118 research outputs found

    Amuletos em cantos dentro e fora do Pitt Rivers Museum: a antropologia que fazemos e a crítica das hegemonias contemporâneas

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    This article presents reflections from an ethnographic research on amulets and charms at the Pitt Rivers Museum and criticizes the production of knowledge. I describe the challenges and practices of contemporary anthropologists in the management, study and display of amulets and charms from other societies. I highlight the constant notion of transformation in the history of the museum. Following, I record reflections on unexpected research experiences: i. recent research result by the museum staff ii. Movements of an ethnography in groups of songs; which suggest investigation around contemporary amulets and charms. I conclude by briefly calling for the potential of ethnography performed in the practice of singing collectively. I stress the importance of a critical attitude towards analytical categories and assumptions reproduced by anthropology that are allowed by the position occupied by the discipline and its alliances - often silenced - with the hegemonic practices of knowledge production.Este artigo apresenta reflexões de uma pesquisa etnográfica sobre amuletos e encantos do Pitt Rivers Museum. Pretende contribuir com reflexões críticas sobre a produção do conhecimento. Apresenta os desafios e as práticas dos antropólogos contemporâneos na gestão, no estudo e na exibição de amuletos e encantos de outras sociedades. Evidencia a constante noção de transformação na história do museu. A seguir, registra reflexões acerca de inesperadas experiências na pesquisa: recente resultado de pesquisa da equipe do museu; Movimentos de uma etnografia em grupos de cantos; as quais sugerem investigação em torno de amuletos e encantos contemporâneos. Finaliza resgatando o potencial da etnografia realizada na prática de cantar coletivamente. Assinala a importância de uma atitude crítica diante de categorias de análise e pressupostos reproduzidos pela antropologia e permitidos pela posição ocupada pela disciplina e por suas alianças – muitas vezes silenciadas – com as práticas hegemônicas de produção de conhecimento

    A saúde das crianças e a pobreza familiar: um estudo quantitativo para a Região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo

