401 research outputs found

    X-Ray Wakes in Abell 160

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    `Wakes' of X-ray emission have now been detected trailing behind a few (at least seven) elliptical galaxies in clusters. To quantify how widespread this phenomenon is, and what its nature might be, we have obtained a deep (70 ksec) X-ray image of the poor cluster Abell 160 using the ROSAT HRI. Combining the X-ray data with optical positions of confirmed cluster members, and applying a statistic designed to search for wake-like excesses, we confirm that this phenomenon is observed in galaxies in this cluster. The probability that the detections arise from chance is less than 0.0038. Further, the wakes are not randomly distributed in direction, but are preferentially oriented pointing away from the cluster centre. This arrangement can be explained by a simple model in which wakes arise from the stripping of their host galaxies' interstellar media due to ram pressure against the intracluster medium through which they travel.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Methods and instruments for materials testing

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    Methods and instruments for characterizing a material, such as the properties of bone in a living human subject, using a test probe constructed for insertion into the material and a reference probe aligned with the test probe in a housing. The housing is hand held or placed so that the reference probe contacts the surface of the material under pressure applied either by hand or by the weight of the housing. The test probe is inserted into the material to indent the material while maintaining the reference probe substantially under the hand pressure or weight of the housing allowing evaluation of a property of the material related to indentation of the material by the probe. Force can be generated by a voice coil in a magnet structure to the end of which the test probe is connected and supported in the magnet structure by a flexure, opposing flexures, a linear translation stage, or a linear bearing. Optionally, a measurement unit containing the test probe and reference probe is connected to a base unit with a wireless connection, allowing in the field material testing

    Transits and secondary eclipses of HD 189733 with Spitzer

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    We present limits on transit timing variations and secondary eclipse depth variations at 8 microns with the Spitzer Space Telescope IRAC camera. Due to the weak limb darkening in the infrared and uninterrupted observing, Spitzer provides the highest accuracy transit times for this bright system, in principle providing sensitivity to secondary planets of Mars mass in resonant orbits. Finally, the transit data provides tighter constraints on the wavelength- dependent atmospheric absorption by the planet.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, submitted to proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 253 "Transiting Planets

    The anxiolytic effects of cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia: preliminary results from a web-delivered protocol

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    Though the efficacy of cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia (CBTI) is well-established, the paucity of credentialed providers hinders widespread access. Further, the impact of alternatives such as web-delivered CBTI has not been adequately tested on common insomnia comorbidities such as anxiety. Therefore, we assessed the impact of an empirically validated web-delivered CBTI intervention on insomnia and comorbid anxiety symptoms. A sample of 22 adults (49.8±13.5 yo; 62.5% female) with DSM-5 based insomnia were randomized to either an active CBTI treatment group (n = 13) or an information-control (IC) group (n = 9). Participants in the CBTI group underwent a standard CBTI program delivered online by a 'virtual' therapist, whereas the IC group received weekly 'sleep tips' and general sleep hygiene education via electronic mail. All participants self-reported sleep parameters, including sleep onset latency (SOL), insomnia symptoms per the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), and anxiety symptoms per the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) at both baseline as well as follow- up assessment one week post-treatment. There were no significant differences between the CBTI and IC groups on baseline measures. The CBTI group showed significantly larger reductions in BAI scores (t = 2.6; p < .05; Cohen's d = .8) and ISI scores (t = 2.1; p < .05; Cohen's d = .9) at follow-up than did the IC group. Further, changes in SOL from baseline (62.3±44.0 minutes) to follow-up (22.3±14.4 minutes) in the CBTI group were also significantly greater (t = 2.3; p < .05; Cohen's d = .9) than in the IC group (baseline: 55.0±44.2 minutes; follow-up: 50.±60.2 minutes).This study offers preliminary evidence that a web-delivered CBTI protocol with minimal patient contact can improve comorbid anxiety symptoms among individuals with insomnia

    The EVIL-MC Model for Ellipsoidal Variations of Planet-Hosting Stars and Applications to the HAT-P-7 System

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    We present a new model for Ellipsoidal Variations Induced by a Low-Mass Companion, the EVIL-MC model. We employ several approximations appropriate for planetary systems to substantially increase the computational efficiency of our model relative to more general ellipsoidal variation models and improve upon the accuracy of simpler models. This new approach gives us a unique ability to rapidly and accurately determine planetary system parameters. We use the EVIL-MC model to analyze Kepler Quarter 0-2 (Q0-2) observations of the HAT-P-7 system, an F-type star orbited by a nearly Jupiter-mass companion. Our analysis corroborates previous estimates of the planet-star mass ratio q = (1.10 +/- 0.06) x 10^(-3), and we have revised the planet's dayside brightness temperature to 2680 +10/-20 K. We also find a large difference between the day- and nightside planetary flux, with little nightside emission. Preliminary dynamical+radiative modeling of the atmosphere indicates this result is qualitatively consistent with high altitude absorption of stellar heating. Similar analyses of Kepler and CoRoT photometry of other planets using EVIL-MC will play a key role in providing constraints on the properties of many extrasolar systems, especially given the limited resources for follow-up and characterization of these systems. However, as we highlight, there are important degeneracies between the contributions from ellipsoidal variations and planetary emission and reflection. Consequently, for many of the hottest and brightest Kepler and CoRoT planets, accurate estimates of the planetary emission and reflection, diagnostic of atmospheric heat budgets, will require accurate modeling of the photometric contribution from the stellar ellipsoidal variation.Comment: Accepted to ApJ; minor revisions to original submission; An IDL version of the EVIL-MC model is publicly available at http://www.lpl.arizona.edu/~bjackson/idl_code/index.htm

    Long-term Periodicities of Cataclysmic Variables with Synoptic Surveys

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    A systematic study on the long-term periodicities of known Galactic cataclysmic variables (CVs) was conducted. Among 1580 known CVs, 344 sources were matched and extracted from the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) data repository. The PTF light curves were combined with the Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey (CRTS) light curves and analyzed. Ten targets were found to exhibit long-term periodic variability, which is not frequently observed in the CV systems. These long-term variations are possibly caused by various mechanisms, such as the precession of the accretion disk, hierarchical triple star system, magnetic field change of the companion star, and other possible mechanisms. We discuss the possible mechanisms in this study. If the long-term period is less than several tens of days, the disk precession period scenario is favored. However, the hierarchical triple star system or the variations in magnetic field strengths are most likely the predominant mechanisms for longer periods.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures (manuscript form), Accepted for publication in PAS

    An investigation of F-Race training strategies for cross domain optimisation with memetic algorithms

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    Parameter tuning is a challenging and time-consuming task, crucial to obtaining improved metaheuristic performance. There is growing interest in cross-domain search methods, which consider a range of optimisation problems rather than being specialised for a single domain. Metaheuristics and hyper-heuristics are typically used as high-level cross-domain search methods, utilising problem-specific low-level heuristics for each problem domain to modify a solution. Such methods have a number of parameters to control their behaviour, whose initial settings can influence their search behaviour significantly. Previous methods in the literature either fix these parameters based on previous experience, or set them specifically for particular problem instances. There is a lack of extensive research investigating the tuning of these parameters systematically. In this paper, F-Race is deployed as an automated cross-domain parameter tuning approach. The parameters of a steady-state memetic algorithm and the low-level heuristics used by this algorithm are tuned across nine single-objective problem domains, using different training strategies and budgets to investigate whether F-Race is capable of effectively tuning parameters for cross-domain search. The empirical results show that the proposed methods manage to find good parameter settings, outperforming many methods from the literature, with different configurations identified as the best depending upon the training approach used
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