5,824 research outputs found

    Non-invasive single-bunch matching and emittance monitor

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    On-line monitoring of beam quality for high brightness beams is only possible using non-invasive instruments. For matching measurements, very few such instruments are available. One candidate is a quadrupole pick-up. Therefore, a new type of quadrupole pick-up has been developed for the 26 GeV Proton Synchrotron (PS) at CERN, and a measurement system consisting of two such pick-ups is now installed in this accelerator. Using the information from these pick-ups, it is possible to determine both injection matching and emittance in the horizontal and vertical planes, for each bunch separately. This paper presents the measurement method and some of the results from the first year of use, as well as comparisons with other measurement methods.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures; added figure, minor textual additions; To be resubmitted to Phys. Rev. ST-A

    Dissolved reactive phosphorus in runoff assessed by soil extraction with an acetate buffer

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    Agronomic soil test phosphorus (STP) data is, in addition to fertility studies, increasingly utilised in environmental risk assessment. We compared relationships between soil P extracted by acid ammonium acetate (AAAc-P) and water-soluble P (Pw) in laboratory, and AAAc-P and dissolved molybdatereactive P (DRP) in field runoff. The laboratory study suggested a close relationship (R2 = 0.87, n = 64) between AAAc-P and soluble P concentration in 1:100 (w/v) soil-to-water extracts, described by a linear equation:Pw (mg l1) =0.021 × AAAc-P (mg l1 soil) 0.015 (mg l1). In Lake Rehtijärvi cathcment, dominated by clayey soils, the AAAc-P content of field Ap horizon in a similar manner influenced the flow-weighted DRP concentration in surface runoff and drainflow:a 1 mg l1 increase in soil AAAc-P corresponded to 0.015 and 0.018 mg l1 increase in surface runoff and drainflow DRP, respectively. When the AAAc-P vs.Pw relationship obtained in the laboratory test was used to predict the average DRP concentration in edge-of-field runoff, the precision of the DRP estimates inferred from STP data was in 95% of the cases ± 0.10 mg l1. In the L. Rehtijärvi catchment, 50% of the diffuse DRP loading risk was assigned to an area that corresponded to less than 20% of the fields and the situation may be similar in the national scale.;Neuvonnallisessa maa-analyysissä käytetyt fosforin uutot voidaan jakaa karkeasti niihin, joilla arvioidaan maan helppoliukoisen fosforin pitoisuutta ja niihin, joilla arvioidaan pitkän ajan kuluessa kasvien käyttöön vapautuvan fosforin kokonaismäärää. Maan helppoliukoiset fosforivarannot ovat keskeisiä pellolta valuvaan veteen liukenevan fosforin kannalta. Suomessa käytössä olevalla maa-analyysimenetelmällä,uutto happamalla ammoniumasetaattipuskurilla, arvioidaan juuri helppoliukoisia fosforivarantoja, ja teoreettiselta kannalta kansallinen menetelmämme saattaa siten soveltua valumavesien liuenneen fosforin pitoisuuden ennustamiseen. Tässä työssä tutkittiin happamaan asetaattiliuokseen uuttuvan fosforin määrän (maa-analyysin fosforiluku) ja veteen liukenevan fosforin välistä yhteyttä laboratoriossa ja peltokokeessa. Laboratoriossa maa-analyysin fosforiluku ja veteen liukenevan fosforin määrä olivat selkeästi yhteydessä toisiinsa, eikä maan orgaanisen hiilen pitoisuus, maan happamuus tai maalaji vaikuttanut tähän yhteyteen. Jokioisten Rehtijärven valuma-alueella (pääosin hiuesavimaita) tehdyissä kenttä mittauksissa maa-analyysin fosforiluvun ja valumavesiin liuenneen fosforin keskimääräisen valumapainotteisen pitoisuuden välillä havaittiin lähes samanlainen yhteys. Valumavesien liuenneen fosforin keskimääräinen pitoisuus voitiin 95 % tapauksista ennustaa ±0,10 mg/l tarkkuudella laboratoriokokeista saadun yhtälön avulla. Yhtälö hieman yliarvioi liuenneen fosforin pitoisuutta peltovalumavesissä, erityisesti suuremmissa fosforipitoisuuksissa. Puolet Rehtijärven valuma-alueella liuenneen fosforin huuhtoumasta saattaa tulla ainoastaan 20 % iljelyalalta. Viljavuuspalvelussa vuosina 1995-1998 tehtyjen määritysten fosforiluvun jakauman perusteella tilanne saattaa olla samankaltainen koko maassa

