1,658 research outputs found

    Identidad ausente. Del mito de la síntesis a la política de la identificación

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    From the perspective of a philosophical, sociological and psychopathological discourse, this article develops briefly one of the thesis in which many contemporary theories on subjectivity converge: in so far as "the political" exist, there will not be identity. At the same time, it will be argued that a replacement of the category of unitary identity by the category of identification is necessary in order to reveal the incompleteness of subjectivity. Finally, I will be sustained that the identity is the result of a contingent and unfinished process of identification determined by the political character of the social.Desde la perspectiva del discurso filosófico, sociológico y psicopatológico, este artículo desarrolla brevemente una tesis frente a la cual tienden a converger varias teorías contemporáneas de la subjetividad: es porque existe lo político que no hay identidad. Al mismo tiempo, se argumenta que ello fuerza cada vez más al ejercicio teórico de remplazar la noción de identidad unitaria -predominante en la reflexión moderna- por la categoría de identificación, en función de relevar la incompletitud inherente de la subjetividad. En este sentido, se sostiene que la identidad es el resultado de un proceso contingente e inconcluso de identificación determinado por el carácter político de lo social

    Two-photon finite-pulse model for resonant transitions in attosecond experiments

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    We present an analytical model capable of describing two-photon ionization of atoms with attosecond pulses in the presence of intermediate and final isolated autoionizing states. The model is based on the finite-pulse formulation of second-order time-dependent perturbation theory. It approximates the intermediate and final states with Fano's theory for resonant continua, and it depends on a small set of atomic parameters that can either be obtained from separate \emph{ab initio} calculations, or be extracted from few selected experiments. We use the model to compute the two-photon resonant photoelectron spectrum of helium below the N=2 threshold for the RABITT (Reconstruction of Attosecond Beating by Interference of Two-photon Transitions) pump-probe scheme, in which an XUV attosecond pulse train is used in association to a weak IR probe, obtaining results in quantitative agreement with those from accurate \emph{ab initio} simulations. In particular, we show that: i) Use of finite pulses results in a homogeneous red shift of the RABITT beating frequency, as well as a resonant modulation of the beating frequency in proximity of intermediate autoionizing states; ii) The phase of resonant two-photon amplitudes generally experiences a continuous excursion as a function of the intermediate detuning, with either zero or 2π2\pi overall variation.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figure

    Computing Partial Recursive Functions by Virus Machines

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    Virus Machines are a computational paradigm inspired by the manner in which viruses replicate and transmit from one host cell to another. This paradigm provides non-deterministic sequential devices. Non-restricted Virus Machines are unbounded Virus Machines, in the sense that no restriction on the number of hosts, the number of instructions and the number of viruses contained in any host along any computation is placed on them. The computational completeness of these machines has been obtained by simulating register machines. In this paper, Virus Machines as function computing devices are considered. Then, the universality of non-restricted virus machines is proved by showing that they can compute all partial recursive functions.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2012- 3743


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    In this Unit I want to show the importance of the creativity. As important is create a new topic the students are not familiar as to take a classic topic as “animals” and reinvent it. In their real life they need to develop the knowledge about traditional topics so it is a work for the teacher adequate their exercises and materials to the new needs of the students. Teachers have also to imagine and try to develop some exercise that the children will enjoy it and want to do it. That aspect will help us to keep the attention of our students and they will get the finals aims. Furthermore the unit is organized to help the students to develop their knowledge and their competences progressively and based on the level they have already get in the past according to their grade. The activities, objectives, contents, methodology and the criteria for the evaluation are planned using the Royal Decree and other aspects as the context of the school or the individual characteristics of the students.Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Grado en Educación Primari

    Distopía, agresividad y valores en la televisión : Black Mirror

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    En los últimos años, la preocupación de la sociedad por los límites que puede alcanzar la tecnología ha causado inquietud en todos los ámbitos. Esta es una de las razones por las que Black Mirror ha tenido tanto éxito desde su emisión en 2011, reflejando escenarios distópicos futuros que, de varios modos, advierten sobre las tendencias que existen hoy en día. Sin embargo, no hay establecido un consenso firme que advierta a la población sobre los estragos a los que podemos llegar si perpetuamos algunos de los usos que hacemos de la tecnología. La predisposición de la población a adquirir dinámicas dañinas contra sus semejantes, se traspasa al medio digital y alcanza nuevas dimensiones. Las nuevas tecnologías que se observan en la obra dan lugar a sociedades que parecen muy lejanas; pero analizando minuciosamente, es posible percibir que no es así. Esta investigación busca indagar esos límites que, poco a poco, están siendo sobrepasados a causa del incipiente uso de herramientas como las redes sociales; y distinguir qué aspectos de la condición humana, como es el caso de la agresividad y los valores, se ven involucrados en torno a la expansión tecnológica.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    A crowd-structure interaction model to analyze the lateral lock-in phenomenon on footbridges

