1,155 research outputs found

    The Simple Economics of Hog Marketing Reforms in Quebec

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    Hogs, marketing, vertical coordination, auctions, Industrial Organization, Livestock Production/Industries, Marketing,

    Developmental toxicity of combined ethylbenzene and methylethylketone administered by inhalation to rats

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    Pregnant Sprague–Dawley rats were exposed to ethylbenzene (EB; 0, 250, or 1000 ppm) and methylethylketone (MEK; 0, 1000, or 3000 ppm), alone and in combination, by inhalation, for 6 h/day, during days 6–20 of gestation. Maternal toxicity, evidenced by decreased in body weight gain and food consumption, tended to be greater after simultaneous exposures to the high concentrations of 1000 ppm EB and 3000 ppm MEK, when compared to the treatments with individual compounds. No significant increase in embryo/fetal lethality or incidence of malformations and variations was observed in any of the treatment groups. Fetal body weight was significantly reduced after individual treatment with 1000 ppm EB or 3000 ppm MEK, and in the combined groups. There was no evidence of interaction between EB and MEK in causing developmental toxicity

    Association between the Rate of CD4+ T Cell Decrease and the Year of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Type 1 Seroconversion among Persons Enrolled in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the early CD4+ T cell response among human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) seroconverters in relation to their year of seroconversion. Study participants were enrolled in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study between 1985 and 1995 and had not received antiretroviral treatment. The slope of the CD4+ T cell count within 2 years after seroconversion was significantly associated with the year of seroconversion, by sex and by use of injection drugs, when controlling for initial CD4+ cell count. These results show that the loss of CD4+ cells might be associated with the year of seroconversion, suggesting a change in the pathogenesis of HIV across the years. If these results are confirmed, they could have important implications for the pathogenesis of and therapeutic strategies for HIV-1 infectio

    Nucleus-specific linker histones Hho1 and Mlh1 form distinct protein interactions during growth, starvation and development in Tetrahymena thermophila

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    Chromatin organization influences most aspects of gene expression regulation. The linker histone H1, along with the core histones, is a key component of eukaryotic chromatin. Despite its critical roles in chromatin structure and function and gene regulation, studies regarding the H1 protein-protein interaction networks, particularly outside of Opisthokonts, are limited. The nuclear dimorphic ciliate protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila encodes two distinct nucleus-specific linker histones, macronuclear Hho1 and micronuclear Mlh1. We used a comparative proteomics approach to identify the Hho1 and Mlh1 protein-protein interaction networks in Tetrahymena during growth, starvation, and sexual development. Affinity purification followed by mass spectrometry analysis of the Hho1 and Mlh1 proteins revealed a non-overlapping set of co-purifying proteins suggesting that Tetrahymena nucleus-specific linker histones are subject to distinct regulatory pathways. Furthermore, we found that linker histones interact with distinct proteins under the different stages of the Tetrahymena life cycle. Hho1 and Mlh1 co-purified with several Tetrahymena-specific as well as conserved interacting partners involved in chromatin structure and function and other important cellular pathways. Our results suggest that nucleus-specific linker histones might be subject to nucleus-specific regulatory pathways and are dynamically regulated under different stages of the Tetrahymena life cycle.York University Librarie

    Étude de la capacité antioxydante en lien avec la reproduction chez l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas

