377 research outputs found

    Information gap analysis of the Slovenian forest inventory data in the light of MCPFE requirements

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    V okviru evropskega procesa MCPFE se stanje gozdov in trajnost gospodarjenja znjimi preverja na podlagi stanja ter sprememb šestih Helsinških meril in podrejenih kazalnikov trajnostnega gospodarjenja. Opredelili smo razhajanja - informacijske vrzeli - med informacijskimi zahtevami količinskih kazalnikov MCPFE in razpoložljivimi podatki gozdne inventure. Vrzeli smo opredelili na podlagi sedmih kakovostnih meril. Največji informacijski vrzeli smo z vidika podajanja stanja kazalnikov opredelili v okviru 3., z vidika sprememb pa 4. Helsinškega merila. Glavna vzroka za to sta, da gozdna inventura ne daje nikakršnih podatkov za dva kazalnika 3. in en kazalnik 4. Helsinškega merila, ter dejstvo, da podatki velikokrat obstajajo le za eno obdobje. Vrzelim botrujejo tudi neusklajenost definicij, prostorska nepopolnost podatkov in nepreglednost metodologij. Za zmanjšanje informacijskih vrzeli bi bilo treba vsisteme zbiranja podatkov vpeljati nove znake (npr. gozdni tipi, enodobni/raznodobni sestoji, tipi obnove), postopki bi morali temeljiti na jasnih statističnih načelih, ki jih je treba dokumentirati.Within the framework of the European MCPFE process, the state of forests and forest management is assessed on the basis of the state and changes of six Helsinki criteria and subordinated sustainable management indicators. We have identified gaps - information gaps - between information requirements of quantitative MCPFE indicators and available forest inventory data. Gaps were identified according to seven quality criteria. The biggest information gaps were identified in the 3rd - state of indicators - and in the 4th Helsinki criteria - changes of indicators. The main reasons for this lie in the fact that forest inventory does not offer any data for two indicators of the 3rd and one indicator of the 4th Helsinki criteria, and the fact that in many cases data exist only for a single period. Definitions that are not harmonized, spatial incompleteness of data and lack of clarity in methodologies also contribute to these gaps. To reduce information gaps, new forest characteristic indicators should be introduced in data obtaining protocols (e.g. forest types, even-/uneven-aged stands, types of regeneration), processes should be based on clear statistical principles, which have to be documented

    Taking stock of SLSN and LGRB host galaxy comparison using a complete sample of LGRBs

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    Long gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs) and superluminous supernovae (SLSNe) are both explosive transients with very massive progenitor stars. Clues about the nature of the progenitors can be found by investigating environments in which such transients occur. While studies of LGRB host galaxies have a long history, dedicated observational campaigns have only recently resulted in a high enough number of photometrically and spectroscopically observed SLSN hosts to allow statistically significant analysis of their properties. In this paper we make a comparison of the host galaxies of hydrogen-poor (H-poor) SLSNe and the Swift/BAT6 sample of LGRBs. In contrast to previous studies we use a complete sample of LGRBs and we address a special attention to the comparison methodology and the selection of SLSN sample whose data have been compiled from the available literature. At intermediate redshifts (0.3 < z < 0.7) the two classes of transients select galaxies whose properties (stellar mass, luminosity, star-formation rate, specific star-formation rate and metallicity) do not differ on average significantly. Moreover, the host galaxies of both classes of objects follow the fundamental metallicity relation and the fundamental plane of metallicity. In contrast to previous studies we show that at intermediate redshifts the emission line equivalent widths of the two populations are essentially the same and that the previous claims regarding the higher fraction of SLSN hosts among the extreme emission line galaxies with respect to LGRBs are mostly due to a larger fraction of strong-line emitters among SLSN hosts at z < 0.3, where samples of LGRB hosts are small and poorly defined.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted to Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Učbeniki in znanje učencev

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    In Slovenia, textbooks are an integral part of the curriculum. Nationally certified textbooks guarantee both teachers and students that they provide all of the necessary knowledge in each subject. There are many available certified textbooks for each subject and teachers must decide which will be the source of instruction for their students. Our research question is whether groups of students who use different textbooks as their mandatory learning resource differ in their knowledge and their attitudes towards learning. We linked existing data from several sources and explored the scope of the use of different textbooks for mathematics and science subjects in primary schools. Data on student knowledge measured independently by National Assessments (and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study were used, and differences in knowledge and attitudes to learning between students who are taught using different textbooks were explored. Although the study has considerable limitations due to missing data, the results of the analyses indicate some profound differences in knowledge and attitudes between groups of students using different textbooks. These findings could serve as a guide for teachers when choosing the optimal available textbook for their students and, even more so, as support for improving the criteria in the national system of validation of textbooks in the future. The link between the use of textbooks and student learning outcomes also highlights the need to systematically collect information on the use of textbooks among students and follow the effects on achievement in order to improve the quality of future textbooks. (DIPF/Orig.

