479 research outputs found

    Widespread active seepage activity on the Nile Deep Sea Fan (offshore Egypt) revealed by high-definition geophysical imagery

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    Fluid escape structures on the Nile Deep Sea Fan were investigated during the MEDIFLUX MIMES expedition in 2004. Mud volcanoes, pockmarks and authigenic carbonate structures were surveyed for the first time with a high-resolution deep-towed 75 kHz sidescan sonar and a 2–8 kHz Chirp sediment echosounder. In combination with existing multibeam bathymetry and detailed seafloor in situ geological observations, these new data allowed detailed seep analyses. About 60 gas flares were detected acoustically in the water column from the sidescan sonar raw data atwater depths from 770 to 1700 m. These gas flares coincide at the seabed with 1) the centres of the mud volcanoes where mud is also extruded, 2) the borders of the mud volcanoes where the emitted gases contribute to the precipitation of authigenic carbonates, and 3) to the edges of broad sheets of authigenic carbonates. Subsurface sediments are commonly disturbed by ascending fluids throughout the delta, with an abundance of seep-related carbonate structures on the seafloor. The feeder channels below mud volcanoes, similar to the gas conduits below the widespread carbonate crust structures and pockmarks, are relatively narrow and, for the vast majority of them, do not exceed a few metres in diameter. The seeps on the Nile Deep Sea Fan clearly follow lineations on the seafloor that ee can relate to faults

    Phanerozoic geological evolution of the Equatorial Atlantic domain

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    The Phanerozoic geological evolution of the Equatorial Atlantic domain has been controlled since the end of Early Cretaceous by the Romanche and Saint Paul transform faults. These faults did not follow the PanAfrican shear zones, but were surimposed on Palaeozoic basins. From Neocomian to Barremian, the Central Atlantic rift propagated southward in CassiporĂ© and MarajĂł basins, and the South Atlantic rift propagated northward in Potiguar and Benue basins. During Aptian times, the Equatorial Atlantic transform domain appeared as a transfer zone between the northward propagating tip of South Atlantic and the Central Atlantic. Between the transform faults, oceanic accretion started during Late Aptian in small divergent segments, from south to north: Benin-MundaĂș, deep Ivorian basin-Barreirinhas, Liberia-CassiporĂ©. From Late Aptian to Late Albian, the Togo-Ghana-CearĂĄ basins appeared along the Romanche transform fault, and CĂŽte dÍvoire-ParĂ -MaranhĂŁo basins along Saint Paul transform fault. They were rapidly subsiding in intra-continental settings. During Late Cretaceous, these basins became active transform continental margins, and passive margins since Santonian times. In the same time, the continental edge uplifted leading either to important erosion on the shelf or to marginal ridges parallel to the transform faults in deeper settings

    Multi-disciplinary investigation of fluid seepage on an unstable margin: The case of the Central Nile deep sea fan

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    We report on a multidisciplinary study of cold seeps explored in the Central Nile deep-sea fan of the Egyptian margin. Our approach combines in situ seafloor observation, geophysics, sedimentological data, measurement of bottom-water methane anomalies, pore-water and sediment geochemistry, and 230Th/U dating of authigenic carbonates. Two areas were investigated, which correspond to different sedimentary provinces. The lower slope, at ∌ 2100 m water depth, indicates deformation of sediments by gravitational processes, exhibiting slope-parallel elongated ridges and seafloor depressions. In contrast, the middle slope, at ∌ 1650 m water depth, exhibits a series of debris-flow deposits not remobilized by post-depositional gravity processes. Significant differences exist between fluid-escape structures from the two studied areas. At the lower slope, methane anomalies were detected in bottom-waters above the depressions, whereas the adjacent ridges show a frequent coverage of fractured carbonate pavements associated with chemosynthetic vent communities. Carbonate U/Th age dates (∌ 8 kyr BP), pore-water sulphate and solid phase sediment data suggest that seepage activity at those carbonate ridges has decreased over the recent past. In contrast, large (∌ 1 km2) carbonate-paved areas were discovered in the middle slope, with U/Th isotope evidence for ongoing carbonate precipitation during the Late Holocene (since ∌ 5 kyr BP at least). Our results suggest that fluid venting is closely related to sediment deformation in the Central Nile margin. It is proposed that slope instability leads to focused fluid flow in the lower slope and exposure of ‘fossil’ carbonate ridges, whereas pervasive diffuse flow prevails at the unfailed middle slope

