402 research outputs found

    Spanish Communication Academia: Scientific Productivity vs. Social Activity

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    At a time when academic activity in the area of communication is principally assessed by the impact of scientific journals, the scientific media and the scientific productivity of researchers, the question arises as to whether social factors condition scientific activity as much as these objective elements. This investigation analyzes the influence of scientific productivity and social activity in the area of communication. We identify a social network of researchers from a compilation of doctoral theses in communication and calculate the scientific production of 180 of the most active researchers who sit on doctoral committees. Social network analysis is then used to study the relations that are formed on these doctoral thesis committees. The results suggest that social factors, rather than individual scientific productivity, positively influence such a key academic and scientific activity as the award of doctoral degrees. Our conclusions point to a disconnection between scientific productivity and the international scope of researchers and their role in the social network. Nevertheless, the consequences of this situation are tempered by the nonhierarchical structure of relations between communication scientists

    Teaching practices for socially awareness of university students: the case of the subject of Production Management

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    Según muchos economistas, la crisis que estamos sufriendo no es sólo una crisis económica, sino una crisis de valores. La situación actual de producción y consumo es insostenible y requiere un cambio en las empresas y en la sociedad. Hay algunas iniciativas empresariales y de consumidores que nos hacen pensar que el cambio de actitud en las personas y en el modelo empresarial se empieza a producir. Todas ellas hablan del valor de compartir, de la solidaridad, de la confianza y de la sostenibilidad. En la Universidad, la Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible (EDS) va cobrando cada vez mayor relevancia y va consolidándose. Sin embargo, estos temas no se suelen trasladar a los temarios de las asignaturas. El objetivo de este trabajo es contribuir a la introducción de la sensibilización social de los estudiantes universitarios en el aula a través de dos trabajos prácticos realizados en la asignatura de Organización de la Producción, en Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automática, en la Universidad de La Rioja. Estas actividades son descritas con la idea de que puedan ser transferidas a otras asignaturas y otras titulaciones. Tras su puesta en práctica en el aula hemos podido comprobar que resultan muy motivadoras para los estudiantes porque tratan sobre la realidad de su entorno, les hacen valorar el esfuerzo de las personas, pensar en las necesidades sociales y en cómo ellos podrían ayudar. En una encuesta realizada al final del curso a los estudiantes, se les preguntó sobre la idoneidad de estas prácticas y prácticamente la totalidad de estudiantes las encontraron apropiadas y aprendieron con ellas. Las notas de los estudiantes fueron muy satisfactorias. Creemos que este tipo de actividades puede contribuir a mejorar la actitud de nuestros estudiantes ante la sociedad y al mismo tiempo facilitarles la incorporación al mercado laboral.According to many economists, the crisis we are experiencing is not only an economic crisis but a crisis of values. The current situation of production and consumption is not sustainable and requires a change in business and society. There are some businesses and consumer initiatives that make us think that the change of attitude in people and in the business model begins to occur. They all talk about the value of sharing, solidarity, trust and sustainability. In Universities, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is gaining increasing relevance and strengthens. However, these issues are not usually included in the subjects. The aim of this paper is to introduce the social awareness of university students in the classroom through two practices in the course of Production Management, in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering at the University of La Rioja. These activities are described with the idea that they can be transferred to other subjects and other university degrees. After its implementation in the classroom we have seen that are highly motivating for students because they deal with the reality of their environment, appreciate the efforts of people, think about social needs and how they could contribute to help. In a survey conducted at the end of the course, students were asked about the adequacy of these practices and virtually all students found them appropriate and learned with them. The notes of the students were very satisfactory. We believe that this type of activity can help to improve our students' attitude to society and at the same time facilitate labor market entry


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    Los sistemas de producción orgánicos se basan en procesos naturales, aprovechamiento de recursos locales y disminución en la degradación del suelo. La efectividad de la producción de leche de los sistemas orgánicos vs los sistemas de producción convenciona les es un tema abierto a debate. Son diversos los estudios en los cuales se observa un efecto positivo de los sistemas orgánicos de producción de leche de oveja en relación al bienestar y salud animal, calidad de los productos e impacto ambiental. No obsta nte, algunos autores citan rendimientos lácteos inferiores, así como mayor susceptibilidad a condiciones medioambientales comparados con los obtenidos en sistemas convencionales. Los menores rendimientos en los sistemas orgánicos de producción de leche de oveja, están relacionados con el limitado aporte nutricional, el bajo potencial genético, así como las cambiantes condiciones medioambientales. Estos sistemas ovinos son principalmente un método de producción para un mercado específico que ofrece productos con calidad Premium y elevados estándares de calidad en sus procesos de producción. Por lo que una empresa ovina orgánica de producción de leche debe ser considerada viable en la medida que presente un balance positivo a nivel de sostenibilidad global, es decir, que sea socialmente benéfica , económicamente viable y medioambientalmente responsable

    Diseño de un sistema de radiocomunicaciones para el triángulo minero en la RAAN de Nicaragua

