24,867 research outputs found

    Star formation rates and chemical abundances of emission line galaxies in intermediate-redshift clusters

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    We examine the evolutionary status of luminous, star-forming galaxies in intermediate-redshift clusters by considering their star formation rates and the chemical and ionsiation properties of their interstellar emitting gas. Our sample consists of 17 massive, star-forming, mostly disk galaxies with M_{B}<-20, in clusters with redshifts in the range 0.31< z <0.59, with a median of =0.42. We compare these galaxies with the identically selected and analysed intermediate-redshift field sample of Mouhcine et al. (2006), and with local galaxies from the Nearby Field Galaxy Survey of Jansen et al. (2000). From our optical spectra we measure the equivalent widths of OII, Hbeta and OIII emission lines to determine diagnostic line ratios, oxygen abundances, and extinction-corrected star formation rates. The star-forming galaxies in intermediate-redshift clusters display emission line equivalent widths which are, on average, significantly smaller than measured for field galaxies at comparable redshifts. However, a contrasting fraction of our cluster galaxies have equivalent widths similar to the highest observed in the field. This tentatively suggests a bimodality in the star-formation rates per unit luminosity for galaxies in distant clusters. We find no evidence for further bimodalities, or differences between our cluster and field samples, when examining additional diagnostics and the oxygen abundances of our galaxies. This maybe because no such differences exist, perhaps because the cluster galaxies which still display signs of star-formation have recently arrived from the field. In order to examine this topic with more certainty, and to further investigate the way in which any disparity varies as a function of cluster properties, larger spectroscopic samples are needed.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS in pres


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    Lonely adatoms in space

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    There is a close relation between the problems of second layer nucleation in epitaxial crystal growth and chemical surface reactions, such as hydrogen recombination, on interstellar dust grains. In both cases standard rate equation analysis has been found to fail because the process takes place in a confined geometry. Using scaling arguments developed in the context of second layer nucleation, I present a simple derivation of the hydrogen recombination rate for small and large grains. I clarify the reasons for the failure of rate equations for small grains, and point out a logarithmic correction to the reaction rate when the reaction is limited by the desorption of hydrogen atoms (the second order reaction regime)

    The Tully-Fisher relation of intermediate redshift field and cluster galaxies from Subaru spectroscopy

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    We have carried out spectroscopic observations in 4 cluster fields using Subaru's FOCAS multi-slit spectrograph and obtained spectra for 103 bright disk field and cluster galaxies at 0.06z1.200.06 \le z \le 1.20. Seventy-seven of these show emission lines, and 33 provide reasonably-secure determinations of the galaxies' rotation velocity. The rotation velocities, luminosities, colours and emission-line properties of these galaxies are used to study the possible effects of the cluster environment on the star-formation history of the galaxies. Comparing the Tully-Fisher relations of cluster and field galaxies at similar reshifts we find no measurable difference in rest-frame BB-band luminosity at a given rotation velocity (the formal difference is 0.18±0.330.18\pm0.33 mag). The colours of the cluster emission line galaxies are only marginally redder in rest-frame BVB-V (by 0.06±0.040.06\pm0.04 mag) than the field galaxies in our sample. Taken at face value, these results seem to indicate that bright star-forming cluster spirals are similar to their field counterparts in their star-formation properties. However, we find that the fraction of disk galaxies with absorption-line spectra (i.e., with no current star formation) is larger in clusters than in the field by a factor of 3\sim3--5. This suggests that the cluster environment has the overall effect of switching off star formation in (at least) some spiral galaxies. To interpret these observational results, we carry out simulations of the possible effects of the cluster environment on the star-formation history of disk galaxies and thus their photometric and spectroscopic properties. Finally, we evaluate the evolution of the rest-frame absolute BB-band magnitude per unit redshift at fixed rotation velocity.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Spitzer bright, UltraVISTA faint sources in COSMOS: the contribution to the overall population of massive galaxies at z=3-7

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    We have analysed a sample of 574 Spitzer 4.5 micron-selected galaxies with [4.5]24 (AB) over the UltraVISTA ultra-deep COSMOS field. Our aim is to investigate whether these mid-IR bright, near-IR faint sources contribute significantly to the overall population of massive galaxies at redshifts z>=3. By performing a spectral energy distribution (SED) analysis using up to 30 photometric bands, we have determined that the redshift distribution of our sample peaks at redshifts z~2.5-3.0, and ~32% of the galaxies lie at z>=3. We have studied the contribution of these sources to the galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF) at high redshifts. We found that the [4.5]24 galaxies produce a negligible change to the GSMF previously determined for Ks_auto<24 sources at 3=<z<4, but their contribution is more important at 4=~50% of the galaxies with stellar masses Mst>~6 x 10^10 Msun. We also constrained the GSMF at the highest-mass end (Mst>~2 x 10^11 Msun) at z>=5. From their presence at 5=<z<6, and virtual absence at higher redshifts, we can pinpoint quite precisely the moment of appearance of the first most massive galaxies as taking place in the ~0.2 Gyr of elapsed time between z~6 and z~5. Alternatively, if very massive galaxies existed earlier in cosmic time, they should have been significantly dust-obscured to lie beyond the detection limits of current, large-area, deep near-IR surveys.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables. Updated to match version in press at the Ap