    Kinematics of the Southern Rhodope Core Complex (North Greece)

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    The Southern Rhodope Core Complex is a wide metamorphic dome exhumed in the northern Aegean as a result of large-scale extension from mid-Eocene to mid-Miocene times. Its roughly triangular shape is bordered on the SW by the Jurassic and Cretaceous metamorphic units of the Serbo-Macedonian in the Chalkidiki peninsula and on the N by the eclogite bearing gneisses of the Sideroneron massif. The main foliation of metamorphic rocks is flat lying up to 100 km core complex width. Most rocks display a stretching lineation trending NEĂą SW. The Kerdylion detachment zone located at the SW controlled the exhumation of the core complex from middle Eocene to mid-Oligocene. From late Oligocene to mid-Miocene exhumation is located inside the dome and is accompanied by the emplacement of the synkinematic plutons of Vrondou and Symvolon. Since late Miocene times, extensional basin sediments are deposited on top of the exhumed metamorphic and plutonic rocks and controlled by steep normal faults and flat-ramp-type structures. Evidence from Thassos Island is used to illustrate the sequence of deformation from stacking by thrusting of the metamorphic pile to ductile extension and finally to development of extensional Plio-Pleistocene sedimentary basin. Paleomagnetic data indicate that the core complex exhumation is controlled by a 30ĂŻÂżÂœ dextral rotation of the Chalkidiki block. Extensional displacements are restored using a pole of rotation deduced from the curvature of stretching lineation trends at core complex scale. It is argued that the Rhodope Core Complex has recorded at least 120 km of extension in the North Aegean, since the last 40 My

    Age model

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    Les marges continentales transformantes ouest-africaines. CĂŽte d’Ivoire, Ghana, GuinĂ©e. Campagne EQUANAUTE 3 juin - 2 juillet 1992

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    Nineteen scientific dives have been performed on board the submarine "Nautile" during the EQUANAUTE cruise (june 3 to july 2 - 1993) along three main areas off western Equatorial Africa ; fourteen dives concern the deepest parts of the CĂŽte d'Ivoire and Ghana transform margin ; three dives were made on a wide volcanoe along the southern Guinean margin ; two dives were devoted to a deep submarine relief along the extinct Romanche fracture zone. This report gives a brief review of direct in situ observation as well a synthetic geological cross section for each dive.  Dix-neuf plongĂ©es scientifiques ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es, Ă  bord du submersible "Nautile" portĂ© par le N/O "Nadir", au cours de la campagne ÉQUANAUTE du 3 juin au 2 juillet 1993, au long de trois rĂ©gions caractĂ©ristiques de la façade africaine Ă©quatoriale de l'Atlantique : quatorze plongĂ©es ont concernĂ© la marge profonde de CĂŽte d'Ivoire - Ghana, trois plongĂ©es la marge mĂ©ridionale de la GuinĂ©e, deux plongĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es sur un relief profond jalonnant le tracĂ© de la zone de fracture de la Romanche. Cet ouvrage prĂ©sente de maniĂšre synthĂ©tique les principales observations et mesures provenant de cette campagne

    1975-1995, vingt ans de recherches sur les marges continentales « transformantes »

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    Transform, or sheared, continental margins are generated at first as consequences of large-scale intra-continental strike-slip displacements, then as the results of successive shear motions between progressively thinning continental crusts and, finally, active motions along oceanic lithosphere. They, later on, give birth to oceanic fracture zones before to become seismically inactive and thus passive continental margin segments. In this paper we review how the concept of transform margin has progressively merged, mainly in France, during the seventies. We then show how a full program of sea-going researches, devoted to the progressive in situ analysis of one of the major transform margin, the CĂŽte d’Ivoire/Ghana margin, has been built and managed during twelve years, between 1983 and 1995. Since that time, no specific systematic complementary studies were conducted on transform margins; only recent promising oil industry discoveries in such specific setting have reactivated new scientific interests on the study of transform margin structures and of their evolution.1975-1995, vingt ans de recherches sur les marges continentales « transformantes » RĂ©sumĂ©. Les marges continentales dites transformantes rĂ©sultent des effets d'un grand mouvement de coulissage lithosphĂ©rique, d'abord intracontinental, puis mettant successivement en contact actif des lithosphĂšres continentales amincies et enfin ocĂ©aniques ; finalement ce mouvement donne naissance Ă  d'importantes zones de fracture ocĂ©aniques, alors que le segment de marge crĂ©Ă© devient, quant Ă  lui, passif aprĂšs avoir Ă©tĂ© pendant un grande partie de son Ă©volution tectoniquement et sismiquement actif. Cet article relate les diffĂ©rentes phases de la genĂšse, en France, au cours des annĂ©es 1970, du concept de « marge transformante » ; il prĂ©sente aussi la sĂ©quence des campagnes Ă  la mer qui, pendant une douzaine d'annĂ©es (entre 1983 et 1995), se sont succĂ©dĂ© afin d'analyser la marge continentale au large de la CĂŽte d'Ivoire et du Ghana, considĂ©rĂ©e comme un segment typique de marge transformante et d'en proposer un modĂšle d'Ă©volution. Curieusement pendant presque vingt ans pratiquement aucun programme spĂ©cifique n'a Ă©tĂ© consacrĂ© Ă  ces objets jusqu'Ă  un regain d'intĂ©rĂȘt rĂ©cent liĂ© Ă  des dĂ©couvertes industrielles prometteuses

