3,771 research outputs found

    Nonperturbative Tests of Three-Dimensional Dualities

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    We test several conjectural dualities between strongly coupled superconformal field theories in three dimensions by computing their exact partition functions on a three-sphere as a function of Fayet-Iliopoulos and mass parameters. The calculation is carried out using localization of the path integral and the matrix model previously derived for superconformal N = 2 gauge theories. We verify that the partition functions of quiver theories related by mirror symmetry agree provided the mass parameters and the Fayet-Iliopoulos parameters are exchanged, as predicted. We carry out a similar calculation for the mirror of N = 8 super-Yang-Mills theory and show that its partition function agrees with that of the ABJM theory at unit Chern-Simons level. This provides a nonperturbative test of the conjectural equivalence of the two theories in the conformal limit

    Coronary artery disease-associated genetic variants and biomarkers of inflammation

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    Introduction: Genetic constitution and inflammation both contribute to development of coronary artery disease (CAD). Several CAD-associated single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have recently been identified, but their functions are largely unknown. We investigated the associations between CAD-associated SNPs and five CAD-related inflammatory biomarkers. Methods: We genotyped 45 CAD-associated SNPs in 701 stable CAD patients in whom levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsRCP), interleukin-6, calprotectin, fibrinogen and complement component 3 levels had previously been measured. A genetic risk score was calculated to assess the combined risk associated with all the genetic variants. A multiple linear regression model was used to assess associations between the genetic risk score, single SNPs, and the five inflammatory biomarkers. Results: The minor allele (G) (CAD risk allele) of rs2075650 (TOMM40/APOE) was associated with lower levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (effect per risk allele: -0.37 mg/l [95%CI -0.56 to -0.18 mg/l]). The inflammatory markers tested showed no association with the remaining 44 SNPs or with the genetic risk score. Conclusions: In stable CAD patients, the risk allele of a common CAD-associated marker at the TOMM40/APOE locus was associated with lower hsCRP levels. No other genetic variants or the combined effect of all variants were associated with the five inflammatory biomarkers

    Automated underwriting in life insurance: Predictions and optimisation

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    © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018. Underwriting is an important stage in the life insurance process and is concerned with accepting individuals into an insurance fund and on what terms. It is a tedious and labour-intensive process for both the applicant and the underwriting team. An applicant must fill out a large survey containing thousands of questions about their life. The underwriting team must then process this application and assess the risks posed by the applicant and offer them insurance products as a result. Our work implements and evaluates classical data mining techniques to help automate some aspects of the process to ease the burden on the underwriting team as well as optimise the survey to improve the applicant experience. Logistic Regression, XGBoost and Recursive Feature Elimination are proposed as techniques for the prediction of underwriting outcomes. We conduct experiments on a dataset provided by a leading Australian life insurer and show that our early-stage results are promising and serve as a foundation for further work in this space

    Scalar soliton quantization with generic moduli

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    This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY 4.0), which permits any use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credArticle funded by SCOAP3. CP is a Royal Society Research Fellow and partly supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under grants DOE-SC0010008, DOE-ARRA-SC0003883 and DOE-DE-SC0007897. ABR is supported by the Mitchell Family Foundation. We would like to thank the Mitchell Institute at Texas A&M and the NHETC at Rutgers University respectively for hospitality during the course of this work. We would also like to acknowledge the Aspen Center for Physics and NSF grant 1066293 for a stimulating research environment which led to questions addressed in this paper

    Site-specific incorporation of phosphotyrosine using an expanded genetic code.

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    Access to phosphoproteins with stoichiometric and site-specific phosphorylation status is key to understanding the role of protein phosphorylation. Here we report an efficient method to generate pure, active phosphotyrosine-containing proteins by genetically encoding a stable phosphotyrosine analog that is convertible to native phosphotyrosine. We demonstrate its general compatibility with proteins of various sizes, phosphotyrosine sites and functions, and reveal a possible role of tyrosine phosphorylation in negative regulation of ubiquitination

    Monitoring of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Rabi Rice Fallows in South Asia Using Remote Sensing

