567 research outputs found

    MIMO OTA testing based on transmit signal processing

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    Usually, multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) testbeds are combined with channel emulators for testing devices and algorithms under controlled channel conditions. In this work, we propose a simple methodology that allows over-the-air (OTA) MIMO testing using a MIMO testbed solely, avoiding the use of channel emulators. The MIMO channel is emulated by linearly combining the signals at the testbed transmitter. The method is fully flexible, so it is able to emulate any equivalent baseband narrowband MIMO channel by adequately selecting the weights of the linear combination. We derive closed-form expressions for the computation of such weights. To prove its feasibility, the method has been implemented and tested over a commercial MIMO testbed.This work was supported by the Spanish Government, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacain (MICINN), under projects COSIMA (TEC2010-19545-C04-03) and COMONSENS (CSD2008-00010, CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010)

    Gene–Gene Interaction based Clustering method for Microarray Data

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    In this paper, we propose a greedy clustering algorithm to identify groups of related genes and a new measure to improve the results of this algorithm. Clustering algorithms analyze genes in order to group those with similar behavior. Instead, our approach groups pairs of genes that present similar positive and/or negative interactions. In order to avoid noise in clusters, we apply a threshold, the neighbouring minimun index(λ), to know if a pair of genes have interac tion enough or not. The algorithm allows the researcher to modify all the criteria: discretization mapping function, gene– gene mapping function and filtering function, and even the neighbouring minimun index, and provides much flexibility to obtain clusters based on the level of precision needed. We have carried out a deep experimental study in databases to obtain a good neighbouring minimun index, λ. The performance of our approach is experimentally tested on the yeast, yeast cell-cycle and malaria datasets. The final number of clusters has a very high level of customization and genes within show a significant level of cohesion, as it is shown graphically in the experiment

    Excessive vertical overbite: clinical-epidemiologic characteristics and treatment in children under 19 years of age

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    Introduction: excessive vertical protrusion, vertical overbite, overbite or increased overbite are a frequent finding in maxillomandibular discrepancies.Objective: to update knowledge on overbite or excessive vertical overbite in children under 19 years of age.Methods: in order to carry out this bibliographic review, 50 articles on the subject were consulted, obtained from Pubmed, LILACS, Hinari, SCielo, academic Google, degree theses and texts of the specialty of Orthodontics. Forty-one articles were used as bibliography, with a predominance of articles published during the last five years and others of earlier date to reference the history of the definition of excessive vertical overbite.Development: excessive vertical overbite can manifest in children and adults; it is frequent in class I, II and III malocclusions. Its prevalence increases between five and 12 years of age. The precise identification of these anomalies through clinical and radiographic characteristics is fundamental to achieve a correct diagnosis and timely treatment according to their origin during growth. Orthodontic treatment in these cases aims to conform an adequate vertical protrusion of incisors through the application of various strategies according to etiology, age and facial esthetics. The most severe cases achieve better results when treated during growth and development.Conclusions: Deep bite is a common component of malocclusion in children and adults, its etiology should be considered in order to formulate a detailed diagnosis and treatment plan to achieve optimal skeletal, dentoalveolar, occlusal and esthetic results.Introducción: el resalte vertical excesivo, la sobremordida vertical, overbite o sobrepase aumentado, son un hallazgo frecuente en las discrepancias maxilomandibulares. Objetivo: actualizar los conocimientos sobre overbite o sobremordida vertical excesiva en menores de 19 años.Métodos: para realizar esta revisión bibliográfica se consultaron 50 artículos sobre el tema, obtenidos de Pubmed, LILACS, Hinari, SCielo, Google académico, tesis de grado y textos de la especialidad de Ortodoncia. Fueron utilizados 41 artículos como bibliografía, predominaron los artículos publicados durante los últimos cinco años y otros de anterior data para referenciar la historia de la definición de sobremordida vertical excesiva.Desarrollo: la sobremordida vertical excesiva se puede manifestar en niños y adultos; es frecuente en maloclusiones clase I, II y III. Su prevalencia aumenta entre cinco y 12 años de edad. La identificación precisa de estas anomalías a través de las características clínicas y radiográficas es fundamental para lograr un diagnóstico correcto y tratamiento oportuno según su origen durante el crecimiento. El tratamiento ortodóncico en estos casos persigue conformar un adecuado resalte vertical de incisivos mediante aplicación de varias estrategias según etiología, edad y estética facial. Los casos más severos logran mejores resultados cuando se tratan durante el crecimiento y desarrollo.Conclusiones: la mordida profunda es un componente común de la maloclusión en niños y adultos, se debe considerar su etiología para formular un diagnóstico y plan de tratamiento detallado para alcanzar óptimos resultados esqueléticos, dentoalveolares, oclusales y estéticos

