352 research outputs found

    L’Historiographie romantique, sous la direction de Francis Claudon, AndrĂ© EncrevĂ© et Laurence Richer

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    Fruit d’un colloque organisĂ© par quatre Ă©quipes de recherche de l’UniversitĂ© de Paris XII-CrĂ©teil, ce volume prĂ©sente, au travers de vingt-trois contributions, des regards croisĂ©s sur l’«historiographie romantique». Comme le soulignent Jean-Pierre Chaline dans son introduction (pp. 11-13) et AndrĂ© EncrevĂ© dans sa conclusion (pp. 281-285), le titre d’«historiographie romantique» dĂ©signe un objet aux contours ouverts; les Ă©tudes portent Ă  la fois sur la prise en charge de l’histoire par des Ɠuv..

    La camera oscura d’AndrĂ© Gide, ou l’écriture du plaisir homosexuel

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    This study considers AndrĂ© Gide’s literary writing as exploring the ‘camera obscura’, to take up the metaphor used by J.-J. Rousseau to designate the private space that Les Confessions attempted to capture. For Gide, this exploration of the self, which is also a confrontation, was about understanding homosexual desire, perceived as both natural and potentially alienating in the sense that views of the time defined it as monstrous. His work writing Corydon and Si le grain ne meurt, in particular, aimed to give existence to this desire and to create a discourse that escaped the shackles of positivism, particularly of a medical order. In this way, a fluid writing of desire is put in place, based notably on dialogue. Gide thus liberates language about sexuality from scientific discourse, and makes the literary space into a locus for dialogical reflection about deep instincts, where sexuality functions hermeneutically within a relational approach.Questo saggio definisce la scrittura letteraria di AndrĂ© Gide in quanto esplorazione di una camera oscura, per riprendere la metafora con la quale J.-J. Rousseau designava lo spazio dell’intimo che Les Confessions tentavano di circoscrivere. In questa esplorazione del soggetto, che Ăš anche un confrontarsi con se stesso, si trattava per Gide di definire e di nominare il desiderio omosessuale, concepito come naturale ma anche potenzialmente alienante, perchĂ© definito come mostruoso nei discorsi contemporanei. Lo scopo della scrittura gidiana, specialmente in Corydon e Si le grain ne meurt, Ăš dare un’esistenza e un nome a questo desiderio, elaborando un discorso che oltrepassi una visione positivista o medica. Si sviluppa cosĂŹ una scrittura del desiderio mobile e dialogica: Gide libera la parola sulla sessualitĂ  dai discorsi scientifici, facendo dello spazio letterario un luogo di riflessione dialettica sugli istinti profondi, in modo da dire la sessualitĂ  tramite un’ermeneutica, in una prospettiva relazionale

    VirilitĂ© et pouvoir dans l’imaginaire des textes Ă©rotiques de la RĂ©volution

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    Tout au long de la RĂ©volution française, un certain nombre de textes aux genres divers (pornographiques, satiriques, pamphlĂ©taires, etc.) et qui reflĂ©taient une gamme de positions politiques ont exploitĂ© un imaginaire de puissance et de virilitĂ© exprimĂ© en termes de puissance sexuelle. Le rĂ©cit fantasmatique des textes Ă©rotiques mettait en avant la figure fondatrice d’Hercule, qui, dans la propagande politique, devenait l’emblĂšme du peuple, troquant son membre viril contre un gourdin rĂ©publicain. Cette figure, qui donne lieu Ă  plusieurs questions, a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©construite par Sade dans La Philosophie dans le boudoir par le biais d’une figure de la virilitĂ© radicalement novatrice qui unissait le phallique Ă  l’anal.Throughout the French Revolution, a number of texts of varying tonality (pornographic, satirical, pamphleteering, etc.) and reflecting a range of political positions exploited an imaginary of power and of virility expressed in terms of sexual potency. The phantasmic narrative of the erotic texts offered the foundational figure of Hercules, who, in political propaganda, became the emblem of the people, trading in his male member in order to wield a Republican club. This figure, which raises a number of questions, was deconstructed by Sade in La Philosophie dans le boudoir through a radically new figure of masculinity uniting both the phallic and the anal

    L'intertexte épique moderne dans la théorie et la pratique de l'épopée chez Chateaubriand