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    Cereals and grain legumes are the most important part of human diet and nutrition. The expansion of grain legumes with improved productivity to cater the growing population’s nutritional security is of prime importance and need of the hour. Rice fallows are best niche areas with residual moisture to grow short-duration legumes, thereby achieving intensification. Identifying suitable areas for grain legumes and cereal grains is important in this region. In this context, the goal of this study was to map fallow lands followed by rainy season ( kharif ) rice cultivation or post-rainy ( rabi ) fallows in rice-growing environments between 2005 and 2015 using temporal moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data applying spectral matching techniques. This study was conducted in South Asia where different rice ecosystems exist. MODIS 16 day normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) at 250 m spatial resolution and season-wise-intensive ground survey data were used to map rice systems and the fallows thereafter ( rabi fallows) in South Asia. The rice maps were validated with independent ground survey data and compared with available subnational-level statistics. Overall accuracy and kappa coefficient estimated for rice classes were 81.5% and 0.79%, respectively, with ground survey data. The derived physical rice area and irrigated areas were highly correlated with the subnational statistics with R ^ 2 values of 94% at the district level for the years 2005–2006 and 2015–2016. Results clearly show that rice fallow areas increased from 2005 to 2015. The results show spatial distribution of rice fallows in South Asia, which are identified as target domains for sustainable intensification of short-duration grain legumes, fixing the soil nitrogen and increasing incomes of small-holder farmers

    Post-emergence selectivity of metribuzin to carrot.

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the selectivity of the herbicide metribuzin to carrot plants as a function of genotype, dose, and plant growth stage at the time of application. Two experiments were carried out, one in a greenhouse and another in the field

    Local host response following an intramammary challenge with Staphylococcus fleurettii and different strains of Staphylococcus chromogenes in dairy heifers

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    Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) are a common cause of subclinical mastitis in dairy cattle. The CNS inhabit various ecological habitats, ranging between the environment and the host. In order to obtain a better insight into the host response, an experimental infection was carried out in eight healthy heifers in mid-lactation with three different CNS strains: a Staphylococcus fleurettii strain originating from sawdust bedding, an intramammary Staphylococcus chromogenes strain originating from a persistent intramammary infection (S. chromogenes IM) and a S. chromogenes strain isolated from a heifer's teat apex (S. chromogenes TA). Each heifer was inoculated in the mammary gland with 1.0 x 10(6) colony forming units of each bacterial strain (one strain per udder quarter), whereas the remaining quarter was infused with phosphate-buffered saline. Overall, the CNS evoked a mild local host response. The somatic cell count increased in all S. fleurettii-inoculated quarters, although the strain was eliminated within 12 h. The two S. chromogenes strains were shed in larger numbers for a longer period. Bacterial and somatic cell counts, as well as neutrophil responses, were higher after inoculation with S. chromogenes IM than with S. chromogenes TA. In conclusion, these results suggest that S. chromogenes might be better adapted to the mammary gland than S. fleurettii. Furthermore, not all S. chromogenes strains induce the same local host response

    Investigating the Links between Lower Iron Status in Pregnancy and Respiratory Disease in Offspring Using Murine Models.

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    Maternal iron deficiency occurs in 40-50% of all pregnancies and is associated with an increased risk of respiratory disease and asthma in children. We used murine models to examine the effects of lower iron status during pregnancy on lung function, inflammation and structure, as well as its contribution to increased severity of asthma in the offspring. A low iron diet during pregnancy impairs lung function, increases airway inflammation, and alters lung structure in the absence and presence of experimental asthma. A low iron diet during pregnancy further increases these major disease features in offspring with experimental asthma. Importantly, a low iron diet increases neutrophilic inflammation, which is indicative of more severe disease, in asthma. Together, our data demonstrate that lower dietary iron and systemic deficiency during pregnancy can lead to physiological, immunological and anatomical changes in the lungs and airways of offspring that predispose to greater susceptibility to respiratory disease. These findings suggest that correcting iron deficiency in pregnancy using iron supplements may play an important role in preventing or reducing the severity of respiratory disease in offspring. They also highlight the utility of experimental models for understanding how iron status in pregnancy affects disease outcomes in offspring and provide a means for testing the efficacy of different iron supplements for preventing disease
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