    Model za vrednovanje hidroloških značajki šume

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    The aim of this paper is to present a method for allocating and evaluating forest areas with hydrological roles and for determining the necessary forest management measures. The method was tested in the Draga watershed, which is characterised by a high proportion of forest cover (83 %). The development of a GIS-based decision support model first required deter­mining the needs for the forest hydrological role as well as the capacity of fo­rest sites for providing that role. The needs for the hydrological role of forest are expressed by external, ecological factors (terrain slope and forest soil types distinguished by their erodibility and ground porosity). A forest’s capa­city to assure the hydrological role is expressed by internal, forest stand fac­tors (stand structure, stand density and the degree of stand naturalness). The merged variables describing the needs and capacity were further divided into three groups: low-medium-high needs and high-medium-low capacities for providing the hydrological role. Overlapping the needs and capacity revealed locations where the needs exceed the capacity, and where erosion problems may occur in the field. A side-result of the model is the list of necessary forest management measures for enhancing forest hydrological role that can be ap­plied to every combination of external and internal factors.Svojim nadzemnim i podzemnim dijelom šume reguliraju otje­canje i prodiranje površinske vode te ujedno štite tlo od vodene erozije (Chang, 2006). Oba su utjecaja šume u okviru tog istraživanja zbog tijesne veze između njih i usporedivih šumsko-privrednih mjera za njihovo jačanje udružena pod pojmom hidrološka uloga šume. U članku je predstavljen model za procjenu hidrološke uloge šume. Međutim, rezultati predstavljaju osnovu za izbor odgovarajućih šumsko-uzgojnih mjera za jačanje spomenute uloge. Model je ispitan na primjeru slivnog područja Draga, koje se nalazi na SZ alpskom djelu Slovenije. Područje obuhvaća 1.786 hektara na nadmorskim visinama između 600 i 2060 m. Tipovi tla vrlo su heterogeni, od kamenjaka doplodnih smeđih tala (IGLG, 1967). Šuma pokriva 83 % površine, ostatak su planinski travnjaci i kamenita zemljišta obrasla vrijeskom (MKGP, 2005). Vrlo je dinamičan reljef, nagibi na polovini obrađivanog područja premašuju 30°. Visoke količine oborina (1950–2600 mm godišnje) pokazuju stalnu opas­nost od bujica, a time na iznimnu važnost hidrološke uloge šuma. Veći je dio područja isprepleten klancima planinskih potoka, grebenima, stijenama, ule­gnućima zemlje i plazovima. U dolini zbog povijesnih razmjera prevladava posađena smreka (Picea abies) (L.) Karst.) i prirodno prisutna bukva (Fagussylvatica) (L.). Smjesu sastojine čine jele, gorski javor, veliki jasen, gorski bri­jest i zelena joha (ZGS, 1999). Hidrološku ulogu šume ocijenili smo matričnim modelom koji se zasniva na metodologiji Wullschlegerja (1982). Model uključuje vanjske , ekološke, i unutarnje sastojinske čimbenike (tablica 1). Ekološki čimbenici određuju po­trebe za hidrološkom ulogom, a sastojinski adekvatnost šume da je osigurava. Podaci su obrađeni u programu Idrisi (Idrisi, 2006). Podatkovni slojevi bili su rasterski, veličinom ćelije od 12,5 x 12,5 metra. Kod ekoloških čimbenika ocjenjivali smo nagib i tipove tla s obzirom na njihovu erodibilnost i propus­nost za vodu. Naklon ima velik utjecaj na otjecanje površinske, a posredno i podzemne vode. U kombinaciji s nagibima tipovi tala s obzirom na njihovu erodibilnost i propusnost vode omogućuju procjenu vjerojatnosti pojave kliza­nja. Među