1,317 research outputs found

    Potencijali i prepreke za transnacionalizaciju suvremenih ekoloških borbi u Srbiji

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    Considering the growing tendency of contemporary environmental movements from the Global North to internationalise their struggles, in this paper we try to explore the potentials and obstacles of recent environmental initiatives in Serbia - the protests against small hydropower plants and struggles against the exploitation of lithium - to scale-up from the local to national and transnational level. Focusing on the discursive framing of these initiatives based on the analysis of the digital content created and shared by environmental organisations and activists on social media, we investigate to what extent eco-nationalism represents an incentive or a barrier for the creation of transnational alliances. We also explore the willingness of this movement’s advocates to participate in organised collective actions addressing their grievances to international institutions, and especially to the European Union. We interpret the emergence of eco-nationalism as related to the environmentalism of the poor/dispossessed, which arises as a reaction to the commodification of natural resources, advancing neoliberal policies and neoextractivism on the (semi-)periphery of the world capitalist system.S obzirom na sve izraženiju tendenciju suvremenih ekoloških pokreta da internacionaliziraju svoje borbe, u ovom radu pokušavamo istražiti potencijale i prepreke nedavnih ekoloških inicijativa u Srbiji - prosvjeda protiv malih hidroelektrana i borbi protiv eksploatacije litija - da se prošire s lokalne do nacionalne i transnacionalne razine. Fokusirajući se na diskurzivno uokvirivanje ovih inicijativa temeljeno na analizi digitalnog sadržaja koji su ekološke organizacije i aktivisti kreirali i dijelili na društvenim mrežama, istražujemo u kojoj mjeri ekonacionalizam predstavlja poticaj ili prepreku za stvaranje transnacionalnih saveza te njihovu spremnost na sudjelovanje u organiziranim kolektivnim akcijama upravljenima prema međunarodnim institucijama, a posebno prema Europskoj uniji. Pojavu eko-nacionalizma tumačimo povezanom s ekologizmom siromašnih/razvlaštenih, koji se javlja kao reakcija na komodifikaciju prirodnih resursa, širenje neoliberalnih politika i neoekstraktivizam na (polu)periferiji svjetskog kapitalističkog sustava

    Optical energy bandgap tuning of spinel zinc stannate by erbium/ytterbium doping

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    This work shows the results of an optical energy bandgap (Eg) investigation supported by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of spinel-type zinc stannate (Zn2SnO4) upon doping with rear earth (RE3+) ions (Er3+, Yb3+). The powder samples are synthesized by a mechanochemical solid-state method with the final annealing step at 1200 C. The reference Zn2SnO4 powder sample bandgap (3.87 eV) turning lower upon doping, precisely to 3.5 eV, and 3.37 eV bandgap values found for Er-doped Zn2SnO4 and Er,Yb-codoped Zn2SnO4 powder samples, respectively is a confirmation of the successful incorporation of the RE3+ ions into the Zn2SnO4 host structure. Morphology of the obtained powders shows, in general, the non-uniformly shaped agglomerates, while their particle sizes follow up the bandgap decreasing trend with doping

    The relationship of sensory processing of children with developmental dysphasia with burnout and self-esteem of parents