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    Introdução: A infância caracteriza-se por processos de transformação biológicos, comportamentais e sociais, que são facilmente influenciados por fatores externos. A literatura sugere que a pobreza, nomeadamente a relacionada com os fatores socioeconómicos dos familiares, afeta direta ou indiretamente as crianças; estas podem vir a desenvolver características, comportamentos ou doenças típicas de quem viveu em pobreza e que perdurarão ao longo das suas vidas. A saúde infantil negligenciada pela pobreza familiar resulta no desenvolvimento de limitações ou incapacidades futuras que prejudicarão o capital social dos países. Por essa razão, importa estudar e identificar os fatores determinantes da saúde infantil, com o intuito de desenvolver medidas para a sua mitigação. Objetivos: Analisar a relação existente entre alguns indicadores de saúde infantil e a situação socioeconómica das famílias na região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo. Material e métodos: Realizou-se um estudo quantitativo, observacional e transversal, a crianças com idades entre 2 e 5 anos, que frequentaram o ACES da Amadora e do Arco Ribeirinho entre Junho de 2019 e Março de 2023. A recolha de dados foi efetuada através de um questionário estruturado e presencial aos pais/cuidadores das crianças. A amostra deste estudo foi retirada de dois outros estudos mais alargados sobre o perfil de saúde da criança. As variáveis relacionadas com a saúde da criança foram: estado geral de saúde, número de episódios de doença, peso ao nascer, consumo de frutas e legumes e acesso aos cuidados de saúde. Os indicadores de pobreza considerados foram: rendimento familiar mensal, situação perante o emprego e qualificação laboral. Foram realizadas estatísticas descritivas mais adequadas a cada tipo de variável e analisadas associações através do teste de Qui-Quadrado, Fisher ou Fisher-Freeman-Halton. Usou-se o software SPSS versão 27. Resultados: Da amostra de 560 crianças, 46,4% eram consideradas, pelos pais/cuidadores, como tendo um bom estado de saúde. Cerca de um terço das crianças não tinha estado de doente nos 3 meses e 36,6% tinham tido apenas um episódio de doença. Cerca de 3 em cada 4 crianças nasceu com um peso adequado. Cerca de 47% das crianças consume fruta fresca duas vezes por dia e cerca de 50% consume verduras, saladas e hortaliças duas vezes por dia. Quanto à utilização dos cuidados de saúde, 29% das crianças usa a urgência do sector público e 96% utiliza o centro de saúde para consultas de vigilância/rotina. Os pais/cuidadores, classificam em geral o sector público como o sector preferencial. As qualificações dos pais/cuidadores estão significativamente associadas com o consumo de frutas e legumes (p=0,075; p=0,073) e o motivo de ir ao centro de saúde (p=0,004), enquanto a situação laboral está significativamente associada ao peso à nascença (p=0,000) e o local de atendimento quando a criança esteve doente (p=0,035). Já o rendimento familiar está associado significativamente com consumo de frutas e legumes (p= 0,066; p=0,053), local de atendimento quando a criança esteve doente (p=0,001) e motivo de ir ao centro de saúde (p=0,000). Conclusão: A pobreza familiar é um determinante da saúde infantil que deve ser considerada como um importante determinante social da saúde da criança. A associação entre instabilidade financeira das famílias, principalmente em tempos de crise financeira, e as repercussões na qualidade de vida das crianças, reforça a necessidade de criação de estratégias que visem a mitigar os efeitos nefastos que possam daí derivar. Este estudo reforça a evidência referida na literatura sobre o impacto negativo que o estatuto socioeconómico familiar desfavorecido tem no desenvolvimento da criança. As conclusões obtidas nesta amostra de crianças/famílias da região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo poderá servir de base para estudos futuros assim como para o planeamento de estratégias que protejam as crianças em situação de vulnerabilidade financeira familiar nesta Região de Portugal.Abstract Introduction: Childhood is characterized by biological, behavioral and social transformation processes, which are easily influenced by external factors. The literature suggests that poverty, namely related with families’ socioeconomic factors, affects directly or indirectly the children; these can develop characteristics, behaviors or typical diseases of those who lived in poverty and will last throughout their lives. The neglected child health by family’s poverty results in the development of future limitations or incapacities that damage the countries’ social capital. For this reason, it is important to study and indentify the determinants of child health, with the aim of developing measures for its mitigation. Objectives: Analyze the existent relationship between some child health indicators and the socioeconomic situation of families in Lisbon and Tagus Valley region. Materials and Methods: A quantitative, observational and cross-sectional study was accomplished on children aged between 2 and 5 years old, who attended ACES da Amadora and Arco Ribeirinho between June of 2019 and March of 2023. Data collection was made by a stutured questionaire and face-to-face with children’s parents/caregivers. The sample of this study was taken from two other larger studies about child health profile. The variables related to the child’s health were: general health state, number of illness episodes, birthweight, consumption of fruits and vegetables and health care access. The poverty indicators considered were: monthly family’s income, employmentsitutation and work qualification. More adequate descriptive statistics were performed for each type of variables and associations were analysed throughout the Chi-Square, Fisher and Fisher Freeman-Halton tests. It was used the SPSS version 27 software. Results: Of the sample of 560 children, 46,4% were considered, by parents/caregivers, to be in good health state. About a third of the children didn’t have sick in the 3 months and 36,6% had only one illness episode. About 3 in 4 children were born with adequated birthweight. About 47% of children consume fresh fruit twice a day and about 50% consume vegetables and salads twice a day. As for the use of health care, 29% of children use the emergencies of public sector and 96% use health center for survaillence/routine consultations. Parents/caregivers generally classified the public sector as the preferencial. Parents/caregivers’ work qualifications are significatly associated with fruits and vegetables consumption (p=0,075; p=0,073) and the reasons to visit health care (p=0,004), while the employment situation is significantly associated with birthweight (p=0,000) and the place to care when the child was ill (p=0,035). The family income is significantly associated with fruits and vegetables consumption (p=0,066; p=0,053), place of care when the child was ill (p=0,001) and reasons to visit health center (p=0,000). Conclusion: Family poverty is a child health determinant that should be considered as an important social determinant of child health. The association between families’s financial instability, especially in times of financial crisis, and the repercussions on children’s life quality, reinforce the necessity of strategies criation to mitigate the harmfull effects which may derive therefrom. This study reinforce the evidence reported in literature about the negative impact of underpriviliged family socioeconomic status has on child development. The conclusions obtained in this sample of children/families from Lisbon and Tagus Valley sample could serve as a basis for future studies as well as for planning strategies that protect children in a situation of family financial vulnerability in this Portugal region

    Tuberculose extrapulmonar em pacientes com AIDS na cidade do Rio Grande, Brasil. Diagnóstico laboratorial

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    ABSTRACTOne hundred two specimens of extrapulmonary material from 74 AIDS patients from the AIDS Service of University Hospital, FURG, Rio Grande, RS, Brazil, were examined at Mycobacteria Laboratory, between September 1997 and December 1999. This study had the aim to evaluate laboratoy importance in the diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in AIDS patients with clinical suggestive symptoms of tuberculosis. Acid-fast bacilli (AFB) stains were performed using the Kinyon Method (cold stainning). Mycobacterial isolation was made In the Ogawa medium. The Ogawa medium added with p-nitrobenzoic acid, 2-tiophenocarboxylic acid hidrazide and pyruvic acid sodium salt was used to the Identification of mycobacterial species. Confirmation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was done by the niacin test. The extrapulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis was done in 12,74% of specimens from 17,56% of the patients. Distribution of specimens with positive results in relation to the obtained sites were: 8/13 lymph node biopsies, 2/13 liver biopsies, 2/13 ascitic nuid and 1/13 pleural nuid. ABF were found on microscopic examination from 7/13 specimens and 10/13 in culture. The microscopic examination of ABF stain was the only method responsible for the extrapulmonary tuberculosis diagnostic in 3/13 cases and the culture in 6/13 cases. Among the positive specimens at microscopic examination or ABF stains, 6/7 were lymph node biopsies and In ascitic fluid. The used methods in the diagnosis, of the extrapulmonary tuberculosis showed good results, by this way we strongly recommend the realization of both as routine in our place.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2000; VI (4): 277-28