unutarnje, sastojinske čimbenike svrstali smo sastojinsku strukturu, sklop (gustoću sastojine) i prirodnost sastava drveća u šumama. Frehner et al. (2005) utvrđuju kako je za obavljanje hidrološke uloge šume najpogodnija raznodobna struktura drveća na maloj površini s visokim stupnjem zastiranja i ravnomjernom razdiobom razvojnih faza. Twery in Hornbeck (2001), dakle, preporučuju da u slivnom području i u obalnom pojasu gustoća gornjeg sloja krošanja bude iznad 70 %, predstavljajući tako tijesan, ali normalan zaklju­čak. Poželjan je što viši stupanj prirodnosti šuma, jer prirodna je struktura šuma prilagođena lokalnim ekološkim čimbenicima, što je itekako bitno pri osiguravanju ekološke uloge šume. Vanjski, ekološki, i unutarnji, sastojinski, čimbenici rangirani na osnovi te­meljitog pregleda domaće i strane literature te stručnih mišljenja pedologa ifitocenologa Šumarskog instituta Slovenije (Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije) i šumsko-privrednih planera Zavoda za šume Slovenije (Zavoda za gozdove Slovenije) u 3 razreda (tablica 1). U sredini GIS najprije smo prekrili vanjske – ekološke čimbenike (nagib, tip tla) i dobili poligone s kombinacijom obaju rangova (tablica 2). Kod unutarnjih – sastojinskih čimbenika (sastojinska struktura, sastojinski zaključak i prirod­nost) izvor podataka bio je samo jedan, naime sastojinska karta Zavoda za šume Slovenije, zbog toga nije bilo potrebno prethodno prekrivanje podatko­vnih slojeva. U skladu s tablicom 1, svakom smo poligonu odnosno sastojini pripisali rangove za sva tri znaka koje smo dalje spojili u tri skupine (tablica 3). Karta potreba za hidrološkom ulogom šume (slika1) rezultat je spoja vanj­skih – ekoloških čimbenika. U privrednoj šumi većina površina pokazuje male ili umjerene potrebe za hidrološkom ulogom šume. Stanje je znatno nepovolj­nije u zaštitnoj šumi, gdje su čak na 70 % površina izražene velike potrebe za hidrološkom ulogom šume. Udruženjem unutarnjih – sastojinskih čimbenika (sastojinske strukture, zaključka i prirodnost šuma) dobili smo kartu priklad­nosti šume za osiguravanje hidrološke uloge (slika 2). Više od polovine šuma u objema je kategorijama odgovarajuće strukturirano i pokazuju veliku pri­kladnost za osiguravanje hidrološke uloge, 28 % površina u privrednoj i 43 % u zaštitnoj šumi ima umjerene prikladnosti, međutim, manji dio ima male pri­kladnosti za osiguravanje hidrološke uloge šume. U zadnjem smo koraku spo­jili kartu potreba za hidrološkom ulogom šume i kartu prikladnosti šume za osiguravanje hidrološke uloge šume i dobili konačnu – sinteznu kartu (slika 3). Rezultati su pokazali problematično stanje u zaštitnim šumama, budući da je samo na punoj petini površina stanje pogodno, 46 % površina pokazuje prihvatljivo, a gotovo trećina površina nepovoljno stanje, što znači da pri­kladnost šume nije proporcionalna potrebama za hidrološkom ulogom šume. Budući da ne možemo utjecati na vanjske – ekološke čimbenike, moramo se što više koncentrirati na osiguravanje povoljnog stanja unutarnjih – sasto­jinskih čimbenika. Za tu je svrhu izrađen plan provedbe šumsko-privrednih i šumsko-uzgojnih mjera (Fajon, 2007). Model za ocjenjivanje hidrološke uloge šume predstavlja kvalitetnu osnovu za planiranje šumsko-uzgojnih mjera, s kojima možemo u skladu s potrebama održavati ili poboljšati priklad­nost šume za osiguravanje hidrološke njezine uloge. Kritične površine moraju kod planiranja mjera imati prednost. Svaka je prostorna jedinica opremljena s pet vrsta podataka, koji omogućuju potpunu analizu čimbenika koji utiču na potrebe i prikladnost šume za ostvarivanje hidrološke uloge te opredjeljenje potrebnih mjera za poboljšanje stanja