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    Uvod: Teškoće senzornog procesiranja mogu predstavljati rizik za razvoj jezičkih i govornih poremećaja u najranijem periodu i nužno zahtevaju pomoć stručnjaka i kontinuirano angažovanje roditelja u radu sa detetom, što može dovesti do pojave sagorevanja kod roditelja i pada njihovog samopoštovanja, uz nemogućnost adekvatne pomoći ne samo detetu već i sebi. Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bilo je ispitivanje povezanosti senzorne osetljivosti dece sa razvojnom disfazijom sa karakteristikama roditelja. Metode: Uzorak je činilo 50 roditelja dece uzrasta od tri do šest godina. U istraživanju su korišćeni upitnici za procenu karakteristika senzornog procesiranja: Dečiji senzorni profil 2, Roditeljski inventar sagorevanja, Rozenbergova skala samopoštovanja. U obradi podataka korišćene su mere deskriptivne statistike i Pirsonov koeficijent korelacije. Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je nivo roditeljskog sagorevanja relativno nizak – roditelji pokazuju visok stepen lične posvećenosti (M = 4.16, SD = .67), srednji nivo emocionalne iscrpljenosti (M = 2.34, SD = .78) i nizak nivo emocionalnog distanciranja (M = 1.72, SD = .72) – ali i da ih odlikuje niže samopoštovanje (M = 3.11, SD = .34). Takođe, samopoštovanje i sagorevanje nisu međusobno povezani. Na senzornom profilu skale bihevioralnih elemenata veoma visoko međusobno koreliraju, dok intenzitet korelacija u dimenzijama osnovnog sistema procesiranja oscilira i postoji slaba povezanost opšteg samopoštovanja roditelja na dimenzijama procesiranje položaja tela i ponašanje vezano za senzorno procesiranje. Zaključak: Rezultati su razmatrani u kontekstu praktičnih pedagoških implikacija s obzirom na to da ukoliko se teškoće ne otklone u predškolskom periodu, može doći do odgađanja polaska deteta u školu ili dugoročnih teškoća pri učenju i savladavanju školskog gradiva.Introduction. Sensory processing difficulties can pose a risk for the development of language and speech disorders in the earliest period and require professional intervention and intense involvement of parents in homework with children with developmental dysphasia, which might cause parental burnout and lower level of their self-esteem when parents are not able to help, not only the children, but themselves too. Aim. The aim of the research was to examine the relationship between the sensory sensitivity of children with developmental dysphasia and the characteristics of parents. Method. The sample consisted of 50 parents of children aged 3 to 6 years. The following questionnaires were used in the research to assess the characteristics of sensory processing: The Child Sensory Profile 2, Parental Burnout Inventory, and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Measures of descriptive statistics and Pearson’s correlation coefficient were used in data processing. Results. The results of the research show that the level of parental burnout is relatively low (parents showed a high level of personal accomplishment (M = 4.16, SD = .67), mild level of emotional exhaustion (M = 2.34, SD = .78) and low level of emotional distancing (M = 1.72, SD = .72), but also that they are characterized by lower self-esteem (M = 3.11, SD = .34). Also, self-esteem and burn-out are not related. On the Sensory Profile, subscales of behavior elements are highly correlated, while the intensity of correlations in subscales of the basic system of processing oscillates. There is a weak correlation between the general self-esteem of parents with subscales of body posture and behavior. Conclusion. The obtained results were discussed in the context of practical pedagogical implications, considering that if the difficulties in the child’s functioning are not eliminated in the preschool period, the child’s departure to school may be delayed, or long-term difficulties in learning may appear


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    Abstract Classical financial market theories built upon the assumption of a perfect market have been coping with frictions on both developed and emerging markets. There are numerous factors affecting the operation of financial markets and their participants’ behavior, but illiquidity is a continuous problem that has important consequences on the financial asset prices and the degree of competition between market participants. Moreover, investments that yield high profits are often the ones related to less liquid financial assets from emerging markets. Since investment decisions are based on risk preferences and investors are commonly risk averse, they tend to limit their risk exposure while defining their investment strategy. Various risk measures can be used to estimate the level of risk. Value at Risk (VaR) is a widely accepted summary measure of market risk that is also recommended by the financial industry regulatory authorities as a risk management tool. The usage of VaR models is rapidly expanding; thus, it is used by both financial and non-financial institutions in order to estimate exposure to financial risks, complement allocation of capital, set trading position limits and evaluate performance of trading strategies. However, the last global financial crisis that occurred in 2007-2008 highlighted some of the weaknesses of this measure as a measure of market risk. The lack of a liquidity parameter in methodologies used to compute VaR significantly decreased the effectiveness of this measure. Therefore, the objective of this research is to examine the implications of asset liquidity risk on market risk assessment, which is obtained by using VaR. The most frequently used technique for VaR estimation is the parametric (analytic) method, but the constant search for precise prediction models results in a large number of variations of basic parametric and non-parametric methods. Thus, in this research, the parametric VaR and volatility models are implemented on a sample representing the stock indices of the European emerging markets in the period from 2009 to 2017. The results of this study indicate that the application of a liquidity constraint in the VaR model provides more accurate assessment of potential loss, especially in emerging markets, and enables investors to detect the liquidity risk and its effect in comparison with a conventional VaR

