1,988 research outputs found

    Carbon-nanotube-deposited long period fiber grating for continuous refractive index sensor applications

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    We present a carbon-nanotube-deposited long period fiber grating for refractive index sensing applications in liquid. Carbon nanotubes are deposited around the surface of a long period fiber grating to form the refractive index sensing element. The sensing mechanism relies mainly on the high refractive index properties of the carbon-nanotube thin film, which enhances the cladding mode of the long period fiber grating in order to have a significant interaction between the propagating light and the target medium. A sensitivity of 31 dB/RIU and 47 dB/RIU are obtained for the refractive index ranges of 1.33-1.38 and 1.38-1.42, respectively, which have not been demonstrated with normal long period fiber gratings as the sensing element. As the sensing mechanism is based on the change of the transmitted optical power, our proposed scheme can intrinsically solve the limitations of the free spectral range commonly seen in other reported schemes, and continuous and repeatable measurements can be obtained while only acquiring errors mainly from the power fluctuations from the light source. The fiber grating also does not require any further mechanical modification like etching or tapering, which allows the sensing element to have the advantage of mechanical strength for practical applications. The experimental results are consistent with the modeling of the sensing mechanism. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Synthesis and electromagnetic wave absorption property of amorphous carbon nanotube networks on a 3D graphene aerogel/BaFe12O19 nanocomposite

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    Homogeneous amorphous carbon nanotube (ACNT) networks have been synthesized using floating catalyst chemical vapor deposition method on a 3D graphene aerogel (GA)/ BaFe12O19 (BF) nanocomposite which was prepared by a self-propagating combustion process. The as-synthesized ACNT/GA/BF nanocomposite with 3D network structures could be directly used as a good absorber material for electromagnetic wave absorption. The experimental results indicated that the minimum reflection loss of ACNT/GA/BF composite with a thickness of 2 mm was -18.35 dB at 10.64 GHz in the frequency range of 2-18 GHz. The frequency bandwidth of the reflection loss below -10 dB was 3.32 GHz and below -5 dB was 6.24 GHz, respectively. The 3D graphene aerogel structures which composed of dense interlined tubes and amorphous structure bearing quantities of dihedral angles could consume the incident waves through multiple reflection and scattering inside the 3D web structures. The interlinked ACNTs have both the virtues of amorphous CNTs (multiple reflection inside the wall) and crystalline CNTs (high conductivity), consuming the electromagnetic wave as resistance heat. ACNT/GA/BF composite has a good electromagnetic wave absorption performance.Institute of Textiles and Clothing2016-2017 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalbcr

    Vitamin D supplementation and breast cancer prevention : a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials

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    In recent years, the scientific evidence linking vitamin D status or supplementation to breast cancer has grown notably. To investigate the role of vitamin D supplementation on breast cancer incidence, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials comparing vitamin D with placebo or no treatment. We used OVID to search MEDLINE (R), EMBASE and CENTRAL until April 2012. We screened the reference lists of included studies and used the “Related Article” feature in PubMed to identify additional articles. No language restrictions were applied. Two reviewers independently extracted data on methodological quality, participants, intervention, comparison and outcomes. Risk Ratios and 95% Confident Intervals for breast cancer were pooled using a random-effects model. Heterogeneity was assessed using the I2 test. In sensitivity analysis, we assessed the impact of vitamin D dosage and mode of administration on treatment effects. Only two randomized controlled trials fulfilled the pre-set inclusion criteria. The pooled analysis included 5372 postmenopausal women. Overall, Risk Ratios and 95% Confident Intervals were 1.11 and 0.74–1.68. We found no evidence of heterogeneity. Neither vitamin D dosage nor mode of administration significantly affected breast cancer risk. However, treatment efficacy was somewhat greater when vitamin D was administered at the highest dosage and in combination with calcium (Risk Ratio 0.58, 95% Confident Interval 0.23–1.47 and Risk Ratio 0.93, 95% Confident Interval 0.54–1.60, respectively). In conclusions, vitamin D use seems not to be associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer development in postmenopausal women. However, the available evidence is still limited and inadequate to draw firm conclusions. Study protocol code: FARM8L2B5L

    Effectiveness of an electronic patient-centred self-management tool for gout sufferers: A cluster randomised controlled trail protocol

