4 research outputs found

    Curious Vascular Tumor

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    Introduction. Sinusoidal hemangioma is a rare variant of acquired cavernous hemangioma predominantly occurring in females. Very few case reports have been described in the literature. Case Report. We present a case of a 46-year-old woman who noticed a slowly growing, cutaneous nodule on the left breast. Local excision of the lesion was performed and histology allowed to find a sinusoidal hemangioma. No recurrence was noticed. Conclusion. The very few reports of such a lesion in the literature reflect either rarity of such lesions or unfamiliarity of this subset among the pathologists

    Prise en charge des tumeurs du sein bénignes épidémiologiquement rares de type Abrikossoff (tumeur à cellules granuleuses), adénomatose érosive du mamelon, cytostéatonécrose, fibromatose mammaire (tumeur desmoïde), galactocèle, hamartome, hémangiome, lipome, papillomatose juvénile, hyperplasie stromale pseudo-angiomateuse (PASH), et tumeur syringomateuse du mamelon : recommandations

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