51 research outputs found

    Interactions plantes-insectes dans le réseau d'espÚces pyrénéen d'Antirrhinum majus : métacommunauté, comportement et odeurs florales

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    Les interactions biotiques jouent un rĂŽle fondamental dans la dynamique des communautĂ©s et la persistance des espĂšces. Étudier la dynamique des rĂ©seaux d'interactions aide Ă  amĂ©liorer la prĂ©diction de l'impact des changements globaux sur les communautĂ©s. Dans les PyrĂ©nĂ©es, deux sous-espĂšces de la plante Antirrhinum majus (gueule-de-loup) poussent en patchs dans des zones gĂ©ographiques adjacentes qui couvrent une variĂ©tĂ© de climats et d'altitudes, et les pollinisateurs participent Ă  leur isolement reproducteur. Dans un premier temps, nous avons montrĂ© que la dispersion entre communautĂ©s semble essentielle pour la persistance locale des espĂšces dans le rĂ©seau d'interactions d'A. majus, comprenant la plante, sa cohorte de pollinisateurs, un charançon spĂ©cialiste et son parasitoĂŻde. Cette mĂ©ta-communautĂ© aurait une dynamique de type source-puits, oĂč certaines communautĂ©s plus persistantes servent de rĂ©servoirs. Dans un second temps, nous avons essayĂ© de comprendre le rĂŽle des pollinisateurs dans l'isolement reproducteur entre les deux sous-espĂšces d'A. majus, en Ă©tudiant l'impact de l'apprentissage sur leur prĂ©fĂ©rence entre les types floraux de chaque sous-espĂšce, sur la base des signaux visuels et olfactifs. Un apprentissage sur le type floral jaune (A. m. striatum) provoquait une prĂ©fĂ©rence pour ce type floral, contrairement Ă  l'apprentissage sur le type floral magenta (A. m. pseudomajus). Enfin, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© une possible adaptation des odeurs florales d'A. m. pseudomajus avec l'altitude, reprĂ©sentant un gradient de conditions environnementales. La variabilitĂ© des odeurs florales, peu expliquĂ©e par l'altitude et la population, pourrait permettre une plasticitĂ© des interactions biotiques reposant sur ce signal floral.Biotic interactions play a key role in community dynamics and species persistence. Understanding the dynamics of interaction networks helps to predict how environmental change may affect community dynamics and composition. The plant Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon) naturally grows in the Pyrenees mountains, in a patchy habitat encompassing a variety of climatic and altitudinal conditions. Two subspecies of different colors grow parapatrically, and pollinators play a key role in their reproductive isolation. First, we showed that dispersal among communities is important in maintaining local persistence of species within the A. majus network, composed of the plant, its cohort of pollinators, a specialist seed-predator and its associated parasitoid. The local networks are likely interconnected through a source-sink metacommunity dynamic, where some communities serve as sources to refill communities that could otherwise not persist. Second, we tried to understand the role of pollinators in the reproductive isolation between the A. majus subspecies, by studying how learning affected their preference between the floral types of each subspecies, based on visual and olfactory plant signals. Learning on the yellow type (A. m. striatum) caused a preference toward this floral type, whereas learning on the magenta type (A. m. pseudomajus) caused no preference between floral types. Finally, we explored the possibility for an adaptation of floral scent of A. m. pseudomajus to environmental conditions at different altitudes. Altitude and population did not explain much of floral scent variation, and the high levels of variability of floral scent may allow for adaptability of the interaction network facing global changes

    Dynamics and persistence in a metacommunity centred on the plant Antirrhinum majus : theoretical predictions and an empirical test

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    International audience1. Spatial processes have a major influence on the stability of species interaction networks and their resilience to environmental fluctuations. Here, we combine field observations and a dynamic model to understand how spatial processes may affect a network composed of the flowering plant Antir-rhinum majus, its cohort of pollinators, and a specialist seed-predator and its parasitoid.2. The interactions taking place within this system were investigated by determining the fate of flowers and fruits on flowering and fruiting stems at 16 study sites. We then used this information to estimate spatial and temporal variation in the pollination rate, parasitism rate and hyperparasitism rate.3. We found that the plants were pollinator-limited, with relatively variable fruit-to-flower ratios across sites. On almost all sites, plants were both parasitized and hyperparasitized, at a low to moderate rate.4. Comparing our field observations with a tritrophic Nicholson-Bailey model, we found that empirical data are not always consistent with the conditions for local tritrophic persistence. This suggests that other mechanisms such as random disturbances and recolonizations (patch dynamics) or inter-site migration through metacommunity dynamics (source-sink dynamics) play a role in this system. Model simulations showed that dispersal could contribute to increasing tritrophic persistence in this system, and that source-sink structure, not just environmental stochasticity, may cause the observed pattern of spatial variation.5. Synthesis. We defined and measured metrics related to species interactions and densities. This led us to suggest that the functioning of the A. majus metacommunity is more consistent with source-sink than patch metacommunity dynamics, highlighting the extent to which dispersal explains the persistence of the system