    Detection of emission lines from z ~ 3 DLAs towards the QSO J2358+0149

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    Using VLT/X-shooter we searched for emission line galaxies associated to four damped Lyman-α\alpha systems (DLAs) and one sub-DLA at 2.73<=z<=3.25 towards QSO J2358+0149. We detect [O III] emission from a "low-cool" DLA at z_abs = 2.9791 (having log N(HI)=21.69+\-0.10, [Zn/H] = -1.83+\-0.18) at an impact parameter of, ρ\rho ~12 kpc. The associated galaxy is compact with a dynamical mass of (1-6)x10^9 M_solar, very high excitation ([O III]/[O II] and [O III]/[Hβ\beta] both greater than 10), 12+[O/H]<=8.5 and moderate star formation rate (SFR <=2 M_solar yr^{-1}). Such properties are typically seen in the low-z extreme blue compact dwarf galaxies. The kinematics of the gas is inconsistent with that of an extended disk and the gas is part of either a large scale wind or cold accretion. We detect Lyα\alpha emission from the z_abs = 3.2477 DLA (having log N(HI)=21.12+\-0.10 and [Zn/H]=-0.97+\-0.13).The Lyα\alpha emission is redshifted with respect to the metal absorption lines by 320 km s^{-1}, consistent with the location of the red hump expected in radiative transport models. We derive SFR ~0.2-1.7 M_solar yr^{-1} and Lyα\alpha escape fraction of >=10 per cent. No other emission line is detected from this system. Because the DLA has a small velocity separation from the quasar (~500 km s^{-1}) and the DLA emission is located within a small projected distance (ρ<5\rho<5 kpc), we also explore the possibility that the Lyα\alpha emission is being induced by the QSO itself. QSO induced Lyα\alpha fluorescence is possible if the DLA is within a physical separation of 340 kpc to the QSO. Detection of stellar continuum light and/or the oxygen emission lines would disfavor this possibility. We do not detect any emission line from the remaining three systems.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables (3 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables in Appendix). Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Genesis of iron-manganese nodules in red paleosol on the island of Susak : master’s thesis

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    Fe/Mn-nodule uočene su u sloju crvenog paleotla (OIS 7), članu debele sekvence les-paleotlo na otoku Susku. Istraživanje nodula je provedeno kako bi se utvrdila njihova morfologija, sastav, te mehanizam postanka s ciljem utvrđivanja važnosti redoksimorfnih procesa u crvenom paleotlu. Nakon detaljne mikromorfološke analize primjenom polarizacijskog mikroskopa, izdvojene nodule analizirane su primjenom pretražne elektronske mikroskopije (FESEM) s EDXS-om i rendgenske difrakcije na prahu (XRD). Analizirane Fe/Mn–nodule mogu se podijeliti u tri skupine: 1) crne sjajne nodule, 2) crveno smeđe nodule, 3) konkrecije. Uz Fe/Mn–nodule utvrđena su i magnetična zrna. Nodule su ortične i disortične vrste, a opaženi tipovi nodula su: impregnacijski, tipični, koncentrični, agregatni (dendritični), te mješoviti tip koji pokazuje karakteristike više tipova nodula. Rendgenska difrakcija na prahu pokazala je kako su dominantne mineralne faze u crno sjajnim i crveno smeđim nodulama: goethit i hematit, a sporedne mineralne faze su: ferihidrit, maghemit i birnesit. Fe/Mn– oksidi u konkrecijama se nisu mogli pouzdano utvrditi primjenom rendgenske difrakcije na prahu zbog njihovog niskog udjela i slabog stupnja kristaliniteta. Slabi stupanj kristaliniteta Fe/Mn– oksida u konkrecijama indikator je toga da su one mlađe od crveno smeđih i crno sjajnih nodula, kojima je rendgenskom difrakcijom utvrđen viši stupanj kristaliniteta. Konkrecije su najbrojniji tip nodula u tlu, što ukazuje na to da je ciklička izmjena oksidativnih i reduktivnih Eh/pH uvjeta tijekom i poslije formiranja tla, uslijed fluktuacije razine podzemne vode, dominantni mehanizam postanka nodula u istraženom paleotlu Magnetična zrna nisu in-situ postanka, te su vjerojatno naslijeđena iz lesnog supstrata iz kojeg je većim dijelom nastalo paleotlo.Fe/Mn–nodules had been observed in a layer of red paleosol (OIS 7), a member of thick loess–paleosol sequence on the island of Susak. Investigation of the nodules was done by studying their morphology, content, and mechanisms of formation in order to determine the significance od redoximorfic processes in the host paleosol layer. After detailed micromorphological analysis with polarizing microscope, nodules were analyzed by the means of scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) with EDXS probe and X–ray diffraction, and have been divided in three categories: 1) black shiny nodules, 2) red brown nodules, 3) concretions. Beside the three categories of nodules, presence of magnetic mineral grains was also noted. Observed nodules were of orthic and disorthic origin. Based on their internal fabric, the of types of nodules were recognized: impregnative, concentric, agregate (dendritic), and mixed type that shows the properties of several previously stated types. X–ray diffraction showed that the main phases in black shiny and red brown nodules are goethite and hematite, and secondary phases are ferrihydrite, maghemite and birnessite. Fe/Mn–oxides that build concretions could not be determined by X–ray diffraction because of their low content and cristallinity level. The low cristallinity level of concretions is a sign of their younger age of formation compared to black shiny nodules and red brown nodules, which have higher cristallinity level. Concretions are the most numerous type of nodules in the paleosol, which is an indication that cyclic alternations of oxidative and reductive Eh/pH conditions, caused by fluctuation of underground water level in the paleosol during wet and dry periods, were dominant cause of nodule formation. Magnetic mineral grains haven't formed in–situ, but were probably inherited from the loess substrate from which the paleosol formed

