249 research outputs found

    Non-linear vibrating systems excited by a nonideal energy source with a large slope characteristic

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    This paper revisits the problem of an unbalanced motor attached to a fixed frame by means of a nonlinear spring and a linear damper. The excitation provided by the motor is, in general, nonideal, which means it is affected by the vibratory response. Since the system behaviour is highly dependent on the order of magnitude of the motor characteristic slope, the case of large slope is considered herein. Some Perturbation Methods are applied to the system of equations, which allows transforming the original 4D system into a much simpler 2D system. The fixed points of this reduced system and their stability are carefully studied. We find the existence of a Hopf bifurcation which, to the authors’ knowledge, has not been addressed before in the literature. These analytical results are supported by numerical simulations. We also compare our approach and results with those published by other authors

    Limit cycles in nonlinear vibrating systems excited by a nonideal energy source with a large slope characteristic

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    This study is the natural continuation of a previous paper of the authors González-Carbajal and Domínguez in J. Sound Vib. (Under revision), where the possibility of finding Hopf bifurcations in vibrating systems excited by a nonideal power source was addressed. Herein, some analytical tools are used to characterize these Hopf bifurcations, deriving a simple rule to classify them as supercritical or subcritical. Moreover, we find conditions under which the averaged system can be proved to be always attracted by a limit cycle, irrespective of the initial conditions. These limit cycle oscillations in the averaged system correspond to quasiperiodic motions of the original system. To the authors’ knowledge, limit cycle oscillations have not been addressed before in the literature about nonideal excitations. Through supporting numerical simulations, we also investigate the global bifurcations destroying the limit cycles. The analytical results are verified numerically.Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte FPU12/0053

    Study of the Contribution of Nonlinear Normal Modes (NNMs) in Large Amplitude Oscillations of Simply Supported Beams

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    Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering , Rome; Italy. 10 September 2017 through 13 September 2017This paper focuses on the Nonlinear Normal Modes of simply supported beams with unrestrained axial displacements. Two different configurations are considered, depending on whether longitudinal displacements are allowed at one end of the beam or at both ends. An integro-differential equation is obtained for the transverse displacement of the beam, upon the common assumption of inextensibility. By using a perturbation approach, the NNMs are analytically computed, which yields a frequency-amplitude relation for each NNM. These analytical curves are compared to FE results, showing a remarkable accordance. Noticeably, qualitatively different behaviors are found for the first NNM in both configurations: with one free end, the beam softens; with both ends free, it hardens

    A polynomial hyperelastic model for the mixture of fat and glandular tissue in female breast

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    In the breast of adult women, glandular and fat tissues are intermingled and cannot be clearly distinguished. This work studies if this mixture can be treated as a homogenized tissue. A mechanical model is proposed for the mixture of tissues as a function of the fat content. Different distributions of individual tissues and geometries have been tried to verify the validity of the mixture model. A multiscale modelling approach was applied in a finite element model of a representative volume element (RVE) of tissue, formed by randomly assigning fat or glandular elements to the mesh. Both types of tissues have been assumed as isotropic, quasi-incompressible hyperelastic materials, modelled with a polynomial strain energy function, like the homogenized model. The RVE was subjected to several load cases from which the constants of the polynomial function of the homogenized tissue were fitted in the least squares sense. The results confirm that the fat volume ratio is a key factor in determining the properties of the homogenized tissue, but the spatial distribution of fat is not so important. Finally, a simplified model of a breast was developed to check the validity of the homogenized model in a geometry similar to the actual one

    Comparison of the volumetric composition of lamellar bone and the woven bone of calluses