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    © © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted. Introduction Gout is increasing despite effective therapies to lower serum urate concentrations to 0.36 mmol/L or less, which, if sustained, significantly reduces acute attacks of gout. Adherence to urate-lowering therapy (ULT) is poor, with rates of less than 50% 1 year after initiation of ULT. Attempts to increase adherence in gout patients have been disappointing. We aim to evaluate the effectiveness of use of a personal, self-management, a'smartphone' application (app) to achieve target serum urate concentrations in people with gout. We hypothesise that personalised feedback of serum urate concentrations will improve adherence to ULT. Methods and analysisSetting and design Primary care. A prospective, cluster randomised (by general practitioner (GP) practices), controlled trial. Participants GP practices will be randomised to either intervention or control clusters with their patients allocated to the same cluster. Intervention The intervention group will have access to the Healthy.me app tailored for the self-management of gout. The control group patients will have access to the same app modified to remove all functions except the Gout Attack Diary. Primary and secondary outcomes The proportion of patients whose serum urate concentrations are less than or equal to 0.36 mmol/L after 6 months. Secondary outcomes will be proportions of patients achieving target urate concentrations at 12 months, ULT adherence rates, serum urate concentrations at 6 and 12 months, rates of attacks of gout, quality of life estimations and process and economic evaluations. The study is designed to detect a ≥30% improvement in the intervention group above the expected 50% achievement of target serum urate at 6 months in the control group: power 0.80, significance level 0.05, assumed a'dropout' rate 20%. Ethics and dissemination This study has been approved by the University of New South Wales Human Research Ethics Committee. Study findings will be disseminated in international conferences and peer-reviewed journal. Trial registration number ACTRN12616000455460

    Radiative Transfer for Exoplanet Atmospheres

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    Remote sensing of the atmospheres of distant worlds motivates a firm understanding of radiative transfer. In this review, we provide a pedagogical cookbook that describes the principal ingredients needed to perform a radiative transfer calculation and predict the spectrum of an exoplanet atmosphere, including solving the radiative transfer equation, calculating opacities (and chemistry), iterating for radiative equilibrium (or not), and adapting the output of the calculations to the astronomical observations. A review of the state of the art is performed, focusing on selected milestone papers. Outstanding issues, including the need to understand aerosols or clouds and elucidating the assumptions and caveats behind inversion methods, are discussed. A checklist is provided to assist referees/reviewers in their scrutiny of works involving radiative transfer. A table summarizing the methodology employed by past studies is provided.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, 1 table. Filled in missing information in references, main text unchange

    R-spondin-3 is an oncogenic driver of poorly differentiated invasive breast cancer

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    R-spondins (RSPOs) are influential signaling molecules that promote the Wnt/β-catenin pathway and self-renewal of stem cells. Currently, RSPOs are emerging as clinically relevant oncogenes, being linked to cancer development in multiple organs. Although this has instigated the rapid development and testing of therapeutic antibodies targeting RSPOs, functional evidence that RSPO causally drives cancer has focused primarily on the intestinal tract. Here, we assess the oncogenic capacity of RSPO in breast cancer in a direct fashion by generating and characterizing a novel mouse model with conditional Rspo3 expression in the mammary gland. We also address the prevalence of RSPO gene alterations in breast cancer patients. We found that a quarter of breast cancer patients harbor RSPO2/RSPO3 copy number amplifications, which are associated with lack of steroid hormone receptor expression and reduced patient survival. Foremost, we demonstrate the causal oncogenic capacity of RSPO3 in the breast, as conditional Rspo3 overexpression consistently drives the development of mammary adenocarcinomas in our novel Rspo3 breast cancer model. RSPO3-driven mammary tumors typically show poor differentiation, areas of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, and metastatic potential. Given the reported interplay in the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, we comparatively analyzed RSPO3-driven mouse mammary tumors versus classical WNT1-driven analogues. This revealed that RSPO3-driven tumors are distinct, as the poorly differentiated tumor morphology and metastatic potential were observed in RSPO3-driven tumorigenesis exclusively, further substantiated by differentiating gene expression profiles. Co-expression of Rspo3 and Wnt1 transduced mammary tumors with a mixed phenotype harboring morphological features characteristic of both transgenes. In summary, we report that a quarter of breast cancer patients harbor RSPO2/RSPO3 copy number gains, and these patients have a worse prognosis, whilst providing in vivo evidence that RSPO3 drives poorly differentiated invasive breast cancer in mice. Herewith, we establish RSPO3 as a driver of breast cancer with clinical relevance, proposing RSPO3 as a novel candidate target for therapy in breast cancer

    Wind-driven ventilation improvement with plan typology alteration: a CFD case study of traditional Turkish architecture

