714 research outputs found
The internationalisation of Spanish SMEs : main developments and their determinants
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Socio-emotional intervention in attention deficit hyperactive disorder
Attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neuro-behavioural disorder with onset in childhood. These children have impaired emotional self-control, self- regulation of drive and motivation. Numerous studies have reported cognitive disabilities in memory, executive functions, spatial abilities and language skills. The main objective of this work is to determine whether a socio-emotional intervention programme could improve execu- tive functions in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The sample of this study consisted of 25 children (8 female and 17 male) aged between 8 and 12 years, diagnosed with ADHD and who were not taking any psychopharmacological treatment at the time of the study, and had not taken medication previously. Executive functioning was assessed through the Zoo Map test and Tower of Hanoi puzzle in pre-/post-test design. A socio-emotional intervention programme was implemented. The training consisted of 8 one-hour weekly sessions, on an indi- vidual basis. Results indicate that such a programme does lead to improved performance in the execution of tasks that evaluate executive functions. After the intervention, the children took less time to resolve the Zoo Map test. Results for the Hanoi Tower puzzle were also improved after intervention. The children needed a lower number of movements to complete the task
Relief alternatives during resuscitation: instructions to teach bystanders. A randomized control trial
©2020. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
This document is the Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17155495To analyze the quality of resuscitation (CPR) performed by individuals without training after receiving a set of instructions (structured and unstructured/intuitive) from an expert in a simulated context, the specific objective was to design a simple and structured CPR learning method on-site.
An experimental study was designed, consisting of two random groups with a post-intervention measurement in which the experimental group (EG) received standardized instructions, and the control group (CG) received intuitive or non-standardized instructions, in a public area simulated scenario. Statistically significant differences were found (p < 0.0001) between the EG and the CG for variables: time needed to give orders, pauses between chest compressions and ventilations, depth, overall score, chest compression score, and chest recoil. The average depth of the EG was 51.1 mm (SD 7.94) and 42.2 mm (SD 12.04) for the CG. The chest recoil median was 86.32% (IQR 62.36, 98.87) for the EG, and 58.3% (IQR 27.46, 84.33) in the CG. The use of a sequence of simple, short and specific orders, together with observation-based learning makes possible the execution of chest compression maneuvers that are very similar to those performed by rescuers, and allows the teaching of the basic notions of ventilation. The structured order method was shown to be an on-site learning opportunity
when faced with the need to maintain high-quality CPR in the presence of an expert resuscitator until the arrival of emergency services
Firm heterogeneity and aggregate business services exports : micro evidence from Belgium, France, Germany and Spain
En este trabajo se emplean microdatos de exportaciones de servicios desagregados por empresa-destino-tipo de servicio con la finalidad de analizar cĂłmo afectan las caracterĂsticas de las empresas a las exportaciones agregadas de servicios en BĂ©lgica, Francia, Alemania y España para el perĂodo 2003-2007. El nivel y el crecimiento de las exportaciones agregadas se descomponen en diferentes mĂĄrgenes, prestando una atenciĂłn especial a la heterogeneidad empresarial dentro de cada paĂs. Los resultados corroboran que el dĂ©bil crecimiento de las exportaciones en Francia refleja, al menos parcialmente, el dĂ©bil dinamismo de los pequeños exportadores. En contraste, este grupo de empresas es el mĂĄs dinĂĄmico en el resto de los paĂses de la muestra. Nuestros resultados subrayan la relevancia de la heterogeneidad empresarial para explicar la evoluciĂłn de las exportaciones agregadasThis paper uses detailed micro data on service exports at the firm-destination-service level to analyse the role of firm heterogeneity in shaping aggregate service exports in Belgium, France, Germany and Spain from 2003 to 2007. We decompose the level and the growth of aggregate service exports into different trade margins paying special attention to firm heterogeneity within countries. We find that the weak export growth of France is at least partly due to poor performance by small exporters. By contrast, small exporters are the most dynamic contributors to the aggregate exports of Belgium, Germany and Spain. Our results highlight the importance of firm heterogeneity in understanding aggregate export growt
Vitrification of Donkey Sperm: Is It Better Using Permeable Cryoprotectants?