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    Presenta un análisis para el diseño de un sistema de radiocomunicaciones en Bonanza y Rosita parte triangulo minero, no existe conexión entre Siuna-Bonanza, ni tampoco Siuna-Rosita, precisamente por el tipo de orografía, no hay cumplimiento de línea de vista, por lo que no hay libramiento de la primera y segunda zona de Fresnel, por e3llo únicamente se muestra el diseño del radioenlace Bonanza y Rosita, el cual servirá como propuesta para comunicarse entre estas dos zonas, en caso de situaciones de desastres

    Oral Health : validation of a questionnaire of self-perception and self-care habits in Diabetes Mellitus 2, hypertensive and obese patients. The UISESS-B scale

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    Objectives: To develop and to evaluate a questionnaire of self-perception and self-care habits on oral health on a first level population. Methods: A descriptive observational studas perfored to validate a questionnaire on oral health self-perception (UISESS-B). After non-probabilistic sampling,94 users,30-59 years of age,with either diabetes mellitus 2,hypertension or obesity were included. Duration of disease was lesser than 10 years. Pearson's r, Cornbach's ?, factorial analysis,chi-square and Snedecor's F tests were employed. Results:A Pearson's r of 0.7and Cronbach's ? of 0.82was observed on the pre-post values of the global questionnaire. In the factorial analysis, the variance explained more than 60% for a first factor. Apunctuation of very high risk for the three groups with the scale UISESSS-B that coincides with the index CPO-D and the index UISESS-F was observed. Conclusions: The UISESS-B scale shows significant validity and reliability, suggestingits use as a sensitive ins-trument for the measurement of oral health in people with chronic illnesses such as diabetes,hypertension and obesity. © Medicina Oral S. L

    High-intensity interval training programs and their impact on endurance performance in handball players: A systematic review

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    Study aim: This systematic review aimed to identify and analyze the available evidence about the effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) interventions on endurance performance in handball players. Material and methods: The search for relevant literature was conducted across prominent databases, including PubMed, Scopus, SPORTDiscus, and Web of Science Core Collection. The eligibility criteria focused on healthy handball players, without restrictions on age, sex, or competitive level, who were exposed to HIIT interventions, either alone or in combination with other training methods. The methodological assessment employed the RoB2 and ROBINS scales. A screening process was executed, evaluating 434 titles, leading to the inclusion of 17 eligible studies in this systematic review, comprising a total of 369 participants. Results: Most studies on HIIT in handball involved tier-two athletes (trained/developmental) and mostly men. The training frequency typically implemented was twice per week, with a duration between 4 and 12 weeks, with different types of HIIT. There was considerable variation in outcomes across the included studies, with most of them demonstrating a significant positive impact of HIIT on improving endurance performance when compared to controls. Conclusion: In conclusion, the predominant focus of the overall analyzed studies was on the effects of different HIIT interventions in obtaining positive performance adaptations assessed by field-based tests in handball players.Ramón y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship (RYC2021-031072-I) given by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the State Research Agency (AEI), and the European Union (NextGenerationEU/PRTR

    Drone-based Water Sampling and Characterization of Three Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms in the United States

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    Freshwater harmful algal blooms (HABs), caused mostly by toxic cyanobacteria, produce a range of cyanotoxins that threaten the health of humans and domestic animals. Climate conditions and anthropogenic influences such as agricultural run-off can alter the onset and intensity of HABs. Little is known about the distribution and spread of freshwater HABs. Current sampling protocols in some lakes involve teams of researchers that collect samples by hand from a boat and/or from the shoreline. Water samples can be collected from the surface, from discrete-depth collections, and/or from depth-integrated intervals. These collections are often restricted to certain months of the year, and generally are only performed at a limited number of collection sites. In lakes with active HABs, surface samples are generally sufficient for HAB water quality assessments. We used a unique DrOne Water Sampling SystEm (DOWSE) to collect water samples from the surface of three different HABs in Ohio (Grand Lake St Marys, GLSM and Lake Erie) and Virginia (Lake Anna), United States in 2019. The DOWSE consisted of a 3D-printed sampling device tethered to a drone (uncrewed aerial system, or UAS), and was used to collect surface water samples at different distances (10–100 m) from the shore or from an anchored boat. One hundred and eighty water samples (40 at GLSM, 20 at Lake Erie, and 120 at Lake Anna) were collected and analyzed from 18 drone flights. Our methods included testing for cyanotoxins, phycocyanin, and nutrients from surface water samples. Mean concentrations of microcystins (MCs) in drone water samples were 15.00, 1.92, and 0.02 ppb for GLSM, Lake Erie, and Lake Anna, respectively. Lake Anna had low levels of anatoxin in nearly all (111/120) of the drone water samples. Mean concentrations of phycocyanin in drone water samples were 687, 38, and 62 ppb for GLSM, Lake Erie, and Lake Anna, respectively. High levels of total phosphorus were observed in the drone water samples from GLSM (mean of 0.34 mg/L) and Lake Erie (mean of 0.12 mg/L). Lake Anna had the highest variability of total phosphorus with concentrations that ranged from 0.01 mg/L to 0.21 mg/L, with a mean of 0.06 mg/L. Nitrate levels varied greatly across sites, inverse with bloom biomass, ranging from below detection to 3.64 mg/L, with highest mean values in Lake Erie followed by GLSM and Lake Anna, respectively. Drones offer a rapid, targeted collection of water samples from virtually anywhere on a lake with an active HAB without the need for a boat which can disturb the surrounding water. Drones are, however, limited in their ability to operate during inclement weather such as rain and heavy winds. Collectively, our results highlight numerous opportunities for drone-based water sampling technologies to track, predict, and respond to HABs in the future

