledo), se obtuvieron, a rasgos generales, resultados muy similares que los de secundaria. Se ha de resaltar la interesante utilidad de aplicar esta metodología cara a futuras intervenciones docentes para favorecer, desde la calidad, un mayor desarrollo de los alumnos/as de los distintos centros educativos. Finalmente, sería interesante ampliar la cuestión con estudios longitudinales que determinen con mayor precisión la evolución de los alumnos con relación a sus Estilos de Aprendizaje en función de sus distintas etapas educativas

    Análisis y mejora del proceso productivo y de su sistema de información de una empresa del sector fitosanitario

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    [ES] El Trabajo Final de Grado consiste en un análisis de la situación organizacional de la planta junto a un análisis interno de los procesos tras relatar los problemas de dichos dos análisis se pasa a una solución que pasa por una reestructuración de los procesos productivos gracias a la implantación de la herramienta Q-Plant (un sistema de información) para mejorar los tiempos productivos, la medición (estándares de la planta) y la documentanción de la planta.Alcañiz Díaz-Jiménez, V. (2016). Análisis y mejora del proceso productivo y de su sistema de información de una empresa del sector fitosanitario. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/147346TFG

    Nuevas evidencias arqueológicas en la provincia de Soria: posibles aportaciones para el estudio de la presencia militar romana en la Submeseta Norte

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    This paper presents five new possible fortified settlements recently identified using remote sensing techniques in modern day province of Soria: La Vega and La Magdalena (Quintanas de Gormaz), La Llana-Caño (Bayubas de Abajo), Vega Fría (Berlanga de Duero) and Las Pozas (Aldealafuente). The morpho-typological characteristics and settlement patterns allow us to hypothesize that these are the remains of Roman temporary military sites. The exhaustive analysis of these new archaeological data could have considerable relevance for studying the expansion of the Roman state in this region during the Late Republic (2nd to 1st c. BC).En este artículo se presentan cinco nuevos posibles asentamientos fortificados identificados recientemente mediante técnicas de teledetección en el territorio de la actual provincia de Soria: La Vega y La Magdalena (Quintanas de Gormaz), La Llana-Caño (Bayubas de Abajo), Vega Fría (Berlanga de Duero) y Las Pozas (Aldealafuente). Las características morfo-tipológicas de estos yacimientos, sumadas a su patrón de asentamiento, nos permiten plantear la hipótesis de que se trate de asentamientos militares romanos de carácter temporal o estacional. Estos nuevos datos arqueológicos, que analizaremos de manera exhaustiva, podrían tener una considerable relevancia para el estudio de la expansión del estado romano en esta región en el periodo tardorrepublicano (ss. II-I a. C.)

    Uso de tecnologías para la creación de nuevos servicios híbridos, basados en ejercicio físico, para mejorar la salud de los trabajadores: un estudio de caso.

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    La pandemia de la COVID-19 puso en relevancia el teletrabajo debido a las limitaciones para contención de la propagación del virus, mientras que el confinamiento obligatorio incrementó la proporción de trabajadores sedentarios o con obesidad, y con problemas de estrés o ansiedad laboral. Para mitigar estos efectos los trabajadores deberían, entre otros, practicar ejercicio físico y cuidar su nutrición, teniendo las empresas la responsabilidad de facilitarles esto. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el impacto sobre la salud física y el bienestar de un nuevo servicio piloto híbrido (presencial-online), en un centro deportivo, evaluándose su efectividad. La metodología utilizada ha sido cuantitativa, mediante el uso de herramientas validadas de medición como el IPAQ reducido, SF36, bioimpedancia eléctrica, dinamómetro, VO2 máx., o cintura abdominal. La muestra fue . = 44 usuarios que completaron el programa siendo un 45.5% hombres y un 54.5% mujeres. Los datos fueron analizados con el programa SPSS v28. Los resultados muestran que el programa híbrido propuesto funciona, ya que optimizó los patrones de actividad física y el gasto metabólico, así como todas las variables físicas y antropométricas, las cuales experimentaron mejoras estadísticamente significativas. El programa híbrido ha resultado eficaz, consiguiendo mejoras en todas las variables analizadas y demostrando las ventajas que ofrece a clientes, nutricionistas, entrenadores y empresa. Estos nuevos programas híbridos pueden mejorar los ingresos en empresas deportivas después de un período tan difícil como la pandemia y post-pandemia. Además, este tipo de servicios híbridos pueden ayudar a mejorar el bienestar físico, mental y emocional de los trabajadores. En términos prácticos, el nuevo servicio híbrido se constituye como un servicio interesante para ser comercializado y con muchas posibilidades de éxito.The COVID-19 pandemic brought teleworking into the spotlight due to the limitations for containing the spread of the virus, while compulsory confinement increased the proportion of sedentary or obese workers, and work-related stress or anxiety. To mitigate these effects, workers should, among other things, engage in physical exercise and take care of their nutrition, and it is the responsibility of companies to facilitate this to their employees. The aim of this study is to analyse the impact on physical health and well-being of a new hybrid pilot service (face-to-face-online) in a sports centre, evaluating its effectiveness. The methodology used was quantitative, using validated measurement tools such as the short IPAQ version, SF36, electrical bioimpedance, dynamometer, VO2 max, or abdominal waist. The sample . = 44 members who completed the programme, 45.5% were men and 54.5% women. Data were analysed using SPSS v28. The results show that the proposed hybrid programme works, as it optimised physical activity patterns and metabolic expenditure, as well as all physical and anthropometric variables, which experienced statistically significant improvements. The hybrid programme has been effective, achieving improvements in all the variables analysed and demonstrating the advantages it offers to clients, nutritionists, trainers and the company. These new hybrid programmes can improve revenues in sports companies after such a difficult period as the pandemic and post-pandemic. Moreover, such hybrid services can help to improve the physical, mental and social well-being of workers. In practical terms, the new hybrid service is an interesting service to be commercialised with a high chance of success