Vitrification by direct exposure of sperm to liquid nitrogen is increasing in popularity as an alternative to conventional freezing. In this study, the effect of permeable cryoprotectant agents for donkey sperm vitrification was compared to an extender containing non-permeable cryoprotectants. First, three different concentrations of sucrose (0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 molar, M) and bovine serum albumin, BSA (1, 5, and 10%) were compared. Secondly, the concentration of non-permeable agents producing the most desirable results was compared to an extender containing glycerol as permeable agent. Vitrification was performed by dropping 30 ΌL of sperm suspension directly into LN2 and warming at 42 °C. Sperm motility (total, TM; and progressive, PM) and plasma membrane integrity, PMI (mean ± SEM) were statistically compared between treatments. Sucrose 0.1 M showed a significantly higher percentage of total sperm motility (21.67 ± 9.22%) than sucrose 0.2 M (14.16 ± 4.50%) and 0.3 M (8.58 ± 6.22%); and no differences were found in comparison to the control (19.71 ± 10.16%). Vitrification with sucrose 0.1 M or BSA 5% obtained similar results for TM (21.67 ± 9.22% vs. 19.93 ± 9.93%), PM (13.42 ± 6.85% vs. 12.54 ± 6.37%) and PMI (40.90 ± 13.51% vs. 37.09 ± 14.28); but both showed higher percentages than glycerol (TM = 9.71 ± 4.19%; PM = 5.47 ± 3.17%; PMI = 28.48 ± 15.55%). In conclusion, donkey sperm vitrification in spheres using non-permeable cryoprotectants exhibited better sperm motility and viability parameters after warming than sperm vitrification using extenders containing permeable cryoprotectants
On weighted L_p-spaces of vector-valued entire analytic functions
[EN] The weighted L p -spaces of entire analytic functions are generalized to the vector-valued setting. In particular, it is shown that the dual of the space LKp,Âż(E) is isomorphic to LÂżKpÂż,¿¿1(EÂż) when the function Âż K is an L p,Âż (E)-Fourier multiplier. This result allows us to give some new characterizations of the so-called UMD-property and to represent several ultradistribution spaces by means of spaces of vector sequences.Motos Izquierdo, J.; Planells Gilabert, MJ.; Talavera Usano, CF. (2008). On weighted L_p-spaces of vector-valued entire analytic functions. Mathematische Zeitschrift. 260(2):451-472. doi:10.1007/s00209-007-0283-4S4514722602Aldous D.J. (1979). Unconditional bases and martingales in L p (F). Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 85: 117â123Amann H. (1997). Operator-valued Fourier multipliers, vector-valued Besov spaces and applications. Math. Nachr. 186: 5â56Björck G. (1966). Linear partial differential operators and generalized distributions. Ark. 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Tax fraud detection through neural networks: An application using a sample of personal income taxpayers
The goal of the present research is to contribute to the detection of tax fraud concerning
personal income tax returns (IRPF, in Spanish) filed in Spain, through the use of Machine Learning
advanced predictive tools, by applying Multilayer Perceptron neural network (MLP) models.
The possibilities springing from these techniques have been applied to a broad range of personal
income return data supplied by the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IEF). The use of the neural networks
enabled taxpayer segmentation as well as calculation of the probability concerning an individual
taxpayerâs propensity to attempt to evade taxes. The results showed that the selected model has an
efficiency rate of 84.3%, implying an improvement in relation to other models utilized in tax fraud
detection. The proposal can be generalized to quantify an individualâs propensity to commit fraud
with regards to other kinds of taxes. These models will support tax offices to help them arrive at the best decisions regarding action plans to combat tax frau
Open source hardware based sensor platform suitable for human gait identification
Most initiatives about embedded sensing capabilities in computational systems lead to de-
vise an ad hoc sensor platform, usually poorly reusable, as a first stage to prepare a data
corpus or production prototype. In this paper, an open source hardware platform for sensing is described. This platform was intended to be used in data acquisition for gait identification, and is designed in a way general enough so many other projects could reuse the design to accelerate prototyping. The platform is based on popular open source hardware and software like Arduino and Raspberry Pi using well known languages and libraries. Some experimental results about the throughput of the overall system are reported showing the feasibility of acquiring data from up to 6 sensors with a sampling frequency no less than 118 Hz
Is Open Science the Same as Open Source Science?
How open source hardware and software can help to level up open science into open research when used for both methods and tools in the research activities
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