    Comparison of novel variable area convergent-divergent nozzle performances obtained by analytic, computational and experimental methods

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    Different applications of a variable area convergent-divergent nozzle are found in various parts of the industry. This paper presents the development of a new design methodology for a variable area convergent-divergent nozzle, to maintain constant nozzle area ratio for different values of mass flow rates. The validation of the presented model was carried out on an example supersonic ejector using experimental, numerical and analytical data. Analytical (one dimensional) and computational fluid dynamics models showed satisfactory prediction performance in comparison with the experiment. The average entrainment ratio error was between 10% and 7%, respectively. Results confirmed that the velocity of the primary fluid at the nozzle outlet is in accordance with the one dimensional analysis. Although disturbances (strong and weak shock waves) are visible, their effects are negligible. Also, supersonic ejector performances are presented through relations between entrainment ratio, outlet pressure and spindle position. Disadvantages of variable area nozzle utilization in ejector applications are emphasized

    Comparison of novel variable area convergent-divergent nozzle performances obtained by analytic, computational and experimental methods

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    Different applications of a variable area convergent-divergent nozzle are found in various parts of the industry. This paper presents the development of a new design methodology for a variable area convergent-divergent nozzle, to maintain constant nozzle area ratio for different values of mass flow rates. The validation of the presented model was carried out on an example supersonic ejector using experimental, numerical and analytical data. Analytical (one dimensional) and computational fluid dynamics models showed satisfactory prediction performance in comparison with the experiment. The average entrainment ratio error was between 10% and 7%, respectively. Results confirmed that the velocity of the primary fluid at the nozzle outlet is in accordance with the one dimensional analysis. Although disturbances (strong and weak shock waves) are visible, their effects are negligible. Also, supersonic ejector performances are presented through relations between entrainment ratio, outlet pressure and spindle position. Disadvantages of variable area nozzle utilization in ejector applications are emphasized

    Value assessment of nuclear medicine methods based on the application of gamma and positron emitters in the detection and follow up of neuroendocrine tumors

