72 research outputs found

    Water dynamics in Shewanella oneidensis at ambient and high pressure using quasi-elastic neutron scattering

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    Quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS) is an ideal technique for studying water transport and relaxation dynamics at pico- to nanosecond timescales and at length scales relevant to cellular dimensions. Studies of high pressure dynamic effects in live organisms are needed to understand Earth’s deep biosphere and biotechnology applications. Here we applied QENS to study water transport in Shewanella oneidensis at ambient (0.1 MPa) and high (200 MPa) pressure using H/D isotopic contrast experiments for normal and perdeuterated bacteria and buffer solutions to distinguish intracellular and transmembrane processes. The results indicate that intracellular water dynamics are comparable with bulk diffusion rates in aqueous fluids at ambient conditions but a significant reduction occurs in high pressure mobility. We interpret this as due to enhanced interactions with macromolecules in the nanoconfined environment. Overall diffusion rates across the cell envelope also occur at similar rates but unexpected narrowing of the QENS signal appears between momentum transfer values Q = 0.7–1.1 Å−1 corresponding to real space dimensions of 6–9 Å. The relaxation time increase can be explained by correlated dynamics of molecules passing through Aquaporin water transport complexes located within the inner or outer membrane structures

    Three-dimensional architecture of actin filaments in Listeria monocytogenes comet tails

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    The intracellular bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogenes is capable of remodelling the actin cytoskeleton of its host cells such that "comet tails" are assembled powering its movement within cells and enabling cell-to-cell spread. We used cryo-electron tomography to visualize the 3D structure of the comet tails in situ at the level of individual filaments. We have performed a quantitative analysis of their supramolecular architecture revealing the existence of bundles of nearly parallel hexagonally packed filaments with spacings of 12-13 nm. Similar configurations were observed in stress fibers and filopodia, suggesting that nanoscopic bundles are a generic feature of actin filament assemblies involved in motility; presumably, they provide the necessary stiffness. We propose a mechanism for the initiation of comet tail assembly and two scenarios that occur either independently or in concert for the ensuing actin-based motility, both emphasizing the role of filament bundling

    Profiling of dynamics in protein–lipid–water systems: a time-resolved fluorescence study of a model membrane protein with the label BADAN at specific membrane depths

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    Profiles of lipid-water bilayer dynamics were determined from picosecond time-resolved fluorescence spectra of membrane-embedded BADAN-labeled M13 coat protein. For this purpose, the protein was labeled at seven key positions. This places the label at well-defined locations from the water phase to the center of the hydrophobic acyl chain region of a phospholipid model membrane, providing us with a nanoscale ruler to map membranes. Analysis of the time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopic data provides the characteristic time constant for the twisting motion of the BADAN label, which is sensitive to the local flexibility of the protein–lipid environment. In addition, we obtain information about the mobility of water molecules at the membrane–water interface. The results provide an unprecedented nanoscale profiling of the dynamics and distribution of water in membrane systems. This information gives clear evidence that the actual barrier of membranes for ions and aqueous solvents is located at the region of carbonyl groups of the acyl chains

    Evidence of coexistence of change of caged dynamics at Tg and the dynamic transition at Td in solvated proteins

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    Mossbauer spectroscopy and neutron scattering measurements on proteins embedded in solvents including water and aqueous mixtures have emphasized the observation of the distinctive temperature dependence of the atomic mean square displacements, , commonly referred to as the dynamic transition at some temperature Td. At low temperatures, increases slowly, but it assume stronger temperature dependence after crossing Td, which depends on the time/frequency resolution of the spectrometer. Various authors have made connection of the dynamics of solvated proteins including the dynamic transition to that of glass-forming substances. Notwithstanding, no connection is made to the similar change of temperature dependence of obtained by quasielastic neutron scattering when crossing the glass transition temperature Tg, generally observed in inorganic, organic and polymeric glass-formers. Evidences are presented to show that such change of the temperature dependence of from neutron scattering at Tg is present in hydrated or solvated proteins, as well as in the solvents used unsurprisingly since the latter is just another organic glass-formers. The obtained by neutron scattering at not so low temperatures has contributions from the dissipation of molecules while caged by the anharmonic intermolecular potential at times before dissolution of cages by the onset of the Johari-Goldstein beta-relaxation. The universal change of at Tg of glass-formers had been rationalized by sensitivity to change in volume and entropy of the beta-relaxation, which is passed onto the dissipation of the caged molecules and its contribution to . The same rationalization applies to hydrated and solvated proteins for the observed change of at Tg.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures, 1 Tabl

    Structure and Dynamics of Biological Systems: Integration of Neutron Scattering with Computer Simulation

