201 research outputs found

    Características geológicas y metalogénicas de la mineralización de Cu-Zn-Pb-Ag de Congostrina, Sistema Central.

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    Las investigaciones realizadas en la zona de Congostrina han consistido en la descripción de las características morfológicas de la mineralización y su encuadre dentro del contexto de la metalogenia de la plata del Sistema Central. Asimismo se han estudiado los aspectos mineralógicos y texturales de los principales minerales de plata, estableciéndose la paragénesis y sucesión mineral del yacimiento

    Estudio geoquímico de los materiales encajantes de las mineralizaciones de plata del sector oriental del Sistema Central

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    En este trabajo se han estudiado las características geoquímicas de los materiales que constituyen el medio encajante de las mineralizaciones de La Bodera, Congostrina y Hiendelaenclna. En las tres zonas se ha realizado un estudio lito-geoquímico, en relación con los filones, a partir del cual se ha podido determinar la distribución de los principales elementos metalogénicos y el "contenido metal" de los materiales encajantes. Por otro lado, en la zona de La Bodera. se ha realizado una prospección geoquímica de suelos, para conocer las posibles prolongaciones filonianas y el efecto de las fracturas que afectan al filón principal de la zona

    Comparative study of road and urban object classification based on mobile laser scanners

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    Recently, the rapid development of new laser technologies has led to the continuous evolution of mobile laser systems, resulting in even greater capabilities for transport infrastructure. However, the market offers numerous MLS systems with varying specifications for global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), inertial measurement units (IMU), and laser scanners, which can result in different accuracies, resolutions, and densities. In this regard, this paper aims to compare two different MLS system, integrated with different GNSS and IMU for mapping in road and urban environments. The study evaluates the performance of these sensors using different classifiers and neighborhood sizes to determine which sensor produces better results. Random forest was found to be the most suitable classifier with an overall accuracy of (91.81% for Optech and 94.38% for Riegl) in road environment and (86.39% for Optech and 84.21% for Riegl) in urban environment. In terms of MLS, Optech achieved the highest accuracy in the road environment, while Riegl obtained the highest accuracy in the urban environment. This study provides valuable insights into the most effective MLS systems and approaches for accurate mapping in road and urban infrastructure.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2019-061Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-108816RB-I0

    Spatial analysis of tree species before forest fires

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    Spain is included in the top five European countries with the highest number of wildfires. The occurrence and magnitude of forest fires involves aspects of a very diverse nature, from those of a socio-economic, climatic, or physiographic nature, to those concerning fuel or the availability and quantity of resources and means of extinction. The distribution of wildfires in Galicia is not random and that fire occurrence may depend on ownership conflicts also a spatial dependence between productive or non-productive area exists. Satellite data play a major role in providing knowledge about fires by delivering rapid information to map fire-damaged areas precisely and promptly. In addition, the availability of large-scale data and the high temporal resolution offered by the Sentinel-2 satellite enables to classify and determine the land cover changes with high accuracy. This study describes a methodology to detect burned areas and analyse the Land Cover and Land Use (LCLU) classes present in these areas during the period of 5 years (2016–2021) by Sentinel-2 images. The training areas were obtained by photointerpretation and the image classification was performed using the Random Forest algorithm which shows an overall accuracy range between 80–85%. The methodology concluded that Lobios and Muiños were the most affected municipalities by wildfires. Additionally, the spatial analysis determined that the Deciduous Forest mainly composed by Quercus sp. were the most affected in 2017 followed by Coniferous Forest mainly composed by Pinus sp.in 2016. Although, Scrub and Rock are the classes more affected for wildfire during 2016–2020 period.Universidade de Vigo | Ref. 00VI 131H 6410211Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PCI2020-120705-2Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2019-061Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2020/0

    The meteorite collection of the National Museum of Natural Sciences, Madrid, Spain: An updated catalog

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    A catalog ofthe meteorite collection hosted by the National Museum ofNatural Sciences ofMadrid is presented. It includes 88 stony meteorites, 56 iron meteorites, and 13 stony-iron meteorites, as well as 14 tektites.Peer reviewe