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    Le coût de la reproduction est un concept qui définit qu un investissement à la reproduction élevé a un prix qui se paye ultérieurement par une accélération de la sénescence. Cela peut notamment traduire des compromis entre la reproduction et d autres fonctions physiologiques comme la défense antioxydante. Chez l huître creuse Crassostrea gigas, la reproduction représente une fonction physiologique majeure. Dans le cadre des études effectuées pour comprendre les mortalités estivales affectant cette espèce, une corrélation négative entre effort reproducteur et survie a été observée. D autre part, des gènes antioxydants ont été mis en évidence comme différentiellement exprimés entre les lignées d huîtres sélectionnées pour leur résistance ou leur sensibilité aux mortalités estivales. Certaines études proposent que la susceptibilité au stress oxydant puisse représenter un coût de la reproduction participant au processus de sénescence. Dans ce contexte, nous avons analysé la capacité antioxydante des huîtres en fonction de leur investissement reproducteur. Pour cela, la technique d ARN interférence a été utilisée pour manipuler l effort reproducteur des huîtres. L expression des principales enzymes antioxydantes (taux de transcrits et activités enzymatiques) et le dosage de dommages oxydatifs ont ensuite été mesurés dans différents tissus et cellules de l organisme (branchies, gonade, hémocytes et gamètes). Les résultats obtenus dans le cadre de cette thèse suggèrent que la capacité antioxydante de C. gigas est particulièrement efficace et que la reproduction seule n est pas suffisante pour induire un stress oxydant. Cette capacité antioxydante apparaît comme tissu-spécifique voire cellule-spécifique et le métabolisme du glutathion semble jouer un rôle majeur dans cette protection. Cette grande résistance au stress oxydant contribuerait à faire de C. gigas une espèce particulièrement adaptée à la vie dans des environnements stressants.The cost of reproduction is a concept defining that a high reproductive investment has a price that is paid later by an acceleration of senescence. That may translate tradeoff between reproduction and other physiological functions such as antioxidant defense. In the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, reproduction is a major physiological function. In a study led to understand the summer mortalities affecting this species, a negative correlation between reproductive effort and survival was observed. Moreover, some antioxidant genes were identified as differentially expressed between lines of oysters selected for resistance or susceptibility to summer mortalities. Some studies suggest that the susceptibility to oxidative stress may represent a cost of reproduction taking part to the process of senescence. In this context, we analyzed the antioxidant capacity of oysters according to their reproductive investment. For this, the technique of RNA interference was used to manipulate the reproductive effort of oysters. The expression of the main antioxidant enzymes (transcript levels and enzyme activities) and the dosage of oxidative damages were then measured in different tissues and cells of the organism (gills, gonad, hemocytes and gametes). The results obtained in this thesis suggest that the antioxidant capacity of C. gigas is particularly effective and that reproduction alone is not sufficient to induce oxidative stress. This antioxidant capacity appears to be tissue-specific even cell-specific and glutathione metabolism would to play a major role in this protection. This resistance to oxidative stress would make C. gigas be a species particularly adapted to life in stressful environments.BREST-SCD-Bib. electronique (290199901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Detecting clear-cuts and decreases in forest vitality using MODIS NDVI time series

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    This paper examines the potential of MODIS-NDVI time series for detecting clear-cuts in a coniferous forest stand in the south of France. The proposed approach forms part of a survey monitoring the status of forest health and evaluating the forest decline phenomena observed over the last few decades. One of the prerequisites for this survey was that a rapid and easily reproducible method had to be developed that differentiates between forest clear-cuts and changes in forest health induced by environmental factors such as summer droughts. The proposed approach is based on analysis of the breakpoints detected within NDVI time series, using the "Break for Additive Seasonal and Trend" (BFAST) algorithm. To overcome difficulties detecting small areas on the study site, we chose a probabilistic approach based on the use of a conditional inference tree. For model calibration, clear-cut reference data were produced at MODIS resolution (250 m). According to the magnitude of the detected breakpoints, probability classes for the presence of clear-cuts were defined, from greater than 90% to less than 3% probability of a clear-cut. One of the advantages of the probabilistic model is that it allows end users to choose an acceptable level of uncertainty depending on the application. In addition, the use of BFAST allows events to be dated, thus making it possible to perform a retrospective analysis of decreases in forest vitality in the study area

    miRNA-dependent target regulation: functional characterization of single-nucleotide polymorphisms identified in genome-wide association studies of Alzheimer’s disease

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    Other miRNA targeting sites identified by less stringent analysis near rs7143400-C/G, rs2847655-T/C, rs610923-C/A and rs9909-G/C. A summary of the genes, PolymiRTSs, effects of minor alleles, targeting miRNAs and miRNA expression alterations observed in AD (when available; refer to the cited references). The grayed miRNAs were also found in the stringent screening described in Fig. 2a in the main text. (XLS 23 kb

    Ydj1 governs fungal morphogenesis and stress response, and facilitates mitochondrial protein import via Mas1 and Mas2

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    We thank Zhen-Yuan Lin for help in the preparation of the AP-MS samples, and Cathy Collins for technical assistance. MDL is supported by a Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship (Wellcome Trust 096072), LEC is supported by a Canada Research Chair in Microbial Genomics and Infectious Disease and by Cana-dian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Grants MOP-119520 and MOP-86452. OK is supported by National Insti-tutes of Health grant 5R01GM108975. A-CG is supported by a CIHR Foundation Grant (FDN143301), Genome Cana-da Genomics Innovation Network (GIN) Node and Tech-nical Development Grants, and a Canada Research Chair in Functional Proteomics. J-PL was supported by a TD Bank Health Research Fellowship at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute and by a Scholarship for the Next Gen-eration of Scientists from the Cancer Research Society. JLX is supported by a CIHR – Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship. The funding agencies had no role in the study design, data collection and inter-pretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Numerical analysis of pulsed local plane-wave generation in a TREC

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    International audienceThe feasibility of generating arbitrary wavefronts within a time-reversal electromagnetic chamber (TREC) has been demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally. Though originally motivated for EMC tests, the generation of coherent wavefronts within a reverberating cavity has a potential interest in antenna testing, too. In this paper, the generation of locally planar wavefronts is addressed by means of numerical simulations involving a 2D cavity, for a scalar electric field. The relationship between the quality of the wavefronts and its defining parameters (bandwidth, curvature, phase center, etc.) is investigated