11 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dalam mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam kelas V SDN Candipari I. Populasi dan sampel terdiri dari semua siswa kelas V SDN Candipari I yang berjumlah 35 siswa. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis belajar siswa dan uji t dengan taraf signifikan yang digunakan yaitu 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas V SDN Candipari I. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata hasil belajar pada pretest lebih kecil daripada nilai posttest, artinya secara deskriptif ada perbedaan rata-rata hasil belajar antara pretest dengan hasil posttes


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    Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dalam mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam kelas V SDN Candipari I. Populasi dan sampel terdiri dari semua siswa kelas V SDN Candipari I yang berjumlah 35 siswa. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis belajar siswa dan uji t dengan taraf signifikan yang digunakan yaitu 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas V SDN Candipari I. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata hasil belajar pada pretest lebih kecil daripada nilai posttest, artinya secara deskriptif ada perbedaan rata-rata hasil belajar antara pretest dengan hasil posttes

    Financial Analysisof Rain Water Harvesting Tools in Pamor Hamlet, Banjardowo Village, Kradenan Sub District, Grobogan District

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    The drought that occurs in the dry season is one of the hydrometeorological disasters. A total of 82 villages of 12 districts in Grobogan, Central Java, experience a clean water crisis due to drought because the well, as their main source of water, is likely to go dry. Therefore, a solution is needed to anticipate the water shortage. The aims of this paper is to analyze financially the water harvesting building which can be used as a reference for the community. The research was conducted in Pamor Hamlet, Banjardowo Village, Kradenan District, Grobogan Regency. The method used was to build the rainwater harvesting engineering models, namely (a) recycling tools for washing and bathing, (b) dirt filter wells, (c) three meters depth infiltration wells (1 well and 2 wells), and (d) five meters deep infiltration wells (1 well and 2 wells). Data collection was done by conducting a survey of the community. The data collected were the costs required for the construction of the rainwater harvesting equipment, maintenance, electricity, supporting materials, etc. The income was approached with replacement costs if the community buys water during the dry season. The financial analyses of NPV, IRR, BCR, and PP were employed. The results showed several feasible models to be applied, namely recycling equipment for washing and bathing, dirt filtering equipment, three meters deep infiltration wells (1 piece) and a depth of 5 meters (1 piece). This model is very good to be adopted by the community because it is easy and has minimal costs


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    Pendidikan karakter adalah suatu proses penerapan nilai-nlai moral dan agama pada peserta didik melalui ilmu-ilmu pengetahuan, penerapan nilai-nilai tersebut baik terhadap diri sendiri, keluarga, sesama teman, terhadap pendidik dan lingkungan sekitar maupun Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Perkembangan sosial anak usia sekolah dasar sudah bertambah, dari yang awalnya hanya bersosial dengan keluaga di rumah, kemudian berangsur-angsur mengenal orang-orang disekitarnya. Anak pada usia ini juga telah mengenal gaya hidup digital, baik itu dari rumah, teman-teman, sekolah dan lingkungan sekitar. Era digital tidak hanya punya dampak positif, tapi juga berdampak negatif, disinilah peran kita sebagai orang tua, pendidik dan masyarakat dewasa membimbing dan mengawasi anak untuk menjalaninya dengan baik, tepat, dan bermanfaat positif bagi anak itu sendiri

    Pengaruh People, Persepsi Harga Dan Physical Evidence Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Mixue Prigen

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    This research is a type of quantitative research. Collecting primary research data was carried out through a questionnaire which was filled out online using Google From and distributed with a questionnaire link via various social media. The sampling technique uses a non-probability method. The sampling technique used is non-probability, using the accidental sampling method. To measure the number of samples, considering that the population in the study is not known with certainty, the Cochran Formula is used. In calculations using the Cochran formula, the result was 96.04, so the minimum sample size was 96 samples from consumers who had purchased Mixue Prigen. The analytical tools used in this research are multiple linear regression analysis, classical assumption test, t test, R test, R2 test using the SPSS version 22 application program. The results of this research prove that People have a significant influence on purchasing decisions. Price perception has a significant influence on purchasing decisions. Physical Evidence has a significant influence on purchasing decisions. Promotions have a significant effect on purchasing decisions. Keywords: People, Price Perception, Physical Evidence on Purchasing Decision