    Layer Features of the Lattice Gas Model for Self-Organized Criticality

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    A layer-by-layer description of the asymmetric lattice gas model for 1/f-noise suggested by Jensen [Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 3103 (1990)] is presented. The power spectra of the lattice layers in the direction perpendicular to the particle flux is studied in order to understand how the white noise at the input boundary evolves, on the average, into 1/f-noise for the system. The effects of high boundary drive and uniform driving force on the power spectrum of the total number of diffusing particles are considered. In the case of nearest-neighbor particle interactions, high statistics simulation results show that the power spectra of single lattice layers are characterized by different βx\beta_x exponents such that βx1.9\beta_x \to 1.9 as one approaches the outer boundary.Comment: LaTeX, figures upon reques

    Stability and correlations in dilute two-dimensional boson systems

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    The hyperspherical adiabatic expansion method is used to describe correlations in a symmetric boson system rigorously confined to two spatial dimensions. The hyperangular eigenvalue equation turns out to be almost independent of the hyperradius, whereas the solutions are strongly varying with the strength of the attractive two-body potentials. Instability is encountered in hyperangular, hyperradial, and mean-field equations for almost identical strengths inversely proportional to the particle number. The derived conditions for stability are similar to mean-field conditions and closely related to the possible occurrence of the Thomas and Efimov effects. Renormalization in mean-field calculations for two spatial dimensions is probably not needed.Comment: 5 pages, two figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. A, second version contains added discussion, especially of renormalizatio

    A combined mean-field and three-body model tested on the 26^{26}O-nucleus

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    We combine few- and many-body degrees of freedom in a model applicable to both bound and continuum states and adaptable to different subfields of physics. We formulate a self-consistent three-body model for a core-nucleus surrounded by two valence nucleons. We treat the core in the mean-field approximation and use the same effective Skyrme interaction between both core and valence nucleons. We apply the model to 26^{26}O where we reproduce the known experimental data as well as phenomenological models with more parameters. The decay of the ground state is found to proceed directly into the continuum without effect of the virtual sequential decay through the well reproduced d3/2d_{3/2}-resonance of 25^{25}O.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, under revie

    Combining few-body cluster structures with many-body mean-field methods

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    Nuclear cluster physics implicitly assumes a distinction between groups of degrees-of-freedom, that is the (frozen) intrinsic and (explicitly treated) relative cluster motion. We formulate a realistic and practical method to describe the coupled motion of these two sets of degrees-of-freedom. We derive a coupled set of differential equations for the system using the phenomenologically adjusted effective in-medium Skyrme type of nucleon-nucleon interaction. We select a two-nucleon plus core system where the mean-field approximation corresponding to the Skyrme interaction is used for the core. A hyperspherical adiabatic expansion of the Faddeev equations is used for the relative cluster motion. We shall specifically compare both the structure and the decay mechanism found from the traditional three-body calculations with the result using the new boundary condition provided by the full microscopic structure at small distance. The extended Hilbert space guaranties an improved wave function compared to both mean-field and three-body solutions. We shall investigate the structures and decay mechanism of 22^{22}C (20^{20}C+n+n). In conclusion, we have developed a method combining nuclear few- and many-body techniques without losing the descriptive power of each approximation at medium-to-large distances and small distances respectively. The coupled set of equations are solved self-consistently, and both structure and dynamic evolution are studied.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, conference proceedings, publishe

    Emergence of clusters: Halos, Efimov states, and experimental signals

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    We investigate emergence of halos and Efimov states in nuclei by use of a newly designed model which combines self-consistent mean-field and three-body descriptions. Recent interest in neutron heavy calcium isotopes makes 72^{72}Ca (70^{70}Ca+n+n) an ideal realistic candidate on the neutron dripline, and we use it as a representative example that illustrates our broadly applicable conclusions. By smooth variation of the interactions we simulate the crossover from well-bound systems to structures beyond the threshold of binding, and find that halo-configurations emerge from the mean-field structure for three-body binding energy less than 100\sim 100keV. Strong evidence is provided that Efimov states cannot exist in nuclei. The structure that bears the most resemblance to an Efimov state is a giant halo extending beyond the neutron-core scattering length. We show that the observable large-distance decay properties of the wave function can differ substantially from the bulk part at short distances, and that this evolution can be traced with our combination of few- and many-body formalisms. This connection is vital for interpretation of measurements such as those where an initial state is populated in a reaction or by a beta-decay.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, under revie