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    Neuroendokrini tumori (NET), ili neuroendokrine neoplazme (NEN), su veoma retki. Za dijagnozu i praćenje ovih tumora koriste se radiološke metode kao što su multidetektorska kompjuterizovana tomografija (MDCT), magnetna rezonanca (MR), ultrazvuk (UZ) kao i en-doskopija. Metode nuklearne medicine koriste funkcionalne sposobnosti NET ćelije, vizualizuju celo telo i mogu lokalizovati i udaljene metastaze u cilju određivanja stadijuma bolesti i praćenja efekta lečenja. Snimanje se može obaviti pomoću gama kamere (SPECT, SPECT/CT) ili pozitronskom emisionom tomografijom sa kompjuterizovanom tomografijom (PET/CT). Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su: utvrđivanje funkcionalne karakteristike NET primenom radiofarmaka obeleženih gama emiterima tehnecijumom i jodom (99mTc, 123I) sa semikvantitativnom analizom, utvrđivanje funkcionalnih karakteristika NET primenom radiofarmaka, obeleženih pomoću pozitronskih emitera (fluor-18, 18F) sa semikvantitativnom analizom, utvrđivanje korelacije između funkcionalnih karakteristika NET dobijenih primenom gama emitera sa onima dobijenih primenom pozitronskih emitera i poređenje nalaza nuklearne medicine i drugih konvencionalnih vizualizacionih metoda u detekciji i određivanju stepena raširenosti bolesti. Pacijenti: Kriterijume za uključivanje u studiju su ispunjavali svi pacijenti sa patohistološkom i imunohistohemijskom verifikacijom NET, rezultatima laboratorijskih analiza i kompletnom obradom radiološkim (morfološkim) metodama (UZ, MDCT, MR). Referentni standard za aktivnu bolest bila je patohistološka potvrda tumorskog tkiva posle operacije, biopsije kao i kliničko praćenje bolesnika. Scintigrafija somatostatinskih receptora pomoću 99mTc-tektrotida (99mTc-TCT) urađena je kod pacijenata sa sumnjom na primarni tumor, recidiv ili metastaze neuroendokrinih neoplazmi (NEN) ileocekalnog regiona i apendiksa u 51 pacijenta sa medijanom praćenja od 18 meseci. Scintigrafija somatostatinskih receptora urađena je i kod pacijenata sa sumnjom na primarni tumor, recidiv ili metastaze NEN pankreasa u 80 pacijenta sa medijanom praćenja od 14 meseci. Scintigrafija pozitronskim (i gama) emiterima urađena je kod pacijenata operisanih od medularnog karcinoma štitaste žlezde sa sumnjom na recidiv ili metastaze. Ovo, 18F- FDG PET/CT ispitivanje izvršeno je kod 57 pacijenata sa medijanom praćenja od 20 meseci...Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), or neuroendocrine neoplasms (NEN), are very rare. For the diagnosis and follow-up of these tumors, various radiological methods are used such as multidetector computed tomography (MDCT), magnetic resonance imaging (MR), ultrasound (US), as well as endoscopy. Nuclear medicine methods exploit NET unique properties, enable whole body examination, staging, selection of patients for peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) and treatment monitoring as well. Imaging can be performed with gamma camera (SPECT, SPECT/CT) or positron emission tomography with computed tomography (PET/CT). The objectives of this study were as follows: to determine the functional characteristics of NET using radiopharmaceuticals labeled with gamma emitters technetium and iodine (99m Tc, 123I) with semiquantitative analysis, to determine the functional characteristics of NET using radiopharmaceuticals labeled with positron emitters (18F) with semiquantitative analysis, determining the correlation between the functional characteristics of NET obtained using gamma emitters with those obtained using positron emitters, as well as comparison with the results of other imaging methods in detecting and determining the prevalence of the disease. Patients: Criteria for inclusion in the study were all patients with pathohistological and immunohistochemical verification of NET, the results of laboratory analyses and complete investigation with radiological (morphological) methods (US, MDCT and MR). The reference standards for active disease were pathohistology confirmation of NET after surgery, biopsy, as well as clinical follow-up. Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy with 99mTc-tektrotyd (99mTc-TCT) was performed in the patients with suspected primary tumor, recurrence or metastasis of the neuroendocrine neoplasm (NEN) of ileocecal region and appendix in 51 patients, with a median follow-up of 18 months. Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy was also performed in patients with suspected primary tumor, recurrence, or metastasis of pancreatic NEN in 80 patients, with a median follow-up of 14 months. Positron (and gamma) emitter scintigraphy was performed in patients after surgery for medullary thyroid cancer with suspected recurrence or metastasis. The 18F-FDG PET/CT study was performed in 57 patients, with a follow-up median of 20 months..

    On the possibility of using biological toxicity tests to monitor the work of wastewater treatment plants

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    The aim of this study was to ascertain the possibility of using biological toxicity tests to monitor influent and effluent wastewaters of wastewater treatment plants. The information obtained through these tests is used to prevent toxic pollutants from entering wastewater treatment plants and discharge of toxic pollutants into the recipient. Samples of wastewaters from the wastewater treatment plants of Kragujevac and Gornji Milanovac, as well as from the Lepenica and Despotovica Rivers immediately before and after the influx of wastewaters from the plants, were collected between October 2004 and June 2005. Used as the test organism in these tests was the zebrafish Brachydanio rerio Hamilton - Buchanon (Cyprinidae). The acute toxicity test of 96/h duration showed that the tested samples had a slight acutely toxic effect on B. rerio, except for the sample of influent wastewater into the Cvetojevac wastewater treatment plant, which had moderately acute toxicity, indicating that such water should be prevented from entering the system in order to eliminate its detrimental effect on the purification process