    Computing “Small” 1–Homological Models for Commutative Differential Graded Algebras

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    We use homological perturbation machinery specific for the algebra category [13] to give an algorithm for computing the differential structure of a small 1– homological model for commutative differential graded algebras (briefly, CDGAs). The complexity of the procedure is studied and a computer package in Mathematica is described for determining such models.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia PB98–1621–C02–02Junta de Andalucía FQM–014

    Improving the Performance of a Named Entity Extractor by Applying a Stacking Scheme

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    In this paper we investigate the way of improving the performance of a Named Entity Extraction (NEE) system by applying machine learning techniques and corpus transformation. The main resources used in our experiments are the publicly available tagger TnT and a corpus of Spanish texts in which named entities occurrences are tagged with BIO tags. We split the NEE task into two subtasks 1) Named Entity Recognition (NER) that involves the identification of the group of words that make up the name of an entity and 2) Named Entity Classification (NEC) that determines the category of a named entity. We have focused our work on the improvement of the NER task, generating four different taggers with the same training corpus and combining them using a stacking scheme. We improve the baseline of the NER task (Fβ=1 value of 81.84) up to a value of 88.37. When a NEC module is added to the NER system the performance of the whole NEE task is also improved. A value of 70.47 is achieved from a baseline of 66.07

    Long-term effects of coronavirus disease 2019 on the cardiovascular system, CV COVID registry: A structured summary of a study protocol

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    COVID-19; Cardiologia; PronòsticCOVID-19; Cardiología; PronósticoCOVID 19; Cardiology; PrognosisBackground Patients presenting with the coronavirus-2019 disease (COVID-19) may have a high risk of cardiovascular adverse events, including death from cardiovascular causes. The long-term cardiovascular outcomes of these patients are entirely unknown. We aim to perform a registry of patients who have undergone a diagnostic nasopharyngeal swab for SARS-CoV-2 and to determine their long-term cardiovascular outcomes. Study and design This is a multicenter, observational, retrospective registry to be conducted at 17 centers in Spain and Italy (ClinicalTrials.gov number: NCT04359927). Consecutive patients older than 18 years, who underwent a real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for SARS-CoV2 in the participating institutions, will be included since March 2020, to August 2020. Patients will be classified into two groups, according to the results of the RT-PCR: COVID-19 positive or negative. The primary outcome will be cardiovascular mortality at 1 year. The secondary outcomes will be acute myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure hospitalization, pulmonary embolism, and serious cardiac arrhythmias, at 1 year. Outcomes will be compared between the two groups. Events will be adjudicated by an independent clinical event committee. Conclusion The results of this registry will contribute to a better understanding of the long-term cardiovascular implications of the COVID19.SB. Research grant (COV20/00040) from the Carlos III Institute, Madrid, Spain