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    Woven tissue is mainly present in the bone callus, formed very rapidly either after a fracture or in distraction processes. This high formation speed is probably responsible for its disorganized microstructure and this, in turn, for its low stiffness. Nonetheless, the singular volumetric composition of this tissue may also play a key role in its mechanical properties. The volumetric composition of woven tissue extracted from the bone transport callus of sheep was investigated and compared with that of the lamellar tissue extracted from the cortical shell of the same bone. Significant differences were found in the mineral and water contents, but they can be due to the different ages of both tissues, which affects the mineral/water ratio. However, the content in organic phase remains more or less constant throughout the mineralization process and has proven to be a good variable to measure the different composition of both tissues, being that content significantly higher in woven tissue. This may be linked to the abnormally high concentration of osteocytes in this tissue, which is likely a consequence of the more abundant presence of osteoblasts secreting osteoid and burying other osteoblasts, which then differentiate into osteocytes. This would explain the high formation rate of woven tissue, useful to recover the short-term stability of the bone. Nonetheless, the more abundant presence of organic phase prevents the woven tissue from reaching a stiffness similar to that of lamellar tissue in the long term, when it is fully mineralized

    Innovación y mejora docente en el ámbito de la enseñanza de estructuras metálicas.

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    La asignatura “Estructuras Metálicas” está orientada a completar los conocimientos del análisis de estructuras del futuro ingeniero industrial con su aplicación práctica al diseño de estructuras metálicas. La organización y programación de la asignatura está pensada para transmitir los conocimientos necesarios para el cálculo de elementos estructurales simples, de manera que el alumno posea una perspectiva amplia de la problemática asociada al diseño de estructuras metálicas complejas. Ello se lleva a cabo mediante clases teóricas, clases de problemas, clases prácticas de estructuras por ordenador, prácticas de laboratorio, y trabajos prácticos. Este trabajo presenta nuevas metodologías docentes, de acuerdo con las líneas prioritarias del Plan Propio de la Universidad de Sevilla, para mejorar los diferentes frentes de docencia que la asignatura posee. Para ello se profundiza en el estudio y experimentación de nuevas metodologías didácticas como la enseñanza virtual, usando plataformas virtuales tipo WebCT, la elaboración de clases por transparencias PowerPoint y animaciones numéricas realizadas mediante elementos finitos, todo ello basadas en la normativa vigente actual y bibliografía referente actualizada. Además se fomenta el trabajo en equipo mediante la realización de prácticas de campo y un proyecto en grupo, y se desarrollan nuevas prácticas de laboratorio y actividades de manera que el alumno contemple la visión práctica de los conocimientos adquiridos

    Analytical and numerical study of the influence of different support types in the nonlinear vibrations of beams

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    This paper aims at studying the influence of the different support types on the free nonlinear vibration frequency of a beam, both by analytical and numerical approaches and its dependence on the vibration amplitude. First, an analytical study of two cases of simply supported beams is carried out by using the nonlinear normal modes (NNM) and the multiple scale methods to obtain the analytical expressions of the nonlinear frequencies as a function of the vibration amplitude. Such results have been compared and discussed with other authors’ results. In addition, a nonlinear finite element model of these two cases showed that the analytical and numerical results are in good agreement. Additionally, several numerical studies have been carried out for different support types. A total of seven different boundary conditions have been numerically analysed and the corresponding frequencyamplitude relations have been obtained and compared. In addition, the effect of the axial inertial forces has been enhanced by adding concentrated masses at one end of the beam. It was found for instance that the hingedhinged beam shows a hardening behaviour, which depends on the beam slenderness, or that the hingedsimply supported beam results in the largest softening behaviour. The fundamental causes of nonlinearity are, on one hand the coupling of the midline deformation and bending and, on the other hand, the coupling of axial inertial forces and bending. The significance of the first of these effects depends on the beam material and geometrical properties