    Effects of magnesium on behavior, neuroendocrine and changes in myocardium induced by hyperactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary- adrenal axis in rats

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    Depresija pogađa 322 miliona ljudi u svetu i jedan od neurobioloških mehanizama koji doprinosi manifestaciji je hiperaktivnost ose hipotalamus-hipofiza-nadbubreg (HPA). Rizik za nastanak kardiovaskularnih oboljenja je dvostruko povišen kod depresivnih osoba. Poznato je da deficit magnezijuma (Mg) može indukovati hiperaktivnost HPA ose. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se u modelu depresije rezistentne na triciklične antidepresive, indukovane ACTH tretmanom (10 μg/dan, 21 dan) ispitaju bihejvioralni efekti primene Mg (300 mg magnezijuma/L vode za piće, 28 dana) i uticaj na parametre HPA osovine i neurogeneze kod pacova. Drugi cilj bio je da se ispitaju kardioprotektivni efekti Mg i uticaj na proliferaciju kardiomiocita. Treći cilj bio je da se odrede in vitro efekti ACTH u trodimenzionalnom modelu sferoida humanih kardiomiocita. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je u modelu depresije rezistentne na triciklične antidepresive Mg ostvario anksiolitički i antidepresivni efekat kod mužjaka Wistar pacova. Mg je suprimirao hiperaktivnost HPA ose, što se manifestovalo smanjenjem nivoa kortikosterona i IL- 6 u plazmi. Pored toga, Mg je delovao inhibitorno na proliferaciju fibroblasta i endotelnih ćelija, ali i deponovanje endomizijalnog kolagena u srcu, indukovanih ACTH tretmanom. Takođe, ACTH i Mg su delovali stimulatorno na proliferaciju kardiomiocita. U in vitro modelu, visoka koncentracija ACTH nije uticala na apoptozu, ali je indukovala porast ATP u kardiomiocitima. Rezultati ukazuju da antidepresivni efekat Mg nastupa zahvaljujući supresiji hiperaktivnosti HPA ose i stimulaciji neurogeneze. Magnezijum deluje i kardioprotektivno i inhibira razvoj fibroze miokarda, indukovane primenom ACTH. U modelu sferoida, visoka koncentracija ACTH izaziva hipertrofiju kardiomiocita.Depression affects 322 million people worldwide and one of the underlying neurobiological mechanisms involves hyperactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. People who suffer from depression show a two-fold increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies have shown that magnesium deficiency can provoke HPA axis hyperactivity. The aim of our research was to examine the effects of Mg treatment (300 mg/L, 28 days) on behavioral changes and parameters of HPA axis and neurogenesis in rats, in a model of depressive-like behavior induced by chronic administration of adrenocorticotropic hormone (10 μg/day, 21 days) and resistant to tricyclic antidepressants. Our second aim was to explore cardioprotective effects of Mg, as well as changes in cardiomyocyte proliferation. The third aim was to investigate in vitro effects of ACTH exposure on human cardiomyocytes in a 3D model of spheroids. Results have shown that Mg exerts anxiolytic and antidepressant effects in male Wistar rats, in a model of depressive-like behavior resistant to tricyclic antidepressants. Furthermore, Mg supressed proliferation of fibroblasts and endothelial cells and endomysial collagen deposition evoked by ACTH treatment. ACTH and Mg treatment promoted cardiomyocyte proliferation. In our in vitro model, exposure to high ACTH concentration did not alter level of cardiomyocyte apoptosis, however, an increase in ATP was observed. Mg exerts anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects and possible underpinning mechanisms involve attenuated HPA axis hyperactivity and increase in neurogenesis. Moreover, Mg attenuates ACTH-evoked cardiac fibrosis in rats, whereas in vitro exposure to high concentrations of ACTH induces changes that potentially reflect cardiomyocyte hypertrophy

    Flood exposure - towards flood risk assessment and management plans : case study Serbia : [abstract]

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