13 research outputs found

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    RNAi screen identifies Jarid1b as a major regulator of mouse HSC activity

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    Histone methylation is a dynamic and reversible process proposed to directly impact on stem cell fate. The Jumonji (JmjC) domain–containing family of demethylases comprises 27 members that target mono-, di-, and trimethylated lysine residues of histone (or nonhistone) proteins. To evaluate their role in regulation of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) behavior, we performed an in vivo RNAi-based functional screen and demonstrated that Jarid1b and Jhdm1f play opposing roles in regulation of HSC activity. Decrease in Jarid1b levels correlated with an in vitro expansion of HSCs with preserved long-term in vivo lymphomyeloid differentiation potential. Through RNA sequencing analysis, Jarid1b knockdown was associated with increased expression levels of several HSC regulators (Hoxa7, Hoxa9, Hoxa10, Hes1, Gata2) and reduced levels of differentiation-associated genes. shRNA against Jhdmlf, in contrast, impaired hematopoietic reconstitution of bone marrow cells. Together, our studies identified Jarid1b as a negative regulator of HSC activity and Jhdmlf as a positive regulator of HSC activity

    EUBREWNET RBCC-E Huelva 2015 Ozone Brewer Intercomparison

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    From 25 May to 5 June 2015, the 10th regional intercomparison campaign of the Regional Brewer Calibration Center – Europe (RBCC-E) was held at El Arenosillo atmospheric sounding station of the Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA). This campaign was jointly conducted by COST Action ES1207 EUBREWNET and the Area of Instrumentation and Atmospheric Research of INTA. A total of 21 Brewers, 11 single- and 10 double-monochromator instruments from 11 countries participated and were calibrated for total column ozone (TOC) and solar UV irradiance. In this 2015 campaign we have introduced a formal approach to the characterisation of the internal instrumental stray light, the filter non-linearity and the algorithm for correcting for its effects on the TOC calculations. This work shows a general overview of the ozone comparison and the evaluation of the correction of the spectral stray light effect for the single-monochromator Brewer spectrophotometer, derived from the comparison with a reference double-monochromator Brewer instrument. At the beginning of the campaign, 16 out of the 21 participating Brewer instruments agreed within better than ±1%, and 10 instruments agreed within better than ±0.5% considering data with ozone slant column between 100 and 900DU, which does not require instrumental stray light correction.This article is based upon work from COST Action 1207 EUBREWNET. This work has been supported by the European Metrology Research Programme within the joint research project ENV59 “Traceability for atmospheric total column ozone” (ATMOZ). The EMRP is jointly funded by the EMRP participating countries within EURAMET and the European Union. We also gratefully acknowledge further support by the Fundación General de la Universidad de La Laguna. This study and the campaigns were supported at large part by ESA project CEOS Intercalibration of ground-pectrometers and lidars (ESRIN contract 22202/09/I-EC)