    Genotipagem RhD fetal não invasiva – impacto económico na profilaxia da isoimunização RhD na gravidez

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    Overview and Aims: The introduction of antenatal RhD isoimmunization prophylaxis was of utmost importance in decreasing the prevalence of perinatal haemolytic disease. Noninvasive genotyping of fetal RhD group from mothers' plasma allows administration of anti-D immunoglobulin only to pregnant women with RhD positive fetuses. Aim: To analyse the economic impact of this technique in a population of nonisoimmunized pregnant women in comparison to the current practice of systematic RhD isoimmunization prophylaxis. Study design: Retrospective, observational and analytic study. Population: 9272 pregnant women who performed obstetric ultrasound in our Fetal Medicine and Prenatal Diagnosis Department between January 2007 to December 2012. Methods: The costs of systematic RhD isoimmunization prophylaxis were compared to fetal RhD genotyping and further RhD isoimunization of RhD negative mothers whose fetuses were RhD positive. Results:In the studied population, 16.7% of pregnant women were RhD negative and 40.3% of their offspring were also RhD negative. Concerning the economic analysis, selective administration of anti-D immunoglobulin based on fetal genotyping would have been about 62 euros more expensive per pregnancy than the current practice of antenatal immunoprophylaxis. Conclusion: Although non-invasive genotyping of fetal RhD group is undoubtly associated with innumerous benefits, in a merely economic analysis, this method is more expensive than the systematic immunoprophylaxis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nutritional knowledge and calcium intake on health professionals

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    It is demonstrated that a better knowledge leads to better eating habits but there are no studies on the relation between NK* and calcium intake. Verify if calcium intake of health professionals is influenced by their NK. 103 workers of the three Hospitals of Oporto filled two previously validated questionnaires Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ), General Nutritional Knowledge Questionnaire(GNKQ) and a questionnaire about Socio-demographic data. The relation between NK and calcium intake was analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test. Individuals that had a calcium intake within DRI’s** had a significantly higher score in GNKQ Total Score and in the Section It appears that NK influences calcium DRIs compliance in health professionals

    Quality of life in temporomandibular disorder patients with localized and widespread pain

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    AIM: To compare temporomandibular (TMD) subgroups classified according to the presence of localized pain (LP) or widespread pain (WP) in order to assess the quality of life domains and verify which components affect most the functional capacity of facial pain patients.METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted and the Short Form-36 Health Survey was applied in order to assess quality of life. Thirty-nine TMD/WP patients, 37 TMD/LP patients and 40 subjects free of TMD complaints were evaluated. RESULTS: TMD/WP patients differed significantly from healthy controls in all SF-36 components and TMD/LP patients ranked between them. It was also observed that patients with bodily pain and TMD with WP are respectively, 4.16 and 49.42 times more likely to have low functional capacity. CONCLUSIONS: Functional capacity in TMD subgroups was only affected by the presence of bodily pain and WP. These patients feature high chance of low functional capacity. Furthermore, TMD patients with localized and widespread pain share role-emotional impairments133193197COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPES2009-201

    Vulnerability to AIDS among the elderly in an urban center in central Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: As the world population ages with an improved quality of life and sexual longevity, the prevalence of AIDS is rising among the elderly. The purpose of this study was to estimate the vulnerability to AIDS among individuals attending senior community centers in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. METHOD: This descriptive, exploratory investigation included 329 subjects selected in a probabilistic manner. Individuals with scores on the Mini-Mental State Examination indicating cognitive impairment were excluded from the analyses. Barthel's and Lawton's functional assessment scales were applied. Interviews were conducted to evaluate the presence of cognitive and behavioral factors associated with HIV transmission. RESULTS: Most subjects were non-dependent, fell within the 60- to 69-year age bracket and were female. A majority of individuals reported having knowledge about AIDS and were aware that the elderly are vulnerable to the disease. More than a quarter (26.9%) of the sample reported previous HIV testing. No participants reported drug use, homosexual orientation, or alcohol abuse. A minority of participants reported using medication for erectile dysfunction. Casual and multiple partners accounted for 12% and 34% of reported intercourse experiences, respectively. Condom use was reported by 14% of respondents. CONCLUSION: Unprotected sex was the primary factor accounting for vulnerability to AIDS among the elderly

    Nutritional knowledge and calcium intake of health professionals

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    It has been demonstrated that greater nutritional knowledge leads to better eating habits, but there are no studies on the relationship between nutritional knowledge and calcium intake. To verify if the calcium intake of health professionals is influenced by their nutritional knowledge. 103 workers from three Oporto hospitals completed two previously validated questionnaires: Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ), General Nutritional Knowledge Questionnaire(GNKQ) and a questionnaire about socio-demographic data. The relation between nutritional knowledge and calcium intake was analysed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Individuals who had a calcium intake within DRI’s* had a significantly higher score in GNKQ Total Score and in the Section 2. It appears that nutritional knowledge influences calcium DRIs compliance in health professionals