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    Les diverses formes de l'intertextualitĂ© (citation, allusion, rĂ©sumĂ©, traduction), appliquĂ©es aux mĂ©canismes du premierdes genres (l'Ă©popĂ©e), et analysĂ©es chez un auteur imprĂ©gnĂ© de rĂ©volutions, vont bien au-delĂ  d'un simple exerciced'Ă©rudition. InterrogĂ© dans un traitĂ© Ă  vocation apologĂ©tique comme le GĂ©nie du christianisme, puis dans le rejetonpoĂ©tique de deux Ă©popĂ©es capitales, Les Natchez et Les Martyrs, l'intertexte Ă©pique moderne- car c'est la modernitĂ©qu'il faut construire au tournant de l'Ancien RĂ©gime Ă  la RĂ©volution et de cette derniĂšre Ă  l'Empire- dessine une grillede lecture qui relĂšve Ă  la fois du statut gĂ©nĂ©rique et de l'histoire des mentalitĂ©s. Les poĂštes convoquĂ©s parChateaubriand dans le tissu textuel de l'Ă©popĂ©e deviennent alors les interlocuteurs idĂ©aux pour dĂ©velopper un discourssur l'Histoire. En suivant une dĂ©marche tripartie suggĂ©rĂ©e par l'auteur (sujet, caractĂšres/passions, paysages), lamosaĂŻque intertextuelle de Chateaubriand s'assemble tantĂŽt pour rĂ©vĂ©ler une connivence culturelle, tantĂŽt pour ouvrirune contestation Ă  la fois poĂ©tique et politique. L'analyse de ces mĂȘmes tensions nous aide enfin Ă  construire l'image laplus reprĂ©sentative du poĂšte dans son Temps.The different types of intertextuality (quotation, allusion, summary, translation), applied to the mechanisms of the firstgenre (epie), and analysed through the works of an author grappling with various revolutions, are much more than anerudite practice. Examined in an apologetic treatise such as the GĂ©nie du christianisme, then in the poetic extension oftwo primary epie works, Les Natchez and Les Martyrs, the modern epie intertext - since modernity is what must beconstructed at the passage from the Old Regime to the French Revolution and from this one to Napoleon's Empiretracesout a point of view depending both on the rhetoric structure and on the history of mentalities. The poetsChateaubriand recalls in the texture of epie th us become the ideal interlocutors to work out a discourse on History.Following a three-terms approach, suggested by the author himself (tapie, characters/passions, landscapes), theintertextual mosaic of Chateaubriand sometimes reveals a cultural connivance sometimes inaugurates a poetical andpolitical contestation. The analysis of these tensions finally helps us to construct the most representative image of thepoet in his Time.ST ETIENNE-Bib. Ă©lectronique (422189901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Figures de l'excentricité dans la littérature française du XIXe siÚcle (le cas des Illuminés de Gérard de Nerval)