    Fomento de la habilidad autorreguladora del aprendizaje en estudiantes de quinto de primaria de tres Instituciones Educativas Distritales

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    136 páginas : ilustraciones, gráficas, tablas y fotos.El presente proyecto de investigación buscó determinar los procesos que permiten desarrollar el aprendizaje autorregulado en estudiantes de quinto de primaria de tres Instituciones Educativas Distritales de Bogotá, se diseñó un ambiente de aprendizaje mediado por TIC a través de la estrategia didáctica y pedagógica b-learning. Para ello, se realizó un estudio de corte cualitativo-descriptivo que toma como referente el modelo cíclico de Zimmerman y Moylan (2009) sobre el aprendizaje autorregulado del cual se tomaron las fases de motivación y planificación, autorreflexión y se adicionó la fase de realimentación y el enfoque constructivista de acuerdo con los lineamientos de los proyectos educativos institucionales de las tres instituciones distritales de Bogotá que participaron en el estudio. Para abordar la problemática detectada que gira en torno a la dificultad para cumplir con sus actividades escolares, organizar sus tiempos de estudio y ser autónomo en la toma de decisiones y realización de sus actividades académicas. Los resultados obtenidos dan cuenta de los procesos a considerar para fomentar las habilidades autorreguladoras y cómo la tecnología se convierte en una herramienta fundamental para facilitar y motivar el desarrollo del aprendizaje autorregulado en población de edades tempranas.​ ​

    Prevalencia de diabetes tipo 2 e hipertensión arterial en adultos de nivel económico bajo de Monterrey, México

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    Antecedentes: la hiperglucemia es signo característico de un grupo enfermedades, la diabetes tipo 2 abarca del 90 al 95% de los casos, y provoca alta morbilidad, e incapacidad e incluso muerte prematura. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de diabetes mellitus tipo 2, prediabetes y la de HA en adultos en área urbana de bajo nivel económico en Monterrey, México. Método: estudio de corte transversal con selección aleatoria de adultos (hombres y mujeres no embarazadas ni lactando) en una comunidad de bajo nivel económico. Se obtuvo glucemia capilar y plasmática en ayuno y 2h-poscarga oral de 75 g glucosa. Diagnósticos según criterios del American Diabetes Association 2004. Se presenta prevalencia con intervalo de confianza (IC95%) y regresión múltiple en inferencia de factores. Resultados: la prevalencia de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 fue 14.1% (9.6-18.6%), prediabetes 12.8% (8.5-17.1) y de hipertensión arterial 26.24% (20.4-32.4%). La edad, el índice de masa corporal y género justifican 38% de la variación de la hipertensión arterial (r = 0.616, todas p < 0.001); pero sólo 5% (r = 0.23) de la variación glucémica fue explicado por la edad (p < 0.01) y el índice de masa corporal (p < 0.05). Conclusiones: la prevalencia de hipertensión arterial fue la esperada, pero la de diabetes mellitus 2 sugiere ser más alta que en reportes previos. En esta población la adiposidad no justifica la alta prevalencia de diabetes mellitus 2, ni de prediabetes. ABSTRACT Background: Hyperglycemia is a characteristic sign of several diseases. In the case of type 2 diabetes, it has an effect on 90 to 95% of the patients. It produces a high morbidity, incapacity and even death. Objective: To determine the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus, pre-diabetes and hypertension in a low-income urban area in Monterrey, Mexico. Method: A random, cross-sectional study was done in a low-income urban population in Monterrey, Mexico. Patients who had participated in a baseline glycemic study from 1992 to 1993 were re-examined. The concentration of capillary and plasmatic glucose on fasting and two hour post-load oral glucose (75 g) were determined. The diagnoses were established following the criteria of the American Diabetes Association 2004. Multiple regression analyses were done to infer the factors related with glycemia; the confidence interval was 95%. Results: The type 2 diabetes mellitus prevalence was 14.1%, pre-diabetes 12.8% and the one for hypertension was 26.24%. Age, body mass index and gender prognosticated in an independent manner the values of hypertension (p < 0.001). Glycemia was prognosticated based on age (p < 0.01) and body mass index (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Prevalence of type 2 diabetes was higher in low-income adult patients, but hypertension prevalence remained within normal parameters. In this population, the body mass index did not justify the high prevalence of type 2 diabetes nor that of pre-diabetes