    How to involve students in formative assessment. The value of feedback

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    La implicación del alumnado en una evaluación que aspira a ser formativa se justifica desde un criterio ético, que se compromete con el beneficio formativo para todos los agentes que participan en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Desde una perspectiva de evaluación formativa el feedback recibido y aportado por el alumnado durante el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje constituye un elemento imprescindible. Bajo esta premisa, en este capítulo se presenta la experiencia desarrollada en 7 asignaturas de 4 titulaciones en el contexto del Proyecto de Innovación Implicación del alumnado en la evaluación formativa de competencias transversales y su repercusión en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Se describen los procedimientos utilizados para comunicar al alumnado el sistema de evaluación de la asignatura, y se identifican las estrategias empleadas para ofrecerle feedback durante el proceso de aprendizaje, que le permita mejorar sus producciones antes de ser calificadas. Para valorar la experiencia se ha diseñado un cuestionario dirigido al alumnado con el objeto de conocer su percepción acerca de diversos aspectos del sistema de evaluación y del tipo de feedback utilizado y un autoinforme semiestructurado sobre los mismos aspectos para el profesorado, cumplimentados ambos al finalizar el período de docencia. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el feedback ofrecido permitió al alumnado aprender de los errores y aciertos, y mejorar la realización de la tarea. Además, cuando fue acompañado del uso de rúbricas ayudó a comprender las características de la tarea y facilitar su mejoraThe involvement of students in an assessment that aims to be formative is justified from an ethical criterion, which promotes the educational benefit of all those involved in the process of teaching and learning. From the perspective of formative assessment the feedback received and provided by the students during the process of teaching and learning is a key element. Under this assumption, in this article we present the experience developed in 7 subjects from 4 degrees in the context of the Educational Innovation Project entitled Student involvement in formative assessment of cross-subject competences and its impact on the process of teaching and learning. We describe the procedures used to communicate to students the subject evaluation system, and identify the strategies employed to offer feedback to the students during their learning process, in order that they could improve their productions before they are marked. To evaluate the experience we have designed a questionnaire aimed at students with the purpose to know their perception about several aspects of the evaluation system of the subjects and the kind of feedback employed, and a semi-structured self-report about the same aspects filled by the teachers at the end of the teaching time. Results show that the feedback offered let students to learn from mistakes and successes, and improve the realization of the task. In addition, when it was accompanied by the use of rubrics it helped them to understand the features of the task and to facilitate its improvemen

    Artificial Diets with Selective Restriction of Amino Acids and Very Low Levels of Lipids Induce Anticancer Activity in Mice with Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

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    Current treatments for patients with metastatic triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) are generally ineffective. This manuscript shows for the first time that the survival of mice with metastatic TNBC can be markedly increased through dietary manipulation. Our study revealed that the survival of some mice with metastatic TNBC was increased by replacing their normal diet with artificial diets in which the levels of amino acids (AAs) are manipulated, and the levels of lipids are markedly reduced. The anticancer activity of this non-pharmacological strategy was higher than that of drugs currently used in the treatment of patients with metastatic TNBC. This anticancer strategy also increased the survival of mice with other types of metastatic cancers. Manipulation of AA and lipid levels with artificial diets may be a useful strategy to treat patients with metastatic TNBC and other types of disseminated cancer.Patients with metastatic triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) need new therapies to improve the low survival rates achieved with standard treatments. In this work, we show for the first time that the survival of mice with metastatic TNBC can be markedly increased by replacing their normal diet with artificial diets in which the levels of amino acids (AAs) and lipids are strongly manipulated. After observing selective anticancer activity in vitro, we prepared five artificial diets and evaluated their anticancer activity in a challenging model of metastatic TNBC. The model was established by injecting 4T1 murine TNBC cells into the tail vein of immunocompetent BALB/cAnNRj mice. First-line drugs doxorubicin and capecitabine were also tested in this model. AA manipulation led to modest improvements in mice survival when the levels of lipids were normal. Reducing lipid levels to 1% markedly improved the activity of several diets with different AA content. Some mice fed the artificial diets as monotherapy lived much longer than mice treated with doxorubicin and capecitabine. An artificial diet without 10 non-essential AAs, with reduced levels of essential AAs, and with 1% lipids improved the survival not only of mice with TNBC but also of mice with other types of metastatic cancers.Junta de Andalucía 2017/CTS-657, 2019/CTS-657, 2021/CTS-657Universidad de Sevilla VIPPIT-2019-I.5, VIPPIT-2020-I.5, VIPPIT-2021-I.