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    The combination of molecular dynamics simulation and neutron scattering techniques has emerged as a highly synergistic approach to elucidate the atomistic details of the structure, dynamics and functions of biological systems. Simulation models can be tested by calculating neutron scattering structure factors and comparing the results directly with experiments. If the scattering profiles agree the simulations can be used to provide a detailed decomposition and interpretation of the experiments, and if not, the models can be rationally adjusted. Comparison with neutron experiment can be made at the level of the scattering functions or, less directly, of structural and dynamical quantities derived from them. Here, we examine the combination of simulation and experiment in the interpretation of SANS and inelastic scattering experiments on the structure and dynamics of proteins and other biopolymers

    La dynamique intracellulaire explorée par marquage isotopique et diffusion incohérente de neutrons

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    The aim of the thesis was to investigate the dynamics of biological molecules in vivo, on the pico- to nanosecond (ps-ns) time-scale, using a combination of incoherent neutron scattering and hydrogen/deuterium labelling. We measured water dynamics in the cytoplasm of E. coli. The study showed that water diffusion in the bacteria is pure-like at physiological temperature. The work invalidated the established paradigm, according to which cellular water is strongly slowed down by macromolecular confinement. The internal molecular motions and the self-diffusion of E. coli macromolecules were studied in vivo. The results demonstrated that the large amount of cell water plays a decisive role in internal dynamics in vivo. Macromolecular crowding, however, attenuates slightly the lubricating effect of water. The study showed that standard samples (powders and solutions) do not mimic accurately the physiological environment. The solvent isotope effect and the influence of macromolecular deuteriation on average macromolecular dynamics were explored in vivo. Flexibility and resilience were both found to be smaller in D2O. Macromolecular deuteriation increases slightly structural flexibility and decreases slightly resilience, which suggests that the use of isotopic labelling is justified for dynamics studies. The work underlines the importance of the negative control for measurements on selectively labelled samples, and shows that a significant labelling ratio (> 10 %) is necessary to investigate the dynamics of a specific component.L'objectif de la thèse était d'étudier la dynamique des molécules biologiques in vivo, sur l'échelle de la pico- à la nanoseconde (ps-ns), en combinant la diffusion incohérente de neutrons et le marquage isotopique hydrogène/deutérium. Les mouvements diffusifs de l'eau ont été explorés dans le cytoplasme d'E. coli. L'étude a établi que la diffusion de l'eau intracellulaire est similaire à celle de l'eau pure, à température physiologique. Ce travail infirme le paradigme établi, selon lequel l'eau cellulaire est fortement ralentie par l'encombrement macromoléculaire. Les mouvements moléculaires internes et la diffusion globale des macromolécules ont été étudiés in vivo. Les résultats montrent que la proportion d'eau intracellulaire est un facteur déterminant dans la dynamique interne des macromolécules in vivo. L'encombrement macromoléculaire atténue cependant l'effet lubrifiant de l'eau sur les mouvements moléculaires internes. L'étude témoigne du fait que les échantillons standards (poudres et solutions) ne miment pas l'environnement physiologique. L'effet isotopique du solvant et l'influence de la deutériation sur la dynamique macromoléculaire moyenne, ont été explorés in vivo. Les macromolécules natives sont moins flexibles et moins résilientes en D2O. La deutériation augmente légèrement la flexibilité structurale et diminue faiblement la résilience, ce qui suggère que l'utilisation du marquage isotopique est justifiée pour les études dynamiques. Ce travail souligne l'importance du contrôle négatif lors des mesures sur des échantillons sélectivement marqués et montre qu'un taux de marquage conséquent (> 10 %) est nécessaire pour observer la dynamique d'un composant spécifique


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    In vivo measurement of internal and global macromolecular motions in E. coli

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    We present direct quasielastic neutron scattering measurements, in vivo, of macromolecular dynamics in E. coli. The experiments were performed on a wide range of time-scales, to cover the large panel of internal and self-diffusion motions. Three major internal processes were extracted at physiological temperature: a fast picosecond (ps) process that corresponded to restricted jump diffusion motions, and two slower processes that resulted from reorientational motions occurring in about 40 ps and 90 ps, respectively. The analysis of the fast process revealed that the cellular environment leads to an appreciable increase in internal molecular flexibility and diffusive motion rates compared to those evaluated in fully hydrated powders. The result showed that the amount of cell water plays a decisive role in internal molecular dynamics. Macromolecular interactions and confinement, however, attenuate slightly the lubricating effect of water, as revealed by the decrease of the in vivo parameters compared to those measured in solution. The study demonstrated that standard sample preparations do not mimic accurately the physiological environment, and suggested that intracellular complexity participates in functional dynamics necessary to biological activity. Furthermore, the method allowed the extraction of the self-diffusion of E. coli macromolecules, which presented similar parameters as those extracted for hemoglobin in red blood cells