258 research outputs found

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    Servicios de participación ciudadana soportados en Blockchain

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    Las Administraciones Públicas se encuentran ante un nuevo escenario donde los ciudadanos demandan una mayor participación en la gobernanza de las ciudades. La participación ciudadana consiste en crear espacios adecuados de colaboración para permitir y facilitar la intervención en las decisiones públicas, en la definición y desarrollo de acciones, y en el uso de los recursos públicos. Así, participar es conocer, opinar, debatir, colaborar, co-crear y tomar decisiones. Las ciudades tienen que dar respuesta al reto de prestar mejores y nuevos servicios, más eficientemente, junto al aumento de la transparencia y la participación ciudadana. Esto es, impulsar una gobernanza inteligente, uno de los pilares y ejes de actuación de la estrategia de Ciudades Inteligentes. Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) juegan un papel catalizador y dinamizador de esta estrategia, facilitando el desarrollo de proyectos, aplicaciones y servicios. Este proyecto trata de identificar y analizar el conjunto de servicios que tienen que ser implementados para aumentar y facilitar la participación ciudadana. También incluye el diseño de una plataforma que proporcione a los ciudadanos, a los diferentes colectivos vecinales y al tejido asociativo herramientas para el traslado de conocimiento, opiniones y sugerencias, la elaboración y creación colectiva de proyectos y propuestas, y facilite la toma de decisiones colectiva. Estos servicios necesitan procedimientos de identificación y autentificación y entornos con garantías de seguridad, inmutabilidad, transparencia y mantenimiento del anonimato. Para todo ello el uso de tecnologías descentralizadas y blockchain pueden ser adecuadas para su desarrollo e implementación.Public Administrations are facing a new scenario where citizens demand greater participation in the governance of cities. Citizen participation consists of creating adequate spaces for collaboration to allow and facilitate intervention in public decisions, in the definition and development of actions, and in the use of public resources. Thus, participating is knowing, giving opinions, debating, collaborating, co-creating and making decisions. Cities have to respond to the challenge of providing better and new services, more efficiently, together with increased transparency and citizen participation. That is, promoting smart governance, one of the pillars and lines of action of the Smart Cities strategy. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) play a catalytic and dynamic role in this strategy, facilitating the development of projects, applications and services. This project tries to identify and analyze the set of services that have to be implemented to increase and facilitate citizen participation. It also includes the design of a platform that provides citizens, different neighborhood groups and the associative fabric, tools for the transfer of knowledge, opinions and suggestions, supports the collective elaboration and creation of projects and proposals, and allows the taking of collective decisions. These services require identification and authentication procedures and environments with guarantees of security, immutability, transparency and maintenance of anonymity. For all this, the use of decentralized technologies and blockchain can be suitable for its development and implementation

    Nuevas tendencias normativistas en el concepto y la prueba del dolo

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    Sinorhizobium fredii Strains HH103 and NGR234 Form Nitrogen Fixing Nodules With Diverse Wild Soybeans (Glycine soja) From Central China but Are Ineffective on Northern China Accessions

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    Sinorhizobium fredii indigenous populations are prevalent in provinces of Central China whereas Bradyrhizobium species (Bradyrhizobium japonicum, B. diazoefficiens, B. elkanii, and others) are more abundant in northern and southern provinces. The symbiotic properties of different soybean rhizobia have been investigated with 40 different wild soybean (Glycine soja) accessions from China, Japan, Russia, and South Korea. Bradyrhizobial strains nodulated all the wild soybeans tested, albeit efficiency of nitrogen fixation varied considerably among accessions. The symbiotic capacity of S. fredii HH103 with wild soybeans from Central China was clearly better than with the accessions found elsewhere. S. fredii NGR234, the rhizobial strain showing the broadest host range ever described, also formed nitrogen-fixing nodules with different G. soja accessions from Central China. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing an effective symbiosis between S. fredii NGR234 and G. soja. Mobilization of the S. fredii HH103 symbiotic plasmid to a NGR234 pSym-cured derivative (strain NGR234C) yielded transconjugants that formed ineffective nodules with G. max cv. Williams 82 and G. soja accession CH4. By contrast, transfer of the symbiotic plasmid pNGR234a to a pSym-cured derivative of S. fredii USDA193 generated transconjugants that effectively nodulated G. soja accession CH4 but failed to nodulate with G. max cv. Williams 82. These results indicate that intra-specific transference of the S. fredii symbiotic plasmids generates new strains with unpredictable symbiotic properties, probably due to the occurrence of new combinations of symbiotic signals.España, Junta de Andalucía P11-CVI-7500España Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2016-78409-

