68 research outputs found

    Los efectos contraproducentes de los Planes de Mano Dura

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    El presente artículo se ocupa de analizar y mostrar a la luz de las propias estadísticas oficiales el fracaso de las políticas de Mano Dura y Super Mano Dura implementadas en El Salvador en los últimos tres años, en su tarea de combatir la criminalidad y controlar el fenómeno de las pandillas. A su vez, se centra en analizar dos de los principales efectos adversos que la implementación de políticas represivas ha tenido en la inseguridad y en la violencia experimentada en el país. Por un lado se destacan las complejas transformaciones experimentadas por la organización pandilleril en respuesta a la persecución estatal. Por otro lado, se analiza como otro efecto importante de las políticas de manodurismo el recrudecimiento de la violencia y el surgimiento de nuevas expresiones de criminalidad.This article presents an analysis, based on official statistics, of the failure of the repressive and super-repressive policies («mano dura » and «super mano dura») applied in El Salvador during rhe last three years as an instrumenr to fight crime and control juvenile gangs. At the same time, it focuses on the main backlash effects these policies have had on the security and the violence in that country. On the one hand, the text highlights the complex transformations undergone by the gangs as a response to persecution by the state. On the other, the article analyzes the increase of violence and the emergence of new forms of crime as an effect of «manodurismo» policies

    Los efectos contraproducentes de los Planes de Mano Dura

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    El presente artículo se ocupa de analizar y mostrar a la luz de las propias estadísticas oficiales el fracaso de las políticas de Mano Dura y Super Mano Dura implementadas en El Salvador en los últimos tres años, en su tarea de combatir la criminalidad y controlar el fenómeno de las pandillas. A su vez, se centra en analizar dos de los principales efectos adversos que la implementación de políticas represivas ha tenido en la inseguridad y en la violencia experimentada en el país. Por un lado se destacan las complejas transformaciones experimentadas por la organización pandilleril en respuesta a la persecución estatal. Por otro lado, se analiza como otro efecto importante de las políticas de manodurismo el recrudecimiento de la violencia y el surgimiento de nuevas expresiones de criminalidad.This article presents an analysis, based on official statistics, of the failure of the repressive and super-repressive policies («mano dura » and «super mano dura») applied in El Salvador during rhe last three years as an instrumenr to fight crime and control juvenile gangs. At the same time, it focuses on the main backlash effects these policies have had on the security and the violence in that country. On the one hand, the text highlights the complex transformations undergone by the gangs as a response to persecution by the state. On the other, the article analyzes the increase of violence and the emergence of new forms of crime as an effect of «manodurismo» policies

    Una mirada a las instituciones públicas en la ciudad de Puerto Montt en el año 2019

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    Tesis (Magister en Gestión e Inclusión Laboral de Personas en Situación de Discapacidad)El objetivo de la presente investigación es describir la gestión para la inclusión laboral de personas en situación de discapacidad por parte de las instituciones públicas en la ciudad de Puerto Montt, enmarcado en la implementación de la Ley 21.015, y cómo esta impactará en la organización que se desarrolle para favorecer la inclusión laboral. La metodología que se utilizó respondió a un diseño de investigación cualitativo, ya que brinda la oportunidad de entender el proceso que se desarrolla desde la perspectiva de los participantes en un ambiente natural y en relación con el contexto. En esta línea se recogió la información concedida por los referentes y consecutivamente se analizó el contenido del discurso otorgado. Los hallazgos de la investigación apuntan al escaso desarrollo de la gestión realizada por las instituciones en materia de inclusión laboral en la ciudad de Puerto Montt, ya que publicada la ley de inclusión no se pesquisan contrataciones de personas en situación de discapacidad en las instituciones públicas participantes de este estudio. Tampoco se determina la existencia de una política de buenas prácticas tanto en la planificación estratégica o lineamientos organizacionales que regulen los procesos de inclusión al interior de estas. Hoy en día persisten barreras arquitectónicas en la gran mayoría de los edificios públicos que participaron de este estudio.The objective of the present research is to describe the series of actions towards work inclusion of differently-abled people from the public institutions in Puerto Montt city, according to the implementation of act 21.015 and how this will impact in the organization involved in the stimulation of work inclusion. The methodology involved in this research answered to a qualitative investigation design, because it gives researchers the opportunity to understand the process involved from the point of view of the research participants in their natural environment and in relation to the context. For this reason, information was gathered from the participants, then the content of the discourse given was consequently analyzed. The research findings register the scarce development in the management performed by the public institutions in matters of work inclusion in Puerto Montt city, since the inclusion law has been published, there has not been hiring of people with disabilities in the public institutions participating in this study. The existence of a policy of best practices has not been determined either in terms of strategic planning or organizational lineaments, in addition to the existence of architectural barriers in most of the public service buildings participating in this study

