31 research outputs found

    Evaluación de Riesgos Disergonómicos en el Proceso Productivo de una Empresa Metalmecánica Mediante el Análisis IPER

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    La empresa en estudio se encuentra actualmente en una etapa de crecimiento ya que en el año 2015 trasladó su planta a la sede de Lurín, la cual cuenta con una mayor área; asimismo mediante la implementación de un sistema de pre-tratamiento y pintado continuo e instalación de una planta de tratamiento y reúso de aguas residuales en la fabricación de mobiliario clínico e institucional, la empresa redujo en un 97.5% su indicador ambiental principal correspondiente al consumo de agua (m3) por pieza pre-tratada (m2). De acuerdo a la evaluación ex – post de la Línea de Crédito Ambiental esta implementación permitió a la empresa metalmecánica una línea semi automatizada en sus procesos obteniendo beneficios ambientales (consumo de agua, uso de reactivos químicos, emisiones de CO2), beneficios económicos (recursos, productividad), beneficios sociales (eliminación de riesgos de accidentes por manipulación de sustancias químicas, y mejora del confort y seguridad ocupacional de los trabajadores). La ergonomía al ser de naturaleza y el hecho de que se trate de una disciplina relativamente reciente dificulta su inclusión en la organización existente la cual toma en segundo plano la salud ocupacional. Al ser una actividad relacionada con las personas, se superpone con muchos otros campos de actividad, ya que las personas son el recurso básico y más generalizado de cualquier organización. La forma de incluir el tema ergonómico dependerá de la historia y de los objetivos de cada organización en particular. El criterio principal es que los objetivos de la ergonomía se comprendan y se valoren adecuadamente; los mecanismos necesarios para la implementación de una evaluación de riesgos disergonómicos el cual muestre que cuente con un enfoque sostenible y que el periodo de retorno demuestre la factibilidad del estudio no solo por lo económico sino por el beneficio ambiental y social que esto conlleva. La estructura que se ha seguido en este trabajo se compone de 3 capítulos. El primer capítulo comprende el planteamiento del problema en el cual se muestra los siguientes temas: Descripción de la realidad problemática, justificación del problema, delimitación del trabajo, formulación del problema y objetivos. El La empresa en estudio se encuentra actualmente en una etapa de crecimiento ya que en el año 2015 trasladó su planta a la sede de Lurín, la cual cuenta con una mayor área; asimismo mediante la implementación de un sistema de pre-tratamiento y pintado continuo e instalación de una planta de tratamiento y reúso de aguas residuales en la fabricación de mobiliario clínico e institucional, la empresa redujo en un 97.5% su indicador ambiental principal correspondiente al consumo de agua (m3) por pieza pre-tratada (m2). De acuerdo a la evaluación ex – post de la Línea de Crédito Ambiental esta implementación permitió a la empresa metalmecánica una línea semi automatizada en sus procesos obteniendo beneficios ambientales (consumo de agua, uso de reactivos químicos, emisiones de CO2), beneficios económicos (recursos, productividad), beneficios sociales (eliminación de riesgos de accidentes por manipulación de sustancias químicas, y mejora del confort y seguridad ocupacional de los trabajadores). La ergonomía al ser de naturaleza y el hecho de que se trate de una disciplina relativamente reciente dificulta su inclusión en la organización existente la cual toma en segundo plano la salud ocupacional. Al ser una actividad relacionada con las personas, se superpone con muchos otros campos de actividad, ya que las personas son el recurso básico y más generalizado de cualquier organización. La forma de incluir el tema ergonómico dependerá de la historia y de los objetivos de cada organización en particular. El criterio principal es que los objetivos de la ergonomía se comprendan y se valoren adecuadamente; los mecanismos necesarios para la implementación de una evaluación de riesgos disergonómicos el cual muestre que cuente con un enfoque sostenible y que el periodo de retorno demuestre la factibilidad del estudio no solo por lo económico sino por el beneficio ambiental y social que esto conlleva. La estructura que se ha seguido en este trabajo se compone de 3 capítulos. El primer capítulo comprende el planteamiento del problema en el cual se muestra los siguientes temas: Descripción de la realidad problemática, justificación del problema, delimitación del trabajo, formulación del problema y objetivos. El segundo capítulo es el desarrollo del marco teórico en donde se presentará todas las herramientas teóricas aprendidas durante toda la carrera las cuales ayudarán en el transcurso del trabajo de suficiencia profesional a entender y presentar de manera más clara. Los temas abordados en el marco teórico son los siguientes mostrados a continuación: antecedentes, bases teóricas y definición de términos. El tercer capítulo corresponde al desarrollo del trabajo de suficiencia profesional en donde se abarca los puntos: lugar de ejecución, modelo de solución y resultados. El Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional finaliza con las conclusiones generadas a partir de los resultados obtenidos, además de las recomendaciones y anexos.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    Overcoming: A Theory of Accelerated Second-Degree Baccalaureate Graduate Nurse Transition to Professional Nursing Practice.

