88 research outputs found

    Benthic macrofauna and sediment reworking quantification in contrasted environments in the Thau Lagoon

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    As part of the Microbent-PNEC Program: ‘‘Biogeochemical processes at the wateresediment interface in eutrophicated environment’’, the aim of this work was to specifically investigate and quantify the relationships between macrobenthos and sediment reworking in the Thau Lagoon in order to provide information on the potential contaminant distribution and movements at the wateresediment interface. In order to achieve this, three cores were sampled at two stations (in the central part of the Thau Lagoon and near the shellfish farming zone) in the Thau Lagoon, in December 2001, April 2002, August 2002, January 2003 and May 2003. On the basis of quantification of macrobenthos and sediment reworking, evidence is provided of: (1) similar sediment mixing intensities for different species composition at the two stations; (2) the major role of functional bioturbation groups (e.g., biodiffusors and gallery-diffusors) modulated by seasonal variability on sediment mixing; (3) an increase of intensity in summer suggesting potentially different patterns of redistribution, bioaccumulation and chemical fate (e.g., speciation) of deposited contaminants

    2-D optical quantification of particle reworking activities in marine surface sediments

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    Particle and solute transport by faunal activities may significantly influence rates and pathways of organic matter mineralization during early diagenesis in surface sediments. One of the most frequently utilized techniques to quantify benthic biological reworking activities involves the calculation of a biodiffusion coefficient (Db) estimated from model predictions of 1-D tracer distribution patterns. This technique is labor-intensive and time-demanding. Furthermore, it is normally used for measurements over several days and averages overall transport mechanisms from 3-D to 1-D on a cm scale. In the frame of this work, we developed a new technique based on the nondestructive screening of fluorescent particles (luminophores) using optical discrimination and CCD camera detection of fluorescence (2-D). At a site characterized by a dense population of the brittle star Amphiura filiformis and a high biodiffusion coefficient (obtained from 1-D distributions; Db=35.5±3.7 cm−2 year−1; n=3), the optical reworking coefficient (ORC), estimated from the 2-D luminophore distribution patterns, was calculated (ORC=27.4±9.1 View the MathML source cm−2 h−1; n=24). A nondestructive 2-D approach to quantify particle reworking may provide a powerful and complementary tool to further understand particle transport by the benthic fauna in surface sediments. The optical technique for 2-D detection of luminophores is relatively fast and easy to perform, with the ability to detect small scale (mm) particle movements on a time resolution of minutes or less

    Spatial oxygen heterogeneity in a Hediste diversicolor irrigated burrow

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    The heterogeneity of oxygen distribution in a Hediste diversicolor burrow environment was investigated in a laboratory experiment using a 6-mm thick tank equipped with oxygen planar optodes. The twodimensional oxygen distribution in a complete burrow was monitored every 2 min for 4 h. Oxygen concentrations fluctuated over a scale of minutes in the burrow lumen and wall (up to 2 mm) reflecting the balance between worm ventilation activity and oxygen consumption. The magnitude of the three surrounding micro-horizons (oxic, oscillating and anoxic) induced by the intermittent worm ventilation was spatially and temporally variable within the structure. Oxygen variations appeared to be controlled by distance from the sediment–water interface and the direction of water circulation. Moreover, there was an apparent ‘buffer effect’, induced by the proximity to the overlyingwater, which reduced the variations of lumen and wall oxygen in the upper part of the structure. These results highlight the heterogeneous distribution and dynamics of oxygen associated with H. diversicolor burrows and ventilation activity. They also highlight the necessity of integrating this complexity into the current burrow-base models in order to estimate the ecological importance of burrowing species in coastal ecosystems

    Alteration and release of aliphatic compounds by the polychaete Nereis virens (Sars) experimentally fed with hydrocarbons

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    In the laboratory, marine worms were fed with a mixture of algae and several aliphatic hydrocarbons for 15 days. After ingestion by the worms, 34.9% of hydrocarbons are found in the faeces and only 3.1% accumulated in the gut. The comparison between the initial mixture and the faeces shows that the worm’s digestive process lead to changes in the distribution of the n-alkane mixture. These changes are different from those only due to physical processes in the experimental conditions. In our experiment, no variation in the distribution of hydrocarbons in faeces with time and no microbial hydrocarbon biodegradation were evidenced. Our results suggest that marine worm feeding can substantially affect the fate of hydrocarbons in the sedimentary marine ecosystem by predominantly stimulating dissolution processes

    Effects of temperature on in vitro sediment reworking processes by a gallery biodiffusor, the polychaete Neanthes virens