    Polygons on a Rotating Fluid Surface

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    We report a novel and spectacular instability of a fluid surface in a rotating system. In a flow driven by rotating the bottom plate of a partially filled, stationary cylindrical container, the shape of the free surface can spontaneously break the axial symmetry and assume the form of a polygon rotating rigidly with a speed different from that of the plate. With water we have observed polygons with up to 6 corners. It has been known for many years that such flows are prone to symmetry breaking, but apparently the polygonal surface shapes have never been observed. The creation of rotating internal waves in a similar setup was observed for much lower rotation rates, where the free surface remains essentially flat. We speculate that the instability is caused by the strong azimuthal shear due to the stationary walls and that it is triggered by minute wobbling of the rotating plate. The slight asymmetry induces a tendency for mode-locking between the plate and the polygon, where the polygon rotates by one corner for each complete rotation of the plate

    Analysing Magnetism Using Scanning SQUID Microscopy

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    Scanning superconducting quantum interference device microscopy (SSM) is a scanning probe technique that images local magnetic flux, which allows for mapping of magnetic fields with high field and spatial accuracy. Many studies involving SSM have been published in the last decades, using SSM to make qualitative statements about magnetism. However, quantitative analysis using SSM has received less attention. In this work, we discuss several aspects of interpreting SSM images and methods to improve quantitative analysis. First, we analyse the spatial resolution and how it depends on several factors. Second, we discuss the analysis of SSM scans and the information obtained from the SSM data. Using simulations, we show how signals evolve as a function of changing scan height, SQUID loop size, magnetization strength and orientation. We also investigated 2-dimensional autocorrelation analysis to extract information about the size, shape and symmetry of magnetic features. Finally, we provide an outlook on possible future applications and improvements.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Training professionals to implement a group model for alleviating loneliness among older people – 10-year follow-up study

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    Background and objectives: Although randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have been performed to alleviate loneliness among older people, little is known about how they have been implemented, or whether they are effective in real life. Our RCT-based model, "Circle of Friends" (CoF) proved to be effective in improving the wellbeing, health and cognition of lonely older people. Over 10 years we have systematically trained 752 professional facilitators of lonely older people's CoF groups. This study aims to explain how this training has succeeded in practice and to describe the outcomes of CoF implementation. Research Design and Methods: Survey data were gathered in 2006-2016 from trained facilitators (n = 319) and CoF participants (n = 1041). Results: The CoF has been disseminated in 80 municipalities in Finland. The trained CoF facilitators have maintained the original key elements and structure of the model fairly well in its implementation and dissemination processes. The main objectives of CoF - the alleviation of loneliness, making new friends, and members continuing meetings on their own - have remained the facilitators' priority. The CoF socially activates older participants, as 67% organized group meetings after the facilitated process. However, the CoF has become diluted in some aspects during its dissemination, as a small proportion of trained facilitators have implemented the model in their own way. Discussion and Implications: The CoF may be an encouraging example of how an original RCT model with a rigorous training program can be implemented and disseminated in real-life settings over 10 years.Peer reviewe

    Considerations for an Ac Dipole for the LHC

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    Following successful experience at the BNL AGS, FNAL Tevatron, and CERN SPS, an AC Dipole will be adopted at the LHC for rapid measurements of ring optics. This paper describes some of the parameters of the AC dipole for the LHC, scaling from performance of the FNAL and BNL devices.Comment: proceedings of the 2007 Particle Accelerator Conferenc