92 research outputs found

    Predicting and understanding the stability of G-quadruplexes

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    Motivation: G-quadruplexes are stable four-stranded guanine-rich structures that can form in DNA and RNA. They are an important component of human telomeres and play a role in the regulation of transcription and translation. The biological significance of a G-quadruplex is crucially linked with its thermodynamic stability. Hence the prediction of G-quadruplex stability is of vital interest

    Erosion rate maps highlight spatio-temporal patterns of uplift and quantify sediment export of the Northern Andes

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    Erosion rates are widely used to assess tectonic uplift and sediment export from mountain ranges. However, the scarcity of erosion rate measurements often hinders detailed tectonic interpretations. Here, we present 25 new cosmogenic nuclide-derived erosion rates from the Northern Andes of Colombia to study spatio-temporal patterns of uplift along the Central and Eastern Cordillera. Specifically, we combine new and published erosion rate data with precipitation-corrected normalized channel steepness measurements to construct high-resolution erosion rate maps. We find that erosion rates in the southern Central Cordillera are relatively uniform and average ∼0.3 mm/a. In the northern Central Cordillera rapidly eroding canyons dissect slowly eroding, low-relief surfaces uplifting since 8.3+ 3.7 - 2.6 Ma, based on a block uplift model. We interpret that persistent steep slab subduction has led to an erosional steady-state in the southern Central Cordillera, whereas in the northern Central Cordillera, Late Miocene slab flattening caused an acceleration in uplift, to which the landscape has not yet equilibrated. The Eastern Cordillera also displays pronounced erosional disequilibrium, with a slowly eroding central plateau rimmed by faster eroding western and eastern flanks. Our maps suggest Late Miocene topographic growth of the Eastern Cordillera, with deformation focused along the eastern flank, which is also supported by balanced cross-sections and thermochronologic data. Spatial gradients in predicted erosion rates along the eastern flank of the Eastern Cordillera suggest transient basin-ward migration of thrusts. Finally, sediment fluxes based on our erosion maps, suggest that the Eastern Cordillera exports nearly four times more sediment than the Central Cordillera. Our analysis shows that accounting for spatial variations in erosion parameters and climate reveals important variations in tectonic forcing that would otherwise be obscured in traditional river profile analyses. Moreover, given relationships between tectonic and topographic evolution, we hypothesize that spatio-temporal variations in slab dip are the primary driver of the dynamic landscape evolution of the Northern Andes, with potentially superposed effects from inherited Mesozoic rift structures

    Stability of intramolecular quadruplexes: sequence effects in the central loop

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    Hundreds of thousands of putative quadruplex sequences have been found in the human genome. It is important to understand the rules that govern the stability of these intramolecular structures. In this report, we analysed sequence effects in a 3-base-long central loop, keeping the rest of the quadruplex unchanged. A first series of 36 different sequences were compared; they correspond to the general formula GGGTTTGGGHNHGGGTTTGGG. One clear rule emerged from the comparison of all sequence motifs: the presence of an adenine at the first position of the loop was significantly detrimental to stability. In contrast, adenines have no detrimental effect when present at the second or third position of the loop. Cytosines may either have a stabilizing or destabilizing effect depending on their position. In general, the correlation between the Tm or ΔG° in sodium and potassium was weak. To determine if these sequence effects could be generalized to different quadruplexes, specific loops were tested in different sequence contexts. Analysis of 26 extra sequences confirmed the general destabilizing effect of adenine as the first base of the loop(s). Finally, analysis of some of the sequences by microcalorimetry (DSC) confirmed the differences found between the sequence motifs

    A G-quadruplex structure within the 5′-UTR of TRF2 mRNA represses translation in human cells

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    Telomeres protect chromosome ends from being recognized as double-stranded breaks. Telomeric function is ensured by the shelterin complex in which TRF2 protein is an essential player. The G-rich strand of telomere DNA can fold into G-quadruplex (G4) structure. Small molecules stabilizing G4 structures, named G4 ligands, have been shown to alter telomeric functions in human cells. In this study, we show that a guanine-rich RNA sequence located in the 5′-UTR region of the TRF2 mRNA (hereafter 91TRF2G) is capable of forming a stable quadruplex that causes a 2.8-fold decrease in the translation of a reporter gene in human cells, as compared to a mutant 5′-UTR unable to fold into G4. We also demonstrate that several highly selective G4 ligands, the pyridine dicarboxamide derivative 360A and bisquinolinium compounds Phen-DC(3) and Phen-DC(6), are able to bind the 91TRF2G:RNA sequence and to modulate TRF2 protein translation in vitro. Since the naturally occurring 5′-UTR TRF2:RNA G4 element was used here, which is conserved in several vertebrate orthologs, the present data substantiate a potential translational mechanism mediated by a G4 RNA motif for the downregulation of TRF2 expression

