477 research outputs found

    Méthode sans questions, questions sans méthods

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    Dans tous ces cas, l’analyse littéraire joue le rôle d’un indispensable garde-fou épistémologique et on voit bien qu’elle est susceptible de s’appliquer à des corpus de discours qui ne sont pas proprement ‘littéraires’. Déléguer aux experts ‘non-littéraires’ la tâche que ces derniers doivent assumer, ce n’est pas seulement réduire la littérature à des contenus, c’est priver les autres sciences humaines du regard critique que les littéraires pourraient porter sur les discours ‘non littéraires’

    Rêve et autoscopie

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    Au XXe siècle, le rêve est successivement en France l’objet de deux discours scientifiques, aux prémisses radicalement opposées : la psychanalyse qui se désintéresse de la physiologie du rêve et postule une signification du rêve ; les neurosciences qui dénient tout sens aux productions oniriques et se concentrent sur la physiologie de leur production. Entre les deux, un ensemble de questions largement négligées, touchant au vécu du rêve, à sa qualité d’illusion, à sa valeur esthétique, à son rapport à la conscience et à la volonté, n’a cessé d’intéresser la pensée essayistique et littéraire (de Roger Caillois à Pierre Pachet en passant par Henri Michaux). Cependant, il n’est pas d’essai sur le rêve qui ne soit soumis à une pente autobiographique, car le rêve, par excellence expérience privée, suppose une autoscopie et entraîne un récit personnel

    La photo-textualité comme acte de lecture

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    Une recherche concernant l’impact de la photographie sur les arts m’a conduit à m’intéresser à un ensemble de textes qu’on désigne du terme un peu vague de « photo-textualité ». Ce corpus d’œuvres, qui associent textes et photographies, dépasse les limites d’un « genre », car on y trouve aussi bien des fictions que des documents ou des essais ; il offre globalement l’occasion de réfléchir aux interactions entre ses deux composantes, textuelle et photographique. Pour résumer, je dirais que, da..

    Interleukin (IL)–12 and IL-23 Are Key Cytokines for Immunity against Salmonella in Humans

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    Patients with inherited deficiency of the interleukin (IL)–12/IL-23–interferon (IFN)–g axis show increased susceptibility to invasive disease caused by the intramacrophage pathogens salmonellae and mycobacteria. We analyzed data on 154 patients with such deficiency. Significantly more patients with IL-12/IL-23–component deficiency had a history of salmonella disease than did those with IFN-g–component deficiency. Salmonella disease was typically severe, extraintestinal, and caused by nontyphoidal serovars. These findings strongly suggest that IL-12/IL-23 is a key cytokine for immunity against salmonella in humans and that IL-12/IL-23 mediates this protective effect partly through IFN-g–independent pathways. Investigation of the IL-12/IL-23–IFN-g axis should be considered in patients with invasive salmonella disease

    Планування ЗЕД на підприємствах малого та середнього бізнесу

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    Pheochromocytomas (PCC) and abdominal paragangliomas (PGL) display a highly diverse genetic background and recent gene expression profiling studies have shown that PCC and PGL (together PPGL) alter either kinase signaling pathways or the pseudo-hypoxia response pathway dependent of the genetic composition. Recurrent mutations in the Harvey rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog (HRAS) have recently been verified in sporadic PPGLs. In order to further establish the HRAS mutation frequency and to characterize the associated expression profiles of HRAS mutated tumors, 156 PPGLs for exon 2 and 3 hotspot mutations in the HRAS gene was screened, and compared with microarray-based gene expression profiles for 93 of the cases. The activating HRAS mutations G13R, Q61R, and Q61K were found in 10/142 PCC (7.0%) and a Q61L mutation was revealed in 1/14 PGL (7.1%). All HRAS mutated cases included in the mRNA expression profiling grouped in Cluster 2, and 21 transcripts were identified as altered when comparing the mutated tumors with 91 HRAS wild-type PPGL. Somatic HRAS mutations were not revealed in cases with known PPGL susceptibility gene mutations and all HRAS mutated cases were benign. The HRAS mutation prevalence of all PPGL published up to date is 5.2% (49/950), and 8.8% (48/548) among cases without a known PPGL susceptibility gene mutation. The findings support a role of HRAS mutations as a somatic driver event in benign PPGL without other known susceptibility gene mutations. HRAS mutated PPGL cluster together with NF1- and RET-mutated tumors associated with activation of kinase-signaling pathways.Funding Agencies|Swedish Cancer Foundation; StratCan; Swedish Research Council; Cancer Research Foundations of Radiumhemmet; Karolinska Institutet; Stockholm County Council</p

    Constraining mass ratio and extinction in the FU Orionis binary system with infrared integral field spectroscopy

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    We report low resolution near infrared spectroscopic observations of the eruptive star FU Orionis using the Integral Field Spectrograph Project 1640 installed at the Palomar Hale telescope. This work focuses on elucidating the nature of the faint source, located 0.5" south of FU Ori, and identified in 2003 as FU Ori S. We first use our observations in conjunction with published data to demonstrate that the two stars are indeed physically associated and form a true binary pair. We then proceed to extract J and H band spectro-photometry using the damped LOCI algorithm, a reduction method tailored for high contrast science with IFS. This is the first communication reporting the high accuracy of this technique, pioneered by the Project 1640 team, on a faint astronomical source. We use our low resolution near infrared spectrum in conjunction with 10.2 micron interferometric data to constrain the infrared excess of FU Ori S. We then focus on estimating the bulk physical properties of FU Ori S. Our models lead to estimates of an object heavily reddened, A_V =8-12, with an effective temperature of ~ 4000-6500 K . Finally we put these results in the context of the FU Ori N-S system and argue that our analysis provides evidence that FU Ori S might be the more massive component of this binary syste