42 research outputs found

    Wpływ fłurazepamu i zewnątrzkomórkowego pH na amplitudę i kinetykę GABA ergicznych prądów synaptycznych w hodowanych neuronach z hipokampa szczura

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    Stężenie jonów wodorowych (pH) i benzodiazepiny (BDZ) są czynnikami modulującymi receptory GABAa. W szczególności, wartość pH środowiska zewnątrzkomórkowego może zmieniać się w zależności od stanu fizjologicznego lub patologicznego. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu flurazepamu (benzodiazepiny) przy różnych wartościach zewnątrzkomórkowego pH (z zakresu 5.5 - 7.2) na amplitudę miniaturowych GABA-ergicznych inhibujących prądów synaptycznych (mIPSCs). Stwierdzono, że obecność flurazepamu prowadzi do zwiększenia amplitudy mIPSCs, ale efekt ten zależy od pH i je st największy przy silnie kwaśnych wartościach. Wpływ flurazepamu na amplidudę mIPSC osiąga nasycenie przy stężeniu ok. I цМ dla wszystkich badanych wartości pH. Wyniki te wskazują na to, że modulacja Prądów GABAergicznych przez benzodiazepiny jest zależna od odczynu środowiska.Praca dofinansowana przez KBN grant nr PBZ-M1N-001/P05/28Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    The role of G-protein-coupled membrane estrogen receptor in mouse Leydig cell function : in vivo and in vitro evaluation

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    AbstractIn this study, G-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER) was inactivated, by treatment with antagonist (G-15), in testes of C57BL/6 mice: immature (3 weeks old), mature (3 months old) and aged (1.5 years old) (50 μg/kg bw), as well as MA-10 mouse Leydig cells (10 nM/24 h) alone or in combination with 17β-estradiol or antiestrogen (ICI 182,780). In G-15-treated mice, overgrowth of interstitial tissue was found in both mature and aged testes. Depending on age, differences in structure and distribution of various Leydig cell organelles were observed. Concomitantly, modulation of activity of the mitochondria and tubulin microfibers was revealed. Diverse and complex GPER regulation at the mRNA level and protein of estrogen signaling molecules (estrogen receptor α and β; ERα, ERβ and cytochrome P450 aromatase; P450arom) in G-15 Leydig cells was found in relation to age and the experimental system utilized (in vivo and in vitro). Changes in expression patterns of ERs and P450arom, as well as steroid secretion, reflected Leydig cell heterogeneity to estrogen regulation throughout male life including cell physiological status.We show, for the first time, GPER with ERs and P450arom work in tandem to maintain Leydig cell architecture and supervise its steroidogenic function by estrogen during male life. Full set of estrogen signaling molecules, with involvement of GPER, is crucial for proper Leydig cell function where each molecule acts in a specific and/or complementary manner. Further understanding of the mechanisms by which GPER controls Leydig cells with special regard to male age, cell of origin and experimental system used is critical for predicting and preventing testis steroidogenic disorders based on perturbations in estrogen signaling.</jats:p

    GABA transient sets the susceptibility of mIPSCs to modulation by benzodiazepine receptor agonists in rat hippocampal neurons

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    Benzodiazepines (BDZs) are known to increase the amplitude and duration of IPSCs. Moreover, at low [GABA], BDZs strongly enhance GABAergic currents suggesting the up-regulation of agonist binding while their action on gating remains a matter of debate. In the present study we have examined the impact of flurazepam and zolpidem on mIPSCs by investigating their effects on GABAAR binding and gating and by considering dynamic conditions of synaptic receptor activation. Flurazepam and zolpidem enhanced the amplitude and prolonged decay of mIPSCs. Both compounds strongly enhanced responses to low [GABA] but, surprisingly, decreased the currents evoked by saturating or half-saturating [GABA]. Analysis of current responses to ultrafast GABA applications indicated that these compounds enhanced binding and desensitization of GABAA receptors. Flurazepam and zolpidem markedly prolonged deactivation of responses to low [GABA] but had almost no effect on deactivation at saturating or half-saturating [GABA]. Moreover, at low [GABA], flurazepam enhanced desensitization–deactivation coupling but zolpidem did not. Recordings of responses to half-saturating [GABA] applications revealed that appropriate timing of agonist exposure was sufficient to reproduce either a decrease or enhancement of currents by flurazepam or zolpidem. Recordings of currents mediated by recombinant (‘synaptic’) α1β2γ2 receptors reproduced all major findings observed for neuronal GABAARs. We conclude that an extremely brief agonist transient renders IPSCs particularly sensitive to the up-regulation of agonist binding by BDZs

    CS-barrelled spaces

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    New Form, New Material and Color Scheme, the Exposed Concrete Phenomenon&mdash;The Centennial Hall in Wroc&#322;aw

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    The aim of the article is to present the remarkable changes in architecture that took place in the 20th century. They can easily be called a revolution regarding the architectural form and the color scheme. Progress was being made through the development of reinforced concrete production methods. In the German Empire (Deutsches Kaiserreich), this material quickly found applications in more and more interesting solutions in architectural structures. In Wroc&#322;aw (formerly Breslau), then located in the eastern German Empire, exceptional architectural works were realized before and after the First World War using new technology. In 1913, an unusual building was erected&mdash;the Centennial Hall, designed by Max Berg (inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2006). Berg&rsquo;s work was inspired by the works of both Hans Poelzig and Bruno Taut. On the one hand, it was a delight with the new material (the Upper Silesian Tower at the exhibition in Pozna&#324;, designed by H. Poelzig) and, on the other hand, with the colorful architecture of light and glass by B. Taut (a glass pavilion at the Werkbund exhibition in Cologne). Max Berg left the concrete in an almost &ldquo;pure&rdquo; form, not hiding the texture of the formwork under the plaster layer. However, stratigraphic studies of paint coatings and archival inquiries reveal a new face of this building. The research was carried out as part of the CMP (Conservation Management Plan&mdash;prepared by the authors of the article, among others) grant from The Getty Foundation Keeping It Modern program. According to the source materials, the architect intended to leave the exposed concrete outside of the building, while the interior was to be decorated with painting, stained glass, and sculpture. The stratigraphic tests showed that the external walls were covered with a translucent yellowish color coating. Thus, the Centennial Hall shows a different face of reinforced concrete architecture