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    A plethora of stressors are known to be related to the process of transition to professional nursing practice as the neophyte registered nurse (RN) transitions from student to professional nurse. Although not new, accelerated second-degree baccalaureate nursing (ASDBN) programs have opened in record numbers in recent years in the wake of the current nursing shortage. Little is known about the experience of professional practice for accelerated second-degree baccalaureate graduate nurses (ASDBGNs). The stressful graduate nurse transition, current nursing shortage, and lack of an empirical base for ASDBN programs illustrate the significance of the research problem. This modified grounded theory study generated a substantive Theory of Overcoming: ASDBGN Transition to Professional Nursing Practice. Constant comparative method of joint data collection, analysis, theoretical sampling, and memoing was used. Data were collected through semistructured interviews using open-ended questions that were conducted over the telephone or in person. The identified basic social process (BSP), overcoming, encompasses 5 stages: reality check, goaling, getting started, coming out on top, and mastering. Study findings provide a beginning evidence-base for nursing education, policy, and clinical practice related to this growing student population

    Factors Associated with Correct and Consistent Insecticide Treated Curtain Use in Iquitos, Peru.

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    Dengue is an arthropod-borne virus of great public health importance, and control of its mosquito vectors is currently the only available method for prevention. Previous research has suggested that insecticide treated curtains (ITCs) can lower dengue vector infestations in houses. This observational study investigated individual and household-level socio-demographic factors associated with correct and consistent use of ITCs in Iquitos, Peru. A baseline knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) survey was administered to 1,333 study participants, and ITCs were then distributed to 593 households as part of a cluster-randomized trial. Follow up KAP surveys and ITC-monitoring checklists were conducted at 9, 18, and 27 months post-ITC distribution. At 9 months post-distribution, almost 70% of ITCs were hanging properly (e.g. hanging fully extended or tied up), particularly those hung on walls compared to other locations. Proper ITC hanging dropped at 18 months to 45.7%. The odds of hanging ITCs correctly and consistently were significantly greater among those participants who were housewives, knew three or more correct symptoms of dengue and at least one correct treatment for dengue, knew a relative or close friend who had had dengue, had children sleeping under a mosquito net, or perceived a change in the amount of mosquitoes in the home. Additionally, the odds of recommending ITCs in the future were significantly greater among those who perceived a change in the amount of mosquitoes in the home (e.g. perceived the ITCs to be effective). Despite various challenges associated with the sustained effectiveness of the selected ITCs, almost half of the ITCs were still hanging at 18 months, suggesting a feasible vector control strategy for sustained community use

    The impact of insecticide treated curtains on dengue virus transmission: A cluster randomized trial in Iquitos, Peru

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    Dengue is one of the most important vector-borne diseases, resulting in an estimated hundreds of millions of infections annually throughout the tropics. Control of dengue is heavily dependent upon control of its primary mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti. Innovative interventions that are effective at targeting the adult stage of the mosquito are needed to increase the options for effective control. The use of insecticide-treated curtains (ITCs) has previously been shown to significantly reduce the abundance of Ae. aegypti in and around homes, but the impact of ITCs on dengue virus (DENV) transmission has not been rigorously quantified. A parallel arm cluster-randomized controlled trial was conducted in Iquitos, Peru to quantify the impact of ITCs on DENV seroconversion as measured through plaque-reduction neutralization tests. Seroconversion data showed that individuals living in the clusters that received ITCs were at greater risk to seroconverting to DENV, with an average seroconversion rate of 50.6 per 100 person-years (PY) (CI: 29.9–71.9), while those in the control arm had an average seroconversion rate of 37.4 per 100 PY (CI: 15.2–51.7). ITCs lost their insecticidal efficacy within 6 months of deployment, necessitating re-treatment with insecticide. Entomological indicators did not show statistically significant differences between ITC and non-ITC clusters. It’s unclear how the lack of protective efficacy reported here is attributable to simple failure of the intervention to protect against Ae. aegypti bites, or the presence of a faulty intervention during much of the follow-up period. The higher risk of dengue seroconversion that was detected in the ITC clusters may have arisen due to a false sense of security that inadvertently led to less routine protective behaviors on the part of households that received the ITCs. Our study provides important lessons learned for conducting Randomized Cluster Trials for vector control interventions against Aedes-transmitted virus infections