    Comparative transcriptomics of the irradiated melon fly (Zeugodacus cucurbitae) reveal key developmental genes

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    Irradiation can be used as an insect pest management technique to reduce post-harvest yield losses. It causes major physiological changes, impairing insect development and leading to mortality. This technique is used to control the melon fly Zeugodacus cucurbitae, a major pest of Cucurbitaceae in Asia. Here, we applied irradiation to melon fly eggs, and the larvae emerged from irradiated eggs were used to conduct comparative transcriptomics and thereby identify key genes involved in the development and survival. We found 561 upregulated and 532 downregulated genes in irradiated flies compared to non-irradiated flies. We also observed abnormal small-body phenotypes in irradiated flies. By screening the 532 downregulated genes, we selected eight candidate genes putatively involved in development based in described functions in public databases and in the literature. We first established the expression profile of each candidate gene. Using RNA interference (RNAi), we individually knocked down each gene in third instar larvae and measured the effects on development. The knockdown of ImpE2 ecdysone-inducible gene controlling life stage transitions–led to major body size reductions in both pupae and adults. The knockdown of the tyrosine-protein kinase-like tok (Tpk-tok) caused severe body damage to larvae, characterized by swollen and black body parts. Adults subject to knockdown of the eclosion hormone (Eh_1) failed to shed their old cuticle which remained attached to their bodies. However, no obvious developmental defects were observed following the knockdown of the heat shock protein 67B1-like (Hsp67), the insulin receptor (Insr), the serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek4 (Nek4), the tyrosine-protein kinase transmembrane receptor Ror (Ror_1) and the probable insulin-like peptide 1 (Insp_1). We argue that irradiation can be successfully used not only as a pest management technique but also for the screening of essential developmental genes in insects via comparative transcriptomics. Our results demonstrate that ImpE2 and Eh_1 are essential for the development of melon fly and could therefore be promising candidates for the development of RNAi-based pest control strategies

    Integrated pest management of Tuta absoluta: practical implementations across different world regions

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    The South American tomato pinworm, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), has invaded most Afro-Eurasian countries and is threatening worldwide tomato production. Various strategies have been developed and implemented to manage this pest. Here, we present a timely review on the up-to-date development and practical implementation of integrated pest management (IPM) programs for tomato crops across different world regions infested by T. absoluta. While insecticide resistance is a growing concern, biological control via releasing or conserving arthropod natural enemies and sex pheromone-based biotechnical control are the most successful management practices. Agronomic control-related research is an emerging area where the soil fertilization and/or irrigation, as well as breeding of resistant cultivars, has the potential to enhance IPM effectiveness. Grower survey responses in the native areas (i.e., South America), early-invaded areas (i.e., first report between 2006 and 2012) and newly invaded areas (i.e., first report after 2012) showed that the control programs evolved along with the areas and time since invasion. Growers in the early-invaded areas shifted more rapidly from chemical control to biological control compared to those from the native area. In all concerned regions, the pest control failure risk following chemical insecticide applications and the high cost associated with either biological or biotechnical control methods have been the greatest concerns for growers. The information gathered from the native and/or early-invaded areas may help achieve a more effective management in newly invaded areas. Lastly, researchers are expected to break the bottlenecks of some key issues that would enable lowering application cost of novel biorational alternative management options