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    In this paper a simplified biomechanical crowd-structure interaction model is proposed and validated in order to analyse the lateral lock-in phenomenon on real footbridges. The proposed crowd-structure interaction model is organized in three levels: (i) pedestrian-structure interaction; (ii) interaction among pedestrians in the crowd; and (iii) interaction between the crowd and the structure. To this end, first, the human-structure interaction of each pedestrian is modelled via a simplified two degrees of freedom system. Second, the interaction among pedestrians inside the crowd is simulated using a multi-agent model. The considered model simulates the movement of each pedestrian from the dynamic equilibrium of the different social forces that act on him/her. Finally, the crowd-structure interaction is achieved modifying the behaviour of the pedestrians depending on the comfort level experienced. For this purpose, the recommendations established by the French standards have been considered. The integration of the three levels in an overall model is achieved by the implementation of a predictive– corrective method. The performance of the proposed model is validated correlating the numerical and experimental dynamic response of the Pedro e Inês footbridge during the development of a lateral lock-in pedestrian test. As the first lateral natural frequency of the footbridge is inside the range that characterizes the walking pedestrian step frequency in lateral direction, numerical and experimental studies were performed to analyse its behaviour under pedestrian action. The agreement between the numerical and experimental results is adequate. However, further studies are recommended in order to generalize the proposed approach and facilitate its use during the design project of future footbridges.Ministerio de Ciencia DPI2014-53947-

    Computing Partial Recursive Functions by Transition P Systems

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    In this paper a variant of transition P systems with external output designed to compute partial functions on natural numbers is presented. These P systems are stable under composition, iteration and unbounded minimization (μ–recursion) of functions. We prove that every partial recursive function can be computed by such P systems, from which the computational completeness of this model can be deduced.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2002-04220-C03-0

    Fuzzy reasoning spiking neural P systems revisited: A formalization

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    Research interest within membrane computing is becoming increasingly interdisciplinary.In particular, one of the latest applications is fault diagnosis. The underlying mechanismwas conceived by bridging spiking neural P systems with fuzzy rule-based reasoning systems. Despite having a number of publications associated with it, this research line stilllacks a proper formalization of the foundations.National Natural Science Foundation of China No 61320106005National Natural Science Foundation of China No 6147232

    Implants inserted by ridge expansion with osteotomes in the maxilla. A 3-year clinical study

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    Introducción: El objetivo del presente estudio era mostrar los resultados del tratamiento con implantes dentales insertados mediante la técnica de expansión ósea en el maxilar superior. Pacientes y métodos: Setenta y tres pacientes con pérdidas dentales maxilares fueron tratados con 149 implantes IPX Galimplant® con conexión interna y superficie arenada y grabada para la rehabilitación mediante la técnica de expansión ósea con osteótomos roscados. Los implantes fueron cargados después de un periodo de cicatrización de 3 meses. Resultados: Los hallazgos clínicos indican una supervivencia y éxito de los implantes del 97,4%. Se perdieron 4 implantes durante el periodo de cicatrización. El 57,7% de los implantes se insertaron en el sector anterior maxilar y el 42,3%, en el sector posterior maxilar. Después de un periodo medio de carga funcional de 36,4 meses no ha habido complicaciones tardías. El 88,6% de los pacientes fueron rehabilitados con puentes fijos y el 11,5%, con coronas unitarias. Conclusiones: Este estudio indica que el tratamiento con implantes dentales mediante su inserción con expansión ósea en el maxilar superior constituye una terapéutica implantológica con éxito.Introduction: The aim of this study was to report the outcome of treatment with maxillary dental implants inserted by ridge expansion technique. Patients and Methods: 73 patients with maxillary tooth loss were treated with 149 IPX Galimplant® internal connection and sandblasted-acid-etched surface implants for rehabilitation by bone expansion technique. Implants were loaded after a healing free-loading period of 3 months. Results: Clinical results indicate a survival and success rate of implants of 97.4%. 4 implants were lost during the healing period. 57.7% of implants were inserted in anterior maxilla and 42.3% in posterior maxilla. After a mean functioning period of 36.4 months, no late complications were reported. 88.6% of patients were restored with fixed bridges and 11.5% with single crowns. Conclusions: This study indicate that treatment with dental implants inserted in maxilla by ridge expansion constitute a successful implant treatment