    Analysis and adsorption-interaction of amino acids on basaltic mineral subjected to different simulated atmospheres

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    [EN] The research have been conducted in order to have a better understanding of amino acid adsorption on volcanic matrix surface subjected to different extreme environmental conditions (Martian surface environment, space environment, UV-environment, etc.) simulated by The Planetary Atmosphere and Surfaces Chamber (PASC) at the ”INTA-Centro de Astrobiogia”. The spectroscopic measurements were done by Raman and IR spectroscopy (at the Unidad Asociada Uva-CSIC at Centro de Astrobiología) taking into account the capabilities of the combined Raman-IR analyses for astrobiological target such as the detection of biomarkers on the future ESA-ExoMars Mission. Moreover, SEM-EDX analyses have been conducted in order to complement the spectroscopic results, which endeavour the use of spectroscopic systems for space missions. Conclusion: The L-aspartic acid shows to be the most suitable amino acid for this kind of experiment; the amino acid half–life is 104 seconds according to the reference; both spectroscopic techniques, working in synergy, have detected the amino acid degradation, but amino acid mineral interaction was not detected; the experiments have shown the versatility of the simulation chamber (PASC) to perform experiments under different planetary environments.[ES] Los experimentos se han realizado con el objectivo de tener un mejor entendimiento sobre aminoácidos inmovilizados sobre matrices de caracter volcánico y estos han sido sometidos a diferentes ambientes extremos (Ambiente marciano, ambiente espacial, ambiente de radiación UV, etc.) dentro de la Cámara de Simulación de atmosferas y superficies planetarias (PASC) en el Centro de Astrobiología- INTA. Los métodos espectroscópicos usados son la espectroscopía Raman e Infrarroja (en la Unidad Asociada Uva-CSIC al Centro de Astrobiología) teniendo en cuenta las capacidades combinadas de estos sistemas para objetivos astrobiológicos como la detección de biomarcadores en la futura misión ESAExoMars. Además, se realizaron medidas mediante microscopía electrónica (SEM-EDX) las cuales complementan los resultados espectroscópicos y refuerzan el uso de estos sistemas para misiones espaciales. Conclusiones: El ácido L-Aspartico demostró ser el más eficiente para este tipo de experimentos; la vida media de los aminoácido es de 104 teniendo en cuenta las referencias; ambos sistemas espectroscópicos Raman-IR, trabajando conjuntamente, detectaron la degradación de los aminoácidos, pero la interacción entre aminoácido-mineral no fue detectada; los experimentos demostraron la versatilidad de la Cámara de Simulación (PASC) en cuanto a la realizacion de experimentos en distintos ambientes planetarios.Peer reviewe

    Clinical, Refractive and Histological Reversibility of Corneal Additive Surgery in Deep Stroma in an Animal Model.

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    Producción CientíficaThe aim was to evaluate the reversibility of the clinical and histological changes induced in the corneas of an animal model after removing an intracorneal ring segment (ICRS).Surgery for this study was performed in 38 eyes of an experimental animal model (Gallus domesticus) for ICRS surgery (Ferrara technique). The animals without complications were randomized to two groups; in all of them, 1 segment was implanted in each eye and later removed at different times (1 and 3 months after implantation). In each group, after explantation, corneas were processed at different times for histological analysis with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain and electronic microscopy. The refractive state of the eyes was also measured.In corneas without complications (88.23%), explantation was performed correctly. During the first few days, around the area where the ICRS was implanted we observed deposits of cells and a moderate degree of corneal opacity (haze). These signs decreased progressively without disappearing completely. Histologically, at 7 days, we observed hyperplasia and abnormal arrangement of collagen fibers. Later, these findings also decreased in both groups, albeit at a faster rate in group 1. Minimal changes were observed in electron microscopy up to the end of the study in both groups. Preoperative refractive state was achieved at 1 month after explantation in both groups.ICRS can safely be explanted from the cornea. Refractive reversibility was achieved at 1 month after explantation. However, the clinical and histological findings after ICRS explantation depend on the time from implantation to explantation