    El pensamiento neoliberal y la producción del sujeto neoliberal: Reflexiones desde la política pública para Costa Rica y El Salvador

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    A discussion is offered on how neoliberal subjectivity is produced under an economic idealism, of the market and of individual freedom. Premises show that neoliberalism is not only a practice in the economic field but also a loss of a social project and individualization in the psychological plane that requires each person to face reality in isolation and where each one can reach/buy individually what is necessary. The idea of entrepreneurship is explained as one of the neoliberal strategies to individualize and delegitimize the need for States. It is a theoretical reflection that analyzes historical contextual data from Costa Rica and El Salvador, government plans, policies already applied, bills, public discussions and journalistic notes.Se ofrece una discusión sobre cómo se produce una subjetividad neoliberal bajo un idealismo economicista, del mercado y de la libertad individual. Se desarrollan premisas que muestran que el neoliberalismo no solo es acción en el campo económico, sino también una pérdida de un proyecto común de sociedad y una individualización en el plano psicológico, que exige a cada persona afrontar la realidad de forma aislada y donde cada una puede alcanzar/comprar individualmente lo necesario. Se explica la idea del emprendimiento laboral como una de las estrategias neoliberales para individualizar y deslegitimar la necesidad de los Estados. Es una reflexión teórica que analiza para su desarrollo datos contextuales principalmente de Costa Rica y El Salvador, planes de gobierno, políticas públicas, proyectos de ley, discusiones públicas y notas periodísticas

    Testing principles application on tests administered to Intermediate Intensive English I students of the Foreign Language Department

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    Assessment is one of the main components of learning and teaching process. It involves any formal or informal activity that is meant to collect information from learners to judge their language performance or language knowledge (Spratt, et al, 2005). In order to collect that information from students, teachers make use of some different tools like paper and pencil tests, role plays and tasks related to real life situations. The most common tool used to gather information is paper and pencil tests. Nevertheless, the information gathered from tests sometimes would not give valid information about students learning due to different factors that affect test design or development such as lack of time resources and the like. Within the educational field tests serve as a tool used to make a decision (Pedhazur et al, 1991). This purpose rules every test, thus teachers are encouraged to determine what students’ needs are and depending on those is how the test should be designed. Researchers discovered important elements that aid this process. Answering four important questions will help to design a quality test. For example, who will take the test (students), why is the test made (purpose), how will the test be evaluated (tasks and grades) and what will be tested (objectives or criteria) are all part of the development stages that a teacher should consider (Fleurquin, 2010). The quality of tests depends directly on its design. Consequently, the design of tests should follow some rules called testing principles in order to make it reliable, valid, useful and practical. Therefore, recognizing what elements are involved in the test design process will make teachers highlight, search for specific information and concentrate on priorities. An important source that eases such process is the course syllabus. Not only because it offers the guidelines for the course but also for test content. In fact, tests must prove a bond with what has been shared in class and what is shown on tests (Kaplan & Saccuzzo, 2008). It is worthless to teach with the test when tests purpose is to measure what has been taught. Along with the syllabus there are some guidelines that become important assets to design a test and that many teachers overlook. In the educational field reliability and validity are the most common testing principles; however, there are others of great importance as well. For instance, within validity: content, construct, criterion, face validity; student-related, teacher-related, administration reliability; authenticity, usefulness, practicality, washback. Applying these, “the cornerstones” (Combee & Hubly, 2007) guarantees better outcomes and an easy way of measuring what students have achieved. Under no circumstance should a test be aimed to flunk students. On the contrary; teachers’ task is to design the fairest test not only because it will benefit students but also because teachers will be able to draw conclusions from a valid test. And such will be only achieved if teachers pay close attention to what is placed on it, which in turn sets a proper expectation from students

    Phenotypic and genotypic profile of clinical and animal multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica isolates from Mexico