    Solving 3-COL with Tissue P Systems

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    In the literature, several examples of the efficiency of cell-like P systems in order to solve NP-complete problems in polynomial time can be found. Recently, various new models of tissue-like P systems have received important attention from the scientific community. In this paper we present a linear-time solution to an NP-complete problem, the 3-COL problem, and discuss the possibilities of tissue-like P systems to solve hard problems.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2005-09345-C04-0

    A Membrane Computing Model for Ballistic Depositions

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    Ballistic Deposition was proposed by Vold and Sutherland as a model for colloidal aggregation. These early works were later extended to simulate the process of vapor deposition. In general, Ballistic Deposition models involve (d + 1)-dimensional particles which rain down sequentially at random onto a d-dimensional substrate; when a particle arrives on the existing agglomeration of deposited particles, it sticks to the rst particle it contacts, which may result in lateral growth. In this paper we present a rst P system model for Ballistic Deposition with d = 1.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006-13425Junta de Andalucía TIC-58

    Situated learning and education: development and validation of the future teacher attitudes scale in the application of augmented reality in the classroom

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    This research article focuses on the design and validation of a questionnaire to analyse future teachers' perceptions of professional skills through the use of Augmented Reality (AR) in higher education, specifically for students in the field of Educational Sciences. The sample consisted of 575 students of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education and Pedagogy during the academic year (2021/2022). The focus of this study is to authenticate a questionnaire that measures the influence of Augmented Reality (AR) on aspects such as situated learning, motivation, and the necessary instructional preparations for the successful integration of AR within classroom educational encounters. The questionnaire is an online Likert-type scale developed based on three dimensions: situated learning, motivation and training. The data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 and JASP 0.17.1. The questionnaire met the standards recommended for validation. However, improvements to the instrument are suggested. In conclusion, validation of instruments is necessary to gain a rigorous understanding of the impact of new learning environments

    Pedigree analysis of eight Spanish beef cattle breeds

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    The genetic structure of eight Spanish autochthonous populations (breeds) of beef cattle were studied from pedigree records. The populations studied were: Alistana and Sayaguesa (minority breeds), Avileña – Negra Ibérica and Morucha ("dehesa" breeds, with a scarce incidence of artificial insemination), and mountain breeds, including Asturiana de los Valles, Asturiana de la Montaña and Pirenaica, with extensive use of AI. The Bruna dels Pirineus breed possesses characteristics which make its classification into one of the former groups difficult. There was a large variation between breeds both in the census and the number of herds. Generation intervals ranged from 3.7 to 5.5 years, tending to be longer as the population size was larger. The effective numbers of herds suggest that a small number of herds behaves as a selection nucleus for the rest of the breed. The complete generation equivalent has also been greatly variable, although in general scarce, with the exception of the Pirenaica breed, with a mean of 3.8. Inbreeding effective population sizes were actually small (21 to 127), especially in the mountain-type breeds. However, the average relatedness computed for these breeds suggests that a slight exchange of animals between herds will lead to a much more favourable evolution of inbreeding. The effective number of founders and ancestors were also variable among breeds, although in general the breeds behaved as if they were founded by a small number of animals (25 to 163)

    An Overview of REBA Method Applications in the World

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    The objective of this work is to review literature, worldwide, in which the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) ergonomic assessment method was applied and count the number of times that REBA was applied together with other methods and subsequent incidence. The database used was the “Web of Science—Core Collection”. Only scientific articles and bibliographic reviews were included, analysing a total of 314 documents and selecting only 91. The use of the REBA method is indicated in terms of knowledge, country, year and journal sectors. It was most used in the knowledge areas of “Manufacturing” (24.18%), “Agriculture, forestry and fishing” (21.98%) and in “Other activities” (19.78%). One of the benefits of REBA is that it evaluates different body parts: upper limbs (arm, forearm and wrist), lower extremities, trunk and neck. It is a useful method to identify the forced postures adopted by workers to thus develop improvement measures if necessary. It is concluded that REBA method use has increased over the last decade, probably due to the digitization of knowledge. It is almost always applied in combination with other methods, and its use can be a positive indicator of company sustainability