    Un canyon sous-marin revisité : le trou sans fond de CÎte d'Ivoire

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    The " Trou sans Fond " canyon belongs to the specific category of " gouf " that represents the best expressed submarine canyons. The " Trou sans Fond " is particulary characterized by the following : — A dual head system where abundant clastics are entrapped. These clastics are provided by a strong W-E trending longshore drift, supplemented since 1950 by the lagoonal EbriĂ©-Comoe river system input (Vridi channel). The western head, directly connected to the Vridi channel, appears mainly experimented to dominant erosional processes. — The presence of two beds : — the greater one has a wide regular section bordered by lateral levees, and appears chiefly shaped by sedimentary overflow and aggradational processes. The minor bed expressed by a narrow, sinuous, « U » shaped valley, is deeply entrenched in the major bed by turbulent erosion. The creation of its " pseudo-meanders " is likely relaed to : (1) competency and load of gravitational flows scouring the bed ; and (2) mass movements (slidings) attacking the bluffs. — The superposition of two distinct canyons. The present day canyon is excavated within Neogene sedimentary strata that have themselves infilled a previous Oligocene canyon bisecting the palaeotransform margin. The " Trou sans Fond " canyon seems thus to be the curtailed progressively westwards shifted system of an oligocene major ancestor.Le Trou sans fond appartient Ă  la catĂ©gorie des canyons sous-marins la mieux individualisĂ©e, celle des « goufs ». Les caractĂšres suivants le distinguent : — Le dĂ©doublement de sa tĂȘte qui est un bassin de rĂ©ception alimentĂ© par un abondant matĂ©riel sĂ©dimentaire fourni par la puissante dĂ©rive littorale et, depuis 1950, par les dĂ©charges du SystĂšme Lagune EbriĂ©-ComoĂ©. La tĂȘte occidentale en raison de sa position Ă  la sortie du Canal de Vridi, est la plus soumise Ă  l'Ă©rosion (ravinement, approfondissement, recul). — L'Ă©tagement des lits. Le lit majeur est large, profilĂ© en berceau entre des rives supĂ©rieures, rĂ©haussĂ© de levĂ©es, façonnĂ© par le dĂ©bordement et l'accumulation sĂ©dimentaires des flux de gravitĂ©. Le lit mineur est Ă©troit, profilĂ© en auge, profondĂ©ment encaissĂ© entre les rives infĂ©rieures, sinueux et entretenu par l'Ă©rosion turbulente. La formation des «pseudo-mĂ©andres » du lit mineur est conditionnĂ©e par (1) la force vive et la charge des flux gravitaires qui le creusent ; et (2) les mouvements de masse (glissements) qui dĂ©gradent les rives Ă©levĂ©es. — L'emboĂźtement des cours. Le cours actuel est le rĂ©sultat de la rĂ©excavation persistante opĂ©rĂ©e dans les sĂ©ries sĂ©dimentaires nĂ©ogĂšnes qui fossilisent un palĂ©ocours (oligocĂšne) creusĂ© transversalement Ă  la zone de fractures mise en place lors de l'ouverture de l'Atlantique Ă©quatorial. Le Trou sans Fond est ainsi la version en rĂ©duction et dĂ©calĂ©e vers l'ouest de son devancier.Vanney Jean-RenĂ©, Mascle Jean. Un canyon sous-marin revisitĂ© : le trou sans fond de CĂŽte d'Ivoire . In: Annales de GĂ©ographie, t. 101, n°563, 1992. pp. 43-67