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    L'excentricitĂ©, comprise gĂ©nĂ©ralement au sens littĂ©ral (terme empruntĂ© Ă  l'astronomie et Ă  la gĂ©omĂ©trie) qu'au sens symbolique (l'excentricitĂ© comme catĂ©gorie esthĂ©tique), reprĂ©sente une notion clĂ© qui dynamise et dĂ©finit l'acte de l'Ă©criture de GĂ©rard de Nerval, sa pensĂ©e et son Ăąme, non seulement dans Les IlluminĂ©s, mais aussi dans son oeuvre entiĂšre. En gros, elle est constitutive de l'acte de la crĂ©ation littĂ©raire de Nerval~ elle dĂ©termine et active la pensĂ©e de l'auteur, ses gestes et comportements, sa raison et folie, ses doutes, certitudes, credos, ainsi que ses aspirations.L'excentricitĂ© abordĂ©e en tant que mĂ©taphore est dans l'Ă©criture de Nerval un catalyseur de thĂšmes, d'idĂ©es profondes et de mouvements, compte tenu que la mĂ©taphore n'est pas une simple figure rhĂ©torique, mais le moteur de la gĂ©nĂ©ration et de la rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration du sens. De mĂȘme, notre apport consiste dans le propos d'une nouvelle dimension de recherche sur l'excentricitĂ©, Ă  savoir l'analyse de cette notion en tant qu'instrument d'Ă©tude. Le but n'est pas, bien entendu, de se proposer une approche exhaustive de l'excentricitĂ©, respectivement de l'excentrique, et cela parce que ces notions dĂ©bordent le cadre linguistique. Au lieu de conceptualiser les termes, nous nous penchons plutĂŽt sur le mĂ©canisme de fonctionnement de ces notions, renvoyant simultanĂ©ment Ă  la notion de centre et Ă  la sortie du centre.Les notions d'"excentricitĂ©", respectivement d'"excentrique" ne peuvent pas ĂȘtre conçues d'une façon absolue, comme des objets constituĂ©s une fois pour toutes, c'est pourquoi l'analyse de leurs sens ou significations demande d'ouvrir un champ plus vaste de recherche qui nepeut pas dĂ©laisser les contenus idĂ©ologique, historique, philosophique, religieux et littĂ©raire du XIXe siĂšcle, dans lesquels ces notions naissent et s'enrichissent.The eccentricity generally understood both in the literal sense (a term borrowed from astronomy and geometry) and in the symbolic meaning (the eccentricity as aesthetic category), is a key concept that energizes and defines the Gerard de Nerval's act of writing, his mind and soul, not only in Les IlluminĂ©s, but also in his entire work. Basically, it is constitutive of the act of literary creation of Nerval, and it determinates and activates the author's mind, his actions and behaviors, reasons and madness, doubts and certainties, creeds and aspirations. The eccentricity as metaphor in Nerval 's writing catalyses themes, profound ideas and movements, given that the metaphor is not simply rhetorical, but the engine of the generation and meaning regeneration. Therefore, our contribution is the proposal of a new dimension of eccentricity research, namelv the analvsis of this concept as a tool for studv. The goal is not, of course, to nrovide a comprehensive approach to the eccentricity, respectively, the eccentric, and that because these notions overcomes the linguistic field. Instead of conceptualizing terms, we focus instead on the operating mechanism of these notions, referring simultaneously to the notion of center and outside the center. The notions of eccentricity, respectively of eccentric cannot be conceived in an absolute way, as objects made once and for all, which is why the analysis oftheir meanings require to open a wider field of research that cannot abandon the ideological content, historical, philosophical,religious and literary of the nineteenth century, in which these concepts are born and grow rich.ST ETIENNE-Bib. Ă©lectronique (422189901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Successful neuropsychological rehabilitation in a patient with Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome

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    The objective of this case study was to describe the neuropsychological rehabilitation of a 16-year-old patient who presented a Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome (CCAS) following a bilateral cerebellar hemorrhage. The patient presented severe and diffuse cognitive deficits, massive behavioral disorders, and emotion regulation difficulties. The cognitive rehabilitation was performed in the chronic phase (one year after the onset of the hemorrhage) using a transdisciplinary neurobehavioral approach based on the patient's favorite interest (soccer). A significant behavioral and cognitive improvement was observed. The patient became progressively independent in all activities of daily living and was discharged home. The Functional Independence Measure at discharge was 124/126 (vs. 37/126 at entry). The patient was able to complete his schooling despite the mild cognitive and behavioral sequelae. This first description of the use of neurobehavioral therapy in a case of chronic CCAS suggests that (a) major clinical improvement can occur more than one year after the onset of the CCAS, showing the importance of long-term and intensive neurorehabilitation; and (b) when the cerebellum cannot properly play its regulator role in cognition, neuropsychological intervention through a behavioral and cognitive approach can be of great help by acting as an external modulator to help the patient regain control over himself

    MÚres en révolution

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    Si le dix-neuviĂšme siĂšcle est bien celui de la RĂ©volution, il est aussi le moment de la mise en place des systĂšmes modernes de la comprĂ©hension historique dont Hegel et Marx marquent les grandes Ă©tapes. L’explication historienne, fondĂ©e sur des causes Ă©conomiques et politiques principalement, laisse aussi place Ă  une comprĂ©hension anthropologique des sociĂ©tĂ©s, Ă©chappant Ă  la toute-puissance de l’Histoire. Totem et tabou en est certainement l’exemple le plus cĂ©lĂšbre. Appliquant la causalitĂ© ps..