    How much prosperous is propagation of real chestnut tree (Castanea sativa Mill.) compared to hybrid species (Castanea crenata x Castanea sativa Mill.) with green cuttings

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    Leta 2019 smo v plastenjaku Biotehniške fakultete, Oddelka za agronomijo v Ljubljani postavili poskus s štirimi različnimi sortami s štirimi ponovitvami. Želeli smo preveriti kako se sorte (\u27Kozjak\u27, \u27Avbar\u27) evropskega pravega kostanja razmnožujejo v primerjavi s sortami, ki so križanci med evropskim pravim kostanjem in japonskim kostanjem (\u27Marsol\u27 in \u27Maraval\u27). Uporabili smo 12 cm dolge vršne potaknjence. Najprej smo potaknjence tretirali s hormonom avksinom. Nato smo jih potikali v mešanico peska in šote v razmerju 1:1, ki smo mu dodali počasi topno gnojilo Osmocote. Po končani rastni dobi smo potaknjence ocenili. Ocenili smo več različnih parametrov: koreninjenje, dolžino poganjkov, preživetje, izmerili kalus. Najbolje je koreninila sorta \u27Maraval\u27 (22,4 %), najslabše pa sta koreninili sorti \u27Avbar\u27 in \u27Kozjak\u27 (6,6 %). Največ kalusa je razvila sorta \u27Avbar\u27 (67,2 %), najmanj pa sorta \u27Marsol\u27 (15,7 %). Sorti \u27Avbar\u27 in \u27Kozjak\u27 sta koreninili le bazalno, medtem ko sta sorti \u27Marsol\u27 in \u27Maraval\u27 koreninili tudi akrobazalno. Prav tako je bil največji razvoj kalusa in korenin pri sorti \u27Avbar\u27. Povprečno število korenin je bilo največje pri sorti \u27Maraval\u27 in \u27Marsol\u27 (2,1 - 2,3). Najdaljši koreninski šop smo izmerili pri sorti \u27Kozjak\u27 (20,5 cm). Pri sorti \u27Maraval\u27 smo izmerili 11,2 cm povprečni prirast poganjkov. Povprečno število poganjkov je bilo največje pri sortah \u27Maraval\u27 in \u27Kozjak\u27 (2,5 in 2,3).In 2019, we set up an experiment with four different cultivars with four replicates in a greenhouse of the Biotechnical Faculty Department of Agronomy in Ljubljana. We wanted to check how the cultivars (\u27Kozjak\u27, \u27Avbar\u27) of the European chestnut are propagated in comparison with the cultivars that are hybrids between the European chestnut and the Japanese chestnut (\u27Marsol’ and\u27 ‘Maraval \u27). We used 12 cm long top cuttings. The cuttings were first treated with the hormone auxin. Then they were put them into a 1: 1 mixture of sand and peat, to which we added the slowly soluble Osmocote fertilizer. After the end of the growing season, the cuttings were evaluated. We evaluated several different parameters: rooting, shoot length, survival, measured callus. The cultivar \u27Maraval\u27 had the best rooting (22.4 %), while the varieties \u27Avbar\u27 and \u27Kozjak\u27 had the worst rooting (6.6 %). The most callus was developed by the cultivar \u27Avbar\u27 (67.2 %), and the least by the cultivar \u27Marsol\u27 (15.7 %). Varieties \u27Avbar\u27 and \u27Kozjak\u27 rooted only basally, while cultivars \u27Marsol\u27 and \u27Maraval\u27 also rooted acrobasally. It was also the largest callus and root development in the ‘Avbar’ cultivar. The average number of roots was highest in the cultivars \u27Maraval\u27 and \u27Marsol\u27 (2.1-2.3). The longest root bunch was measured in the cultivar \u27Kozjak\u27 (20.5 cm). In the cultivar \u27Maraval\u27, we measured an average shoot growth of 11.2 cm. The average number of shoots was highest in the cultivars \u27Maraval\u27 and \u27Kozjak\u27 (2.5 and 2.3)