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    Descripción de Salmonella enterica multirresistenteAims: The objective of this study was to obtain a phenotypic and genotypic profile of Salmonella enterica including multidrug-resistant (MDR) isolates from food-producing animals and clinical isolates, as well as their genetic relatedness in two different States of Mexico (Jalisco and State of Mexico). Methods and Results: A total of 243 isolates were evaluated in terms of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and related genes through a disk diffusion method and PCR respectively; we found 16 MDR isolates, all of them harbouring the blaCMY gene but not qnr genes, these isolates represent less than 10% of the collection. The pulsed-field gel electrophoresis revealed a higher genotypic similitude within isolates of State of Mexico than Jalisco. Conclusions: A low percentage of Salmonella isolates were resistant to relevant antibiotics in human health, nevertheless, the AMR and involved genes were similar despite the different serovars and origin of the isolates. Significance and Impact of the Study: This investigation rovided an insight of the current status of AMR of Salmonella isolates in two States of Mexico and pinpoint the genes involved in AMR and their epidemiological relationship, the information could help to determine an adequate therapy in human and eterinary medicine

    Investigation of the thermal and physicochemical behavior of two types of gutta-percha cones for back-filling the root canal

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    Gutta-percha (Gp) is an inert thermoplastic polymer used as a filling to replace the dental pulp space, which has been reformulated to improve its three-dimensional sealing properties. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the physical, chemical and thermal properties of two types of gutta-percha filling. As well as measuring the temperature distribution along the cone at the time of cutting through an in-situ test. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two commercially available brands of gutta-percha point were investigated: Conform Fit TM Gutta-Percha for ProTaper Gold(R) (PTG) (Dentsply Sirona), and Hygenic Gutta-Percha (Coltene whaledent). Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were selected for the thermal characterization of materials, and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) for the chemical analysis of Gp cones. Regarding temperature distribution, it was evaluated using a thermographic camera (FLIR ONE(R) PRO by MicroUSB P/N 435-0011-01) at 0 to 20 s after the cutting process (n=11/group). RESULTS: Both materials have three fusion endotherms associated with the three crystalline phases of Gp, with similar temperatures but enthalpies that differ by 60%, the fusion enthalpy being higher for Conform Fit. In the chemical characterization, elements such as Zn, C, O, Ba, S and Si were found in both materials but in different proportions. Regarding the content of fillers, the Conform Fit presented around 30% of Gp polymer and 25% for the Hygenic. The morphological characterization shows a microtexturized coating in the form of bars on a micrometric scale for the Conform Fit, which could favor a better three-dimensional seal. In addition to that, in heat transfer studies they showed greater temperature control. CONCLUSIONS: The characterization of the materials allowed us to see the variation in terms of their composition and configuration to the Gp cones of two commercial brands. These variations directly modify the thermal behavior of the material. Key words:Gutta-percha, Conform Fit, Infrared thermography, Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Infrared Spectroscopy

    El error regulado en el artículo 28 del código penal en el delito de violación

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    El error, de forma general, se entiende como la falsa apreciación que se tiene sobre determinada situación, en el ámbito del derecho penal, el error puede alegarse de diferentes formas, siendo de tipo, vencible o invencible, como de prohibición, de igual forma vencible o invencible. El error en el derecho penal se remonta en la historia a las primeras civilizaciones y se contemplaba tanto en el derecho romano, como en el germánico y canónico, entre otros; marcando un precedente en la aplicación de esta figura dentro de los distintos delitos, así también, encontramos desarrolladas las distintas teorías implementadas por las escuelas penales más importantes de la época, siendo estudiado principalmente dentro de la teoría del delito la cual tiene como objetivo especificar las características generales que deben observarse en una conducta para ser imputada como hecho punible a través del análisis de sus elementos. En la legislación salvadoreña encontramos a la Constitución de la República como la fuente principal que da vida a las leyes secundarias, entre estas el Código Penal, que regula en el artículo 28 lo referente a la figura del error, sus clasificaciones y la forma de aplicación, en tanto puede existir error de tipo, vencible e invencible, como también error de prohibición, vencible o invencible, incluso en códigos penales de países como México, Argentina, Perú y Costa Rica, encontramos regulada la figura del error, dentro de los cuales se logran apreciar los criterios que la doctrina plantean en dichos textos legales. Actualmente en El Salvador la figura del error en el delito de violación no cuenta con un criterio unificado para su aplicación