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    Temperature-induced variations in bioturbation could affect sediment mixing processes in the marine benthic environment. In this study, sediment reworking by Neanthes virens (Sars), a widely distributed polychaete in muddy sand communities of northern temperate latitudes, was studied under different temperature conditions representing winter (1°C), spring and fall (6°C), summer(13°C), and tide pool (18°C) temperatures in the lower St. Lawrence Estuary, Québec, Canada. Sediment reworking was quantified using inert fluorescent particles (luminophores) deposited at the sediment surface. Based on the 1-D luminophore distributions obtained after 5 and 30 d, the use of the specific ‘gallery-biodiffusor’ model allowed us to quantify both biodiffusion (Db) and biotransport (Vb) due to the organisms. Our results showed temperature effects on sediment transport. The lowest biotransport and biodiffusion coefficients were measured at 1 and 6°C and did not change with time. The highest biodiffusion occurred at 13°C for both sampling periods. At 18°C, biodiffusion was intermediate while biotransport was maximal. Differences between the 13°C biodiffusive transport and the other temperatures increased with time. Low transport values at 1 and 6°C suggest that a quiescent stage exists for this species at these temperatures, with sediment mixing occurring mostly during burrow construction. On the other hand, sediment mixing resulted from both the burrow construction and maintenance phases at higher temperatures (13 and 18°C)

    Sediment reworking by marine benthic species from the Gullmar Fjord (Western Sweden): Importance of faunal biovolume

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    In order to compare and quantify sediment reworking activities by different species/functional groups of macrofauna, a laboratory experiment was carried out with species from the Gullmarsfjord (Western Sweden). Monospecific communities of Amphiura filiformis, Echinocardium cordatum, Scalibregma inflatum and Abra nitida were introduced in experimental mesocosms, with identical densities (795 ind. m−2), for 10 days. Sediment reworking was studied by quantifying downward and upward movements of fluorescent inert tracers (luminophores). Luminophores with different colour were initially deposited both at the sediment surface and within the sediments. Population biomass and biovolume were also determined. Surface tracers reworking coefficients ranged from 0.6 to 2.2 cm2 y−1 and 0.9 to 4.1 y−1, respectively for the biodiffusive-like and non-local transports. Calculated biodiffusive-like coefficient was between 1.0 and 2.3 cm2 y−1 for the deep tracers. For both tracers, the E. cordatum population presented the highest reworking coefficients. Among the morphological and/or ethological parameters that could determine overall patterns of reworking and differences between species, results have shown a direct relationship between the apparent biodiffusive mixing and the biovolume of the individuals (Db=0.35 ⁎ Biovolume). This suggests that the biovolume of macrofauna may allow a rough estimate of the biodiffusive-like reworking intensity of particles deposited on the sediment surface

    Représentation de la réponse fonctionnelle dans un modèle prédateur-proie (du chémostat à l'écosystème)

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    Une des grandes problématiques en écologie est d identifier les liens qui existent entre ce qui se passe au niveau de la physiologie et du comportement des individus et les propriétés émergentes qui apparaissent au niveau de la population et des écosystèmes dans leur globalité.Dans cette thèse, nous avons abordé cette problématique à travers la modélisation du phénomène de prédation, en nous intéressant plus particulièrement à la représentation mathématique de la réponse fonctionnelle. Cette fonction représente la quantité de proies consommées par prédateur et par unité de temps. Elle synthétiseau niveau de la population un ensemble de processus survenant à différentes échelles d organisation. La modélisation du phénomène de prédation rencontre diverses limitations liées à la complexité de ce processus biologique, et il existe donc une forte incertitude sur la nature de la réponse fonctionnelle à utiliser.A travers l étude d un modèle prédateur-proie en chemostat d une part, et l utilisation de méthodes de changement d échelle sur un modèle prédateur-proie en patchs d autre part, nous avons cherché à déterminer les sources de variations dans la représentation de cette réponse.Tout d abord, nous avons mis en évidence l influence de la variabilité des données sur la paramétrisation de la réponse fonctionnelle ainsi que sur la robustesse des sorties du modèle. Une étude de sensibilité a également permis de montrer la forte sensibilité structurelle du modèle face à cette formulation, qui peut-être plus importante que face à des changements de paramètres.De plus, il apparait que la représentation mathématique de la réponse fonctionnelle dépend fortement de l échelle d observation considérée. En effet, la nature de la réponse peut être modifiée lorsque l on passe de l échelle d une population à celle de la communauté.One of the major issues in ecology is to identify the links between what happens in terms of physiology and behavior of individuals and the emergent properties that appear at the population and ecosystems level. In this thesis, we addressed this problem through modeling of the phenomenon of predation, especially by focusing on the mathematical functional response representation. This function represents the amount of prey consumed by predator per unit time. It synthesizes at the population level a set processes occurring at different scales of organization. Modeling of the phenomenon of predation encounters various limitations related to the complexity of this biological process, and there is, therefore, considerable uncertainty aboutthe nature of the functional response to use.Through the study of a predator-prey model in chemostat on the one hand, and use of scaling methods in a patches predator-prey model on the other hand, we seek to determine sources of variations in therepresentation of that response.First, we demonstrated the influence of data variability on the parameterization of the functional response as well as the robustness of the model outputs. A sensitivity study has also demonstrated the high structural sensitivity of the model to the formulation of this response, which may be more important than to parameterchanges.In addition, it appears that the mathematical representation of the functional response depends strongly on the scale of observation considered. The nature of the response can, indeed, be modified when changing the scale from the population to the community level.AIX-MARSEILLE2-Bib.electronique (130559901) / SudocSudocFranceF