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    Aligned with achieving the goal of net-zero buildings, the implementation of energy-saving techniques in minimizing energy demands is proving more vital than at any time. As practical and economic options, passive strategies in ventilation developed over thousands of years have shown great potential for the reduction of residential energy demands, which are often underestimated in modern building’s construction. In particular, as a cost-effective passive strategy, wind-driven ventilation via windows has huge potential in the enhancement of the indoor air quality (IAQ) of buildings while simultaneously reducing their cooling load. This study aims to investigate the functionality and applicability of a common historical Turkish architectural element called “Cumba” to improve the wind-driven ventilation in modern buildings. A case study building with an archetypal plan and parameters was defined as a result of a survey over 111 existing traditional samples across Turkey. Buildings with and without Cumba were compared in different scenarios by the development of a validated CFD microclimate model. The results of simulations clearly demonstrate that Cumba can enhance the room’s ventilation rate by more than two times while harvesting wind from different directions. It was also found that a flexible window opening strategy can help to increase the mean ventilation rate by 276%. Moreover, the room’s mean air velocity and ventilation rate could be adjusted to a broad range of values with the existence of Cumba. Thus, this study presents important findings about the importance of plan typology in the effectiveness of wind-driven ventilation strategies in modern dwellings

    Prevalence of Disorders Recorded in Dogs Attending Primary-Care Veterinary Practices in England

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    Purebred dog health is thought to be compromised by an increasing occurence of inherited diseases but inadequate prevalence data on common disorders have hampered efforts to prioritise health reforms. Analysis of primary veterinary practice clinical data has been proposed for reliable estimation of disorder prevalence in dogs. Electronic patient record (EPR) data were collected on 148,741 dogs attending 93 clinics across central and south-eastern England. Analysis in detail of a random sample of EPRs relating to 3,884 dogs from 89 clinics identified the most frequently recorded disorders as otitis externa (prevalence 10.2%, 95% CI: 9.1-11.3), periodontal disease (9.3%, 95% CI: 8.3-10.3) and anal sac impaction (7.1%, 95% CI: 6.1-8.1). Using syndromic classification, the most prevalent body location affected was the head-and-neck (32.8%, 95% CI: 30.7-34.9), the most prevalent organ system affected was the integument (36.3%, 95% CI: 33.9-38.6) and the most prevalent pathophysiologic process diagnosed was inflammation (32.1%, 95% CI: 29.8-34.3). Among the twenty most-frequently recorded disorders, purebred dogs had a significantly higher prevalence compared with crossbreds for three: otitis externa (P = 0.001), obesity (P = 0.006) and skin mass lesion (P = 0.033), and popular breeds differed significantly from each other in their prevalence for five: periodontal disease (P = 0.002), overgrown nails (P = 0.004), degenerative joint disease (P = 0.005), obesity (P = 0.001) and lipoma (P = 0.003). These results fill a crucial data gap in disorder prevalence information and assist with disorder prioritisation. The results suggest that, for maximal impact, breeding reforms should target commonly-diagnosed complex disorders that are amenable to genetic improvement and should place special focus on at-risk breeds. Future studies evaluating disorder severity and duration will augment the usefulness of the disorder prevalence information reported herein

    Patient-reported outcome measures for cancer caregivers: a systematic review

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    Purpose Informal caregivers provide invaluable help and support to people with cancer. As treatments extend survival and the potential burdens on carers increase, there is a need to assess the impact of the role. This systematic review identified instruments that measure the impact of caregiving, evaluated their psychometric performance specifically in cancer and appraised the content. Methods A 2-stage search strategy was employed to: 1. identify instruments that measure the impact of caregiving, 2. run individual searches on each measure to identify publications evaluating psychometric performance in the target population. Searches were conducted in Medline, Embase, CINAHL and Psychinfo and restricted to English for instrument used and article language. Psychometric performance was evaluated for content and construct validity, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, precision, responsiveness and acceptability. Individual scale items were extracted and systematically categorised into conceptual domains. Results 10 papers were included reporting on the psychometric properties of 8 measures. Although construct validity and internal consistency were most frequently evaluated, no study comprehensively evaluated all relevant properties. Few studies met our inclusion criteria so it was not possible to consider the psychometric performance of the measures across a group of studies. Content analysis resulted in 16 domains with 5 overarching themes: lifestyle disruption; wellbeing; health of the caregiver; managing the situation and relationships. Conclusions Few measures of caregiver impact have been subject to psychometric evaluation in cancer caregivers. Those that have do not capture well changes in roles and responsibilities within the family and career, indicating the need for a new instrument