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    The knowledge of the juvenile distribution in fisheries is essential to better manage the fishing effort on a stock. The exploration of a large dataset which covers 30 years of the purse seine fishery sampling enabled to study the spatio-temporal dynamic of the juvenile catches of the yellowfin and bigeye tunas. Results showed the existence of several areas of prime importance in terms of catch and concentration in juveniles with seasonal variations. Thus, the south of the fishing ground (Cape Lopez) was fished during winter month and the north during summer months (Cape Verde, Senegal y Mauritania). Offshore coastal zone and Gulf of Guinea were fished almost all along the year. This seasonal pattern is quite stable since the 90s but the proportion of juveniles in schools associated with floating objects tended to increase in both species. This preliminary study opened the way for further research on this important component of the fish stocks. La connaissance de la répartition des juvéniles dans les pêcheries est essentielle pour mieux gérer l'effort de pêche sur un stock. L'exploration d'un vaste jeu de données couvrant 30 ans d'échantillonnage de la pêcherie à la senne a permis d'étudier la dynamique spatio-temporelle des captures de juvéniles d'albacore et de thon obèse. Les résultats ont montré l'existence de plusieurs zones de première importance en termes de capture et de concentration des juvéniles avec des variations saisonnières. Ainsi, le sud de la zone de pêche (Cap Lopez) était pêché pendant les mois d'hiver et le nord pendant les mois d'été (Cabo Verde, Sénégal et Mauritanie). La zone côtière offshore et le golfe de Guinée ont été pêchés presque toute l'année. Bien que ce schéma saisonnier soit stable depuis les années 1990, la proportion de juvéniles dans les bancs associés à des objets flottants avait tendance à augmenter pour ces deux espèces. Cette étude préliminaire a ouvert la voie à d'autres recherches sur cette composante importante des stocks de poissons. El conocimiento de la distribución de los juveniles en las pesquerías es esencial para gestionar mejor el esfuerzo pesquero en un stock. La exploración de un gran conjunto de datos que abarca 30 años de muestreo de la pesquería de cerco permitió estudiar la dinámica espacio-temporal de las capturas de juveniles de rabil y patudo. Los resultados mostraron la existencia de varias zonas de importancia primordial en cuanto a la captura y concentración de juveniles con variaciones estacionales. Así, el sur del caladero (Cabo López) se pescaba durante el mes de invierno y el norte durante los meses de verano (Cabo Verde, Senegal y Mauritania). En la zona costera y en el golfo de Guinea se pescaba casi todo el año. Esta pauta estacional es bastante estable desde los años 90, pero la proporción de juveniles en los cardúmenes asociados a objetos flotantes tendió a aumentar en ambas especies. Este estudio preliminar abrió el camino a nuevas investigaciones sobre este importante componente de los stocks de peces.Versión del edito

    A bone remodelling model including the effect of damage on the steering of BMUs

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    Bone remodelling in cortical bone is performed by the so-called basic multicellular units (BMUs), which produce osteons after completing the remodelling sequence. Burger et al. (2003) hypothesized that BMUs follow the direction of the prevalent local stress in the bone. More recently, Martin (2007) has shown that BMUs must be somehow guided by microstructural damage as well. The interaction of both variables, strain and damage, in the guidance of BMUs has been incorporated into a bone remodelling model for cortical bone. This model accounts for variations in porosity, anisotropy and damage level. The bone remodelling model has been applied to a finite element model of the diaphysis of a human femur. The trajectories of the BMUs have been analysed throughout the diaphysis and compared with the orientation of osteons measured experimentally. Some interesting observations, like the typical fan arrangement of osteons near the periosteum, can be explained with the proposed remodelling model. Moreover, the efficiency of BMUs in damage repairing has been shown to be greater if BMUs are guided by damage

    Management of borderline ovarian tumours: A comprehensive review of the literature

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    Borderline ovarian tumours differ from epithelial ovarian cancer by their low incidence, frequent association with infertility, low association with mutations in BCRA genes, different percentages of the most common histological types, early stage diagnosis, and high survival rate, even when associated with peritoneal involvement. They occur in younger women, which is why one of the objectives in these patients will be the preservation of fertility. The management of these tumours has been widely discussed and still continues to be controversial. The latest findings underscore the importance of full staging in both radical and conservative surgery, to choose the most comprehensive treatment and obtain an accurate prognosis. One of the objectives of this article shall be the in-depth review of the indications, benefits, and disadvantages of each type of surgery, as well as the usefulness of the medical treatment. In addition, the article aims to review follow-up guidelines and to clarify the main prognostic factors that affect recurrence and survival of these patients