    Characterization of a K+-induced conformational switch in a human telomeric DNA oligonucleotide using 2-aminopurine fluorescence

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    Human telomeric DNA consists of tandem repeats of the DNA sequence d(GGGTTA). Oligodeoxynucletotide telomere models such as d[A(GGGTTA)(3)GGG] (Tel22) fold in a cation-dependent manner into quadruplex structures consisting of stacked G-quartets linked by d(TTA) loops. NMR has shown that in Na(+) solutions Tel22 forms a ‘basket’ topology of four antiparallel strands; in contrast, Tel22 in K(+) solutions consists of a mixture of unknown topologies. Our previous studies on the mechanism of folding of Tel22 and similar telomere analogs utilized changes in UV absorption between 270 and 325 nm that report primarily on G-quartet formation and stacking showed that quadruplex formation occurs within milliseconds upon mixing with an appropriate cation. In the current study, we assessed the dynamics and equilibria of folding of specific loops by using Tel22 derivatives in which the dA residues were serially substituted with the fluorescent reporter base, 2-aminopurine (2-AP). Tel22 folding induced by Na(+) or K(+) assessed by changes in 2-AP fluorescence consists of at least three kinetic steps with time constants spanning a range of ms to several hundred seconds. Na(+)-dependent equilibrium titrations of Tel22 folding could be approximated as a cooperative two-state process. In contrast, K(+)-dependent folding curves were biphasic, revealing that different conformational ensembles are present in 1 mM and 30 mM K(+). This conclusion was confirmed by (1)H NMR. Molecular dynamics simulations revealed a K(+) binding pocket in Tel22 located near dA1 that is specific for the so-called hybrid-1 conformation in which strand 1 is in a parallel arrangement. The possible presence of this topologically specific binding site suggests that K(+) may play an allosteric role in regulating telomere conformation and function by modulating quadruplex tertiary structure

    Genetic instability triggered by G-quadruplex interacting Phen-DC compounds in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    G-quadruplexes are nucleic acid secondary structures for which many biological roles have been proposed but whose existence in vivo has remained elusive. To assess their formation, highly specific G-quadruplex ligands are needed. Here, we tested Phen-DC3 and Phen-DC6, two recently released ligands of the bisquinolinium class. In vitro, both compounds exhibit high affinity for the G4 formed by the human minisatellite CEB1 and inhibit efficiently their unwinding by the yeast Pif1 helicase. In vivo, both compounds rapidly induced recombination-dependent rearrangements of CEB1 inserted in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome, but did not affect the stability of other tandem repeats lacking G-quadruplex forming sequences. The rearrangements yielded simple-deletion, double-deletion or complex reshuffling of the polymorphic motif units, mimicking the phenotype of the Pif1 inactivation. Treatment of Pif1-deficient cells with the Phen-DC compounds further increased CEB1 instability, revealing additional G4 formation per cell. In sharp contrast, the commonly used N-methyl-mesoporphyrin IX G-quadruplex ligand did not affect CEB1 stability. Altogether, these results demonstrate that the Phen-DC bisquinolinium compounds are potent molecular tools for probing the formation of G-quadruplexes in vivo, interfere with their processing and elucidate their biological roles

    The Yeast Pif1 Helicase Prevents Genomic Instability Caused by G-Quadruplex-Forming CEB1 Sequences In Vivo

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    In budding yeast, the Pif1 DNA helicase is involved in the maintenance of both nuclear and mitochondrial genomes, but its role in these processes is still poorly understood. Here, we provide evidence for a new Pif1 function by demonstrating that its absence promotes genetic instability of alleles of the G-rich human minisatellite CEB1 inserted in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome, but not of other tandem repeats. Inactivation of other DNA helicases, including Sgs1, had no effect on CEB1 stability. In vitro, we show that CEB1 repeats formed stable G-quadruplex (G4) secondary structures and the Pif1 protein unwinds these structures more efficiently than regular B-DNA. Finally, synthetic CEB1 arrays in which we mutated the potential G4-forming sequences were no longer destabilized in pif1Δ cells. Hence, we conclude that CEB1 instability in pif1Δ cells depends on the potential to form G-quadruplex structures, suggesting that Pif1 could play a role in the metabolism of G4-forming sequences