    Measuring Health Related Quality of Life for Dengue Patients in Iquitos, Peru

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    Previous studies measuring the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of individuals with dengue focused on treatment seeking populations. However, the vast majority of global dengue cases are unlikely to be detected by health systems. Representative measurements of HRQoL should therefore include patients with disease not likely to trigger treatment-seeking behavior. This study based in Iquitos, Peru used the Quality of Wellbeing Scale-Self Administered, a survey that enquires about not only physical health, but also psychological health, self-care, mobility, and usual social activities, and rates HRQoL between 0 (death) and 1 (optimum function), to evaluate the impact of dengue on HRQoL. In order to enroll treatment and non treatment-seeking participants, three modalities of participant recruitment were used. In addition to clinic and community-based febrile surveillance, a contact-cluster methodology was also employed to identify infected individuals less likely to seek treatment. We measured changes in HRQoL and identified common areas of health impairment in 73 virologically confirmed dengue cases at 3 time points during the participant\u27s illness; the early-acute (days 0-6 post symptom onset), late-acute (days 7-20), and convalescent illness phases (days 21 +). Participants reported HRQoL related impairments at significantly higher frequency during the early-acute versus convalescent illness phase (Fisher\u27s exact: P\u3c0.01). There was substantial heterogeneity in scores during each illness phase with median scores in the early-acute, late-acute and convalescent phases of 0.56 (IQR: 0.41-0.64), 0.70 (IQR: 0.57-0.94), and 1 (IQR: 0.80-1.00), respectively. In all illness phases participants recruited in clinics had on average the lowest HRQoL scores where as those recruited in the contact clusters had the highest. Only 1 individual who was recruited in the contact-clusters had no reduction in HRQoL score during their illness. These data illustrate that dengue should be considered as a disease that may have significant implications for not only physical health but also psychological health and social functioning. The impact of dengue on the HRQoL of non-treatment-seeking individuals, although lower than the impact among treatment-seeking individuals, is not necessarily trivial

    Preventing Teenage Pregnancy and Building Positive Masculinities

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    El embarazo adolescente es un fenómeno global que plantea importantes desafíos para la salud y el bienestar de los jóvenes y sus comunidades. Se define como el embarazo ocurrido en adolescentes entre las edades de 10 y 19 años. Se estima que cada año se producen millones de embarazos en adolescentes en todo el mundo, lo que representa un problema de salud pública de gran magnitud. El embarazo en la adolescencia conlleva una serie de riesgos tanto para la madre como para el hijo/a. Las jóvenes embarazadas enfrentan un mayor riesgo de complicaciones durante el embarazo y el parto, así como de experimentar problemas de salud a largo plazo. Esta revisión bibliográfica tiene como objetivo examinar la evidencia existente sobre estrategias de prevención del embarazo adolescente y su relación con la construcción de masculinidades positivas, a través de una exhaustiva búsqueda en bases de datos científicas, como PubMed y Google Scholar, Scielo entre otras. Los estudios revisados demostraron que las intervenciones basadas en estas estrategias tuvieron un impacto positivo en la reducción de los índices de embarazo adolescente y en la promoción de actitudes y comportamientos saludables en los hombres jóvenes. En conclusión, la prevención del embarazo adolescente y la construcción de masculinidades positivas están estrechamente relacionadas y requieren enfoques integrales respaldados por evidencia científica, los programas de intervención que promueven la educación sexual integral, enfoques de género transformador y participación activa de los hombres jóvenes en la toma de decisiones sobre su salud reproductiva han demostrado ser efectivos.Teenage pregnancy is a global phenomenon that poses significant challenges to the health and well-being of young people and their communities. It is defined as pregnancy that occurs in adolescents between the ages of 10 and 19 years. It is estimated that millions of teenage pregnancies occur every year around the world, which represents a major public health problem. Pregnancy in adolescence entails a series of risks for both the mother and the child. Pregnant young women face a higher risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as experiencing long-term health problems. This bibliographic review aims to examine the existing evidence on adolescent pregnancy prevention strategies and their relationship with the construction of positive masculinities, through an exhaustive search in scientific databases, such as PubMed and Google Scholar, Scielo among others. The studies reviewed demonstrated that interventions based on these strategies had a positive impact on reducing rates of teenage pregnancy and promoting healthy attitudes and behaviors in young men. In conclusion, the prevention of teenage pregnancy and the construction of positive masculinities are closely related and require comprehensive approaches supported by scientific evidence, intervention programs that promote comprehensive sexual education, transformative gender approaches and active participation of young men in decision-making about their reproductive health have been shown to be effective

    Application of the bipolar electrodialysis technique for the production of hydrochloric acid from wastewater regeneration of ion exchange resins

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    This research had as a goal to determine how the application of bipolar electrodialysis technique influences the production of hydrochloric acid, regeneration of ion exchange resins from wastewater in the urbanization Enace – Carabayllo, Lima, Peru. The technique used was electrodialysis bipolar. For this, the bipolar electrodialysis module was constructed at laboratory scale with the purpose of recovering the chlorine ion (Cl-) for the production of hydrochloric acid and the recovery of the sodium ion (Na +) to obtain a sub product as is the sodium hydroxide from residual regeneration water of ion exchange resins. The controllable factors were considered as: voltage applied to the electrodialysis cell (6, 12, 18 V), and feed flow (300 mL/min, 600 mL/min). A recovery after of 200 minutes, 18 volts and a flow of 600mL/min was achieved a percentage of 84.91% of chlorine ion for the production of hydrochloric acid and 39.02% of sodium ion for a by-product of sodium hydroxide