    Grand challenges in entomology: Priorities for action in the coming decades

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    Entomology is key to understanding terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems at a time of unprecedented anthropogenic environmental change and offers substantial untapped potential to benefit humanity in a variety of ways, from improving agricultural practices to managing vector-borne diseases and inspiring technological advances. We identified high priority challenges for entomology using an inclusive, open, and democratic four-stage prioritisation approach, conducted among the membership and affiliates (hereafter ‘members’) of the UK-based Royal Entomological Society (RES). A list of 710 challenges was gathered from 189 RES members. Thematic analysis was used to group suggestions, followed by an online vote to determine initial priorities, which were subsequently ranked during an online workshop involving 37 participants. The outcome was a set of 61 priority challenges within four groupings of related themes: (i) ‘Fundamental Research’ (themes: Taxonomy, ‘Blue Skies’ [defined as research ideas without immediate practical application], Methods and Techniques); (ii) ‘Anthropogenic Impacts and Conservation’ (themes: Anthropogenic Impacts, Conservation Options); (iii) ‘Uses, Ecosystem Services and Disservices’ (themes: Ecosystem Benefits, Technology and Resources [use of insects as a resource, or as inspiration], Pests); (iv) ‘Collaboration, Engagement and Training’ (themes: Knowledge Access, Training and Collaboration, Societal Engagement). Priority challenges encompass research questions, funding objectives, new technologies, and priorities for outreach and engagement. Examples include training taxonomists, establishing a global network of insect monitoring sites, understanding the extent of insect declines, exploring roles of cultivated insects in food supply chains, and connecting professional with amateur entomologists. Responses to different challenges could be led by amateur and professional entomologists, at all career stages. Overall, the challenges provide a diverse array of options to inspire and initiate entomological activities and reveal the potential of entomology to contribute to addressing global challenges related to human health and well-being, and environmental change

    Grand challenges in entomology: priorities for action in the coming decades

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    1. Entomology is key to understanding terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems at a time of unprecedented anthropogenic environmental change and offers substantial untapped potential to benefit humanity in a variety of ways, from improving agricultural practices to managing vector-borne diseases and inspiring technological advances. 2. We identified high priority challenges for entomology using an inclusive, open, and democratic four-stage prioritisation approach, conducted among the membership and affiliates (hereafter ‘members’) of the UK-based Royal Entomological Society (RES). 3. A list of 710 challenges was gathered from 189 RES members. Thematic analysis was used to group suggestions, followed by an online vote to determine initial priorities, which were subsequently ranked during an online workshop involving 37 participants. 4. The outcome was a set of 61 priority challenges within four groupings of related themes: (i) ‘Fundamental Research’ (themes: Taxonomy, ‘Blue Skies’ [defined as research ideas without immediate practical application], Methods and Techniques); (ii) ‘Anthropogenic Impacts and Conservation’ (themes: Anthropogenic Impacts, Conservation Options); (iii) ‘Uses, Ecosystem Services and Disservices’ (themes: Ecosystem Benefits, Technology and Resources [use of insects as a resource, or as inspiration], Pests); (iv) ‘Collaboration, Engagement and Training’ (themes: Knowledge Access, Training and Collaboration, Societal Engagement). 5. Priority challenges encompass research questions, funding objectives, new technologies, and priorities for outreach and engagement. Examples include training taxonomists, establishing a global network of insect monitoring sites, understanding the extent of insect declines, exploring roles of cultivated insects in food supply chains, and connecting professional with amateur entomologists. Responses to different challenges could be led by amateur and professional entomologists, at all career stages. 6. Overall, the challenges provide a diverse array of options to inspire and initiate entomological activities and reveal the potential of entomology to contribute to addressing global challenges related to human health and well-being, and environmental change

    Sharing a predator: can an invasive alien pest affect the predation on a local pest?

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    International audienceInvasive species can strongly affect biotic interactions in ecosystems, interacting both directly and indirectly with local species. In European tomato greenhouses , the invasive alien pest Tuta absoluta may impact the population dynamics of other pests like whiteflies. Besides inducing damages to the host plant and competing for resources with local pests, this alien species may exert a predator-mediated interaction on local pests sharing common natural enemies. Biocontrol agents usually used against whiteflies may also prey upon T. absoluta and this could alter the dynamics of local pest populations. We evaluated possible resource competition and predator-mediated interactions in a system involving one mirid predator Macrolophus pygmaeus and two pests, T. absoluta and a local whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, on greenhouse tomatoes. Results showed that both resource competition and predator-mediated interactions occurred simultaneously. In the presence of the shared predator, there was a short-term positive effect of T. absoluta on B. tabaci [up to 5.9-fold increase of B. tabaci juveniles (egg ? larvae) after four weeks]. However, in the long-term there was a negative predator-mediated interaction of T. absoluta on B. tabaci, i.e., after ten weeks the density of B. tabaci was 7.3-fold lower in the presence of the invasive pest. We emphasize the critical role of generalist predators in managing both local and invasive alien pest populations and that the strength and direction of predator-mediated indirect interactions can depend on the time scale considered