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    Rice field ecosystem is an artificial ecosystem that is used in agriculture. Rice fields in Seketi Village have vegetation types of corn, sugar cane, and rice, so that it will affect of grasshopper diversity in each vegetation. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of grasshoppers (Caelifera) and to determine the effect of vegetation on the diversity of grasshoppers in the rice fields of Seketi Village. The method used is purposive sampling and direct capture, namely research by making 5 plots measuring 5m x 5m with different types of plant vegetation (paddy, corn, sugar cane) catching with Sweep Net (insect nets). The results showed that there were species of Phlaeoba antennata, Phlaeoba fomusa, Oxya chinensis, Valanga nigricornis, Caryanda spuria, Atractomorpha crenulata, and Tettigidea sp. with a total of 152 individuals from 3 families. The diversity index value shows that plot 4 (maize plants) has the highest H' = 1.58 with 6 species of grasshoppers found and plot 1 (cane plants) has the lowest diversity index value of H = 1.09. Based on the differences in the value of grasshopper diversity in each plot caused by different types of vegetation, habitat conditions, and abiotic factors


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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran joyfull learning yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui taraf signifikan pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran joyfull learning terhadap keaktifan dan hasil belajar matematika siswa pada materi sistem pertidaksamaan linear satu variabel kelas VII-I SMPN 1 Kedungwaru Tulungagung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian eksperimen dengan desain dan teknik pengambilan data menggunakan pretest-postest only control group design. Dalam pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik cluster random samplingUntuk mencapai tujuan yang dimaksud, teknik penelitian ini terdiri dari melakukan tes sebelum penerapan pembelajaran joyfull learning (pretest) dan tes sesudah pembelajaran joyfull learning (posttest) kepada satu kelas yang terpilih sebagai subjek penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran joyfull learning dapat meningkatkan keaktifan dan hasil belajar siswa, karena pembelajarannya menyenangkan dan membuat siswa berperan aktif dalam proses pembelajaran, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran joyfull learning memberikanpengaruh terhadap keaktifan siswa dan hasil belajar matematika siswa pada materi sistem pertidaksamaan linear satu variabel kelas VII-I di SMPN 1 Kedungwaru Tulungagung

    The Effect of Implementing the Jigsaw Type Cooperative Learning Model on the Learning Outcomes of Class V Students at SDN Candipari 1: Pengaruh Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas V SDN Candipari 1

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the application of the jigsaw type cooperative learning model to improve student learning outcomes in the Natural Sciences subjects of grade V SDN Candipari I. The population and sample consisted of all grade V students of SDN Candipari I totaling 35 students. Data analysis techniques are carried out by analyzing student learning and t-tests with a significant level used which is 0.05. The results showed that there was an influence of the application of the jigsaw-type cooperative learning model on the learning outcomes of grade V students of SDN Candipari I. The results also showed that the average value of learning outcomes on the pretest was smaller than the posttest score, meaning that descriptively there was an average difference in learning outcomes between the pretest and posttest results

    The Influence of Discovery Learning Model on Student Cognitive Learning Outcomes: Pengaruh Model Discovery Learning terhadap Hasil Belajar Kognitif Siswa

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    This study aimed to describe students’ the effect of the discovery learning learning model on students' cognitive learning outcomes. This type of quantitative research uses a pre-experimental research method with a one group pretest-posttest design. The population of class VIII students at SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Boarding School Tanggulangin is 75 students. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique with a sample of 30 students. Data analysis using Paired Simple t-test with the SPSS application. The average result of the N-Gain score is 0.7 in the medium category, the results of the t-test using SPSS obtained a significance value of <0.05 with the result of a tcount > ttable of. With 67.054 > 2.045, the discovery learning model has a significant effect on students' cognitive learning outcomes, so it can be concluded that the Discovery Learning learning model influences students' cognitive learning outcomes at SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Boarding School Tanggulangin

    Influence of People, Price Perception and Physical Evidence On Purchasing Decisions Mixue Prigen: Pengaruh People, Persepsi Harga Dan Physical Evidence Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Mixue Prigen

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    This research is a type of quantitative research. The sampling technique uses a non-probability method. The sampling technique used is non-probability, using the accidental sampling method. To measure the number of samples, considering that the population in the study is not known with certainty, the Cochran Formula is used. In calculations using the Cochran formula, the result was 96.04, so the minimum sample size was 96 samples from consumers who had purchased Mixue Prigen. The analytical tools used in this research are multiple linear regression analysis, classical assumption test, t test, R test, R2 test using the SPSS version 22 application program. The results of this research prove that People have a significant influence on purchasing decisions. Price perception has a significant influence on purchasing decisions. Physical Evidence has a significant influence on purchasing decisions. Promotions have a significant effect on purchasing decisions