    Spontaneous tonsillar hemorrhage as initial presentation of acute promyelocytic myeloid leukemia

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    Actualmente, la hemorragia espontánea amigdalar es un signo faríngeo muy infrecuente. Su etiología habitual se relaciona con la amigdalitis crónica y su tratamiento suele ser local y sintomático. El caso clínico que presentamos refuerza la importancia del estudio integral del paciente con hemorragia espontánea amigdalar, ya que, puede ser la presentación inicial de enfermedades hematológicas graves.Currently, spontaneous tonsillar hemorrhage is a very uncommon pharyngeal sign. Its etiology is usually related to chronic tonsillitis and its treatment uses to be local and symptomatic. The case that we report reinforces the importance of the global study of the patient with spontaneous tonsillar hemorrhage because it can be the initial presentation of serious hematologic diseases

    Diseño e Implementación del Sistema Electrónico y Comunicación para el Control un Robot Modular Tipo Serpiente

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    Este proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de un sistema electrónico para manipular a un robot serpiente de manera modular; se implementaron tarjetas electrónicas en una relación maestro-esclavas para el control articular de cada módulo mecánico. Estas tarjetas se componen de un DSPic30F4011, microcontrolador de 16 bits de Microchip que incorpora el modulo CAN, protocolo esencial para la comunicación entre tarjetas, salidas PWM para el control de motores, puertos análogos y digitales; como también un socket para conectarse a un dispositivo externo a través de la UART. El firmware ha sido escrito en MikroC Pro. Cada microcontrolador implementa una ecuación característica proveniente de las curvas de Hirose para generar un movimiento serpentino. Este movimiento se simuló usando ROS (Robotic Operating System) en Rviz y finalmente se implementó en el prototipo robot

    Development The Electronic System Of Continues Modular Snake-Like-Robot

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    This project consists of the development of an electronic system to manipulate a snake like robot in a modular way. The electronic cards were implemented in a master-slave relationship for joint control of each mechanical module. These cards are composed of a DSPic30F4011, microchip 16-bit microcontroller that incorporates the CAN module, essential protocol for communication between cards, PWM outputs for motor control, analogue and digital ports; as well as a socket to connect to an external device through the UART. The firmware has been written in MikroC Pro. Each microcontroller implements the characteristic equation from the Hirose curves to generate a serpentine movement. These moves were simulated using ROS (Robotic Operating System in Rviz)

    Accidental ulcer infestation due Tenebrio molitor in an AIDS patient: canthariasis

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    Canthariasis is a disease of humans caused by the infestation of beetle larvae. It is the second important insectal disease after myiasis. Several species of beetles are reported to cause the disease in gastrointestinal tract, urogenital system, nasal sinuses, ears and faces of mammals. The mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor, a species of darkling beetle, is a widespread pest that usually feeds on stored grain. The human infestation by this worm is extremely rarely reported, we described a case of T. molitor infestation in a AIDS patient in Colombia

    Three-level Evaluation of Chopped Sugar Cane (Saccharum officinarum L.) Stems in the Diet of Pigs

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    In order to integrate alternative plant sources of energy in the diet of swine weaned in the stages of growth and fin-ishing, twenty, Landrace x Yorkshire castrated animals were used in this study. Their diets contained 15% and 13% crude protein. Fresh unpeeled sugar cane stems were chopped and included in the diet, at 15%, 20%, and 25% (growth stage); and 25%, 30%, and 35% (finish stage). The trial lasted 14 weeks. A completely randomized block design was used, with four treatments and five replicas; the Duncan´s significance test (5% probability) was also made. The inclusion of 30% sugar cane stalks from stems produced the highest mean weight values (83.80 kg P < 0.05). The highest weight gain value was observed in the pigs that consumed diets that included 20% sugar cane, whereas the best values for the finish stage was the 30% inclusion variant. The inclusion of 35% in the finish stage had the best feed conversion (2.19 kg/kg P < 0.05). The addition of 20-30% of chopped sugar cane stalks was rec-ommended to fatten pigs